The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, February 18, 2021

This and That in my World

From where I sit, it's pretty cold and snowy in an awful lot of the U.S., Canada and in many spots in Europe. We are no exception to that -- and the birds are hungry!

Rick dug me out so I could make it to my second vaccine appointment. It was deep, and fortunately, fairly light snow. (I made it, though getting out of the neighborhood was a trick!) It was so cold, I took off my glasses when I was helping to shovel and the condensation on the lenses froze within seconds!

On the way home, I drove by the Ditch. There was no way I was walking in with just my tennies -- that snow was deep!

No one will be sitting on this bench today!

Meanwhile, on the home front, I did a Southern Exposure at Home last week when they delivered this wooden heart and all the paint and vase to hang from the front. I was pleased with it. Now it's on the hearth but it was outdoors for a bit and looked awfully cute!

A little Valentine baking was on tap, too. I made a half batch and wished I'd made a whole one!

There was some fun mail last week -- a few valentines from friends and this cute pin from Marilyn, who knew my word of the year was hope.

I'm still working on "A Woman of No Importance."  It's good, but heavy enough that I need to take a break from it, so I read one of the old Frances and Richard Lockridge "Mr. and Mrs. North" mysteries. I read the one on the right. The one on the left is another by them but with a contemporary edition (and, I might add, less sleazy covers). The cover on the right has absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the book but I'm sure it sold a few back in the day!

I couldn't leave you without a picture of my girl who is mastering the art of cozy. It's a good life that this girl has!

After vaccine #2 I had a sore arm (but not as sore as the first time and a fever (101.2) the next day. Beats dying from Covid. Or even NOT dying and still getting Covid. Yes. Embrace hope. 

And hope that it warms up soon! Good thoughts to all in Texas and other spots facing this wretched cold, especially with no power.
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  1. Glad to hear you got your second vaccine. I get mine tomorrow. Those cookies look good!

  2. Yay for being fully vaccinated! Huge contributor to hope for the future! I can’t wait to be eligible. I should be in the next group since I am immune compromised but they have to get through healthcare workers, 65+, daycare providers and teachers. And really they all should be ahead of me since I can stay home. But I can’t wait to be eligible.

    We missed the snow because it was way too cold here for heavy snow. We had a 2 week stretch where it didn’t get above 0 and many days it was -20 or colder with the windchill. It was horrible! It’s warming up now and will be in the 30s this weekend and might hit 40 on Monday which will feel tropical! I hope the worst is behind us. I can handle 10F and above and will walk in that weather but anything colder is too dangerous for me and the baby (I put him in the carrier for walks so he stays nice and toasty when the weather is reasonably warm enough!).

  3. Yes, cold and snowy here but we have heat and power and having come from a house where that wasn't always the case after a winter storm, the gratitude is flowing like a mighty river!!

    Glad to hear you're all vaccinated now -- and yes, a bit of mild discomfort is definitely preferable to getting COVID.

    Beautiful arty goodness....that pin is divine. xo

  4. So glad you got your 2 shots. I have not gotten any due to a shortage of vaccines in Hawaii. Those cookies look very good and I love your art.

  5. Glad to hear that you have received vaccine- there are NONE up here. not sure why. Lucky for me that I can stay home, am able to and the house is warm and the water runs and the cupboards are full. Texas did get slammed! Double whammy! Your photos of the snow are really nice- looks peaceful.

  6. Good that you got your vaccine. Here the vaccinations are chaotic, they will need months to get us all protected! Stay safe, take, hugs, Valerie

  7. The weather in Texas even got a long feature on the main news over here in England. So very cold and those poor people with no power.
    Hope the very cold weather doesn't cross the Atlantic - we had a week with snow and that was plenty enough!

  8. I'm impressed that Southern Exposure has found a way to keep crafters like you happy and engaged with them. Love your spirited embrace of all the holidays that come along.

