The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Paris In July 2021 - A Walk Along the Seine

As I've gone through photos and memories for this year's Paris In July posts, I was struck by many photos taken as Rick and I walked along the Seine, so please join us  for a walk along this wonderful river that cuts through the very heart of Paris.

Oh, to be able to walk the whole length. Well, that's not happening! But we'll start west of Notre Dame, and walk east. Below, note that open space in the wall on the far east side of the Ile de la Citie. That is the Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation. This profoundly moving memorial to those deported from Paris during the Holocaust is beneath ground level.

Its crystal chamber, acknowledging those who were deported to the concentration camps during the war is profoundly moving.

As we move along, we'll note the beautiful Notre Dame, photographed before the tragic fire that destroyed its spire and roof. 

Across from Notre Dame, don't forget to pop into Shakespeare and Company, the legendary bookstore that features books in English. If you are very lucky, you might catch a poetry reading or author visit.

As we continue our walk, take a minute to stop and browse at one of the bouquiniste stands that line both sides of the river. 

Who knows? You might find the perfect book -- or poster!

And don't forget to look down into the Seine. You may well see some of the famous bateau mouches carrying loads of tourists on a wonderful journey. 

Or, walk a bit closer and move down the steps to walk directly on the bank. (I can't help but think of the fashion segment in "Funny Face," where Audrey Hepburn is "fishing" as she poses for a photo shoot -- and happens to catch a fish at that moment!)

Of course, looking up brings sights as well. 

You won't want to miss stepping on one of Paris' renowned bridges and taking a look down the river.

You may see all sorts of landmarks -- the Louvre on the right...


... the renowned prison, the Conciergerie, on the left. One wonders if Marie Antoinette had a river view from her cell. (Probably not.)

A big farther along, we have the chance to take this steps down and visit the far west end of Ile de la Cite, Parc Vert Galant. 


This is a delightful place to stop and rest weary feet. Sitting under the shade of fruit trees, one can people-watch indefinitely.

From here you have a lovely view of the right bank of the Seine as well.

Or, join others sitting at the very tip of the island, enjoying the sun.

Continuing west, artists might want to make a quick visit into Sennelier, the art store started in 1887 and going strong today.

Or maybe your visit might not be that short. You live with the consequences of indulgence!

 Should the weather turn foul, you can duck into one of the grand museums on the Seine -- the Musee d'Orsay on the left bank or check the weather from inside the Louvre (below) on the right.

As the day draws to a close, don't miss the opportunity to check out the City of Lights at night. 

Whether you look east or west, you're bound to see beautiful sights, like the reflections from the bateaux mouches on the Seine...

....or the Theatre Chatelet, lit for the evening and sparkling beside the river.

 Thanks for joining us on our Parisian walk along the Seine. For more posts about Paris and France -- including book reviews, film, food and more -- visit Tamara at Thyme for Tea to check the link list for Paris in July.


Au revoir for now!

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  1. Jeanie, this is a marvelous photo essay. I love the theme of walking in Paris, and I also love doing it. There's so much history and so much still going on there. Thanks for putting this together.

    best... mae at

  2. It's always fun to visit Paris. I hope I can visit again soon, it's 6 hours drive from herd! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. I love them. I hope your day is so special like you are.

  4. The Seine, Notre Dame, the Louvre, D'Orsay Museum - some of the unforgettable landmarks of Paris, the eternal city of Light. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Boy did this post bring back memories! I think I followed the same route as you when I was there!

  6. Thanks for sharing these marvelous imsgex .

  7. Since it may be some time before we use our updated passports for travel abroad, Janie, I appreciated this photo tour, so thanks.

  8. What wonderful pictures. Did Rick purchase that Tour De France poster by chance? So many sights to see in a country of my paternal great grandparents birthplace. Janice

  9. I really love that sunset photo Jeanie. It is not a view you usually see. And I must say, I did make a stop at Sennelier. Afterall, it is the city of art, right? They have such wonderful service unlike stores here. I have not visited that Memorial but I can image it is moving. This was a fun (well mostly, the memorial wouldn't be fun) walk along the Seine. Hugs-Erika

  10. I would love to see Paris some day. Beautiful shots.

  11. Hello Jeanie,

    Your photos of Paris are beautiful, wonderful tour and memories.
    I hope you are able to make the trip again.
    Take care, have a happy day and week ahead.

  12. Familiar sights..les bouquinistes and Sennelier faves.La Seine was flooded when we went ..sad sight😢

  13. Paris is such a beautiful city, full of history and romance. We loved our visit there years ago, and your post brought back some wonderful memories.

  14. Thank you Jeanie . . .
    Having never visited Paris, I enjoy it best with you.

  15. It is many, many years since I visited Paris, but I have been seduced by its charms too. I had my first ever glass of wine there. That was then, however, and my distaste for cities with their noise and pollution, their grime and their crime, has grown exponentially over the years, and mostly I avoid them like the plague. I am quite sure I will never see Paris again, and I will not miss it for a moment.

  16. Now that's a marvelous walk along the Seine. Thank you for taking us along. I would love to linger in the art store.

  17. A beautiful city. I really like the night photos!

  18. Wow, Jeanie, what a brilliant travel guide you are!! The sights were familiar, but I didn't know all the information you presented in such a cohesive form! I have the feeling I will be in Paris one more time. But not yet this fall. On verra...

  19. Wow beautiful photos, Jeanie! The one of the Holocaust Museum is haunting. And the night pics are amazing. Thanks for taking me back to Paris during the pandemic... even just as an armchair traveller.

  20. You have me longing for a trip to Paris, Jeanie! I remember walking along the banks of the Seine thinking I'd be back soon, but that was over 20 years ago. Sigh.

