The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 8, 2021

November: The Unpredictable Month

Apart from Thanksgiving in the U.S., can anyone really pin much reliability on November? To me, it is a busy month and it's over before I know it, leaving me even more harried before the December holiday season. It could be sunny and 60. It could be snowy. Mostly it is just drab.

Pumpkins on the china cabinet

I haven't shared much home dec these days because for the most part, I haven't had a lot of clear surfaces to photograph! But some of the photos here are from this year's decor, most of which got up late! 

Vignette in the hutch. Mom gave me this Hummel.

Rick got home from the lake -- he was there for about two weeks and saw it change from autumn to early winter with several inches of snow. He took this photo on the first morning of the snow.

Rick captures this view of the lake on the morning of the first snow

Before he left he saw Harry North, my beautiful heron, along with a platoon of Mergansers. I was surprised Harry was still there -- and delighted. Rick, meanwhile, was welcomed home with a lovely dinner!

Welcome Home, Rick! A happy autumn table, good wine, the last of the marigolds

My art sale is this week and I will have quite a selection of cards, watercolors and felties. After the show is over I'll be offering some of these on Marmelade Gypsy for purchase if you are interested. We didn't do this last year due to Covid and I have no idea how things will fly this year, but it feels good to be back at it.

My area in our 2019 sale; we didn't do one in 2020.

I spent a fun morning talking to MFA design candidates in theatre at Michigan State about my lifelong commitment to the arts. Their assignment will be to create a lobby design for the auditorium funded by a "major donor" (me, but alas, it's a scenario; I didn't win the lotto!) and a "gown" for the lobby opening. Their assignments will be due in a couple of weeks and I look forward to seeing what these talented young men and women come up with.

I didn't do a September or October book post but will be getting one up soon. I haven't read nearly so much as I had hoped, but some good things, including a revisit to this one.

A wonderful, first edition find!

I found this first edition of Stuart Little at a charity shop this summer and it reminded me a bit of my cottage mouse, although I don't think his adventures are nearly so exciting as those of E.B. White's Stuart! Someday our little guys will be able to read this one and I hope they'll love it like I do.

A trio of Vintage by Crystal Thanksgiving and Halloween characters

I've been satisfying my desire of things British with some fun television. I'm a big fan of "Call the Midwife," "Grantchester" and "Death in Paradise" (PBS) and "The Great British Baking Show" (on Netflix). But I've also found several I'm really enjoying on Acorn. (They may be on Britbox also, but I don't have that. Yet.)

The family room mantel. I have to have water repair work done on the ceiling. It's always something.

Henry IX -- A comedy series on Acorn with Charles Edwards (The father of Edith's child on "Downton Abbey,"), Don Warrington (from my fave "Death in Paradise," and a number of other Brit actors familiar to me. Henry is a forty-something monarch who finds the trappings of monarchy outdated. You can find it on Acorn. There are three half-hour episodes and great fun.

Charles Edwards as Henry IX

Manhunt - Martin Clunes (Doc Martin) plays Colin Sutton, a Scotland Yard detective on the trail of a recent murder which begins to tie in with several cold cases. One hour, several episodes in each of two seasons.

Kitchen Vignette - Hall china cream/sugar; Taylor cup, charming English cottage from a dear friend; Delft from Holland; holiday plates and pumpkins!

Dalgliesh -- Based on P.D. James classic detective novels, Bertie Carvel is the cerebral poet-detective Adam Dalgliesh. I've just seen the first episode (two parts), which is set in a school for nurses and where the nurses are being murdered. It's a well written mystery and I look forward to the next two adaptations.

On the china cabinet - goblins and ghosties!

Vintage Roads Great and Small -- Long before the new adaptation of "All Creatures Great and Small," Christopher Timothy and Peter Davison starred as James and Tristan in the 1970s version of the series. This series reunites the two friends who tour backroads of the UK in vintage cars, meeting interesting people along the way and indulging in great laughter, good times and gorgeous scenery. It's like traveling along with two dear friends. 

In the hutch - china Halloween cats; "Word of the Year"; pumpkin on a bike; a favorite Hummel; "Lord Nelson tea set," and other favorites.

I did a road trip to IKEA over the weekend with my friend Kate. This is always dangerous but this time I left with only a few things not on my list. OK, let’s be honest. Quite a few, but many of those extras are holiday gifts. Then it was on to Trader Joe’s, another spot I’d not been to in a long time. It was very productive…for them. And for me, too.

Top of the china cabinet.