  9. Dearest Jeanie! Glad you got the vaccines already. We are not expected to have them until Q3!

    Your home really is so beautiful and filled with so much character that lives to the seasons! I would love to live in your house dear Jeanie! The joy of seeing such decorations and even extending the themes to the meals and food, it's just a great joy!

  10. Wow, that's a lot of snow! It sure looks beautiful but I can't even imagine how cold it is there. So glad you got your second vaccine. I hope you are feeling better now. Your home looks festive as always! :)

  11. Those cookies look like comfort food to me!

  12. The pin with the word Hope is beautiful! Marylin has great taste!

  13. It's cold and icy here. We still have power, but I wouldn't place any bets on keeping it through the night.
    Love your Southern Exposure heart. Those cookies look yummy and pretty is a bonus. We always make a full batch of cookies and put most of them in the freezer. I just think it's the best thing ever that you've gotten both shots. I agree that I'd rather have a fever for a day than get Covid. So many people continue to have health problems even after they get over it.

  14. Funny I am working on my post for tomorrow and came to capture the link to link to you and there is the mail I sent. How fun to see it. I am having the best time painting on used teabags during this time.

    I am so happy you got your second vaccination! Hooray! Each one that gets it brings us closer to healing from the pandemic in this world. I finally got an appointment for next week for my first one and I am so excited.

    Wow! What pretty, but very deep snow. Love seeing it in your pictures, but not in my yard. Our snow and ice will be gone in another day and then I am counting on our daffodils blooming.

    Love seeing your Southern Exposure art project each and every time you do one. Yummmm! Valentine cookies are so good.

  15. Glad you got out to get your second round of the vaccination. I am jealous! (I will be shocked if I am vaccinated by August). Those cookies look very tempting. -Jenn

  16. Glad you have gotten both of your covid shots!

    I don't think anyone will be offering me covid shots any time soon, so I decided to control what I can control, and go ahead and get my shingrix shots. I'm signed up to get my first shingrix and my overdue tdap booster tomorrow.

    Joe keeps saying covid shots for everyone by summer. I hope it comes true!

  17. Texas is thawing and the internet is ON up here in North Texas, Jeanie! I am glad you got both of your Covid shots. I am on the list and no, it's no fun having Covid. I think in a way I am still recovering. I get tired easily now, though I can go a full day. Might be winter depression, too. I haven't been able to walk often enough to stave it off this year...

    But today is bright and sunny, the eaves are dripping and the snow is melting! Two posts are finished and one published. No Share Your Style this week since I had no internet until this morning (five days without). I am glad Rick was able to come over and shovel your driveway for you!!! Charles put some kind of rocksalt-type of biodegradable stuff on our front walk so I could go out a couple of days ago for propane, just in case our power outages lasted all day and into the night (we were off just 1 hr. at a time, four times that day). Other folks not nearly so lucky... Been the coldest on record in Texas since 1898, I heard.

    Stay warm, well and glad you have a kitty to keep you warm! Yoda is enjoying the snow but is also eager to run back inside when he is done. :)'

    Barb :)

  18. Congrats on getting shot #2. Has Rick gotten his? I like the Southern Expose heart project and the cookies. I can't believe we are past Valentine's Day, but then again February has been tough and I am ready for March. You have more snow than we do. For now, more coming here tomorrow. We've had lots of little snows that have given us about 6 inches. And then we got ice, so now everything is solid with this cold. Take care, and have more fun inside while the month winds down. Hugs-Erika

  19. So happy to hear you have had your second vaccine, Jeanie! We are getting our second on Saturday. We've had a snow and ice storm and may not be able to get the second one because of shipping issues. We'll see. Your snow is so deep and looks so pretty, though I know gets tiring. It's nice you were able to do a project with Southern Exposure. Take care and stay safe.

  20. So glad Rick was able to shovel you out. Your pin is so festive and also love your wood one. Janice

  21. Your hearth heart is charming, and a tongue twister to say.

  22. Seems like the snow moved over to your place! Crazy.
    Love the heart. The wooden one ;-)
    Sometimes I wish I liked sweets, though!
    Cute card. And awww, Lizzie!
    Let´s hope normal is back soon!

