The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Postcards From the Lake: The Quiet Life

Greetings from the lake! It's good to be back. The Little Guy had his party and life at the lake is quiet and happy. By the way, a belated Happy Fourth of July (and really belated Happy Canada Day!)

It was a long day coming up north but there is nothing better than being greeted the second you walk in the door by a four-year old and the Birthday Boy (aka the Party Animal), all excited to show you new things! After dinner (saved for me, thank you!), they opened presents from Rick and me. The big hit was the bubble maker.

Rick got them started and then -- in the ways of boys who are four and newly three (actually, almost three) the older one took over! 

That was just fine with the Little Guy, who was having more fun than anyone chasing the bubbles. I'll tell you, those little legs could move fast!

And every now and then, the Party Animal even could catch them!

He was having the time of his life, chasing bubbles and then swinging with Uncle Greg (aka GooGoo Greg), with a little help from Dad.

It was really a lovely time and while I was exhausted when we left, it was great fun and I was glad to have been there.

Back at the cottage, it has been a little cool but not bad -- and temperatures going up, up, up over the weekend. 

I've taken nice walks. A little rain last week helped fill in the swamp.

And there are lovely lilies growing wild on the edges of the woods.

I took a path through the woods, something I rarely do, and ended up going in a bit of a loop. I wasn't about to blaze a new trail and end up in the swamp! (Two paths diverged in the woods and I took the road most traveled!)

On the home front, I've seen two new duck families. The one below had nine little ones.

I couldn't get a count on the second family but they were a little bit larger than the others.

These are definitely teenagers!

Our good neighbor, Jim (who kindly pulled his tractor through our beach to rid it of weeds) stopped by for snacks and it was good to catch up. He made me a beautiful bird house, which I'll share when I get it painted!

Meanwhile, down the road -- Pave Paradise, Put up a Parking Lot. (cue the music) I do not understand why you build a house in the woods and then tear down the trees and pave it. 

 Bird watching? Not much. I hear a lot of birdsong but they are high in the trees and hard to stop. I think this is a chickadee but it's a little fuzzy.

And windy, too. Which adds to the coolness.

I leave you with a recommendation. For total relaxation, get a bubble machine. (I bought them two -- one was $15. One was $4. The $15 one broke before the first bubble. I don't think you could kill the $4 version! (I gave Molly the receipt and told her to swap it in for two or three of the cheapies!)

I leave you with a last look at the Party Animal.

Some guys know how to have all the fun!

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  1. They boys are growing up so fast! And, so very handsome. I have a $12 bubble blower from Target that is a big hit. I like it almost as much as the girls.

  2. What a fun day! I don't get why people tear down more trees than necessary to build a home, but I do understand the reason for paving the driveway. Gravel drives will ding up a car's paint job, and becomes a mud bog in the rain. Have a great day!

  3. That looked like a splendid birthday party. And what a cool bubble machine. The smaller one worked, but the larger one didn't? Bummer. But, at least they had fun with the smaller one. Happy 4th of July, Jeanie! Aloha from Hawaii.

  4. A look at he big smiles on everyone's faces says it all. Happy 4th of July, enjoy the day.

  5. Looks like a great time was had by all. So glad to hear you are back at the lake now and enjoying it. Happy 4th Jeanie!

  6. Glad they saved dinner for you and that you had fun at the party! Bubbles are such a hit with the little ones! We have several different bubble toys and they get a lot of use!

    That neighbor’s place is an eye sore. Yikes. My parents lake area has strict restrictions on the amount of non-permeable surfaces so that likely wouldn’t happen there. Although maybe their lot is so huge they could still get away with it. Looks awful - and HOT!!

    Enjoy your 4th! It was already uncomfortably hot and humid when I took the boys for a walk around 7:30 so we will be inside for most of the day!

  7. Such a grand happy party! So glad it went well and bubbles were a success! They always seem to be such a good idea. Glad ninner was saved for you. Lovely that you are back at the lake for a spell. It is certainly a beautiful place.
    You can just see the shame on that house's face, it is feeling pretty terrible about the paved road to its door.

  8. I just wrote a long comment and it disappeared! Glad you had a happy day with the little'uns, they look so happy playing with their bubbles! Your neighbour who chopped everything down would have been better to buy a house on a main road with no vegetation....Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  9. Lake life is the best! Sounds like the birthday party was fun.