So, that’s life these days. When I spoke to the students, I began by saying that when the professor first asked me to talk about my life and commitment to the arts, I knew my life wasn’t really exciting. No Tony Awards or wildly exciting adventures. But it has always been a very good life, a contented one. Sometimes stressful, sometimes sad, mostly happy and always full of love.

A spooky welcome in the hall for Halloween night.

You really can’t beat that.

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  1. Sounds like you're having a good November! I always think of November as the calm before the storm! You have been having fun with your decor, so many cute vignettes. I love hearing about what people are watching and reading, I remember enjoying Grantchester when it was on several years ago. Snow at the lake, wow, is it early for snow there? Have a great week Jeanie~

  2. I love your decorations! Especially the lumber-jack-shirt pumpkin. It’s great that you will be talking to the students about how you applied an arts degree. There’s a lot of conversation about how art students don’t know what to expect as a career other than becoming Picasso (who had not much formal education, in fact). Your experiences are a great example of how to creatively employ a degree — and be employed.

    best… mae at

  3. I like your conclusion. We don't need a lot of fanfare, fame, and fortune to live the good life. I think your students will come up with grand ideas. What fun!!!

  4. Congratulations on your speaking gig
    Many good wishes for good sales
    November blah can be transformed by embracing the luxury of bare branches, their forms, colors, how well they move in the wind and cast shadows in the sunlight. I like to think of November, aside from voting, the month to not need to go anywhere, reading and cozy times.

  5. So much you have covered in this post! I liked all your home decors :)

  6. I don't usually think in terms of months , but more in terms of seasons and their weather.
    Cold weather is trouble. So I fear winter, although in my part of the world it's relatively mild.

    You've got some great home decorations, and art pieces!
    Wishing you a successful Art Sale!

  7. Lovely decorations, you have so many. Good luck with your sales! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  8. Your happy Autumn table is lovely :) Stuart Little is a wonderful book, and that's a great find!

    I hadn't come across that Dalgliesh adaptation but will look for it. I love the books and the adaptations from years ago.

    A good life, happy and full of love sounds like heaven :)

  9. I love November. Our leaves are starting to change and my cozy plaids are emerging from summer storage. I hope the art show goes well. The Woodlad plates are beautiful.

  10. I love November! The white stacked pumpkins makes me think of a pumpkin snowman!

  11. I got Brit Box on Amazon for $.99 for 2 months to try it out. I've been watching Acorn for years. Where did you find Dalglish? I used to read the series and would like to see the show. Also, the show of the 2 actors driving around - where is that?

    Lovely post today catching up.

  12. Watched manhunt but could not shake Doc Martin from Clunes. I watched Britbox until the freebie ran out, I found it limiting. None of my favorite British programs were offered.
    guess I will have to go back to London...darnit! Your house is always lovely - your heart is always generous! November already , can you believe how time speeds on!!

  13. Love the sweet little vignettes around the house.
    How wonderful about your art show! Hope it was a huge success.

  14. Love your table with those pheasant plates. I love November as we hit our color peak this month. Thanksgiving is such a great day, my favorite holiday of the year.

  15. Your home is decorated so pretty!! Very warm and cozy--- just how I like it.oh I'm a BIG BIG " call the midwife" fan!! I love Downton too--- did you see the movie yet-- from a couple years ago I think? We have it but are saving it for a quiet chilly evening!! We watched the whole series and and loved it so much--- many great seasons and I hated it to end.

  16. Ps---- have the boys seen the start little MOVIE???-- I call it " Stuart mouse" ha ha LOL. It's been out many years but is action packed and so cute and funny--- would maybe make a great Christmas present? I think kMichael j Fox is the narrator/voice of Stuart? Our grandkids love it

  17. I enjoyed seeing your fall vignettes and hearing what you have been up to.

  18. Hello Jeanie,
    November already seems to be going by quickly. Your decorations around your look pretty, I like your wine glass. Have your watched Midsummer Murders? I've been watching the repeats, that are new to me. I would be happy if I do not see any snow this year. I am looking forward to your book post. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead!

