The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, March 25, 2022

Welcome, Spring!

Now, this is the way to spend the first day of spring!

We hadn't yet celebrated the Big Guy's birthday -- he turned five in February. So, on this glorious first day of spring, we headed to Livonia with presents and cupcakes and settled in for a day of fun!

There was a bit of "indoor sport" between Rick and "The Carburetor" as they tossed and kicked a bright ball in the living room. 

I'm guessing this happens more often than not, as their mom wasn't too worried about it.

Meanwhile, the "Camster" and I watched. He took some of these photos. (I edited them and straightened them a bit!) I love what kids see when they look through the camera lens.

Every now and then the ball came our way.

Next up, lunch time. The kids had fish sticks. Kevin made us a wonderful bunch of chicken taco buffet options. 

There was time for presents...



And, because it was the first day of spring -- and an absolutely glorious one -- there was soccer in the back yard.

 The Carburetor definitely has some dribbling potential!

And then, a bit of batting practice.

Alas, all good days come to an end. But this was a fine one and long awaited. We can't wait for more!


  1. What a wonderful day with the grandkids. Happy birthday to the big one 😊

  2. So sweet!

    Being a mom is great, but I think being a grandma is a promotion. ❤️

  3. Awww, fun birthday and a perfect Spring day for sports with those cuties!

  4. You had a good day for the celebration. It, for sure, doesn’t always happen that way in Match.

  5. The last shot of almost hitting the ball is so good!! AND i do love Rick's shirt! What a lovely day for y'all.

  6. Looks like such a fun birthday party! So glad that the weather was nice enough to play soccer.

  7. What a derlightful way to spend the day!

  8. Looks like a great day for a little fellow...

  9. What a great way to celebrate -- looks like you all hit it out of the ballpark! Looks like we have a little bit of winter yet ahead of us this weekend, but then.... maybe spring for good! We can hope, right?

    Have a great weekend, Jeanie!

  10. Family fun, you can't beat it.

  11. What a wonderful day for all! Grandchildren are the best reward for getting older. Your boys are precious!

  12. What a lovely day you had and lots of smiles and activities. We had a lovely spring day but it has gone back to raw and cold.
    so glad you got to visit

  13. He can't possibly be 5. I remember when he was a little baby. He is such a cute and big guy In fact they are both adorable. It looks like a great day visiting and a beautiful spring day. Thanks for sharing this fun post Jeanie. And happy weekend too. hugs-Erika

  14. What a fun day you had for a birthday party. Happy birthday to that handsome young man! Janice

  15. Glad you had some quality family time. We're back to winter again so you picked a good day to celebrate.

  16. Happy Grandparents! What a cutie! Sounds like the party was happening there.

  17. Though you might have some muscle pain, you had a special day.

  18. Love the photos, you all look so totally happy, and that's good. Glad you were able to have such a golden day together. The kids are growing up so quickly! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  19. Oh, these kids are adorable, such sweet faces! Looks like you had a great time - and... t-shirt-weather, wow, yippeeee to Spring!

  20. It's wonderful to have such great memories and all on film (digital), too. Looks like you definitely spent quality time with the little ones and the entire family, Worth the wait, I'm sure.

  21. Five already? How did that happen? It seems that we are all vicarious relatives of these kids having watched them grow up via your blog. Enjoy them while they are young!

  22. Hello Jeanie,
    Fun time with the grandkids, wonderful family photos.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  23. The very best of birthdays are the Littles birthdays..My daughters had boys who played ball and much more indoors:)I loved it!

  24. These are for sure the best sort of days with spend with grands. It looks like it was a special day. They are certainly growing. I sometimes wish to keep my not so little guy small for just a bit longer.

  25. Oh, that looks just marvelous. Worth waiting for. :)

  26. Dear Jeanie,
    Love this post, and such great photos. What a great Birthday celebration. They grown up too fast, don't they Jeanie? Lily will be 6 in August. Don't you just love being a grandparent? Everyone looks so happy. What a wonderful day.
    I thank you so much for your visit and comment. It is always so nice to see you there.

  27. Love seeing the joy on your face
    when playing with the “little ones!”
    You have a beautiful smile Jeanie … .
    (Yes we have snow here 3/ 25-27)
    (And bitter COLD!)

