The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Postcards from the Lake: Ordinary Days

Rick has been recovering from his surgery here at the lake, while I headed south for an appointment, returning for the weekend. For the most part, it has been lovely sunny weather, though today it caught up with us. At least I won't have to water the plants! My basil is growing like crazy and we've enjoyed it in Rick's homemade pizza and a lemon/shrimp/pasta dish.

He hasn't been back on the bike yet for more than a mile or two but naps are fewer, he's working on the computer and practicing his guitar. I can't think of a better spot to practice!

I hit the farmer's market last weekend, hoping to score some of Michigan's divine sweet black cherries. Yet another week without the cherry people. I've been told they had to import cherries for Traverse City's cherry festival earlier this month and there are good ones from out of state in the store. But I'm waiting for those days when the market is selling more than baked goods and crafts and when the fruit and veggies hit big time.

That said, Aunt Bec's Cookie Stall is always a worthwhile stop!

I've been reading the fabulous "A Gentleman in Moscow" (why did I wait so long?) and painting, which I'll share soon. Rick continues to beat me at Scrabble and I'm still looking for a word with seven vowels. I've had some good walks and more on some of those soon!

Meanwhile, we have noticed the return of the geese. They come day and night. If you look to the far left side of the photo below, you will note that the neighbor's new "wolves" (designed to keep the geese away) aren't terribly effective. The geese seem to love their grassy yard, which is just out of the photo range. If the geese could understand me I'd tell them they'd probably get chemical poisoning from whatever they put on it to make it so green.

I have heard no howling from the wolves, so either they aren't motion detecting or they aren't connected.

I didn't have a wide enough lens to capture all that were out -- but a count brought in at least 100, and probably more. They are majestic, if messy. But to get them on their way, just walk out the front door with a camera and they turn around and leave. No wolves needed.

 The weekdays are much quieter, with the weekenders gone. All the beach toys are tied up till next weekend. They look sort of sad in the sunset!

I leave you with a couple more sunset photos.

I will say, there is nothing more breathtaking than 100 geese coming in at twilight. 

All's well with the world.

At least for now.

Sharing with:       Pink Saturday    /     Saturday's Critters    


  1. I'm glad Rick is recovering well, and totally agree that there's no better place to do it.

    I have some fresh cherries. I'm not sure how locally grown they are exactly, but they're definitely British, even if they did come from the supermarket rather than the farmers' market.

    I'm not surprised the wolves aren't doing much to discourage the geese, especially if they don't do anything but stand there. Hope the geese don't get sick from whatever those neighbours put on their lawn.

  2. Hmmm... have basil on the balcony!
    Sadly Ingo only seldom likes pizza.
    Those trousers!!! Ingo has those too, and me now also (for winter in long).

    Great to see you :-) You look beautiful! 🧡
    Any tips on how to do this?


    Prefer the sunset pics., so beautiful!

  3. Glad Rick is doing well again. Your basil looks great, mine is doing very well, too. Have a great day, hugs from wet and soggy Rhineland, Valerie

  4. Ordinary days are good.
    What a hoot that the geese just ignore the “wolves”.
    I haven’t played scrabble in years. When I was growing up my family played board games all the time. I guess those were ordinary days too.

  5. Your basil is looking good. It is definitely healthy. Glad Rick is doing better. It is a great place to recover after surgery. I still laugh at those geese and how they are simply EVERYWHERE. You certainly have some marvelous sunsets, especially over the water. I look forward to the day you show us huge boxes of those great black cherries you love to buy. Glad life is good at the lake.

  6. I like to visit markets wherever I go, but things are changing: prices up, quality and variety down.
    The multitude of geese makes for stunning pictures.

  7. Hello Jeanie,
    I am happy to hear Rick is one the mend, he will be back on his bike in no time.
    I hope the geese stay safe around your neighbor, they are kind of camera shy.
    Love the sunset images! I hope your find some tasty sweet cherries. Have a great day!

  8. I think we have basil to rival yours, Jeanie, and recently I made a Caprese salad. We have it in both pots and in the garden, so we are unlikely to run out any time soon! I am glad to see Rick doing well, and practicing his music. Bravo! As for your neighbour, his sedentary, silent wolves and chemical dressings on the lawn, a pox on him. I wonder what it is about weekends at the lake that appeal to him? Today we will be having lunch in the park with friends. Yippee! Normalcy....or something close to it!

