The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Postcards from the Lake: It's Never the Same Walk

"Doesn't it get old, walking the same route each time?" I was asked. The reply is simple -- "No. Because it is never really ever the same. Even the skies change." There is an ever-changing "sameness" in "same."

Each spring when I drive into the the area where our cottage is located for the first time, I usually note how much is the same -- along with a few big differences, like the shock of seeing the "big house" that popped up over the winter. But life and nature are not static and perhaps nowhere is this more evident than when walking on a road that is a mix of cottages and woods, wildflowers and weeds. 


Obviously, the changing seasons make for the greatest differences -- when the hardwoods begin to shed their green for a palette of red, orange and gold, one cannot deny the change. This is my walking road in the summer, with its trees reaching high into the sky and arching over the road to provide a respite of shade on the warmest day.

But three months from now it will look like this.

But the change of seasons is so obvious. We don't have to wait for the first autumn leaf or winter snowflake. There is change in each and every day.

When I started this summer's walks, the area was waking up. Down the road, the site of a new house was nothing but stacks of boards. But with each passing day or week, the frame went up, and then, most recently, a roof. 

"Certainly," you say. "But that takes a week or two or three. What about every day?"

Ah, the small changes. What was once several carefully placed starter plants in a window box can seem to quickly fill out into lush arrangements of overflowing petunias, impatiens and geraniums. Sparsely planted urns now overflow with blooms.

And gardens seem to reveal new blooms every day. 

The roadside weeds and wildflowers appear on their own schedule. One day, nothing. The next, the arrival of the Queen Anne's Lace. Soon we will be seeing the jewel weed and the other wild spots of color.

These ferns are bright green now, and plentiful. Soon the edges will curl and they will lose their color, becoming a neutral brown. 

The people at the Williams cottage have had a busy week, and no doubt company. My earlier walk revealed a tent in the backyard. A few days later, there are six trash cans at the curb awaiting pick-up. They usually have two at the most.

The flowers at Phil and Laura' cottage have popped, welcoming them to their northern home. And, for the first time this season, I saw Phil's truck. A new arrival!

And down the road, the friendly "hello" to a stranger launches a long chat about the history of Wah Wah Soo, this area on the lake where my mom and her sisters spent their summers from the 1920s on, and how it has changed, while many of the families have remained the same, if generations apart.

"The DaVinci Code" is missing from the Little Free Library, no doubt discovered by a someone looking for a good beach read. And on the public bathing beach at the end of the road, someone is sunbathing on the sand. Perhaps she is reading Dan Brown's novel.


Meanwhile, on the lake at the beach, a family enjoys the water on a warm day.

I see surprisingly few birds on my walks. So the mesmerizing circular flight of what I'm guessing is a hawk deserves a moment to stop and stare.

So, too, does the first sighting of one of my favorites, the red-winged blackbird. 

And the next day I notice something new -- a tree that has clearly been a favorite among area woodpeckers.

On any given day I might chat with Ian about his Japanese garden or pass by this lovely hosta garden, which seems to have avoided becoming dinner for area deer or rabbits!

And then you see something that makes you stop in your tracks.

I probably will not see this on the next walk.

But I will see something else. Or meet someone new. And while my feet and back may tire by the time I return home, but I will not have been bored.

I treasure "same." It provides continuity. Security. But oh, what joys appear when we see or experience something new. Some things are never the same. And that can be a good thing.

Sharing with:     Pink Saturday     /    Love Your Creativity   


  1. I absolutely loved this walk with you. And you are right - you can travel the same path over and over but it is never the same walk. Love all of your observations and interactions.

  2. Lovely post Jeanie...enjoyed the colorful walk

  3. You have a beautiful place to walk at the lake. I feel the same way when I walk on the beach here in Florida. I usually walk the same area of the beach, but the tides are different, different birds, clouds etc.

  4. It's one of the delights of my life---walking. Yes, we take the same old path each time, but, like you, I see new things on every outing.

    The butterflies are everywhere around here right now. What is it about butterflies that lights me up?