  23. ooooo your bright festive heart cookies look so delicious!! And i love the pretty Southern Exposure heart you painted, very cheery. Hope you and Rick are doing great. It's raining alot here, I can't complain compared to what others are doing through with all the snow/ice/freeze and then POWER OUTAGES. Hugs, my friend, take care!

  24. PS...great shot of the bird!!! so pretty

  25. I'm very happy for you, getting your 2nd vaccine. Sending hugs xx

  26. Hello Jeanie,

    It is great you got your second dose of the vaccine, we are still waiting for the first shot.
    Love your sweet Lizzie and the wood heart is cute. The cookies looks yummy. Embrace hope, a good message and words to live by. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

  27. Nice to see that Downy Woodpecker, Jeanie. Rick and I have both been spending our time shovelling it seems, although he has to take care of two houses, poor guy. You had better be good to him!

  28. Love the scenes from your world currently....from afar, the snow is beautiful. I'll get my 2nd vaccine today - yippee! Soon, we can break out! Happy Friday, Jeanie!

  29. I am so tired of the snow and cold (had to go out and drop stuff of at the accountant's yesterday and it still takes a while to get out of the neighborhood and onto the main roads). Relief is in sight for me - if weather permits, I head south a week from today. Yay for the second vaccine! The heart is fabulous! I love seeing some of the old book covers (I, also, took a break from heavier reading and started a light fantasy adventure series this week). The cookies look delicious.

  30. I have a new appreciation for you and your life in deep winter. We've had a week of freezing temps (at least each night) and we are half-mad here.

    Congratulations on getting your second vaccine. What a happy feeling!

    The valentine cookies are beautiful and fun.

  31. That's a beautiful card!
    Tons of snow here also..
    Happy and covetous re your vaccines..
    Poor Texas..the videos I am seeing are heartbreaking:(

  32. Good morning, Jeanie. We are still waiting to be called for our 1st shot. We registered a month ago. We were told yesterday that they only receive 200 doses a week for our county. So hopefully soon.
    Our snow doesn't look like much compared to your snow. We have about 6 inches.
    Your sweet Lizzie has the most loving look from her eyes. I know she is a joy. Have a great weekend, Jeanie. Stay warm!

  33. You must be so relieved to have had your second vaccination. Even so, we must all still be vigilant. Love your Southern Home heart, what a lovely piece it is.

    Deb in Wales

  34. sweet friend...I just wanted to stop by to say that i mentioned you and a post you did which I provided a link to along with one of your pics from that post in my new post that i did today!!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  35. Thanks for the update on your vaccine experience, Jeanie. The Southern Exposure heart project was really sweet and it looks great indoors too; it's good as a year-round decoration. You definitely have ore snow than we do, but today is a day of ongoing snow showers and it is a pretty sight even if the accumulation will be only an inch or two. I have never read any of the Mr and Mrs North mysteries, but will see if the local library has ebook versions. I put A Woman of Substance on my library wish list, but right now am reading lighter fare. I would recomment a series by D.M. Quicy a murder-mystery series set in Regency England and to date there are only 3 books in the series and I am on the last one: Murder in Mayfair, Murder in Bloomsbury and Murder at the Opera.

  36. So happy you have your second vaccine, what a relief that must be! A day of being sickly with a fever is a small price to pay to avoid Covid! Just don't let your guard down now. Wow, I can't imagine dealing with all that snow, although I think it's beautiful and romantic. We had about two inches Monday until the sun came out and melted it within a few hours. That I can handle :) as long as no driving is necessary. Pretty crafting, love the heart and love sweet pics of your sweet kitty......Happy Friday.

  37. I am so happy you were able to get your second vaccine. I am no where near the list to even get my first! I think we should all take a second and learn a little something form your beautiful girl, we all need to be cozy. Stay safe.