  28. What a fun day and your weather looked made to order. Memories you will treasure. Happy day and week ahead, Jeanie!

  29. What a good day, and I'm glad the weather was with you too!

  30. Fun time with the grans. Love seeing those smiles. Beautiful memories to treasure because time flies by.

  31. A fine and fun way to celebrate being five. I know he must have enjoyed the day with the two of you.

  32. This was such a glorious day for you to celebrate your grandson's birthday! Wow, the toddlers are sure growing up tall and so fast. Looks like a fun day was had by all, especially the grandparents! I know the feeling......Happy week Jeanie.

  33. Jeanie, those kids are sooo cute. And I just love your cozy family photos! Hope you're painting more often than I am.

  34. Perfect on every way! I bet you’re looking forward to more days like this.

  35. Jeanie,
    Looks like quite a wonderful time was had by all....I hope you are having a great weekend...We have had snow showers and squalls all day yesterday and today....And 14 degrees is predicted here for tomorrow morning!! Winter still has NEPA in it;s grips....Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  36. What a fun day. And I love your nicknames for the boys.

  37. A perfect day, I'd say. Fabulously fun times.

  38. It looks like a perfect day with the kids - everyone had fun.

  39. Spring! Looks like much fun was had by all :)

  40. Oh such sweet photos. Look at those smiles!

  41. We have that same bright colored ball, although it resides outside and wasn't brought inside during the winter so it is very very deflated! We have a STRICT "no balls on the first level" rule. They have to stay in the basement where we have the little tykes basketball hoops. That is the only area Paul is allowed to throw a ball!

    I am glad you guys had gorgeous weather! It was beautiful here that weekend, which is why the cold weather of this past weekend was especially tough to swallow. It was horribly cold and windy! I'm soooo over winter!!!

  42. Such a fun day with the grandkids. Now, I'm wondering what that Spiderman present is? She has a lovely house too. Nice and organized. Love the toes photo. Soccer is always a fun sport for the kids. Lots of running, which they enjoy.

    Have a splendid week, Jeanie.


  43. Sounds like you all had a great time!

  44. It looked like the perfect birthday celebration for an active boy! My grandsons also love sports and it does not matter inside or outside they are always kicking a! Glad that everyone was able to celebrate!

  45. Time spent with kids is never wasted. You had such a fun time together and I bet the boys loved to have their grandparents around as well.

  46. Sounds like a wonderful day with the grandkiddos!

    And I just adore your family photos.

    Happy Tuesday, Jeanie!

  47. Like that pic of soccer in the backyard.

  48. A fun time was had by everyone I can see! We have five grandsons and one granddaughter who were all very active when they were small. It has been a privilege watching them grow up.

  49. Look at all those happy smiles! A perfect way to celebrate a Birthday and Spring as well!
    There is nothing better then Family Fun!
    So happy for your Celebrations!
    Happy Tuesday... Happy Spring!

  50. I love seeing you and your family enjoying spring in Michigan! I also like that your grands enjoy baseball, the very best American sport!

  51. Jeanie, love to see all the smiles. What a good time you must have had. I will never forget Jake's first day of T-ball. What a riot. Something great for you to look forward to..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  52. In the first picture, with that haircut, he looks all boy:)
    So sweet.

  53. Sounds like a fine day, and the joy on your face in the photo says it all!

  54. Presents snd cupcakes. Feel free to stop at our house next:)
    Hope you are doing well.

  55. How nice that you spent such a beautiful time together!! ♥

  56. Merriest bday to that little fellow. I must say that I was pleased when I read the first comment about spring on the blog since I totally thought I had lost my mind earlier.

  57. It must feel good for those kids to get out in the sun again!

  58. Is there anything quite as endearing as children, parents and grandchildren spending time together, and having fun? Probably not, especially since it doesn't last long. Before you know it the kids will be teenagers with their own priorities and won't be hanging out with grandma and grandpa much. Enjoy it while you may!

  59. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
    Special times and wonderful memories.
    I did enjoy seeing all the photographs.

    Happy April Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  60. such a cutie. how lovely to be playing with the grandies.


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