The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Toddler Time!

We can't say we've had a dull October. After coming home from the lake, we had a day or two at home before Rick took off on his bike for Oberlin and the day after, I met him on the way. You know the rest -- the Oberlin visit and Jeff's wedding. Two days later we were headed to metro Detroit to spend four days toddler sitting.

The boys are three and four-and-a-half. Four days is a very long time.

We had fun. Most of the time. When they were good, they were very, very good. In fact, better than good. That first evening we had a great dinner and enjoyed playing. Play is good. Then, on our first full day, we did a good walk and colored Easter eggs. I wish I had pics of the boys doing the eggs. (Or "Colorful eggs" as they were called!). Only three were broken (we dye them raw so they are good for scrambles) and one of those was rescued before it actually hit the floor. But all in all, pretty good for toddler!

Later we went to the library where the boys liked riding the glass elevator and checking out the fish tanks.

There is always time for a story at the library.

Outside they had a fun story with different stations and they enjoyed that too. We also got a free activity kit for each boy, which would come in handy the next day.

That night we talked them out of watching the same Cocomelon music video to watch "101 Dalmations." We didn't know if it would be a hit or not but they liked "Small Puppies" and I suspect will watch again. (Trying to get toddlers to watch anything new is not easy!)

The next morning after "Colored Eggs" for breakfast, we decided to go to the pumpkin farm, which was really far more than that. It was a cider mill and kid's playing heaven.

The guys loved this enormous sandbox. It was filled with corn and the kids all got inside, buried themselves and just loved playing in it.

Corn is very tactile. I have to admit, it felt nice running through the fingers!

They had slides and a trike track, which was fun but some of the bikes were missing pedals!

You could see the various animals and press a button to hear about the Three Little Pigs or other stories. It was quite well done.

We passed up the overpriced train and skipped the hayride, though maybe another time for that. We could hardly tear them away from the corn box!

Things went a bit downhill from there for awhile. The three-year-old melted down after getting home (but before getting out of the car). We were afraid the neighbors would call child protective services! He wouldn't let us unbutton his car seat harness and screamed for a very long while! And when we did get him out, he didn't want to be picked up or touched. We were afraid he would get out of the car and start to run and I knew darned well I couldn't catch him. But between the two of us we managed.

There were puzzles, toys and more Cocomelon. I never want to see Cocomelon again. If you don't know what Cocomelon is, that's probably a good thing. It's like video kiddie cocaine.

The next day more pretty laid back. We watched "Winnie the Pooh," they actually napped and we did the activity kit from the library, which was paper pumpkins and bats to color and hang by strings. Rick had a good idea!

And there was true enchantment on each face. It's hard to be mad at someone with a face like that. All you want to do is hug it!

And so, you do.

And then you go home and rest.

I have an entirely new empathy for parents! 

October has been rugged for us. Between the travel and the toddlers, Rick's tenant issues (finally solved, we hope!), a nasty sinus infection, a series of doc appointments. return of the wax-impacted ear for me and prepping for my sale, I just feel "done." Discouraged. Total lack of energy. Overwhelmed.

 This, too, will pass. With luck, I'll get a few decorations going before Thanksgiving!


  1. That looks like a wonderful place to take children! I would have been looking at the animals along with them! I can imagine the little one was overtired and you were approaching what husband and I called "the witching hour". Glad to hear you've resolved some things, too. -Jenn

  2. Oh, Jeanie, that does sound like an endurance event! I'm glad you can go on to the next thing, now, which I hope is a good REST!

  3. You guys are very brave. We don't have grands so I had to watch about 1 minute of the video. Cute, but wondering if they have headphones. or maybe you should get the headphones. The pumpkin farm looks like a great time. I was worn out just hearing about it all. Good job!!!

  4. Spending time with toddlers is both fun and tiring at the same time...looks like u had lot of fun !

  5. Give me a teen any day. Toddlers and babies are not my thing. I applaud you for your tenacity. I bet four days felt FOREVER to you, dear Jeanie. I hope you feel better soon. I also hope your sale goes well, dear.

  6. Oh, I have that Buzz Lightyear in that size, too! My Brother had a great excuse to go to Mc Donald´s for getting it back then and soon after I had my first job.
    Sorry, cute face there, too of course :-)

    Aha. That´s why I had to read Frozen over and over again to my Niece. I wonder still why. I reckon.

    Corn, what a great idea! And the story-wheel, wow that sure is kids´ heaven!
    Cute face!

    One afternoon with the Nieces and I can go straight to bed!

  7. Looking after toddlers is hard work. When my grandchildren were young they always wanted to watch 'Thomas the Tank Engine', they had 2 special episodes that they watched time and time again....Anything else elicited screams and tantrums! Hope you soon feel better! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Hello,

    Oh my, I am sure keeping two toddlers entertained for 4 days kept you and Rick very busy. The pumpkin farm and library outings look like fun. Sorry to hear about your sinus infection, I hope you have time to rest and are back to normal. Take care, enjoy your day!

