The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Postcards from the Lake: A Stormy Day

On this gloomy morning, Lizzie and I are taking advantage of what might be the last porch day for a bit. We woke to a warmer morning than expected and took the computer to the porch, catching up with all of you. It wasn't a bad day and when a butterfly flitted by, I ran out to the beach to photograph it, dancing cheerily between this weed and that.

This odd creature came by -- all that one can see of it is a long neck in the water -- and as soon as it goes under, who knows where it will pop up again.  The only guarantee is that it is nowhere near where it was before. A cormorant, perhaps?

Within a half hour, the temperature began to drop, and the winds picked up. Dark, heavy clouds seemed to sink lower in the sky, filled with rain that was soon to come. Whitecaps appeared on the gray waters of the lake and began crashing into the shore. At my little lake, waves don't crash. They do today. I ran into the house to grab my shawl and back to the porch to watch and listen to the rain.

I had my first sighting of Eddie Eagle this morning. I worried that he might be seeking out the ducks (who made a fairly subtle but quick exit). He enjoyed a little shore food and was off again where he settled in his tree. 

The rain has started to fall a bit harder now, the wind blowing mist into the porch. I slide the table closer and closer to the wall, hoping to avoid the moment I will need to go in. There is no thunder but I suspect if I opened Lizzie's linen closet, she would jump on her shelf amidst towels and sheets without hesitation. 

A loose napkin flies off the table and skitters around the porch floor, finally lifted up, where it slams into the screen. The pumpkin is damp. I'm wondering when the small vase of marigolds, past their prime, might tip. My paper lanterns are swaying - left, right, left again. 

I feel the temperature drop quickly. I may have to change out the shawl for a fleecy sweatshirt if I'm to stay out here. Or maybe I'll go in, read a book, felt an ornament. I've seen Eddie the Eagle today.

It's a good day.

Sharing with:    Share Your Style   /    Saturday's Critters    /    Pink Saturday    


  1. oh my those storm clouds remind me of Florida right now - great photos BTW, I love the butterfly and head in the water - enjoy the season

  2. Interesting run thro your weather today... Nice click of Eddie :)

  3. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by as often as you do...I truly appreciate your visits!!
    i finally finished Fall house cleaning and decorating the Living Room which is the room that takes the most time....
    Gorgeous pictures as always ..I love that you take the time to share them with us!! Thanks!!

  4. A slice of life on your porch reads as if being there. A cold front moving in are words I heard on the TV recently. Looks like the chilly weather is practicing on you before it reaches us.
    Stay safe and warm!

  5. Oh, this is a beautiful description from the lake porch! I could feel that breeze and mist coming in, and enjoyed the wildlife so much! A cormorant and an eagle-friend AND a monarch, all in one morning! They must sense that your days up there are waning, and city life awaits again as the weather cools.😉 Have a joyous, peace-filled day. 💕

  6. Sounds like autumn is really at your place! I can see it in my mind's eye! Have agreat day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Oh, I so love stormy weather over the water both of the sea and of a lake, it allows you to catch some wonderful details you cannot see with full light, so as it happens in the sunset hours!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful world, Dearie!
    Take care
    Xx Dany

  8. That bird might be a cormorant, but it might be a loon.
    Lovely images of your day.

  9. Whitecaps on your lake! That's kind of cool.

    best... mae at

  10. Wow, the storm clouds are amazing and watching a bald eagle soar is pure joy. I always enjoy postcards from the lake, Jeanie!

  11. The sky looks ominous. The bright and cheerful butterfly softens the view, but not for long. The autumn-winter weather is on its way, and we have to prepare for it.

  12. I would guess the bird is an anhinga.

    Thank you for sharing your day.

  13. I think that's the weather making its way towards us for the end of the week. How cool to get those good eagle shots. I saw an eagle last week too. It is so exciting to see them, isn't it? It sounds like you had a wild and crazy day. Did you end up reading or felting or something different. Hugs-Erika

  14. Yes a black cormorant. We have then here. Nice view of the eagle. We see them in the Winter months when the ducks come back into the river. Janice

  15. Cormorants or anhingas behave like that in the water.

  16. The bird is a Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), Jeanie, and before someone points out that it doesn't have crests, it only has them during the breeding season which is long past. The butterfly is a Monarch (Danaus plexippus). And since I'm on a roll here, Eddie the Eagle is correctly known as a Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Now you have it all!

  17. Sounds like sweater weather there at the lake. I just put on my first sweater too - it's been cold in the mornings. The whitecaps are lovely to see. Yes, you usually don't see them at the lakes, only the ocean. A pretty photo of the butterfly. I always love to see your photos at the lake, Jeanie.


  18. Seeing Eddie Eagle is certainly a great day, Jeanie! It's so thrilling to watch them soaring. I enjoyed hearing about the progression of the storm coming to you and Lizzie. Along with the photos I could feel your chill.

  19. I love the adventure and visitors to your cabin by the lake. When I saw the picture of the creature in the lake I thought of the Lochness Creature.