  5. Your walk reminds me of walking my road. The changes may not be huge, but they are there. You just have to know how to look for them I think. This is a wonderful summer post Jeanie. I like to think about who is reading the Da Vinci Code on their beach chair or sand. And as to comments not coming through on my email, I wonder if I reply to a comment from you if that will them fix the problem. I have reset your email address not be spam. Hmmm. Have a great weekend and hope you have some sun. Rain is due all weekend here. Hugs-Erika

  6. Hello Jeanie,

    You have a beautiful place to walk there. The flowers are all looking lovely, I like the butterfly weed? The Monarch is lovely, I have not seen any around here yet. There is always something to see if you are looking. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend.

  7. I agree: you can travel the same walk each day, and it will never be exactly the same, especially when there are natural elements at play.

  8. Beautiful post Jeanie. I agree with you and feel the same way when I walk the same beach over and over again, it's always the same and it's always different each and every day!

  9. I must admit I find it hard to just go for a walk. I have to have a purpose - like going to the supermarket on the edge of the town, visiting my parents at the cemetery, exercising at the free gym in the park.
    Being an artist you find on your walk a lot of objects that will come alive on your sketches and paintings, and so walking is a real fountain of treasures.

  10. Mother Nature is NEVER boring!!

  11. Isn't it true? It always changes. I love it.

  12. Hi Jeanie!! :) Yes!!! We can walk the exact same geographic path every day, but it's NEVER the same! Lovely photos! Reminds me of the summer I finally got the Davinci Code from the library and I did read it when I was sunbathing by the pool in the apartment building where I used to live many moons ago! :)

  13. I could never get tired of walking the country roads and trails around the cottage in our family. Impossible! Tiring would be walking on a stupid treadmill.

  14. I enjoyed going along with you on your walk. The gardens look so pretty, and I love hostas. We might want to consider them for our shady areas. The red-winged blackbird is beautiful! Super photo of him. I told our daughter about the black squirrel I saw on your blog, and guess what!?!?!?! She has one in her backyard! She's sent me photos of him. :D

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Ricki Jill

  15. These are lovely photos and I agree - on our fave trail we walk it repeatedly but there's always something different to see each time! I don't really enjoy seeing the snakes...but the butterflies and turtles and birds are nice! :)

    Hope you are having a nice weekend :) I had a fun girly day out shopping yesterday, it was so much fun!

    Away From The Blue

  16. It's a blessing to see the differences and enjoy what stays the same around us.

  17. That is a lovely account and explains it all perfectly. When people ask whether it is boring to repeat the same activity, see the same sights, the same people etc it amuses me somewhat. Would they ever think of asking whether you get tired of seeing your kids, or sleeping with the same person, eating ice cream.....after all it's all the same isn't it? You are right to point out that it is never the same, of course, and if someone can't see that, theirs must be a strange and unfulfilled existence.

  18. Beautiful nature photos Jeanie. It is so true that there are constant subtle changes. Noticing them feels good for the soul.

  19. Flowers that bloom in mid-summer are to me sort of miraculous, after the huge number that only bloom in spring.The first year they were planted, our day lilies kept on until the frost. Never again! They hardly made it into July. Your observations are much more detailed than mine!

    best... mae at

  20. Beautiful post and photos. I, too, take more or less the same walk each day, and it's always different, nature is never stagnant. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  21. Lovely clicks and thoughts..Bon dimanche!

  22. great walk with fabulous pictures. always love your view of of the nature that surrounds your "happy place". lake and cottage are wonderful words!

  23. Very true, if you are open to seeing the little things, there are changes and surprises every day. I feel the same about our view out the front of our home, a mountain scene that changes almost hourly with the progression of the sun across the sky, the clouds that drift by, the rain and fog, and changing seasons.

  24. Another lovely post ... I feel as if I had taken the walk with you. Wonderful photos and commentary makes it come to life. Thanks for taking us along!

    By the way, congratulations on winning Carol's noir books blog contest! I was so glad that somebody I knew won!

    Enjoy your weekend ... and today's walk.

  25. Wonderful way to spend a nice walk around your neighborhood! I love that butterfly!

  26. So true, it is all the same yet never the same. I love to see the same areas and how they change and in Michigan it is so much more evident than in Florida. Enjoy!