  9. Lovely sunsets, how wonderful to be there in the quiet and calm. When will they have their broods? It is nice to have wildlife nearby, isn't it!

  10. Glad Rick is feeling better.
    Loved the hundreds of geese at sunset, great photos Jeanie. them! They are so expensive here in Perth now, but they are out of season.

  11. I think you and Rick live in a sort-of Eden at this time of the year. He's practicing guitar and you are painting...and such a lovely place.

  12. I always enjoyed the geese coming and going when I lived in Mchigan, but I know people who hate them for the mess they make. I'd love to see 100 of them landing and swmimming away. Beautiful sunset too.

  13. Glad Rick is recovering. I'm unkindly happy to see the geese ignoring the faux wolves. You have lovely sunsets at your lake.

  14. Glad to hear Rick is recovering. Beautiful sunset shots. Hopefully your farmers market will be filled soon!

  15. Great to see Rick getting well. Your life at the lake is very serene, it seems to me. I'm not that fond of geese, though -- too big a mess.

    best... mae at

  16. Beautiful photos. I’m not wanting pizza, pasta and cookies. Hugs to you and Rick.

  17. Isn't the Gentleman in Moscow great? It's a good book to read. The lake looks beautiful. And that is a lot of geese. The town next to us has those wolves at their public park on the lake, not sure if they work or not but they are surprising when you first see them. I think geese are smart enough to know they aren't real wolves. Glad Rick is recovering well. He's got a great place to relax and do that. Enjoy. Hugs-Erika

  18. My youngest niece gets geese at her lake frontage too (they both have cottages south of G.R.) and she hates them with a passion. Her neighbor feeds them.

  19. Enjoy this serene blissful place:) Glad Rick is healing well..Your basil is great!

  20. While glad to read that Rick is doing well, I was momentarily taken aback as to what had happened to him. So, I backtracked a few posts to learn about the emergency kidney stone surgery. Admittedly, a harrowing experience with his pain and the drive to the hospital. Glad all ended well and you are both resting and relaxing in a beautiful place. We are currently out of town visiting family to my blog reading has been less frequent.

  21. What a hoot to see the geese walk in front of the wolf. I love seeing them, but I have to admit they do leave quite a mess. I loved A Gentleman in Moscow! It’s such a good book.

  22. So glad Rick on the road to recovery! And now to rest and relaxation...ENJOY:)

  23. Good to hear Rick is recovering well. Spectacular pictures of the geese at sunset!

  24. I'm glad to hear Rick is recovering nicely and that all is well. Beautiful photos Jeanie!

  25. Jeanie, Rick has such a delightful place to recover. I love having a couple of pots of basil for adding to pasta dishes. Our entire city has been overrun by geese for the past 10 or so years. They used to be a rare sighting, but not anymore. Wishing you a lovely day!

  26. So thankful with you, Jeanie, for healing and nature, pasta and cookies, photography and words to match.

  27. It is too bad there isn't a geese beach where they can go and leave human waters alone.

  28. So glad to see this return to routine life by the lake: guitars, geese, great food. Bet you're glad for it, too!

    Your mention of Gentleman in Moscow caught my attention. It was one of my favorite books when it first came out, and your recommendation is one of three that I've recently come across. Maybe time for a re-read, eh? (FWIW, I remember afterwards, diving immediately into Rules of Civility, which was OK, but did not resonate with me nearly as deeply.)

    Interesting isn't it, these books we avoid. For years I avoided reading The Poisonwood Bible -- something about people's recommendations made it sound like "reading that is good for you," and maybe more of an intellectual effort than I was ready to take on. Then, when I finally read it, it turned out to be one of my favorite books. Maybe ever. Go figure.

  29. I'm way behind on your news and am sorry to hear about Rick's surgery. I agree what could be a better place to recover. The geese are majestic fowl. The wolf tactic is hilarious to me! Too bad so many folks use poisons just to have greener grass! Makes little sense to me. Enjoy your lovely spot!

  30. I love your geese/lake photos!

  31. There are several seven-letter words containing all the vowels, including SEQUOIA, EULOGIA, MIAOUED, ADOULIE, EUCOSIA, EUNOMIA, EUTOPIA, MOINEAU, and DOULEIA.

