The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My Funny Valentines

With apologies to Lorenz Hart, "My funny valentines, they make me smile with my heart."

Rick and I were able to see the Toddler Twosome on Valentine's Day and what a joy it was. (Although after that, I was exhausted but it took awhile for me to get to sleep because I kept thinking that neither the kids nor their mom were masked -- and while I kept distance, as you can see, Rick was pretty close. Masked but close. Things like that totally freak me out these days!)

They came around six, having already eaten. We hadn't. And they were wired to play!

That's Rick, under that pile!

And in that one!

He was going to teach the oldest of the two -- almost four -- backgammon. It was really more of a counting game! But he was a very good counter!

The littlest was very into the fridge magnets and identifying all the players in the many photos.

Meanwhile, mom and the newest foster dog were keeping tabs on everything!

There were lots of smiles...

...Lots of teeth!

After they left, we ate a very late dinner -- shrimp and grits (my favorite!) and a wonderful bottle of wine.

I made a Pavlova for dessert. I've done this recipe before and for whatever reason, I couldn't quite get the peaks to be stiff after I added the sugar but it didn't matter. It was delicious. So easy and such a nice presentation. There's another I like too, but I couldn't find it! (Nigella Lawson's and Ina's, too. All good!)

Here's how -- if you want more details, let me know. Beat 4 large or XL egg whites to soft peaks and add 1 c. sugar (preferably superfine) spoon by spoon, whipping in. It should get to stiff peaks and mine didn't. Maybe there was a speck of yolk in the whites I didn't see.) Add 1 T. of cornstarch and 1 1/2 t. of cream of tarter and whip, whip, whip! Bake at 230 F for 80 minutes on parchment and let it stay in the oven at least two or three hours. It could stay in overnight if you want. Top with whipped cream gently sweetened with powdered sugar and your fave combo of fruit. I like the raspberry/blueberry combo -- the tartness of the fruit balances the sweet of the meringue. But I've done it with strawberries, peaches and kiwi, too. Eat fairly soon after, before the whipped cream deflates. NOTE: Meringue is not the best choice for a humid day!)


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  1. Looks like a very fun time, playing with the kids and a yummy meal as well.

  2. Those photos just warm my heart. There is so much love in them. I like the looks of that dessert you made.

  3. Looks like it was a perfect day if yo ask me! :)

  4. I can understand both your concern about the close contact, and Rick's enthusiasm to play with his grandchildren. It is the conundrum of the age, I suppose. Conditions are being eased a little here - today as a matter of fact - and on Saturday night we will be going to friends for dinner. They have been isolating and we have been isolating, so we hope that all will be well. We are going to enjoy dinner I can tell you that! And real live people across the table, not images on a screen, and people forgetting to unmute and so on. We won't hug and kiss, but other than that we hope it will be as close to normal as possible. I keep kidding Marg that when kissing is back on the menu, she owes me at least a half hour. "Bring it on!" she said!

  5. I can see a day like that leaving one knackered.

  6. Perhaps it would have been a good idea for Mom at least to wear a mask. I know you love them to bits but safe is good too?

    Still, they are quite adorable little terrors, aren’t they.

  7. Your pavolva looks fabulous! I learned a secret about Pavlova--add a few drops of white vinegar to the eggs when beating them. It helps the whites hold their shape. I made pavolas often when my daughter-in-law was eating gluten free, as it was a dessert she could enjoy, and we all also enjoyed.
    It's nice you got to see the twins again! They re so adorable. I know it's hard for young chldren to keep masks on, especially in their own homes.

  8. Hello my friend! What fun you had on Valentine’s Day! And guess what... I made Shrimp and Grits too! Your dessert looks wonderful!

    I’m closer to being able to say that my worries of this dang covid iare starting to be in the rear view mirror for us. We both have received the first dose of the vaccine. It’s an overwhelming joy to receive it. It doesn’t necessarily mean all is back to normal but... it’s gives one a sense of relief.

    Take care my friend and stay safe. Happy Tuesday!