  9. Been there, done that, and as you say it is tiring. I think your medal will be on its way soon!

  10. Jeanie, I empathize with your feeling of 'done', but in a different vein. And your last post of missing the lake was very moving. Hang in there. I've loved all your posts of traveling and updates with family. I'm trying to catch my breath now that the big hurdle of moving has been accomplished. I have been reading, but foregoing most comments.

  11. How fun… but exhausting! I sure hope you feel better!
    Get some rest my friend!

  12. I like the corn box too. Lovely picture the one with kids playing with the corn, kids riding small tricycles.and adults standing in the middle of all this having a chat!

  13. Well done, Gramma! No wonder you are tired. It's best keeping them busy, I know, but it does wear you out. I hope November will be calmer! You've earned it.

  14. That looks like a fun place to take the boys. I bet your were both exhausted after the 4 days!

  15. Jeanie, what a fun four days with the boys. You did so many fun and creative things with them. But I know what you mean about being tired afterwards. When I watched Mia for a year, it was only once a week, but at the end of the day, I was pooped! I'm so sorry you have a sinus infection. I hear those are awful to have. Now, you can decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and in your own time. : )

    I hope these November days bring you many pleasant surprises.


  16. I'm exhausted just reading about four days with toddlers, but it looks like they had a wonderful time, and how nice for you both to have such quality time with them. Hopefully you are over the hump as far as "rugged" goes, and have smooth sailing through the holiday season!

  17. It looks like you had a lot of fun with the boys, but if you kept up with preschooler I know you're tired. You made memories for the boys - that's important.

  18. Lol🤣🤣I miss those toddler days!Tears are so sad and sometimes it’s hard to know what’s up..

  19. Sounds like the little one got a little too much stimulation that day. Had to make you feel helpless. I probably would have had my own little meltdown trying to deal with his. Over all it does sound like you all had a great time.

  20. Toddlers can be both a joy and exhausting all at the same time. So glad you had quality time with the twosome, but glad you were able to go home and rest at the end. It wore me out just reading and thinking about it. Sorry about the rough month, I pray November is a good month for you.

  21. So much excitement! Some rest time sounds like a good idea. The kids are adorable, and that corn pit is like nothing I've ever seen. Looks like fun.

  22. Every time I watch my granddaughter, I crawl in to bed early that night. It's wonderful AND exhausting, full of love AND frustration.

  23. Kudos to you ~ 4 days with 2 toddlers sounds like my idea of hell!

  24. Children are definitely a job, especially when you are not used to them 24/7. It sounds like quite an adventure. But fun too. I know people ask me about going back to sub, and even though they are teenagers, I think I have already gotten out of the swing of it. Smile. I love the photos though and those precious expressions. And you must appreciate the time. Hope your November is going well Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  25. Your adventure in babysitting reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and agreed to sit for three children over a weekend. Despite having done evening sitting for them, and knowing the children quite well, I was totally overwhelmed! I did somehow raise my own daughter.

    GOOD JOB!!

    best... mae at

  26. Good on you for doing so many fun things with the kiddos.
    Sorry you've had a rough October. Here's hoping November is filled with energy and good health.

  27. Hi Jeanie! It's hard when sinuses and ears interfere with joy! I hope you feel better soon. Those kids sure had a lovely couple of days with you! How fun! Outings galore! The corn looks super fun!

  28. What nice adventures with the little ones - making sweet memories, for sure! You are very brave to take them on for several days. I had to laugh at the meltdown, but it must have been pretty nerve-wracking at the time! My little grandson's are about the same age and I know how exhausting they can be, but also so sweet when you are just about to tear out your hair. Sounds like you had quite the month - I hope things calm down for you now and you can get a bit of rest before the holidays! Sending hugs xo K

  29. Taking care of toddlers is exhausting! You both did a great job with so many different activities. I've never seen corn in a "sand box." Very clever. So sorry you are feeling poorly. When it rains it pours. Take care and rest, my friend.

  30. Sounds like you had a handful at times. So glad you got through it. Never heard of a corn sandbox, but interesting to see. At least no sand in the car once done playing in it. Here's hoping November is a good one for yo. Janice

  31. Ouchie, I bet everyone slept well that night. I feel so bad for parents and the littles when they spin out of control. Little ones can't express how tired, hungry, hot, etc they are effectively.

  32. Wow!!! You and Rick make great babysitters. Now you know what David and I went through with our 2 daughters. But, you were able to give them back to their parents, so it wasn't permanent. Hahaha.

  33. Wow, Jeanie. I am exhausted reading this. However, you will only remember the special times for your toddler memories. I hope you will rest as much as you can before your sale!

  34. Loved all these joyful photos Jeanie. What fun! You certainly have been on the go but no doubt every minute was a labor of love. I leave smiling :) Thank you!

  35. Jeanie, taking care of “Littles” is not easy. It is strenuous, but also rewarding. My girls love Pooh and yes, Cocomelon. You made memories with the boys and that is what is important! I understand being tired after four days!

