The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Time to Paint!

Rick diligently practices his classical guitar every day. And guess what? He gets better and better. In the summer, I paint every day. And guess what? I get better and better too.

Then I put everything away for months at a time and when I go to start again, I realize how far I've fallen. So when the Sketchbook Revival free workshops began, I decided to jumpstart my creativity!

The workshops are half-hour (or less) video tutorials where you paint or collage along with the featured artist. They started a couple of weeks ago but if you sign up now you can watch the replays till mid-April. Which is good, as I signed up late! I started with "How to Sketch a Bird" -- drawing a Royal Tern -- with Shari Blaukopf. She had a photo and we drew and painted along with her. I did the drawing and started the painting during the video and finished it up after.

Then I did a Water Lily Pond painting workshop with Renee Mueller. She instructor had two working photos and she modified her piece from one of them. I drew along with her modification. I was very happy with the results on this one.

It works as a horizontal, too, but I tend to like the vertical better.

Then, on my own, I did my interpretation of her other inspiration photo. 

My favorite was 1, 2, 3 Cats! by Este MacLeod . Look carefully. The idea of this one was to think outside our own boxes. We numbered a grid 1 through 9, with the 3 and 9 turned on their sides. Then we drew our cats around them. Can you see the numbers, hidden in the cat faces?

Lizzie is a perfect 8!

Drawing these cats is SO far out of my realm of usual painting. Usually my cat portraits look like this. 

 Not like this!

The most recent one was from "Drawing Dynamic Dancers" with Barbara Baumann. Our task -- a dancer in motion. I don't think I did great on this, but I did get some good ideas on figure painting, which isn't my strong suit -- and that was sort of the point of learning.

I have many more lessons to follow here, but enjoyed them tremendously. I also went back to my watercolor book to practice a few more feathers as bookmarks...

...a foggy day (I know, the sky should be gray)...

 ...and a winter scene. This might be inspired from a Jenna Rainey video.


How do you jumpstart your creativity after too long dormant? Please share your best ideas!

It definitely feels good!

Sharing with:   Love Your Creativity   /   Pink Saturday   /  Rain's Art Date  


  1. I absolutely love your cartoon cats. They are so happy and sweet and makes a person feel good to look at them.

  2. I always enjoy your art posts with your inspiration and art. Seems to me that drawing or painting kitty faces would be hard. I tried drawing people at 14 and it looked awful. I can imagaine my efforts with dogs or cats. Back when I was a teenager I was drawing some. Mostly pencil drawings. I wasn't great but my flowers were the best. I am a perfectionist and dropped drawing, playing piano, and even singing when I couldn't accept my imperfection. Now I am getting arthritis in more and more joints and am happy when I can do a simple cooked meal. Art is beyone me but I love seeing art from others. My artistic need is satisfied with playing with graphics on a screen.

  3. I like the cats, they're pretty creative and different. I'm a fan of different. :) Keep on fine tuning your artistic skills and you'll be much better outside the box. :)

    Here is another painter than I follow. She has a YT channel with some lessons. The channel is listed on her blog. Maybe you already know her, her name is Rain. Have a great day.

  4. I love this post! So much beautiful art. The 1, 2, 3 cats is my favorite. I love the whimsy. And Carson (I think he's the older grand?) would probably enjoy trying to find the numbers. I had a hard time finding some of the numbers so he would probably need some help but I bet he'd get a kick out of that - I know Paul would!!

    Practice does make such a difference. I have barely played the piano, really since I bought it. But I played last weekend to see if it would calm cranky Will down. I had mixed success although he loved pounding on the keys, but I really enjoy the time I spent playing. I want to make an effort to do that more often!

  5. Jeanie, you are right about practicing any craft makes it better like Rick's guitar playing. I really liked the Water Lily Pong paintings the best in this post. The cats were whimsical and original and I did find the numbers in many (not all). I really do not have any interest that I practice regularly, although I have been trying to watch more online videos on photography.