  10. There's nothing more warming the heart than the smiles and joy of playing kids.

  11. Oh those boys! I love seeing them in action. They're growing so fast. Great photo of you and Rick. Keep walking in the woods, Jeanie.

  12. The boys are too adorable and bursting with energy, it appears. I think all kids love bubbles, so do I. Happy belated birthday to the “party animal”!! Lake living must be wonderful, enjoy Jeanie!

  13. oh ... the BUBBLES, the BUBBLES ... and that cute little guy enjoying their beauty!

    sweet and fun!

  14. Treasured time with loved ones is precious. I would love one of those bubble machines, it looks awesome. Your photos really convey what a great time you all had :-)

  15. Well that bubble machine does look like fun for the "Party Animal" and his big brother. Where did you find the cheap one? I know one guy that might enjoy it.
    I agree, why build a parking lot at the lake and remove the trees. So sad!!!
    Great picture of you and Rick.
    Cute duck families.
    Lilies by the woods would be a delightful find.
    That swing looks like one I could enjoy.

  16. OMGoodness Party Animal is busy! And AH-dorable! So cute, and the photos are fantastic. Happy Independence Day!

  17. At the lake again! I hope you get to stay a good long time. The best and summeriest place to be. Do you get mosquitoes there? They are summery too, I guess... I'm headed up to "my" lake in a week and I imagine there are more mosquitoes right now than when I usually go in September, when there are none!

    Have fun!

  18. Bubbles are so much fun, even at my age with no children! The party looks fun and I’m glad you were able to eat dinner. Ducklings grow up fast. You are the queen of holiday decorations.

  19. It looks like the bubble machines were the hit of the day.
    Something fun to have around here for when our .great grands visit!

    I have no answer . . . they had a plan to live in the woods, tear everything down,
    Cut down “the woods, build a new home . . . HUGE
    with a FOUR CAR garage, pave it all . . .
    No wooded area left!
    How many months of the year do they live there,
    or is this where they live all year!?

  20. Pity about cutting the trees. It takes so very long to grow! I like that bubble gadget. I must see whether I could get two. Lovely post.

  21. Party Animal, how cute is that!
    So many happy faces and ducks!
    Bummer that the cheapie won so big! We have a bubble machine, too.

  22. I've changed how I follow you, so hoping it works!
    Looks a very fun time. Will you be at the Lake all summer now? What a gorgeous retreat, and last year a Godsend too!

  23. Bubbles are the best! So simple and so fun! The kids are adorable. That is a beautiful photo of you and Rick. The nature walk looks so peaceful.

  24. Speaking as a big kid, I am quite sure that I could have lots of fun with that bubble maker. That cottage - well it's not a cottage is it? - is obscene. Even a house in the city with four garages is obscene. I wonder if he has electric chargers in each of them? I have not seen this enlightened property owner but I have little doubt that a brief glimpse would confirm instantly that dinosaurs still roam in Michigan.

  25. You must be glad you went!!!Littles and bubbles win win!!
    Mark my word they will regularly have their driveway painted:)

  26. You definitely have a little piece of paradise at the lake.
    Looks like you had all kinds of fun.
    That's a great picture of you and Rick.
    Take special care.

  27. What a cute Party Animal.

  28. Those neighbours are really strange. They put the wolfs on the beach, didn't they? How did that work, I'm curious. :)
    Lovely to see the pictures with the children. The one in the swing is so heart-warming. xx

  29. Glad you had a great time with the kiddies and they loved the bubble machines, they've grown so much.
    The duck families are so cute.
    That house is huge for a country house, and what a pity about the trees they tore down. Reminds me of my new neighbour who bought the old 3 bedroom house next to us, tore it down, built a 5 bedroom, 1 study, 2 lounges monster and there's only 3 of them!! Of course with so much house the garden area is tiny.

  30. Your grandsons are getting so big, Jeanie. They are having a blast chasing the bubbles. Renecke has a bubble maker, and the kids have the best time playing and imagining in the back yard. So glad you are at the lake now, taking nice walks and relaxing. The duck families you saw are sweet. Can't wait to see the bird house your neighbor made for you. I'm with you, I don't understand why some people build a house in the woods, then tear down much of the nature around it. That's what makes the mountains and woods so beautiful. Happy July days to you, Jeanie.


