The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Fragrance of Spring

I'm sitting in my office, the windows open. The temperatures have dropped and the breeze coming through is cool -- perhaps a little too cool. But I can't bear to close the windows because along with the breeze comes the most intoxicating fragrance of peony drifting up from the bushes under the window. It is just one of the fragrances of spring.

Within a day or two -- if the weather holds well -- they should be a riot of color!

When I threw open the back door this morning, after a long, gentle rain shower, it was the deep, rich combination of Lily of the Valley and spring grass and dirt. It felt profoundly alive.

My neighbor's garden is ablaze with purple alium. I have a few, too, where Rosie's seeds have hopped the fence. I hope to harvest them this year and be able to see more next spring.

The hosta garden is coming along. Some of the leaves have been eaten by deer or perhaps bunnies. They also nailed some of the impatiens but all will come back. I planted a few summer bulbs out there which may or may not yield a bloom this year. Well, there's always next year!

I hung a bird bell for the jays and other birds on a tree in the back. Looking out of my office window I note that Bushy the Squirrel has co-opted it for his own.

His body is extremely flexible!

This position reminds me of the first time I saw game hanging by its feet in Harrod's food hall in 1973. Fortunately, Bushy is still with us.

Yesterday I went out to shoot some photos and he and I had quite a chat. I reminded him the bird bell was for the birds, too.

I don't think he cared.

The rain has loosened my clay dirt a bit, I think. Perhaps now I can dig a little more, plant a little more. It has been a losing battle. Meanwhile, it's all in pots, waiting to be distributed to their rightful home, whether that is at the cottage, at Rick's or in my yard. There are a few yard flowers -- some of which just happened!

"Steve's Iris" is glorious. I love irises, as they remind me of my Aunt Iris. My former boss, Steve, who passed several years ago, was quite a gardener and gave me some of these. Only one seems to bloom - but it blooms gloriously!

The herb garden is over-producing oregano and the thyme is thick. Time to do some cutting to dry.  

Every day in springtime seems to be a little bit of a miracle, filled with color, fragrance and renewal.

Life is good.

Sharing with:   Pink Saturday     /     Saturday's Critters     /     Let's Keep in Touch     /    Tuesday Turn About    /     Love Your Creativity    


  1. What amazing flowers you have. I wouldn't be able to keep my windows closed either if I had scents drifting in like the ones you have!

  2. Bushy is so cute and very clever.
    Your flowers are wonderful.My flowers are waiting for the sun.It is raining nearly all days in April and May, we never had such a rainy and cold May. It is really good for the nature because the last years it was much too dry. But next week it will become spring with sun and higher temperatures.
    I love the flower " Iris" too, because it is my " name sister".
    Yesterday I got my second Corona injection and I am so thankful about it.
    Having survived is like a big present, especially in our age.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Iris ( alias Herzblatt)

  3. I love the smell of peonies. What a beautiful color yours is. There is nothing like a wonderful spring day.

  4. Life is, indeed, great when you have wonderful scents in the air and beautiful colors in your yard to enjoy.

    Thanks for sharing the photos of your squirrel. We used to put seed bells in the middle of a clothesline just to watch the squirrel antics as they walked the line for their dinner.

  5. What gorgeous photos!! I can almost smell the loveliness through the screen.

    It's cooler again here too and there's rain forecast tomorrow so hopefully I can tackle the weeds at the weekend...the soil has just been too rock-hard to do so effectively. Not that weeding is ever all that effective anyway :D

    Yes, squirrels are masters of contortion, aren't they? Not unlike weeds, i suppose...they're never put off for long ;) xo

  6. I've never had peonies, but yours are lovely! I get irritated with the squirrels since they keep wanting to nest in our attic. The birds make sure there's enough scattered food that they eat well on my patio.

  7. That is a gorgeous Bloom and I can only Imagine the Aroma!

  8. How wonderful to have that rich and sweet perfume permeate your home. The iris is a stunning colour!

  9. Oh peonies! Lucky you to have all those beautiful blooms! You must paint some!

  10. Beautiful flowers. The squirrel is quite a contortionist.

  11. The last squirrel photo shows through his squirrel attitude. I suspect in some way they are related to cats where personality is concerned. lol.

  12. OMG look at that Iris. I don't have that particular color. If we were closer we could exchange:)
    That squirrel is quite the acrobatic.
    I need some shade plants or shrubs with scent. I'd forgotten about Lily of the Valley. I need to get some of that.
    You've got a lovely garden going. I enjoyed everything.