  6. Wow, these are ALL great! I subscribed and hope I find the time :-)

  7. You are so right Jeanie, you definitely get rusty if you don't keep it up regularly...I have been remiss myself lately, and you have inspired me to get back into the daily habit! Doodlewash is a great motivator, you can interpret the challenges anyway you want and spend 10 minutes or hours on your daily creation. By the way, I like your portrait of Lizzy much more than the ones from your lesson :) Happy painting!

  8. Your progress is fantastic!
    The cats are a print project waiting to happen.

  9. How fun to take those lessons! I take lessons too, when I get stalled.

  10. Oh, I love that "dancer in motion" painting, Jeanie. I also like the one with the trees and the snow. It reminds me of the area that I live in now. The feather bookmarks are cute too. I love to see a feather, and I just came across one in the enclosed porch area. Not sure how it got there, just flew in I guess from the wind. Oh, your cat photo of her looking up is terrific! Keep painting, Jeanie. Such a wonderful hobby, indeed.


  11. You are so right Jeanie. The more you paint the better you get, and that is so true with you. Your cat's are so whimsical, and for myself I have found cat's are the most difficult to draw and paint. Subjects that look simple to draw can be the most difficult, for me anyway.
    I just love your Water Lily Pond, and I agree with you. I think the vertical fits the composition better, although they are both beautiful..
    Wishing you a creative weekend.

  12. Hello, Jeanie

    Your paintings are awesome. I just love the cute cats, I did have trouble finding some of the numbers in the cat's faces. The lily pond is a favorite and I like your Royal Tern too. You are doing great, so talented. Take care, enjoy your day!

  13. Call me a traditionalist but while your cat paintings are fun, I personally like your original cat portraits.

  14. Jeanie, how fun this must be! Taking classes really motivates me whether it is exercise or learning something new. I started taking piano lessons at the age of nine, I loved it so much that my parents never had to tell me to practice. I think sometimes they might have wished that I wouldn’t practice so much. I always love your art work, beautiful!

  15. Oh, it's wonderful to see your paintings again (and, yes, it does make a difference when one shows up once in a while ... talking to myself here, too. The cat paintings are darling -- so much personality! And I love the grace of the dancer. Beautiful water lilies, too. Here's hoping you continue with this practice!

    Like you, I tend to sign up for classes when I need inspiration. One thing I've learned recently, though, is that I need classes where people are talking about their work -- I learn so much by seeing what others have done with an assignment & hearing them talk about their process -- and I also need classes where people actively workshop other people's work... otherwise I lose motivation pretty darn quickly.

  16. LOVE the cats, expressive and silly cats! Your painting is glorious. I do not know how to jumpstart creativity, wish i did. I just mope around the house looking at a pencil.

  17. You started later than I did and have already finished more classes. Love your paintings.

  18. You are a quick learner I would say. Beautiful work. Watercolors are not easy.

  19. Hi Jeanie!!! So happy you joined in with the art date!!! You have done so many beautiful pieces here...I LOVE the 123 Cats!! Although I had a hard time spotting the "8"!! ☺☺ The water lily pond is BEAUTIFUL and I love your feathers!!! ♥♥♥

  20. You are so talented. You could sell those cartoon cats! Wouldn't they be fun on a T-shirt or something? You are really good, Jeannie. I envy your talent. xo Diana

  21. You have some wonderful paintings. I can't even pick a favorite.
    Jump starting. That's a tough one. I go back to square one and work my way back up.

  22. Jeanie, you and Rick sound exactly like the two of us when it comes to practicing our arts. I'm going to come back to this post (and the wonderful comments) for inspiration as soon as I get a couple of big projects behind me.

  23. Inspiring Jeanie . . .
    I can’t seem to find enough time
    in the day to read, paint, stitch felt,
    garden, house hold things, family, visits . . .

    I have found You Tube painting tutorials to be an
    excellent teaching experience for watercolor.
    I guess the best thing is to just keep
    going, trying, learning . . .

    Loved your cats!

  24. I don't know if you've gotten that far behind. These are great. I love seeing all the different paintings, and your whimsical style too. Those 9 kitties is great, and lots of fun. And I agree about practice. Can you look back at older work and see where you've come? Thanks for the info about the classes too. Hugs-Erika

  25. It must be fun to get your paint brushes out. I enjoy your artwork very much! And I can just about hear Rick's classical guitar playing in the background. Wonderful!