  9. The kids are growing so quickly! Enjoy the time with them. Hugs, Valerie

  10. oh those sweet wee faces. They must have given you such a lift! Your pavlova looks lovely. I haven't made one for ages. Mike is off deserts but I have the itch to bake.

  11. I forgot to ask, are you snowed in?

  12. It certainly looks as if a fun time was had by all :)
    Lovely photographs.

    Here in England, UK we are still not allowed to mix, so seeing family and friends is all done by internet connection.
    Hopefully soon lockdown may be eased, we shall see.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  13. Looks like the kids and Rick were having a great time. Hopefully, by summer we won't have to be so afraid of having a normal, happy visit this this.

  14. Awe and now my heart is smiling too!

  15. Oh Jeanie, so glad you got to see the kids for Valentine's Day. They look like they're having a blast wrestling with Rick. This dessert looks so Yummy. I am wondering what heritage does is this scrumptious cake belong to?

    Have a good rest of the week, Jeanie.


  16. What cuties.
    That dessert looks wondrous.
    Yes, no masks freak me out too.


  17. So glad you got to see these happy faces. Looks like a wonderful -- if exhausting visit.

    And your dinner sounds amazing ... beautiful cake!

    A lovely Valentine's Day!

  18. Meringues are always worth the effort.

  19. I love the russian name Pavlova. It seems your dessert is worthy of the name.Which reminds me of another russian, Victoria. She's a blonde blogger and opens her posts with 8 tips for blonde hair. Perhaps the mother of the twins will be interested in reading about these tips. Blonde hair at any age is a great asset.

  20. Looks like you had a really fun Valentine's! Wonder if Rick was exhausted too. Janice

  21. You look like you had a great Valentine's Day. I don't know about Mom being unmasked (you think she would have since you were wearing masks), but they say kids under 10 don't transmit covid very easily. My friend's granddaughter who is 7 got it, and neither of her parents caught it from her. But it must have been so fun for you to see the kids. That is a treat. And your meal looks delicious. I've never had pavlova before; I should add that to my list. I hope you're not too much into the cold. And feeling well since Valentine's Day. Hugs-Erika

  22. So glad you got to visit with those bundles of energy!

    I've been wanting to make a Pavlova for a long time and now my desire is brought to the fore again, with your clear and inspiring pictures and instructions. Maybe this week!!

  23. Funny way of Twosome to express their love :)

    Your grits makes me hungry, and dessert too beautiful to eat :)

  24. I know what you mean, freaking out about getting close, but it must be so very hard not to with those sweet boys. The meringue looks delicious. It might have been the temperature of the room, or even the tiniest spot of yolk getting in the whites to cause that issue, but as long as it tastes fine, that's all that matters. The company around the table is far more important.

    Deb in Wales xo

  25. How wonderful that you got to see the grandkids Jeanie. Rick certainly had a lot of fun the them :)
    Pavlova is a very typical Christmas time dessert, and here they sell the meringue bases in the supermarkets, and then we just add the fruit, custard and cream, so I've never tried making one from scratch.

  26. Loving your visitors, smiles, busy and energy!
    And the Pavlova sounds, looks wonderful . . .
    Oh Happy Day!

  27. How nice to visit with the Grands! I love Pavlova and you have me thinking I should make one (one of my favorite versions is to make individual ones - just large meringues topped with whipped cream and fruit). By the way, your beautiful valentine arrived yesterday.

  28. I am glad you got to see the grands and hope that you all stay healthy!! We are looking forward to seeing my MIL in March when she is 3 weeks post the 2nd dose of her vaccine. She has not seen Paul since early November and hasn’t met Will. She’s pretty lonely but Oscar provides good company. It’s weird to imagine the post-vaccine world and what it looks like. But I am glad we can start to see the grandparents again. We can not get Paul to wear a mask so we haven’t been comfortable having him around the grandparents before they were vaccinated. My parents got their first dose last week and will get their 2nd in late March when they get back from visiting my sister in AZ.

  29. Hi Jeanie, I well understand your concern about the mask issue. I will tell you it is a worry and last evening I heard one of the doctors say, "We will be wearing mask a long, long time."
    The little ones are so cute and I know they must have worn you all out. Especially, Rick. Don't you wonder about all that energy - it is amazing.
    Your diner looks as though it was yummy. Shrimp and grits are a favorite here. Enjoy the remainder of the week, stay warms!

