The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Colors of Spring

When you live in the north and the colors you see for several months of the year are white, gray and dark branches against an often gray-white sky, there is nothing more pleasing to me than to welcome the colors of spring, whether they are in festive decor or outdoors! (Not that the house wasn't colorful enough with all those bunnies!)

So when I saw this post, I became inspired to paint my own eggs! (I wish I could remember which of my regular bloggers leaked to this post. Apologies -- if it was you, tell me and I'll link in!)

There really are no rules. I got the eggs a few years ago at Michael's. You want a smooth egg, not the shiny plastic ones that come apart to stuff for kids. If you get those, you'll need a coat of paint over them and who needs to spend the extra time? Then, using watercolor (which dries quickly) or the paints of your choice, even markers, just free form your favorite blooms or patterns!

Easy peasy and pretty, too. (You could also add a hanger for an egg tree!)

There are more colors than those on the eggs. My first trip to the nursery brought me face to face with these pansies that I couldn't leave behind!

And these, too!

Tulips have been a frequent companion as well.

Of course, the floral color isn't limited to "store-bought." My dwarf iris were the first to come up this spring!

Those were followed by crocus popping up in the most unexpected spots.

And then there were the mini-daffs!

Every year after buying bulb gardens, I plant them in the garden in the fall and they bring about such joy when they bloom! 

All that bright, cheery yellow! What's not to love? 

Even the birds were showing their colors!

But the best part about this spring is that I'm collecting long overdue hugs!

The visit of friends was short -- but since we were all vaccinated, we could be together mask-free!

So, find our favorite bloom, your favorite flowering tree, your happiest Easter bunny or brightest smile!

It's spring!

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  1. Everything looks wonderful..I thought of painting those eggs but ..for who? LOL.
    Were you a little frozen in the first hugs I wonder what they will feel like..
    It's snowing here..its grey..France is on lockdown again and certain areas are back in here lso.
    Told to stay home in our own homes for Easter.
    Ho hum;)
    Looking towards the light.
    Happy Easter:)

  2. Those hugs are definitely the best. I can't wait to catch up on my hugging too. Your flowers are all so pretty and your painted eggs are gorgeous! Happy spring!

  3. You eggs are so pretty! The flowers are beautiful. Glad you are able to get your hugs!

  4. Beautiful! Jeanie, please see my blog post today, because I have featured your fabulous dinner menu and linked to your post. Good response to it.

  5. The decorated eggs look wonderful, Jeanie. And this is from a person with more than a passing familiarity with eggs! But the most heartwarming thing of all is that you were able to get together with friends, without masks, to hug, laugh together, get close. Who ever thought that such spontaneous acts would be so treasured! It is almost two weeks now since Miriam and I had our first shot, so we should have a good degree of protection. But now, the whole province is going into lockdown again, so any benefits from the vaccination are unlikely to change anything! Oh, and I forget to mention, on the topic of eggs. Years ago I bought an Ostrich egg in South Africa, and Miriam carefully carried it home for me. The other day, moving it to dust my bookshelves, I dropped it, and it shattered! Boohoo!

  6. Such a lovely Spring arrangement! Your flowers look so pretty, decorating the eggs. Congratulations on being able to gather :) It's been a long time coming.

  7. Your decorated eggs are amazing. I applaud your bravery to risk a hug, even when all are fully vaccinated. In the UK we can still only meet up with others not in our Bubble out of doors, and even then must still be socially distanced.

    Deb in Wales

  8. Oh, my heart was warmed at your comment that you were collecting overdue hugs. So glad and thankful for the vaccines. It has been a rough year.
    Your eggs are lovely! You are so talented. I would love to have your artistic gifts.
    I love all your flowers! Your spring bulbs are delightful and they feed the soul. I have enjoyed my pansies immensely so I know how you are feeling finding some.
    I am so glad that spring has arrived for you. This is such a beautiful time of year.
    Sorry, I have been away from blogging for a few weeks and I am trying to catch up.
    Have a wonderful Easter. So good to see your smiling faces!

  9. Jeanie! These watercolor'd eggs are so pretty. You're right about how much we need brighter colors now. And HUGS. Yes, please!

    A very happy Easter to you and all of us fans of the Marmelade Gypsy!

  10. Dearest Jeanie,
    what gorgeous decorations on your easter eggs, I know, you're truly an artist and during these last years you've became even more keen!
    And how glad I am to see people without mask, I seem to understand that somehow our normality is going to come back, hurray!