  13. Beautiful post. I love the wonderful perfume of spring flowers! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  14. Everything looks so beautiful Jeanie and I love your little contortionist squirrel friend. :)

  15. We need smell-o-vivsion!!!

  16. Beautiful flowers. Clever squirrel.

  17. You really captured Bushy's acrobatics.
    Lucky you, with peony and lily of the valley in the air.

    (BTW: do you pronounce it PEE-ony or pee-OHH-nee?)

    Stepping outside for breakfast on the deck earlier this week, I was enthralled, truly, by the scent of honeysuckle on the morning breeze. This new home of mine has a lot of beauty, seen and unseen.

    Take care, sweetie!

  18. Lovely photos!
    Thanks for sharing 😍😍

  19. I've become somewhat vulnerable to smells, but, thankfully, not to flower or perfume fragrances, mainly to BBQ smells,and cleaning detergents used by neighbors. I suppose our wearing the surgical mask (Yes, I'm still wearing it) also does something to our sense of smell.
    The squirrel is a cutie!

  20. It is a miracle indeed to see all the earth coming alive in Spring, Jeanie! Your flowers are lovely. You have quite a beautiful peony blossom featured. I moved my peonies last fall and don't have a bloom to show. But as you said there is always next year. The hope of the garden is such a blessing. Great squirrel shots--such rascals, but fun to watch.

  21. Spring flowers are so exciting, aren't they? My peonies have buds but no flowers quite yet. Yours are beautiful Jeanie. Steve's iris is also beautiful. He must want to be remembered with just one being in bloom and saying remember me, I'm here. Bushy is funny. My squirrels are the same, but I have to admit I am quite taken by the red ones. And of course the chipmunks who have no fear of anyone or anything. You have a lovely garden Jeanie, and it was fun seeing the photos of it. Have a greats tart to the long weekend, and I hope you're weather will be better than they say mine will be. Hugs-Erika

  22. Hi there Jeannie, wow, soon as I logged, your blog LOOKS DIFFERENT......AND ITS SO PRETTY!! I do love it!! Are you liking it? It's very pretty and such bright pretty colors and yep!---it definetly is YOU....ALL YOUR FAVORITE THINGS ON THE BANNER. I love all the pretty spring things in your past two posts....Love all the flowers and the BIRDS. You're getting really good at those bird pictures, girlfriend, LOL!!! Glad spring has now arrived to your part of the nation and mercy it's HOT HOT HOT HERE already, after our little cool spell a week or so ago. We had to turn the air on and it's just nasty humid. Plus for that........the garden is doing great!

  23. PS...forgot to thank you for the birthday wishes and also I love that little double chair/loveseat in your yard, that is so pretty.

  24. Oh my THAT Peony . . . so beautiful?
    And the fragrance . . .
    Lily of the Valley too, I loved that photo.
    Such a gorgeous time of the year!

  25. Lily of the valley is such a sweet flower! I enjoyed the photos of the naughty squirrel. ;P

  26. A beautiful garden! I'm surprised at how red Bushy the Squirrel is. Our London squirrels (which are introduced North American gray squirrels) are much grayer.

    Your peonies are WAY ahead of ours. We still have tight buds.

  27. Such a beautiful first pic! And those purple "dandlions"! Never seen anything like this.
    Lovely bench and your Bushy is just too cute! A crazy lille, guy! And he looks at you. I mostly get "the popo".
    Never saw a yellow iris, ours are purple. Herb garden, ohhhh. Yum!
    Here still Autumn. Grey and cold. It was a joy to see yours :-)

  28. You have a mega amount of wonderful scents. I love it all. I really miss my peonies. They always bloomed about this time of year, too. Your herbs are fabulous. Mine are never this prolific. Beautiful photos that conjure up thoughts of beautiful scents.

  29. A miracle to see Spring come about so lovely!
    Your peonies are beautiful! And your squirrel is quite entertaining!
    Have a wonderful Holiday weekend my friend!

  30. There's a lot of joy here! Thank you!!

    ps I miss squirrels

  31. Hello Jeanie,
    The Peony bloom is beautiful, a lovely color.
    I love all the flowers, Lily of the Valley and the Iris are lovely too.
    The squirrels always find their way to the food.
    I stopped feeding the birds for the summer, the squirrels were eating it all.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  32. It appears that you have been overtaken and captured by the full flush of spring, Jeanie. It's a sensational, tranquilizing experience in which we can all participate together, and it comes every year without fail, sometimes a little late but it always arrives. Make the most of it!