  26. A lovely collection of your art today!

  27. I'm totally in love with your cats! so adorable!

  28. What fun! I often look at books or websites and get ideas. Practice might make perfect or make better than before.

  29. The cats' expressions are amusing. It's fun to try a different style of painting from your usual one. You have a talent for water colour painting already, but lessons are also helpful. We can learn from others who enjoy music, art, craftwork or other interests.

  30. I absolutely adore them all. The cats are especially just plain fun. I need to check out these videos as I don't do well at keeping up with my creativity. This is so wonderful!

  31. Wow, your talent shows in every piece. I love those water lily pond ones, but I like the horizontal one, LOL!!

  32. You seem pretty darn good at this to me. I do get how rust builds up after a time away. I pick up my camera after a layoff wand wonder what to do with it or at least how to do what with it. 😀

  33. Lovely, lovely paintings! The cats by numbers made me smile. What fun! :)

  34. Love your art posts Jeanie. You are so talented. I need to dig my paints out more. Like you, I struggle with loose painting, I am too much of a perfectionist, wanting to dot all the i's and cross the t's. Its really hard of me to let go and just let things flow.I think you hae done a great job with those cats! xoxo

  35. I'm glad you're having fun with the workshop sessions, but I must say -- 'your' cats appeal to me far more than the somewhat cartoonish cats. On the other hand, the one in your second photo made me laugh. I've never seen such a sceptical expression on a cat's face! (Side note: I suddenly didn't know if 'sceptical' was the proper spelling. I found that in American and British English it should be 'skeptical,' but 'sceptical'is used in English from other parts of the world. Interesting.)

  36. Just signed up thanks for the link I love your artistic cats!
    Cool cats!

  37. How beautiful that you can each be perfecting your art and enjoying the journey.

  38. You are talented! I took 3 Art courses in college. I learned a lot from them. I recently bought an abstract painting and posted a photo of it on my blog today. Go take a look when you have time.

  39. Such a cute post Jeanie. I adore the cat's expressions. They are so fun. Happy April Fools.

  40. That's a really good idea1 The half-hour thing is brilliant. An hour sounds like way too much time, but a half hour sounds totally doable.

    I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing and learning to crochet. I'm thinking I may be able to make something work in half-hour increments.

  41. Well, I can see what a good time you are having with this! All wonderful!

  42. It is a very enjoyable hobby! For your readers, as well!

  43. I also signed up (early) for the Sketchbook Project, just as I do every year and every year I never paint a thing. I haven't even looked at a single video yet. LOVE the cats you drew, and that ballerina, too. Truly love the feather bookmarks!

  44. Jeanie, I would imagine these workshops would be quite enjoyable and would keep one motivated. I especially love your Water Lily Pond photos, they are lovely. It is snowing here today, so this was an uplifting post for me to enjoy. Happy April, Jeanie.

  45. Good work/play, Jeanie. I like your dancer in motion, feathers and winter scene. All too often I see people paint dancers with turnout all wrong. You got it right!

  46. I do like your cartoon cats.
    I always enjoy seeing your art work.

    Where did March go?
    Happy April Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  47. Your watercolors are the bomb. Those quirky kitties made me smile too! Janice

  48. Wonderful journey Jeanie! The 9 cats concept is a super fun way to get outside the box. The landscapes are so beautiful and dreamy.

  49. That first picture of the brush and water colour, took me back to my school days.

  50. I love your work. How fun it is that you jumpstart your creativity with some sparks that shake you up a bit! The cats are surprising, aren't they?

    I brought along a little sketchbook, and I keep it with me all the time, and when I have moments here in Paris, I draw little things I see. I also do timed writings where I just write and write and write for a set amount of time.

  51. how lovely, you are having so much fun and challenging yourself and the results are great! Like you I lapsed, I have to be in the right happy mood and 'feel creative' to sit down and paint... I did the one with the winter trees/snow recently from a Youtube video and found it fun. Although the 'number cats' is fun, your true style is definitely the one I like the best, your cat portrait is very good. Thanks for sharing.