    Sending blessings on your Easter


  11. Your eggs are beautiful!! And how wonderful about the hugs ~

  12. Love the colourful eggs and flowers, and how wonderful to meet up unmasked with friends. Enjoy your Easter holiday! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Hi Jeanie! :) Your eggs are so lovely and so are all of the flowers. Tulips and pansies are my favourites! It's true that this time of year REQUIRES colour! :) So glad you were able to get together with your friends!! :)

  14. I've never done anything to eggs except eat them. If it weren't for eggs I would have long gone vegan. I like to eat eggs in all forms and combinations, but mostly as hard, boiled eggs.
    Of course, I'm not insensitive to the beautiful, delicate colorful paintings on your Easter eggs. And the colors of the
    flowers are stunning!

    I like your friend's blue painted fingernails and blue rings. Your pretty blue dress adds to the whole ensemble.

  15. Jeanie, I love your hand-painted eggs...they make me smile! They would definitely make an adorable egg tree. Your blooms, I know are bringing you great joy. But nothing compares to real hugs and time spent with family and friends!

  16. Happy April Jeanie!

    Your decorated eggs are so pretty. I love all your blooms, spring has sprung.
    Wonderful photos of you, Rick and your friends. Happy April! Take care, have a great day!

  17. What great decorated eggs! Your watercolor skills have become so fabulous, and this is a great way to deploy the skills.

    be safe... mae at

  18. Your eggs are so so PRETTY!! LOVE ALL the colorful flowers too--- isn't spring wonderful? Love the iris! Hope you're having nice warm weather!

  19. What an upbeat post! Great smiles all around. And bulbs blooming! Your eggs are so pretty, Jeanie. Happy Easter!

  20. How lovely to meet and hug friends again Jeanie. Your flowers are lovely and the daffodils are so cheerful.

  21. Thanks to this post I went to look at my daffodils and they are in bloom! I've been watching for them to come into the store as cut flowers and have not seen any. No cut tulips either. I love the first flowers of spring.

    We had snow this morning when I woke up!!!

  22. Such joy in your post! Love the beautiful spring flowers.
    Nothing up here yet.
    Ontario is going back into lockdown for a month starting midnight tomorrow. So much for Easter celebrations.

  23. your eggs are just beautiful! Mother Nature played an April Fool's joke on us on this side of Michigan. It snowed most of the day. Happy Easter! Janice

  24. HUGS - yes!! I never realized what treasures they can be.

  25. I miss the egg coloring! Simple and fun.

  26. Your eggs are so pretty, Jeanie. The flowers and the hugs have my heart! And the red wing blackbird is a great capture! I'm really surprised to see you have iris so soon in spring. So pretty!

  27. Your painted eggs are inspiring! Maybe especially the violets and the bluebells. And I love your daffodils! I still haven't done anything for Easter, but we have plans to shop tomorrow, so there's a possibility of finding something cheering to bring back home. Good times, with good friends, though... those are the best. Happy Easter to you & Rick! xoxox

  28. Such a happy post! Love the beautiful eggs - they are tiny works of art! All the lovely blooms are so cheerful and how nice to finally get to visit with friends! Such a happy time. Hope you have a lovely Easter. Hugs xo Karen

  29. No rules?????
    I think one rule is talent! WOW!!
    Boy I´m old. We used to pick two holes each side and blow the inside out, then use the real egg for "painting". Thanks to the holes you could go through with a needle and yarn and hang them outside in a tree.
    Sadly this mostly came with sweet cake.
    Ohhhh, all those beautiful flowers!!! Thank you, I sure smile very big (grey day here again).
    Yay for mask-free. I cannot even remember seeing whole faces so close together...
    Happy times! Again.

  30. Those painted eggs are so pretty! We are dying eggs for the first time this weekend. I think Paul Will really like it. It’s one of the fun ‘reward’ activities I have planned for our weekend of potty training. Wish us luck!!

    Spring is further along where you are but I am starting to see things poking out of the ground on my walks!!

  31. Happy Easter weekend, Jeanie! I just love those pansies (and the eggs with the purple pansies on them, too). We are entering a month-long lockdown here in Ontario. (My particular region is not terribly hard hit at all, but Premier decided we should all have the same rules, so no Easter get-togethers). It's still cold here and snowed yesterday, but hoping to see some more spring flowers soon. -Jenn

  32. I'm amazed at those eggs you painted, Jeanie. You did a remarkable job. These are beautiful.

    It's been over a year since I got a hug, or had any physical contact with a human. Cats don't count, of course.

  33. So much fantastic color Jeanie. You even have spring bulbs. It is true about living in the north that we go from blah and when the color arrives it is fantastic. And those eggs are amazing. I am heading to the grocery store this morning and need some eggs. I like this watercoloring idea a lot. Yours are beautiful! You can't have too much color, can you? Have a wonderful Easter. Hugs-Erika

  34. I'm so glad you posted about your painted eggs again. I thought they were real eggs, and I couldn't imagine spending all that time and talent on an egg that was going to disappear, one way or the other!

