The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Few Changes at Marmelade Gypsy!

Some of you have already noticed a few changes here at Marmelade Gypsy and I have Linda, the Fairy Blogmother and writer of Life and Linda to thank for that! As you can see, I have a new look and mail sign-up (on the right sidebar). There's an important reason for this, which some of you may know.

Those who follow posts by mail may already have heard that the service called Feedburner, which delivers the mail notifications to you, is dropping their mail notification service. That meant if I didn't make some changes, your notifications would stop arriving! 

Linda did a terrific post on that right HERE and she walks you through how to transfer your mail subscribers to the service she recommends, MailChimp, step by step. (There are other services out there that are also asking you to consider them. Linda says one reason why she likes MailChimp is that it can allow a subscriber list of up to 2,000 as a free service, while others often cap the limit at 500.) 

Here's the sign-up (seen on your right rail) This was before we tweaked the design adding Lizzie.  (Note: If you get two reminders from me for a day or two, never fear; that should be taken care of soon, as I deactivate Feedburner! Don't worry -- I won't spam you!)

If you have already signed up by the old system, your email addresses should be transferred successfully and there should be no disruption in your notifications. You can also follow The Marmelade Gypsy through your google blog reader (the "followers" button with all your lovely profile photos) or bloglovin' (which sends you an email with a lists of all the blogs you follow when new posts are activated.)

I have been thinking about upgrading the blog design for a long time but my computer design skills are limited. This change forced me to think about some things -- and fast. 

I have to tell you, Linda has been a rock star in working with me. Since this happened faster than I planned, I had ideas for a blog header but they were fuzzy and I wasn't quite sure how to implement them or even communicate them well. But she picked up on what was needed and I am thrilled with the results.

Somehow, in that banner she managed to include some of the things I love most and write about most here -- art, photography, travel and merriment with the people I love. And, although he's not been with us for the past nine years, my dear Gypsy is still right at the top of the page! I didn't want to leave Lizzie out, either, so she's there too.

So, a super thanks to Linda and to you for following this blog and the adventures of my happy band of human and non-human revelers!   

A celebration is due!

(P.S. -- If you are NOT receiving emails and already on this list, chances are it's in your spam or junk folder. Please check there and add me to your safe senders address book. If you are receiving TWO (one from no-reply@blogspot -- I'm trying to figure that out!)

Sharing with:       Let's Keep in Touch    /     Pink Saturday    


  1. Your friend did a good job with your blog. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Thank you, thank you and thank you again. I'm off to learn more from Lind'a post as I had no idea what to do with my current email subscribers list! Jacqui (French Village Diaries)

  3. Hello Jeanie,

    Your new blog header looks great. Your kitties look cute. It is nice you had some help with reader mail problems. Your blog looks great! Have a happy day and a great new week!

  4. Congrats on the new blog look! It is lovely!

  5. I think you need to send Linda a couple of bottles of bubbly! Great results have come from this collaboration.

  6. I love the new looks, it's beautiful! Glad you were able to get everything taken care of and transferred smoothly. I had a bit of a bumpy ride yesterday which I wrote about to help others who haven't made the email switch yet. Have a fantastic week Jeanie! :)

  7. And a super job she did! And I received notice by email !

    Hmm re-thinking Follow it LOL..

  8. Another fantastic job by Linda! Your new header really captures all that you are on this blog, Jeanie. Love it! What a relief to have that checked off, right??!

  9. oooh Jeanie, your new look is lovely, bright and fresh, and I love the banner. I'm having difficulty with my header image, the sizing is wrong, I might be contacting Linda myself soon! x

  10. She did a great job! Love the new loin and how she combined the essence of you into a header! I went through a redesign years ago and it was so fun to have some help with that!

  11. What a brilliant blog header!! It looks marvelous and the whole site is just so bright and cheery! What a wonderful makeover for your bloggy home. xo

  12. I use InoReader, a free RSS subscription service that brings all my blog subscriptions together. I was asked to add the "subscribe by email" option to my blog ages ago, and I've been asked to add the "follow" option, but I don't understand all the different options. Does it benefit you at all if I click that "follow" button? Or is it just one option among the many? I'll follow comments here to see if anyone addresses these issues. I get set in my ways and miss out on all the management tools out there.

    Cheers! A celebration is in order. It looks great!

  13. Lovely new banner! Thank you for the information.
    It takes a bit of reading to wrap my brain around what direction to take when follow by email is gone.

  14. I like the new design. Well done for getting a newsletter too. xx

  15. Well, there was nothing wrong with your old blog format and design, but, here's to something new and different! Cheers!

  16. Hello Jeanie, such a wonderful shout out for my services. I truly appreciate you sharing that post with your readers. It was my pleasure to transfer you over to Mailchimp and design signup forms and your email newsletter. I am thrilled you are happy with your designs. A bright new look and a new email marketing service. Happy blogging.

  17. I *LOVE* this new look!
    Big compliments to your Fairy Blogmother Linda, and to you for this refresh. It's inspiring and just a joy to behold.

    Brava, y'all!

  18. Linda does a beautiful job and I think I mentioned your new header already. It is most attractive! Have a wonderful Monday, Jeanie!