  19. Happy November Jeanie. I know what you mean about this month. It used to be quiet, and I liked that before Thanksgiving and the holidays arrived, but this year it seems crazy. And I am with you about the time changes too. Loving your decor and you've seen some great TV shows. One thing I watched was the documentary on Netflix about Ruth Bader Ginsberg which was excellent. I also watched a Danish mystery called the Chestnut Man. I recommend both. I haven't read half as much as I usually do either, so take heart, you are not the only one. I must say I love Rick's photo of the snow. That's November for you, isn't it? Have a wonderful start to the new week, and hope the sale goes really well. hugs-Erika

  20. Oh Jeanie, that lake photo that Rick took is so pretty, and snow already graces the trees! So nice that you had a lovely dinner waiting for him. The turkey plates are so charming. I absolutely love that figurine in the hutch. I am always looking for these, but never seem to find any. Wow, I didn't realize you had an area in your home for the sale of your art work. Your mantel is always delightful decorated for each holiday, Jeanie. So sorry to hear you got water damage on the ceiling. Your kitchen vignette is delightful too - and even a treasure from Holland. I like the fact that you have many items from different places in the world. : )


  21. Jeanie, your posts are always full of interesting insight into your life! It's lovely getting to know more and more about you. I was shocked to see the snow landscape at the lake! Wow, so lovely, but so early for my thinking. Your decor is so nice. It's nice that you are obviously feeling better, I hope. Happy November!

  22. Lovely autmn post. Imagine being intervjew about your lufr. How wonderful. So great toheat someone who is satisfied and pleased wuth their life. I thimk it helps to have a calling, like you have with your art.

  23. "always full of love" ... I do like these four words :)

    We are only a week into November and the days pass very quickly, our weather has allowed for walks and it is so nice to be out and about enjoying the wonderful colours of the season.
    I haven't put any Autumn décor up yet, and I think I will now wait for the Christmas decorations.
    Lovely to see your décor it looks very nice indeed.

    Lots of good wishes winging there way to you.

    All the best Jan

  24. You are the perfect person to talk to art students. They will hear your love for art in your voice.

    Wow! First snow!

    I hope the art sale goes beautifully. I look forward to you sharing your art here, too.

    And Stuart Little!

  25. Yes it sure does seem like November flies by. Already a week gone. Good luck at your sale, however no luck needed with your beautiful artwork! Janice

  26. Your seasonal decorations are always the best!

  27. Wow,that is some snow!
    The countdown to Thanksgiving is on

  28. Jeanie, wishing you a most successful art sale. I enjoyed seeing your Hummel from your mom. I have a large collection of Hummels and still love their sweet faces. I am a fan of the “ber” months. November brings on our best autumn color. Have a wonderful week!

  29. For me November means my birthday, since my birthday falls right around the middle of the month. I know what you mean about its weather being so unpredictable though. No sign of snow here yet, but we've had just about everything else: wind, rain, sun, hail, and even a little frost. Hope this means the weather will be generous with my helping of snow this year.

    I've seen the Stuart Little movie multiple times, but never read the book. Going to have to fix that. ;)

    Good luck with the art fair. Hope you sell loads of your creations.

  30. Snow already?!
    Oh, I bet the book will be a great hit. So wonderful to pass things like this on.
    Your resume sounds great to me.

  31. It's always fun to come to your blog and see what you've been up to decorating wise. I also love how you and Rick keep things fresh and alive in your relationship (the welcome home dinner).

  32. Jeanie, wow, snow at the lake already, gorgeous photo. I'm sure it is beautiful there with a snow. Love all of your sweet vignettes, you have such a darling collection of autumn figures. I'm sure you are looking forward to sharing your love of theatre with this group, you have so much to share. I really loved seeing how you set-up for your sale. I will be surprised if you don't sell out of your beautiful cards and my favorites felties. Wishing you all the best with this.

  33. We're having a mixed bag from frost to a balmy 60's and sunshine yesterday..My garlic is planted of course and it's popping up:( Wait..!!
    Love your Haloween peeps:)
    Have a good week!

  34. Personally, I love November. The weather finally is bearable, and getting outdoors is a pleasure -- no snow here, of course! I had to laugh at an association that came to mind when I saw your new seasonal decor. I recently got a peek at a friend's email inbox -- she had 485 emails! Even your collections don't rival that -- and they're much, much cuter!

  35. Nice post, I love the way you ended it.
    It was as usual fun to see your decorations.
    Now I am picturing you rushing around to get ready for your sale this week. So happy you can return to doing it this year.
    I haven't watched anything on PBS lately, but looking forward to it soon. I am loving the new season of Great British Bake Off.
    I am finding November full of colors of orange, yellow, and reds. Thanks for your pretty pictures that add to the color of the season.

  36. Lovely post Jeanie. Rick certainly took a beautiful photo. November is such a lovely month. Good luck on the art show. How sweet you had a lovely dinner waiting for Rick. The plates are wonderful. Your fall decor is lovely. Wishing you a blessed week.