    Had to look!
    Love seeing your beautiful cheer full face! You are glowy! Love the lake, and when autumn comes and you pack it in, I feel such remorse! Excited to see your paintings!

  32. Looking at your basil reminds me I need to get more mint from my daughter. I love fresh mint in our salads. Hope your appt went well and hope Rick is heling well. Janice

  33. Glad Rick is recovering. I love playing music outdoors!
    I hear you about the messy geese. Our local beach is a mess.
    I'm glad you like the deer. They keep me busy.

  34. I am happy that Rick is recovering well. The basil looks great. I am waiting for some basil to grow so I can harvest it and turn it into pesto.

  35. So glad Rick is recovering . The geese are a welcome sight. They fly overhead everyday here, usually visiting neighbor’s ponds. My basil is striving. My husband loves pizza. Happy weekend Jeanie.

  36. Lovely pictures J. Good to know Rick is recovering well

  37. Happy and Peaceful days . . .
    Liking it!

  38. I'm glad we don't have geese on our patch. I understand the river front in town isn't too bad - yet. It's AWFUL where Mike's mother lives on the St.Lawrence.
    NOthing better than recovering at the cottage.

  39. It looks like things have simmered down and things are back to normal. You are looking good and so is Rick. Love those geese! You don't see them here in Hawaii.

  40. I'm glad he's recovering well. So many geese! They're fun to watch but sooo messy. It's a shame the wolves didn't work. Too good to be true, I guess, that something that easy would be effective. Your sunset views are stunning!

  41. Those geese look like they're on a march don't they?:)
    I got to visit a Farmer's Market too this week in Philly:)
    Have a great one.

  42. I love seeing the geese parade! They are such wonderful creatures! I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself, and doing things you love!

  43. Jeanie, I think ordinary days wonderful! Farmer's markets are wonderful too and we are lucky here to have many. Fresh cherries are definitely worth the wait, delicious. Yesterday I popped into one and found local fresh corn which I worked with all afternoon and put in the freezer. Tomorrow is the morning for the market with fresh homegrown tomatoes, which I have to get up at 5 AM to assure they are not sold out before I get there. I guess you know I must love tomatoes and your are right. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy to hear Rick is back at his practice now......

  44. Your basil is impressive! I was interested to see the farmer's market. I never thought about it, but ours are all outdoors. Where you are, where it rains all summer, I suppose your markets have to have a roof over them!

  45. So glad Rick is recovering and feeling well. Hope your appointment went well. I think a quiet lake is the very best kind. Enjoy!

  46. Hi Jeanie! You're the winner of two mystery novels at "Coffee Light...". Please send me your mailing information and I'll try and get them in the mail ASAP. Congratulations!

  47. I'm glad to see that Rick is so much better now and clearly recovering from his surgery. I guess you all are grateful for that.
    Those geese - wow, 100? I think they're quite messy birds, but to see so many on the lake must be quite a sight. Good for them not letting them being intimidated by those fake wolves! And typical that it just takes a camera for them to turn away...
    Enjoy those days at the lake - the sunsets look lovely.

  48. That is a lot of geese, but I bet they look beautiful en masse at twilight. So pretty those photos of them on the lake.

  49. So pleased to read that Rick is recovering well.
    Your photographs are lovely, very calming and I enjoyed seeing them, thank you.

    Hope the week ahead goes well for you.

    All the best Jan

  50. That is a lot of geese! They are a sight to see but make the biggest mess on the beach! I have seen some on my runs lately and am sure to not get between the mom and her kids. I have been hissed at before and it is scary!!!

    Glad Rick is taking it easy and letting his body heal. He is in the perfect place for that!!

  51. Hello Jeanie,
    I hope you and Rick are having a great summer so far. Your basil looks so good, my basil did not grow that well. I gave up, I will buy some in the store. Cookies and the cherries both sound yummy. I love seeing the photos from the lake, the sunset and geese are wonderful captures. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  52. Well done with this large contingent of geese. Great captures!

  53. Lovely photo of you Jeanie!!! :) Oh the basil, I'M SO JEALOUS!!! I've never had such a healthy basil plant every!!! The geese, so many! :)


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