  19. Wonderful new look on the blog header. As for mail chimp, I think that's where I'll be going, too. Thanks for explaining it so well. I love this post, dear and that foreign mail box is wonderful.

  20. I love the new changes and will be contacting her soon for help on my blog. Thanks for your recommendation.

  21. Hello Jeanie,
    Oh goodness does this new look and header say a big Hello and express you! Linda is always fabulous!
    Love! Love!

  22. Thank you so much for this post! Your new look is fresh and fits your blogging style and personality perfectly!

  23. Linda did a great job on your blog Jeannie. I received your first email notice today notifying me of your new post. I love that you added Gypsy to the header too. I really appreciate Linda, she's my go to for all blog changes and issues, the girl knows her stuff! I had issues with Feedburner a while back and Linda switched me to Mail Chimp. I highly recommend her! Thanks for the update...... Happy week.

  24. Good for you Jeanie. My blog could use an update, and I need to figure out where and how to do this. I like the new look. And I especially like that quote about doing your best. I am going to check out that link to Linda that you sent. Much appreciated. Hope you had a nice Monday. I went to see my Mom. It was a busy day. Happy new week and thanks for the link. Hugs-Erika

  25. Jeanie, were we separated at birth??! I swear I put out almost the same post you did. Your's looks great! Linda does such a great job and she is so patient!! When do you publish? I know you do one each day but how far ahead of your time period do you push publish. I publish tomorrow (Tuesday at 10:00) but Linda said I could do it a head of time. I thought I would bother you for a changed instead of her!! I finished my post and published it just a few minutes ago and it came on. I thought it would wait until the time set with MailChimp. Undoubtedly, I did something wrong. Help!..xxoJudy

  26. A cute new Header, Jeanie. It has all the things you love on there. I just learned to change out our Header, so that was a treat for me. Enjoy your new look and space. Our blogs are a reflection of who we are, and it gives us a chance to write our thoughts, share our photos, and meet some really great people here in blogland.


  27. Wow, your blog is super awesome, Jeanie!
    Linda did a fantastic work for your blog. Love it so much!

  28. As your blog is in my blogroll, I should continue getting notices that way

  29. Nice new formate! So Blogspot made you update your blog after all? (like Wordpress did with mine.) Anyway, love the pics of Harry. I saw a Heron in my Pond too a couple days ago unfortunately the photos aren't as clear as yours. And I too saw a red-winged black bird hassling him.

  30. I always read, just often from the email. Love it and the changes .Stay safe love Cath🐨 💖

  31. Love your new look. It's clean and bright. I guess Wordpress doesn't use feedburner as I've heard nothing about it. Glad your friend helped you out in your adjustments. Your new header is so cute too!

  32. Hi Jeanie, your new look is great. Thank you for sharing the link about subscriptions. I've been wondering what to do about that.

  33. Wow! She did an incredible job. I couldn't figure out how to transfer over my email subscribers, so I ended up just going with a new service.

    Love the header.

  34. I think your new look blog looks GREAT :)
    Well done.

    All the best Jan

  35. I LOVE your header and remodeled blog! It's absolutely purrfect! Kudos to you and Linda.

  36. Great job on your new blog design! Janice

  37. Like that friendly reminder. Something that I keep reminding wifey..... time to time.

  38. Your blog looks fabulous Jeanie! The new banner is so you!

  39. I love to stop by your place just like that.
    Also that you have both your feline loves in the banner.
    Boooy. I feel so old not daring to change my blog design - but... The Little Giant Girl was such an experience, I cannot let her go!

  40. Love your new is so you~ Linda did an amazing job! I'm all signed-up to receive your Mail Chimp newsletter. :D

  41. Oh, cool. I wondered what was happening with the extra copies of your posts. Now I want to know how to do that, but can't find her post on it.

  42. The new look is so nice! love it. I can't deal with all these changes - putting my head right in the sand....haha! x K

  43. The Fairy Blogmother is Adorable! I've had to change the look of my Blog from time to time due to changes, enhancements in the System, etc., I don't do well with changing stuff, but The G-Kid Force always helped me figure it out and I usually end up embracing the Change and liking how it turns out.

  44. WOW what a great blog redesign, Jeanie, and I am a bit late in commenting on it. Actually I have been falling behind (again) with blog reading since I typically only designate one day a week to catching up on blog friends. My apology for the belated congrats on your new look which looks wonderful and is really more "you." The info on Mail Chimp was interesting, but I prefer not to receive email notifications of blog posts.

  45. Your new look is fabulous. Linda did a great job. I especially like your header. I resigned up and put it in my address book.
    I love your make over.

  46. I have read of this news, but I still haven't decided what to do!
    Anyway, your changes have made your Blog even more wonderful Dearie!
    Love and hugs
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  47. Love. love, love your new look! Just stopping by to say I have followed along here as well.
    Happy Blogging!
    Wren x

  48. Hello sweet friend I am catching up with you this morning. The new look is just fabulous! Loved your gorgeous peonies. Have a wonderful Monday!

  49. Everything looks really good, love your new look.


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