  37. Beautiful post - love all your dear vignettes and the gorgeous photo of the lake! Wonderful words to the students and love your art and card display! November always seems like a transition month to me - leaving the warmth, although gradually, and getting us ready for winter. I love Masterpiece, the British comedies and looking forward to the return of 'All Creatures Great and Small'. The Brits really know how to tell a tale! Good luck with your show - hope it is a great success! x K

  38. Love the decorations Jeanie. Glad to hear Harry was spotted by Rick at the lake. Thanks for the tele recommendations. I am a big fan of Death in Paradise too. I also love Frankie Drake Mysteries out of Canada and Miss Fisher's Mysteries out of Australia. Midsomer Murder is still a fav British mystery show. I haven't read Stuart Little in decades. How wonderful to find a first edition. Bravo! Good luck with your art show.

  39. Jeanie, I have decided that anyone who is interested in losing weight should just follow you around for a week or two. Goodness, you do whirl and twirl.

    Your table setting for Rick's welcome home dinner was just lovely. A perfect autumn setting.

    We have been enjoying some pretty days but that is about to change. Snow and rain for the weekend. Oh well - it is November!

  40. I enjoyed seeing all your lovely fall vignettes! And your Hummel is a treasure!
    I enjoy November because Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday! And I get to see my kids!
    Good Luck with your Art Show!

  41. Lovely Thanksgiving decorations Jeanie, and Halloween! I have a Hummel figure that I treasure, a gift from my sister of a little boy sitting on a fence. Pretty lake photo from Rick also. I was just thinking you would see a lot of water birds on your lake and reading about Harry North and the Mergansers confirmed it. I have got to get back into reading and my British shows. I know all the names you mentioned and used to watch Death in Paradise, the first couple of series at least. I was a big fan of the old adaptation of All Creatures Great and Small, but haven’t seen the new version yet. It sounds like you have a wonderful life Jeanie and I have thoroughly enjoyed this post. Thank you so much!

  42. Im glad you are doing well Jeanie,it's Spring here, flowers everywhere, stay safe love Cath in Australia.

  43. Jeanie, I'm glad Rick got home safe and sound and his dinner looks pretty. I'm sure he loved it. What a find you had of the Stuart Little book. Won't the boys just love it when they are a little older? Let me know what appeals to you on Acorn. We just signed up for it because we like Midsomer Murders, but haven't picked anything else yet..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  44. I need to get to Ikea soon! Billy and I always leave Wyatt with my mom and wander about lol. Maybe this weekend we will go!

    I am adding Dalgliesh to our watch list! I saw it and was curious about it.

  45. And good luck at your art show! I am so happy that you are able to do it this year!!

  46. Love the white pumpkin display Jeanie.
    I watched Manhunt, great series and Martin Clunes is a fabulous actor, love him in Doc Martin too. Death in Paradise is also a favourite of mine.

  47. A good, contented life is a blessing! How exciting to be meeting with the students. Good luck with your art show - can't wait to see what you'll be selling here on the blog. I love British series. Downton Abbey, Call The Midwife, and Doc Martin (Martin Clunes) are some of my faves.

  48. We enjoy many of the same British shows, Jeanie. We’re working our way through all 9 seasons of Call the Midwife on Netflix and watching Season 10 on PBS as well as Grantchester. We caught up the latest Murder in Paradise on Britbox and have an Acorn TV subscription as well and caught up with Midsomer Murders there. Did you watch Lucy Lawless or Brokenwood?

    Your decorations look lovely and nice to see as many folks go from Halloween to Christmas. Good kuck to you and your fellow artists at the sale. I well remember our days of craft fairs when we lived in VA.

  49. That is great that you got to talk to the MFA students. I can’t wait to see what they come up with. Maybe you’ll be able to share pics?

    November is an unpredictable month for weather. I was looking through last November photos and was reminded how often we got snow in the past. We will get some tonight but it will probably melt right away. Paul is soooo excited for snow. That makes one of us. ;) But it is pretty so not all bad.

    I hope your sale goes well!!

  50. Those vintage Halloween characters are wonderful! I like Rick's photo of the frst snow at the lake very much, it has a beautiful mood. Quiet. I can imagine that the morning with students must have been a very nice one, interesting and probably fun as well. I would have loved to hear you talk, actually. I hope your sale went well. I had no idea that the Adam Dalgliesh books were being put into films. I always enjoyed these books by P.D. James - "Devices and Desires" inspired me to visit Norfolk and I never regretted that - on the contrary, I went there several times. It is such a beautiful and moody area. We are currently completely obsessed with German crime shows, thanks to our daughter's recommendations.

  51. Love your November thoughts, Jeanie, and your cozy home. I am beginning to feel settled. What a good feeling that is. Life is good!


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