  27. Yes, amen, I love your perspective on 'same'! Mine is much like yours. We have a few paths we love walking, and there are new things daily, but some days we're so busy solving world problems we don't even notice. That leaves something for the next time!

  28. What a gorgeous walking trail through the trees.
    I love overflowing flower pots.
    How wonderful to greet neighbors and chat awhile.
    Now I will be curious to see the progress on the new house.
    Enjoy every moment at the lake.

  29. Wonderful post! I totally relate. When I sit on my back deck, there is always something new to look at - most exciting of which is an unusual bird species. But you really have to look to notice these things!

  30. I am having trouble leaving comments. In fact, for nearly two days, even though I kept refreshing, there was no comment box at all. This was especially true for embedded comment boxes, but many pop up boxes seem to be affected, too. It must have been a Blogger glitch because things seem back to normal today.

    I love reading about the many experiences you experience on your walk around the lake. You are so lucky to be able to walk in a place that is safe and yet constantly changing, even if the changes are subtle. I want a hosta garden like that one on your walk. I really enjoyed walking with you and expect to see even different scenery the next tine you take this same walk.v Your photos tell a great story, and your words enhance the photos brilliantly. Hope all is well where you are, dear.

  31. Wonderful pictures Jeanie . . .
    Everything seems to be at its prettiest just about now . . .
    I have been looking for some roadside, wild, Queens Anne Lace.
    We used to have it all around us here but now there are houses!!!
    I will have to go on a hunt!

  32. That first milkweed photo really caught my eye. It's quite different from any of the species we have -- it looks quite large. Did I ever tell you about the guy in Brooklyn who undertook a 'blockathon'? For some reason that I can't remember now, he couldn't take part in the NY marathon, so he resolved to walk an equivalent distance around his block. He walked every morning, just that distance, and the changes he saw every day were fascinating.

    I've sure learned the lesson about change. If I see something, and decide once I'm home that I want better photos, if I can't get back that day, or very soon, the chance is gone.

  33. Fabulous post, Jeanie. For months last year I didn't go anywhere I couldn't walk, so I walked the same streets and the local park every single day. I did long for a change of scenery, but I got to see the park in every season with the sunset over the Hudson River, and I got to do these walks with some of my closest friends. Definitely my blessing of 2020. Hope to get to the post office tomorrow. :)

  34. The circulation of nature follows constant regulations. But we can find many different things every year. Difference and consistency are mixed into the circulation.

  35. The same walk holds new adventures. Thank you for sharing your walk with us. It’s much appreciated.

  36. What wonderful walks you can take Jeanie. Nature is always changing, there's always something new to catch our eye.
    Beautiful words to go together with the beautiful photos :)

  37. Jeanie, thanks for taking me along on your beautiful walk. The photos are lovely and interesting, especially love the monarch! Walks are good for the soul!

  38. The monarch are beautiful. I loved to see the pictures from your walk. Even if you are walking in the same place, these walks are never the same as nature changes. Also, you might notice something you didn't see before. xx

  39. Such beautiful walks. The monarch are beautiful. Each time we take walks, we see something we did not notice before. happy week ahead.

  40. I certainly enjoyed my walk with you, lots of good things to see.

    All the best Jan

  41. You're so right about it's the same but not really the same...I know when I go back and forth to the coast, when I drive back into my neighborhood in Birmingham I am always amazed by how lush and green it is after looking at water and sand! Or in the winter months it's the opposite...

  42. I am such a creature of habit so love doing the same walk and run route over and over. Like you said, something is always changing. There are lots of remodel and improvement projects in our neighborhood so I like seeing the progress (shingles today! Windows now! Siding!) and I see different animals. You can’t take everything unless you are really really watching. There is just too much to take in!

  43. "It's Never the Same Walk". So true! Even here in the city, there's always something new.

  44. Your lake walk is so beautiful! I know what you mean about it never being dull as there is always something new to be seen. It is the same on the trails I often walk around here and the seasons add variety.

  45. I´m so with you! People always say, why do you go to the same place again?
    You just gave the perfect answer.
    And wow, your place is really beautiful - I would just wish we get a summer here. Grey and way too cold since weeks.


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