  30. They are funny Valentines! So cute and so happy! I know what you mean about masks! I am super paranoid as well.. you cannot be too safe! Looks like you had a nice Valentine’s Day though! Xoxo

  31. Hi Jeanie: Looks like a lot of fun was had. I bet those two had missed you. The dinner and dessert look wonderful. I have watched Ina make that many times and I tried it once. I forgot to leave it in the oven afterwards and it wasn't quite what it should have been. I have been meaning to try another.. Your's looks pretty and good enough to eat. Happy Belated V-Day..Stay well..xxoJudy

  32. Such a joy to see those darling boys at play with their grandfather and I think Rick enjoyed every minute. I love shrimp and grits and the pavlova looked divine! Stay warm a d take care of yourself!

  33. How pretty your daughter is! Which she gets, from her pretty mother,of course. Saw you, in your older post.

    Isn't it awful, to have to have these worries... Masked or not, etc.? Due to this horrible China/Covid Pandemic?????? Yes! It! Is!!!!

    Especially if we are of Grand Parent Age. If I was young and healthy, I'd not worry if I got it or not.

  34. The little guys are certainly having fun, aren't they?

  35. Dear Jeanie,
    What a wonderful time to be had with the grandchildren..
    Thank you so much for visiting and your most kind words.

  36. Oh my... the kids are so cute! But the food looks FABULOUS! I must be hungry! (It is dinnertime.) Will come back to catch up on several posts I've missed while I've been gone. Happy belated Valentine's love to you! Xoxo, Kirsten

  37. What a wonderful visit!
    But I wonder... how do kids cope with all the masked people?
    Oh, hopefully we can get back to normal. Here happened what I feared will happen, our city in the news with: Bad side-effects of the vaccine.
    So, I´m with you, distance is probably all that could get hold of that virus.

    Hmmmm,all the fruit! Like a sign of summer!

  38. Oh happy family days - and capped on with one of your lovely bottles of red, perfect day!
    Wren x

  39. Hello Jeanie,

    The grandsons are so cute, adorable photos. I am glad you could spend some time with the boys and the family. I hope you are safe and there is nothing to worry about with the visit. The food and dessert looks delicious. Hubby and I wear our mask any time we are around people.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  40. How nice to be able to see the grandchildren again. However, I agree with you. I am also getting anxious when I have been too close to people. That is what this pandemic do to us. Hopefully, we are heading in a more safe direction.

  41. Oh what a lovely Valentine's Day you had. Those two tots are a handful! Looks like grandpa was having a blast rolling around with them. I understand how you are so happy to see loved ones but can't get the Covid alarm bells out of our heads...Hoping spring will be looking better.........Take care Jeanie.

  42. I adore pavlova and yours looks delicious!
    I am so happy you were able to have time with the little guys. It does make our hearts happy. I know what you mean, though, about being nervous with no masks and close contact inside. Jill and Desmond came over on Tuesday and had a meal and used our shower. They haven't had power since Friday. I felt bad for them, so agreed to have them come in. It is sort of like roulette and we hope we come out fine.

  43. Jeanie, it looks like you both had a fun time with the kids and their mom!!! The puppy is adorable; I hope he finds a good home. <3 I get freaked out by people not wearing masks but most families don't require their kids to wear masks, only really conscientious people do. I appreciate them a lot! :)

    Still thinking we all should do a 1960's/1970's era "mask burning party" after this is all over... (Think Jane Fonda and all the women libbers of the time...)

    Glad you only had a little fever with your shot,
    Barb :)

  44. When will we feel comfortable without a mask? I really hope we can get to “normal” again.

  45. Sounds like a wonderful Valentine's Day.

    I think this whole situation has caused a lot of anxiety about closeness and uncovered faces that will take some time to get past, even once it's safe to not worry about those things any more.

  46. Small visitors are the best kind ~ tiring but fun!

  47. What an incredible Valentine's Day. I loved the meringue heart you created, too.


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