  21. Thank you for the tour. I hope we will be visiting in person again soon!

  22. Aww, I love the pictures. I follow a French blogger and she always shares lovely pictures from Paris, just as you did in this post. I hope you will be able to visit Paris again, very soon. xx

  23. I loved strolling in Paris. Thanks for the memories!

  24. Wonderful tour of Paris. We visited years ago and would love to go back. Some favorite places to see. Thanks for taking me along.

  25. Oh this was LOVELY!
    Thank you for letting us stroll with you and Rick along the Seine.
    I am in need of a good espresso and a fresh croissant, immediatement!

  26. Jeanie, this is such a lovely walk along the Seine. I long to return to Paris. So many of your scenes I have enjoyed as we have visited the “city of lights”…so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your delightful photos!

  27. I enjoyed my virtual stroll :) Thank you!

  28. I love your Paris posts because it brings back memories of my visits to Paris. I missed the memorial, now must go there one day. How I dream of returning to this favorite city and walking along the Seine. So beautiful!!!!

  29. It was as if I was walking along all the different sites in Paris too. The river is beautiful. I think the girls visited that Shakespeare bookstore, but not sure. And I know they visited the Louvre. The City of Lights photo is so magical. Thanks for taking me along, Jeanie. If was fun seeing your dazzling Paris photos.


  30. Jeanie,
    What an amazing tour you have taken us all on! Gorgeous! Stunning pictures!! Thanks too for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  31. What a beautiful tour of the Seine. Thank you for whisking mw away for a few minutes :)

  32. Just beautiful, Jeanie. I can see that you miss it and no wonder!..Happy Summer..xxoJudy

  33. I'd never manage the whole length, but I'd dearly love to have a walk and picnic along the Seine.

  34. I enjoyed my Parisian walked with you. You've captured the essence of Paris in your photos and narrative. Lovely. xx

  35. Great entry, wonderful!
    Oh, Notre Dame... We hear nothing about it anymore... hope they restore it.
    Clever idea for the Mémorial. Dark times...

    Oh, I think I was too young visiting Paris, I was but 14 and had but one day.

    The "ME TOO" sure is very clever!!!

    A prison by the river. Now that is mean. Having the beautiful view not able going there. I learn again so much here!

    That pic of your exhausted Rick sure made me laugh!

    Thank you for the journey!
    Oh, I really did not like Paris back then, all hectical, we rushed through, bad smells and dog poo everywhere, even worse than in Germany (still today here!).
    I think some day I´ll try again!

  36. Your photos and highly descriptive words make me want to visit Paris more than ever. Thanks for the tour along the Seine.

  37. What a wonderful stroll along the Seine! I will have to go back to Paris someday. I visited in my early 20s but would love to revisit as a mature adult who will appreciated it so much more. Funny Face was such a wonderful musical. They don't make movies like that anymore!

  38. I always passed by Paris when we went to the Cote Azur or to Brittany. But I never visited Paris. It's really a pity.
    But perhaps we will do it one day.
    Many people told us, that unfortunately Paris is like a museum. Normal people can't afford to live there because of the very very high rents.
    A lot of cities like London, Amsterdam or Venice share the same fate and also in Berlin it is absolutly difficult to find affordable flats. My son and his family live in Berlin.
    Your pictures Look marvellous, Today the Tour de France goes to Nimes, a great old city. In France there are a lot of medieval towns which are a perfekt dream.

  39. Your trips through Paris wear me Not sure my body would allow me to enjoy all the sites like you have. Memories...they are great but even greater are the pics to bring those memories back to you. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is priceless.

  40. I thoroughly enjoyed your Parisian walk along the Seine, it is a magical place. Hopefully, we will all get a chance to visit in the future.

  41. I loved this post, which reminded me of my 2 week stay in Paris back in 1969. Such a long time ago. Beautiful pictures!

  42. Thank you for taking us with you on this tour! What amazing beautiful sights. And the that must have been something to stand there surrounded by those names and reflect. Very powerful.

  43. Lovely post and photographs.
    I certainly enjoyed my Parisian walk along the Seine :)

    All the best Jan

  44. Ahhhh this post makes my heart ache for Paris! I love walking along the Seine and recognize most of the sites/views you shared. I stumbled upon that WWII memorial on my last trip to Paris. It was very well done. I haven’t been to Paris since November of 2013 and don’t know when I will get back. Probably not for many years and I’m not keen to travel internationally with young kids. But I will get there some day!!

  45. Jeanie, I saved this post until I had a few moments to truly enjoy it - I knew it would be grand. And, it was - every photo. I felt like I was there enjoying all the sights. We do hope to get to France soon. Thank you so much for this post.

  46. Oh man! This just makes me want to go there even more! We were supposed to go last year and planned a day just wandering along the river.

  47. Ah. Some of my favorite spots ... and a few places I haven't discovered! Hopefully, we'll make it back to Paris one last time before my time is done 🥴, and I can search them out!

    I envy photo folks sometimes. I rarely take photos ... I'm not much of a photographer - and everything I want to take photos of I can get much better images online to remember LOL. But, it is nice to see your traveling companion (yes, I saw Rick at the bookstand LOL) in them when they get snapped!

    I have stopped commenting very often on blogs - but I do want to mention before I leave how very much I liked your lovely watercolor of the dog a couple of weeks ago. Really precious!

    Be well!

  48. Jeannie, I've read this post several times now - loving the walk with you and Rick in that lovely place... I chuckle at your recollection of where Audrey Hepburn appeared - as I thoroughly love (when in Paris) noticing where i've seen this scene before too... often in Amelie :) ... I also recall taking cover in a door ways when weather turns bad, and enjoying a cheeky pastry while watching the weather pass.


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