The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Postcards from the Lake: A Little Bit of Early Fall, Inside and Out

Happily back at the cottage for a bit and wondering when we'll go from green to red and orange. I can see hints in some of the trees but it will be a few weeks yet before we hit full fall color.

Because I close the cottage in October (or at least I stop going; Rick may continue later), I don't do a lot of decorating there. For one thing, we have windows in the living room on both exterior sides. Big windows. And when fall's colors reach the trees outside, they really are the best decor of all -- and I don't have to worry about storing it off season! The other reason is we're just not there very much. But I did pull together a small mantel change for the fall.


The centerpiece is actually nothing new -- that autumn photo of the AuSable River actually came with the cottage (which we bought furnished). I love it and it stays up all summer long. But it is best in the fall.

Beside it, some pumpkins. The mini-pumpkins and votives came from Dollar Tree. I have a zillion pumpkins at home, but they will be in service there and I didn't want to spend a fortune on decor. 

They sit beside my pine cone tree. I bought this tree shortly after my dad died and it's a reminder of the energy and life he brought to the cottage during those summers when I was young and he was in his prime.

On the other side, a pumpkin joins forces with some driftwood and more pine cones from the yard sits beside a picture the kids gave us for Mother's/Father's Day. It isn't a fancy mantel, but it's very cozy, especially with a fire. 

Other signs of fall? Take a look at that view outside the front window!

This is what I saw on my first morning up here on this trip. Rick is still at home, dealing with painting and renting the duplex as well as some work things. When I woke, it felt terribly quiet and a little bit lonely. I'm used to being here by myself but somehow, it just felt a little sadder and different this time. Then I saw this... and I knew that this quiet time can be valuable as well. And certainly beautiful.

Some trees are way ahead of others!

I'm seeing another sign of fall -- more fungi. I plan to go on a fungi hunt in and around the yard to see just how many different mushrooms I can find.

Today I will put the guest room back together after having had to take the bed apart and lift the mattress and box springs to catch Lizzie, who didn't want to leave the last time we were here. By the time we got her, we were ready to go and walked out, leaving chairs overturned, quilts and blankets on the bed and floor and everything unmade! It wasn't our best departure. And I will hope that tomorrow's morning sky look like this.

All shall be well.

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  1. Good morning, Jeanie. Beautiful views from your door and windows. We don’t have very many signs of fall, we are apparently in the monsoon season. Enjoy your Sunday in your cottage by the lake!

  2. Lizzie not wanting to leave the cottage is a sweet image. Maybe more about the ride than location. I hear some cats hate riding while others love it.

    Beautiful photos. I look forward to seeing your paintings of the foliage.

  3. every year I get so excited when you go to the little cottage on the lake, I measure my year by what you are doing. Yes, it is autumn and becoming more autumnal by the minute. leaves dropping like confetti. I love your seasonal decorating!

  4. Beautiful photos of the lake and autumn color! Our leaves won't turn for weeks, but they are falling. Your pine cone tree is so cute, and how nice it holds special memories. Enjoy your quiet time!

  5. I love the pine cone tree.

    That view! It's a wonder to me you ever leave :)

  6. I can see why you don't have the need to over-decorate ~ What a magnificent view! Good call ~

  7. Enjoy your autumn days at the cottage, the colours look fantastic! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Somehow I could feel your childhood heart as I looked across the water
    - what a special space you get to tend. As if it keeps you rooted somewhere safe and knowing.
    I love that for you.
    That fireplace - swoon.
    I look forward to cool enough nights for fires in the fireplace again.
    Enjoy your sweet days there.
    Love and shelter,

  9. The pictures are heartwarming and beautiful. Those red leaves pop.
    Enjoy what time you have left at your own particular piece of paradise.

  10. When we had our cottage we used it in the winter too. have you ever considered doing that, Jeanie? There was no winter road and we had to dig a space off the highway for the car and walk in about a kilometre, but we always thought it was worth it. A couple of times each winter we shovelled the snow off the roof too.

  11. The colours of Autumn are fantastic, thank you for sharing them in your photographs.

    I do like your autumn/fall mantel.

    All the best Jan

  12. The pine cone tree is lovely! I'll look around to see if I can find to buy a similar little tree.

  13. My goodness, that reflection is stunningly beautiful! Fall is certainly gorgeous there. We have some leaves falling, but they are brown and not those lovely colors I see here!