  52. It's wonderful to see you're painting again!

    Personally, I find interacting with others doing the thing I'm trying to jump start acts for excellent inspiration to get back in to it myself. You may have noticed that by all the crafty things I've been sharing on my blog lately. LOL!

  53. Hello Jeanie,:=) Thank you for your comment on my HOOPOE post. I think you have done so well, The comical cats are so cute, and the lily pond is lovely. As it's said, practice makes perfect,...painting with other artists always inspires me. I join a life class once in a while, so it's great that you are enjoying these sessions.
    All the best, and have a fun weekend.

  54. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for all your visits!! Love all your paintings!!! You amaze me!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  55. I love your cats! And yes, I do see the numbers!

    You mentioned your friend living off Finchley Road -- that's where WE live, in West Hampstead. Is your friend in this area too? (Finchley Road is pretty long!)

  56. It must be wonderful to be able to paint. Sounds like a great course, and I love your paintings. The cat exercise is really great. Could only detect the 3.

  57. Beautiful work samples here, Jeanie! The feathers in particular pique my interest for they look a bit like Chinese brush paintings. Encouraged to see the phrase 'better and better' from diligent practice, in Rick's as well as your case... guess what, I've taken up the violin and have never practiced so hard in all my life. :)

  58. Finding the cats' hidden numbers was fun:) 3 jumped out:)

  59. I've been wanting to take time to dabble with watercolors. Your story prompts me not to forget this promise to myself. And I thank you, Jeanie!

  60. Have a beautiful day my friend.

  61. You cat series is incredible. They remind me of all the NFT cartoon series that are all the buzz right now.

  62. What a fun post, Jeanie! I enjoyed your "numbered" kitties. I think you did amazingly well on the dynamic dancer. Your question made me think - how do you jumpstart your creativity? Hmmmmm. I need to think about a way I can get more creative with my photography and take it to a new level. Thanks for the food for thought!

  63. I think my comment didn't go through, so I'll try again. I really enjoyed this post, Jeanie, and loved seeing your "numbered kitties!" I think you did really well on the dynamic dancer. Your question made me think: How do you jumpstart your creativity? Hmmmmm. I need to think about how to amp up my creativity with my photography and take it to a new level. Thanks for the food for thought!

  64. I enjoyed the number cats, though the 4 looked sad, as if it had a scar across its face. I liked the tern best.

  65. I signed up for Sketchbook Revival also. I've done it every year.I try to get as much finished each day (2 lessons is alot to try to do in one day) and in most cases, I get far enough through the lesson that I just have to add those final touches or details which I can do on my own without the videos. I was too busy the day the cat video was released, so I haven't gotten to that one yet (good thing there are extra days given to finish them). I'm excited to see if I can complete them all this year.

  66. I had signed up for Sketchbook Revival, but then life happened and I lost if after the first couple days. Which is really sad, I probably would have enjoyed that cat lesson. Your cats are wonderful, I absolutely love them. However, this year I did sign up for an art journal class with Laly Mille - when you sign up for one of her "big" classes you also get access to lots of her "smaller" classes that are gems as well. I have learned a lot from her. She does mainly mixed media.

  67. Ah perfection is in the eyes of the beholder and you ran the gamut here. I love cats so naturally I love all your versions of cat. You do manage to capture purrsonality and I did find all 9 numbers, which was fun. Your nature paintings are beautiful as well. It is always worth while to learn ... learning keeps our brains active and functional which, at my age, is an imperative. I love your description of Gypsy ... I have a big Orange male and he is very much like your Gypsy only he was born in my guest room closet when we rescued a little female who had been dumped. Don't you wonder how people who dump their animals live with themselves? Enough said, I enjoyed your art and look forward to seeing you again at Rain's.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  68. Hi Jeanie, I'll comment again here to say good for you for bringing the paints out again! ☺ Whenever I'm on a roll, I find my technique improves a lot. Lately over the last 4-5 months, I haven't been doing much, and I even forgot my technique of doing white charcoal on black paper, it's unbelievable how taking a break can affect your art isn't it? Your pieces are so lovely! ♥


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