  33. Your spring unfolding is my spring epilogue. I really enjoy seeing others' whose spring is behind ours!

  34. Bushy the Squirrel is so cute! Also, very agile, I'm impressed and a bit jealous. Love to see so many colours in your garden, I was commenting that mine is so green, as most of my flowers will bloom next month or so. :)

  35. Beautiful photos, Jeanie! You are ahead of me. My peonies aren't ready to "pop" yet, but when they do, I always go and sink my face in their blooms and breath deeply! -Jenn

  36. Mail Chimp arrived flawlessly and Bloglovin..Perfect!You're all set.
    That squireel..your pics..Let it be known I hate squirrels tey breed like bunnies here..and eat and damage so many things but your pics..bravo and lol.
    Looking mighty fine!

  37. Jeanie, oh those peonies in all of their beauty and heavenly fragrance. I enjoy seeing your spring which is much later than mine. Enjoy every moment and wishing you a lovely weekend!

  38. Yes, life is good. Summer is almost here. Love the contortions of that squirrel. LOL.

  39. That sounds wonderful! We have our windows open too, but don’t have the sweet aroma of peonies, just the loud sound of cicadas, says she smiling. It is warm here, 72 degrees F. I enjoyed your beautiful flowers and your photos. Love your garden art and the photos of Bushy. I wish I was that flexible but then I’d look pretty silly hanging from a branch upside down. Now I really am smiling. Have a great day Jeanie :)

  40. There is nothing like the freshness of spring! I am jealous of your peonies. Great shots of your squirrel friend too! Have a great weekend!

  41. Your squirrel photos are brilliant Jeanie, particularly the one where it's facing Your flowers are beautiful, I love the iris and peony.

  42. Jeanie, spring is beautiful and everything in your garden is beautiful also. Bushy is quite the little acrobat. We haven't seen many squirrels yet. They usually come a little later when the walnuts are riper..Happy Spring..xxoJudy

  43. That last peony is glorious!
    Yes, we have acrobats at our bird feeders too. We chase them away and I have even greased the pole they climb on, but they come back. Right now we have more of those pesky squirrels than birds. Ugh!!!
    I love that you keep on planting and sharing with the deer and bunnies. No deer here, but there are bunnies. So far we have enough to share with them. I do love seeing what you are doing in the garden.

  44. I always enjoy watching squirrels in the garden, they are so agile and their antics often make me smile.
    Your photographs of Bushy are lovely Jeanie.

    Isn't this a wonderful time of year for blooms and their wonderful fragrances, nature provides such joy.
    Your peony is a beautiful colour.

    Enjoy these last few das of May.

    All the best Jan

  45. Oh, those Peonies are a vibrant pretty color, and I bet the scent is wonderful. That mischievous squirrel.....I see them often in my front yard. You are far more patient with them than I am. I always shooooo them away. These are really nice squirrel photos, Jeanie. And I just love that white bench. I always smile when I see the statues and the flowers that adorn your yard. And what a lovely picture of the Lily of the Valley.


  46. I love peonies. Such beauty, grace and their amazing scent. I am beginning to hate squirrels. They ate a lot of veggies in our garden that is fenced and has a shock wire. The last few days they took the stuffing out of one of our lovely chairs. So destructive. Thanks for sharing your lovely spring flowers. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  47. No matter where we are, spring's arrival always is a joy. It's hard not to envy your lilacs and peonies, but I'll do my best! I had to laugh at that squirrel. I'm watching one do acrobatics right now. There's a pile of peanuts -- already shelled! -- just waiting for him, but no: he has to spend his time trying to get sunflower seeds out of a tube feeder. I guess he likes a challenge.

  48. I would love everyday is spring too, Jeanie!
    Your peony looks gorgeous!

  49. Honey have you tried putting lime on your clay, also scattering ash from the fire and lots of compost on top?

    When planting, mix compost with the soil in the planting hole.

    Love Cath in Australia πŸ¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ’–

  50. The squirrel pics are so funny!! Such acrobatics!! I am enjoying all the spring flower scents, too. I have smelled a lot of lilacs on walks which smell sooo good! I saw some peonies blooming yesterday, too. That is my fave flower!

  51. Thanks for sharing us the gorgeous flower.

  52. Congrats on the blog update, my friend! Love the peonies you are sharing!

  53. A lovely look at your garden, Jeanie!! I realized I did a double feature last week with two of your posts (Share Your Style #306), because I loved both. :) I often think that we need to wander off to friends' gardens for rest and inspiration ~ my thought behind many of the places I feature.

    Enjoy the garden and Steve's iris is lovely!! I have golden iris' very similar that came from the alpaca farm and RV park we last lived at.

    Barb :)

  54. those squirrels are cute, one came up to me yesterday!


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