  31. the bubble machine is a must. That would be amazing in my photography. And that swing, love it but I don't have anywhere to hang it. Course the prob with that would be, who would push me? haha.....Looks like everyone had a great time. As for building and knocking down all the trees, it is silly. Went to visit a friend in her new house a week ago, and when they picked out the lot, it was in the woods. When the building was done, NO TREES. I understand that some have to go for the ground equipment and trucks but not all. Prob be able to trim them up and get them looking great. I personally would not want a new home with no shade!

  32. Happy Birthday to the Party Animal! Sounds like a great celebration and I envy your time at the lake. Enjoy!

  33. Looks like fun was had by all. I believe I would like a bubble machine - does one ever get too old for such simple pleasures? Happy you are back at the lake - I know you are enjoying yourself. I miss seeing Miss Lizzie.

  34. Darling children, Jeanie! Bubble machines are just the best for children. I love the photos that exude pure JOY. Isn't it wonderful to be able to share our lives once again with family and friends?

  35. I don't think you can do better than get awesome shots of the Party Animal. What a fun birthday he had. Looks like the party was perfect, too.

    I can't possibly believe a "cabin" at the lake needs FOUR garage doors. How many vehicles does it take to visit the lake? Apparently more than it takes to change a light bulb.

    Happy belated 4th to you, too, dear Jeanie.

  36. Such nice family time and bubbles are always a good idea! Although my boys are a little older they still love bubbles a lot!

    Hope your week is off to a great start :)

    Away From The Blue

  37. That bubble machine looked like so much fun! So glad the party went fine. Janice

  38. Love the photos. Just think: we had to make do with a little plastic jar of bubble solution, and a hand-held ring about an inch across! Bubbles are the best!

  39. That certainly looks more runabout fun than the typical grown ups party! and such a happy relaxed picture of the swinging. Hope that you don't need to pass the ugly house too much, and glnd glad you're back in your happy lake place once more. Those lilies are great, hard to believe they are wild!!!

  40. Such precious pictures of the little ones! Who doesn't love bubbles?!?! We had a similar situation in my neighborhood several years back - woods torn down and five houses built. They sure did pave paradise! Enjoy the lake!

  41. Is there anything better than bubbles for kids?? Glad the birthday party was fun!

  42. I'm playing catch up after a busy holiday weekend. You look like you definitely had some fun. Playful fun with the grandboys, and relaxing fun at the cottage. But I am with you, isn't the place on the lake better with trees? And those are really great bubbles. I don't see how anyone wouldn't like bubbles. Thanks for sharing, glad you had a happy 4th, and enjoy your lake time Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  43. What fun everyone had!

    I'm sorry about all the paving. Sometimes I think people want to take the city with them when they move like this. It defeats the purpose, in my opinion.

  44. Glad the little guy's birthday celebration went well. Hard to believe he's three now... How did that happen?

    Glad they did save dinner for you.

    I just don't understand those neighbours who essentially turned their house in the woods in to a city dwelling. If you want to live in a place like that, stay in the city. The whole point of a place among trees by the lake is to be able to enjoy the trees and lake and such. At least, I thought that was the point.

  45. Happy birthday to the party animal! It sounds like everyone had a blast. And I will have to invest in a bubble machine!

    We are going up north in August and I can't wait! I am glad that you have been enjoying your cottage and the woods. Have fun Jeanie!

  46. What a cute little boy! That picture of that cute couple isn't so bad either!❤

  47. What lovely photographs, the birthday boy is having great fun.
    The bubble machine sure was popular :)

    Have some paving, but surely the point of living in a countryside place, among trees, is to enjoy them!

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  48. Jeanie, looks like you all had a lot of fun!!! I think we've already written but I wanted to make sure... I did feature your post at last week's Share Your Style #310 for you. <3 The boys look soooo cute here!!! I'm excited to see our little grandson playing in the near future... Our son flew here to Sacramento for my father-in-law's funeral (pushed off 'til this year) this past weekend and he said they are looking to come down our way for an early Thanksgiving. :) Makes Momma a happy camper!!!

    Hope you are having a wonderful week,
    Barb :)


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