  36. Yes, it's tiring and exhausting, but it's also so rewarding! And I'm glad that I don't have to parent a toddler anymore. What saved me at that time was that my daughter was a great napper for many years, and I think that kept my sanity. You did lovely activities with the boys and I'm sure they loved it and will remember it.

  37. Regardless of the challenges you found caring for the Littles, and regardless of dr's visit, earaches, sinus woes, etc., it sounds like you have retained your sense of humor. Or at least you can tell a good story about it all...

    Now that you're home, though, go slowly; give yourself permission to rest. Find time to talk with friends. In a day or two, I suspect you'll be ready to take on the challenges ahead.

    Take care, friend.

  38. and before you know it, it'll be teenage-time!


  39. It does appear that your Oct was a full for me, I would have had to at least take off my shoes and socks and get in that corn....

  40. What an eventful few days! I think toddlers are darling, but the energy level - whew! When I was a full time teacher, my favorite grade was sixth. I know, I know, many teachers dread that age, but I loved it. Even when I was "subbing" and waiting to get into the district full time. In my "sub" days I truly dreaded Kindergarten assignments and would come home an energy wreck. My husband used to laugh that he could tell when I had a K class.

    I thought your pictures were just wonderful. But I was curious: Easter eggs in November?

  41. Well you know that I know how exhausting toddlers are!! They can have such strong feelings about things and are also strong and fast! It’s a tough combination. Paul is way more work and more exhausting than Will is right now. By far. It is not my favorite stage to be honest. But there are things that I enjoy, so there is good along with the challenges. That was very kind and generous of you guys to watch the boys for 4 days. I bet KevMo really appreciated it and came back refreshed! We are hoping to go away in the spring for the first time since having Paul. My parents will watch the boys. By then Paul will be 4 and supposedly that is an easier age. Will is going to be almost 18 months but I think that is still an easier age than a toddler. My mom seems up to the challenge!

    We haven’t gotten into Cocomelon. Instead Paul has been obsessed with Little Baby Bum. He doesn’t watch it anymore but in the early days of the pandemic when he was home with us for 7 weeks, he watched a ton. The songs got stuck in my head. I would wake up at night and a song would be playing in my mind! It was awful and we ended up lying and saying the show wasn’t on tv anymore!! Eeeks. Not great to lie but you do what you have to do to get through the days!!!

  42. I have never got into a CORN box. All of the children look happy inside.
    Happy Sunday to you.

  43. Am I a bad person because I'm laughing at this post, especially the Cocomelon part? You are a fantastic grandmother, and I know the toddlers had a great time.

    I am preparing for Thanksgiving, and it looks like you have a nice start on your decor. I've done nothing, yet.

    Have a super weekend!


  44. Toddlers and young kids certainly zap the energy out of you, don't they?! I used to love it when my niece & nephew declared it nap time as it meant I could have a rest too!

    It sounds like you all had a great time (apart from the meltdown!). I used to love library visits as a kid. :)

  45. Hope your weekend is filled with fall color, fun and good health.

  46. You are brave. Even when I was younger I couldn’t have taken on two little boys.

  47. Wow, this was quite a babysitting session! Coloring raw eggs sounds like risky business. It is fabulous that libraries are still used today in the same way as when we were children. Hopefully that never changes for little ones. That box of corn looks amazing. A brilliant idea too! I don't know how parents manage with the meltdowns. It does sounds like the good times outweighed the bad times though.

  48. Jeanie you and Rick did a wonderful job watching the boys for 4 days! I know how difficult that can be but yet rewarding. Sometimes the little ones miss their parents and express it by crying and having a temper tantrum but you all handled it well.
    October had its ups and downs for us. Our daughter ( fully vaccinated) got covid along with her daughter, who probably contracted it in school. Our granddaughter bounced back fast but our daughter was very, very ill. I was so worried and found a place to give her a monoclonal antibody infusion. Within 24 hours she thankfully felt so much better! Meanwhile, I must have aged 10 years because if worry! lol

    I hope you feel better soon and get that ear open.

  49. 4 days is a long time, children are exhausting! At least there were 2 of you and you filled the days with so many fun activities! They're adorable and you've made great memories for them~

  50. I couldn't stop smiling while reading this, sounds very familiar. I enjoyed every word and enjoyed seeing how those two are growing. That's enough to bring on all your are experiencing and then some. Sure hope you are feeling better and your week is off to a grand start. Take care, you need to prepare for the Thanksgiving rush. And, may I just say I prefer "Easter eggs" :)

  51. Yes, children can be exhausting can't they ...
    I did enjoy seeing your photographs and that corn-box looks so much fun :)

    Try and get some rest and relaxation (I've virtually poured you a nice glass of wine).

    Not long 'til Thanksgiving, the days are flying by.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  52. What a fantastic post Jeanie, so much fun. Your black and white painting is great. I wish we had workshops, my art group used to have regular ones but the artists prefer to do them by zoom now and we don't like that.


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