  38. Jeanie, it does look very cold where you are. This winter has been a heavy burden to alot of people. Hope it ends soon. I was wondering how you fared after the second shot. I have been hearing some wicked stories but yours didn't sound too bad. Mine comes up next month..Stay well my friend..xxoJudy

  39. I'm glad you've had your second shot. Mine comes on Thursday. And lo -- the snow has melted from the roads, and we're headed to the upper 50s all next week. Maybe a little warmer. I'd love to walk in that deep snow by the ditch, but now that I remember what it's like to be cold, I'm not quite as enthusiastic! The cookies look wonderful. I need to stop with the sugar. There's something about blizzards and cold that makes me want sweets. Now that it's warming, maybe I can get outdoors and forget about those edible treats.

  40. Hello Jeanie, the snow, birds, cookies are all looking wonderful. Hope you are enjoying the weather. Have a great day!

  41. It's sad that many places are not equipped for the cold weather because they don't normally get temperatures so cold. I hope some better policy and practice comes out of all the suffering. Your snow is quite deep. We finally had snow here a few times but it went away very quickly. I'm glad we at least had some. Snow pack in the mountains is good for the water supply. Your cat looks very cosy indeed. Last but not least, I'm glad you have your vaccinations complete already. Meanwhile I've yet to have my first. Stay safe. xx

  42. Lizzie is such a doll and your cookies look delicious! Glad to read you were able to get the second shot.

  43. Glad you were able to get dug out so you could make your appointment, and that you and Lizzie are happy and cosy inside during the really bad weather. Since I'm one of the places where there currently isn't any snow, I'd be more than happy to take some of yours off your hands if I could.

  44. Yummy Valentine's cookies and I like your Wooden heart decoration :) Glad your vaccine is done for you ~ Enjoy the weekend!

  45. Pleased to read you've had your second vaccination.
    Here in the UK good progress is being made with our vaccination programme :)

    Your Valentines Cookies do look tasty.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  46. So glad you got the second vaccine, Jeanie, but that fever is worrisome. I love the "hope" heart that Marilyn gave you. She's such a special blog friend. Your cookies look so Yummy. Wish I had one to go with my coffee as I read my favorite blogs this morning. : )


    *that's a lot of snow! We had our second snowfall last week, and although it wasn't as deep as the first one, it was still beautiful.

  47. ps.....Yes, you're right, we are fortunate to have the vaccine. So many people have suffered and died. Thank you for the reminder of hope, Jeanie.

  48. I'm glad you got your second dose. Nick got his last week, and had no side effects from the second dose. Glad the weather didn't interfere with yours. A few of our friends had appointments postponed because of the weather.

    Your Valentine's heart and cookies look great. And Lizzie looks so cozy and adorable.

  49. Hi Jeanie,

    I love the birds... The snow is beautiful but I don't know if I could manage the cold weather. Such beautiful photos Jeanie.

    I am so glad you are finished with the Covid Vaccines. Still waiting on mine.
    Take care, and stay warm.

  50. Wow! Such deep snow! Congrats on getting your vaccine. I look forward to eventually getting it.

  51. Looks like you got even more snow than I got. Your world looks beautiful in white. Mine not so much. Love the heart from Southern Exposure. And I wish I had one of those cookies. They look so good. Almost as good as Lizzie (grin).

    Congrats on your second shot. I get mine in June if I calculated correctly.

  52. Jeanie,
    I just cannot get over your book. Your art work is absolutely beautiful.
    Thank you for your kind thoughts about Daisy Portrait.

  53. So glad your snowstorm didn't keep you from your shot! Bob and I are still waiting to be scheduled. Our county is now doing a lottery system. So far, we haven't "won"!

  54. Life's been hectic here with the little ones so I haven't been checking blogs but I wish I had my second dose. The policy here is to give as many people as possible the first dose, and I agree that makes sense in the bigger picture . The fireside heart is a lovely idea!


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