    Your flowers are gorgeous, too. The only ones we see around here regularly are pansies; they're used as bedding plants in landscapes. The daffodils and such live in Texas, but far north of me -- around Dallas, and farther north. We're just too hot and humid for them, so seeing them in your post is as much as pleasure as it is for you to see my bluebonnets!

  35. Until I started reading, I thought you had painted on real hard-boiled eggs. These are beautiful! And I love your flowers! We haven’t been to any nursery because of health reasons for me and cold weather. Hopefully, spring is here to stay!

  36. Lovely and colorful! Thge best part is, of course, the human contact.

  37. Love your eggs Jeanie, that was on my to do list this week, but it hasn't happened...yours look so pretty! So nice you can be back with friends, I just got my second vaccine yesterday, I'm so excited!!
    Have a blessed Easter,

  38. I love those eggs!
    Beautiful flowers:)
    Hoppy Easter.

  39. All the springtime happiness here! Love it all. The eggs, the flowers, but especially your happy reunion with friends! I can't wait for the day I can do that too. :) I am so happy for you! :)

  40. How sweet your eggs are. Some pretty flowers. I am thrilled with the weather and blooms and also the fact we can dine out and meet up with friends. So glad you are getting those overdue hug. Happy Easter Jeanie.

  41. What a wonderful be able to be with others you love, unmasked.

    Beautiful artwork on the eggs.

  42. Those hugs are the best! I can't wait to hug my friends again - my husband got his first shot today and most of our friends either are already fully vaccinated or are getting their first shot next week. The light at the end of the tunnel is clearly visible.
    Your Easter eggs are so cheery - I love all the little flowers you painted on them. Daffodils always make me smile - ours usually come in February and are already long gone. Some of my clematis are blooming and the peonies are getting taller by the hour. I love this time of year, it's so full of hope and new energy.
    Have a lovely Easter, Jeanie!

  43. So good to see your smiling faces:)
    And all the friendly blossoms. Those faces of Spring so welcome.
    This seemed like the longest winter ever.
    Each greening feels like hope.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty,

  44. Oh the colors of spring are just some of the prettiest and brightest colors around. I love those eggs.

  45. Amazing how a post with color can bring instant cheer!
    Love the yellows, daffies and crocus too . . .
    Maybe that is why I purchase tulips often . . .
    CHEER . . .
    HAPPY EASTER Jeanie!

  46. Good morning, Jeanie. Your eggs are gorgeous! Your talent never ends, they are so impressive. And your blooms scream, "spring has arrived." So happy you were able to have a visit with your friends and that we have a more hopeful year ahead. Wishing you and Rick a Happy Easter!

  47. Jennie, I love this post with it's gorgeous painted eggs, flowers and friends! I feel the same as you, when the first daff bulbs begin to show during the month of January into February, it reminds me the greys won't last much longer, Spring is on its way. I went to the nursery yesterday and came home with potted tulips, lavender and hydrangeas. After enjoying inside they will go into the garden and will bloom next spring. Happy Easter!

  48. Hi Jeanie: I love your colors of spring and those eggs are just so sweet. I like your friends hair. Mine is not as pretty a gray color as hers but, believe it or not, mine is just as long thanks to Covid. I been trying to do something with it but may have to cut it soon..I'm so glad you all got together. I'm working on that too..Stay well..xxoJudy

  49. Friends are the best gift of all, so glad you got to have a visit.

  50. Jeanie, Loving the colors and the hand painted Easter Eggs. Have a great Easter. Sylvia D.

  51. Such beautiful colors on your Easter Eggs! And the flowers are all so pretty! Colorful Spring!
    And how about those HUGS! HALLELUJAH for HUGS!

  52. Beautiful...everything is beautiful. I love all the blooms and your eggs are adorable.

  53. Such a time of hope, and your beautiful eggs and colours make the heart sing. I don't think there is any yellow that lifts my heart as much as the yellow of daffodils.

  54. Such a lovely post.
    I think your eggs look so pretty and the flowers are just so colourful.
    So pleased you had some very welcome hugs.

    All the best Jan

  55. Painting on eggs, never thought of that! Hugs, even vaccinated I’m not so eager...John will have to be my only hugger for awhile longer...Glad for you, you look happy!

  56. Colored eggs, flowers, and friends! Wonderful!

  57. The eggs are little masterpieces! I love them. I will have to enjoy yours because we didn't dye any eggs this year! Your flowers are pretty, too! Happy Belated Easter!

  58. For sure, who could pass up a pretty pansy or tulip. Love seeing all your pretty colors and the eggs are just so much fun! Then of course hugs are the best!


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