  20. Beautifully expressed... all the textures of a moody autumnal morning. Hope you're staying warm & dry!

  21. Those waves were really rolling in . . .
    Watching the Eagle was a nice treat . . .
    Porch time and fleece .. . not all bad!

  22. I'm perfectly happy to enjoy the start of cold weather and rainy skies - as long as I'm warm and dry.

  23. Beautiful capture of the butterfly.
    Funny bird. Awww rain on the porch, that must´ve been so beautiful.
    Dramatic sky, beautiful with the sand and lake. Sounds like a wonderful day indeed.

  24. Hello Jeanie,
    Wonderful sightings from your lake, I like the pretty butterfly, the Cormorant and ducks. I enjoy watching a stormy sky, from a safe place. Awesome capture of the Eagle flying over. We are expecting a rainy day today, I will catch up on my library book. Take care, have a great day!

  25. Thanks to your photos, I enjoyed the beautiful moments occurred in nature.

  26. That sure enough is a cormorant. They're quite common at my "office," and they're fun to watch. I wish I'd had your photo of the sea foam (or spume) to show a friend when we were talking about it. That line of white at your shore is spume; here's one article about it. It's not exactly toxic, but note the comment about its possible effect on people with respiratory issues. Don't play in the stuff!

  27. Love this post. So atmospheric! I can feel that storm blowing in. And yay, butterfly!!

  28. Wonderfully descriptive post. I hope the storm didn't cause any damage, so that you were able to just enjoy the experience, and - when you were forced to retreat inside - your book or felting while listening to it.

  29. Oh, Jeanie, I wish I was there. I love stormy weather, especially on a lake. It is all so beautiful to me. Now I don't like to be caught out in a storm, but I do love it from inside and your porch sounds like a perfect spot.
    It looks as though autumn is rolling in for you - enjoy!

  30. I have never seen an eagle in person. It must be magnificent!

  31. Wow, Jeanie, this was like reading from a novel. Very descriptively written!

  32. I would gladly change your cool, wet weather for my dry, hot weather. Your photos show scary clouds, but I loved the photos of the eagle. Stunning today at the lake, dear Jeanie.

  33. Lovely view of the eagle. Looks at those waves rolling in. Happy Fall Jeanie.

  34. HAHA.....Locknest Swan swimming around! I love your lake shots. Great job.

  35. Looks like a cormorant all right! They are spreading. I always think one of them looks amusing and cute, but the plural of "cormorant" is "mess"...

  36. Jeanie, your pictures are outstanding. I can't believe those storm clouds. For some reason the first storm of the season is such a delight to behold, I think. I'm glad you are safe and warm at your beautiful lake..Happy Fall..xxoJudy

  37. Great descriptions of your day. I was right there with you.
    Speaking of Eddie the Eagle, I loved the movie:)

  38. Your photographs are stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  39. I enjoy your story telling! We seem to be locked in with rainy days and cloudy ones. Now it’s pretty cool but they’re promising if will straighten up a couple of days.

  40. How gorgeous those dark storm clouds are. The waves crashing look like mashed potatoes (ok, call me crazy)! Any day seeing an eagle would be a good day to me!

  41. You express wonderfully how much happens when you take a few moments to be just be and look. I feel like I am there with you. Lovely.

  42. Sounds a good day.
    My favourite photograph is your fifth one :)

    All the best Jan

  43. There's some pretty stones in that first pic:)

  44. I love seeing your wildlife photos. I sometimes watch cormorants from the bridge. You never know where they will pop up after going under. There is a big rock on the side of the river where they stand with wings open to dry.

    What a wonderful part of the world you have there.

  45. How peaceful to be able to watch a storm come in and enjoy it from the safety of your porch. We have had some nice rain lately and I just love it. It’s been such a dry summer that I am happy anytime it rains, as long as it’s not a whole weekend day!

  46. What an atmospheric post! I love it really when there's a storm as long as I'm safe inside.
    It's a fascinating picture of what I suppose is surf, not clouds? You could submit that to a magazine as a puzzle picture.

  47. The ducks must have been funny to watch, making their way to safety as unseen as possible. Love all the photos.

  48. Hello Jeanie,
    Wonderful wildlife sightings, starting with the beautiful Monarch.
    Great captures of the Cormorant and the Bald Eagle. The weather here is much cooler, nice walking weather. Love your lake views. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  49. When I was a kid, I would climb the hill next to our house when it would storm. And, sit up there and just watch the clouds and trees--move and sway...I totally get your fascination. Great post...we sometimes just have to stop and experience, nature in all her fury and glory!

  50. I keep going back to look at the waves amazing! And yes, that looks like a Cormorant to me too. Beautiful sighting of the Eagle! WOW!

  51. Quite a dramatic weather. The crashing waves look surreal.

    My latest post:

  52. Nice photo, isn't our weather just a moment by moment thing sometimes? Ours is rather fascinating lately, well always, it keeps changing.

  53. I love this

    Love Cath in Australia

  54. You've caught this changing season perfectly!


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