  14. You've got more color than I do, and it must be great to see those colors out your windows. I think it's also nice to have that fireplace for cool days. It has nice cabin feel. Enjoy the coming of fall. Hugs-Erika

  15. Lizzie is wise. The colors are really getting vivid here too. I'll be surprised if they hold up until Thanksgiving. Going to really cool down later this week.

  16. Totally agree with you: a view like that is all the autumnal inspiration a person could need. Bring on the donuts! The hot spiced cider! Jumping into piles of leaves! Hope you've got plenty of new pencils newly sharpened (or watercolors) for projects this fall...

  17. Gorgeous pictures. The lake reflections give you twice the color.

  18. Such a lively and colorful post!

  19. Gosh Jeanie, those trees are turning early, aren't they? I thought they didn't turn till October. But that view is definitely to die for. It is beautiful. Love it. I also like your Dollar Tree decorations. I must check that out. Thanks for sharing your incredible views and your decorating skills that always shine so brightly.

  20. Guess where Ingo will go next Saturday... getting pumpkin from the market (I don´t like it, but he loves them).
    Poor Lizzie, LOL How do you catch a cat?! They have claws. And teeth.

  21. Oh how beautiful your fall is starting! Enjoy!!
    There are very few reds - maybe none- here in our part of France. We wait until November for golds. Miss the extravagance of a northern fall!

  22. That last photo's glorious. There are a few signs of fall here, but they're so subtle it's hard to be sure they're really there. I did see a bit of color in some Chinese tallow trees yesterday.They're bullies, and need to be sent packing, but they can be awfully pretty in fall.

  23. Looking good!
    Way ahead of us!But it’s starting

  24. Loved all your fall decorations and such gorgeous views! Have fun!

  25. Seasonal decor is such a wonderful thing in your talented hands! The view from your window is just spectacular. I’m glad you have such a good choice — some people in the next block to us have already put out witches around a cauldron: and I think it’s way too early for that.

    best… mae at

  26. Your view looks very nice. Love that yellow tree.

  27. I loved all your decorations but that pine cone tree is amazing. Words can't describe how wonderful the trees by the lake - thanks for sharing fall with me.

  28. Fall is my favorite season. I don't bring many decorations into the house; I just enjoy being outside or looking out the windows.

  29. I like all your fall touches in your lake home, Jeanie!
    Those red trees across the lake are gorgeous! What a beautiful prelude to fall! I can imagine how spectacular it will look there very soon. Autumn is such a short but beautiful season.

  30. The cottage looks so pretty decked out with fall touches. Love the mantle and fall photo. The fire makes for such a cozy scene and the colors appearing already at the lake are glorious!s Still hot and summer here! Have a wonderful week....

  31. Absolutely lovely! Fall is my favorite time of year. :)

  32. So beautiful! That view...magical. The cottage looks so pretty for fall too.

  33. That's a lot of fall color already. You're definitely ahead of us with that.

    Cats can be such jerks about going in their carriers. It usually looks like our house has been ransacked whenever we have to take certain cats to the vet. I totally understand not wanting to deal with putting everything back together once you caught Lizzie.

  34. Wow. What a view. I've never seen color like that in person. Maybe one of these days...

  35. Oh, wow! Those trees are just spectacular! Looking forward to seeing what they look like at their peak. Everything here is still green, but definitely losing its luster.

  36. The fall colors are gorgeous! The leaves aren’t quite turning here yet. We have family photos on 10/15 and I am hoping the fall colors will be pretty around that time. It’s been so dry here that I worried all the leaves would have dropped by then. Hopefully they last for another month! Love the little peaks of fall in your decor!!

  37. Good morning, Jeanie. You are seeing quite a bit of autumn color. We are beginning to see golden trees on our 'hills.' It is all such a glorious time of year. I know October must be glorious all over your beautiful state and especially at your lake.
    Have a wonderful week!

  38. Beautiful!! I am so anxious for our trees to change here, but we have a little while longer before they do.

    We are going to decorate today for fall! I am excited. I love all of your decorations. :)

  39. Ah to go leaf-peeping at the lake. What a joy! Your pinecone tree is truly adorable.

  40. Jeanie, I missed this post! I always love to see your decor around your house for the holidays, and I missed it. Your fireplace mantel is so charming, and I like the blue touches you added. Don't ya just love the Dollar Tree? The pine cones are a nice touch. I have so many pine cones that fall in my yard, and was thinking of doing something with them. You have so many beautiful colors already gracing the area. What a wonderful view. So nice to visit and see all your delightful ideas, with some of them bought and some of them homemade.



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