The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Our Happy Day Out!

We needed a day out. I've been so on edge about not seeing the Toddlers and their parents  for such a long while -- especially when it's unlikely we will see them during winter holidays unless it's just a pass-off of gifts. outside.  So, on a gorgeous, 70+-degree day and after a lot of serious thinking, we hit the road.

I had some guidelines -- outside only, we would wear masks, we'd keep distance from the adults and try to keep above or behind the kids.

And there was plenty of sanitizer available. 

Fortunately, with toddlers who love to swing and are very short, that part was pretty easy.

 I think we spent the bulk of the afternoon pushing little guys! And I loved every single second as they went higher and higher!

Well, till Rick invited Little Cam onto his lap for a story. But I couldn't object!

I will say, I was better in the mask department than Rick!

 I had some small lunch boxes and a little red cash box I brought for the boys and they had fun playing with them.

Carson knew that the little thing Rick gave him to go into the box was a coin but he learned a new word -- penny! (the brown one.)

He modeled his mask for us and even kept it on quite awhile. Our little Superguy!

It was an afternoon of fun and of giggle, of smiles! 

And we needed those smiles. We needed that sense of almost-normalcy. 

These little guys are spending their earliest years in a situation no one planned -- parents who now work at home and are scheduled to till next spring, less contact with friends (although they are in daycare a couple of days a week.)

And for us? Too much time without being with others and so much more to come. I missed the hugs. But I got the smiles.


They'll have to hold us for awhile.


  1. I'm glad you had a day with the little ones. Life is so hard now with the loss of contact and time with family. Stay safe and well dear friend.

  2. Jeanie, their smiles are priceless. How fun to play with the kiddos. Happy Wednesday.

  3. What a very cute time-out you had! And boy.... they´ve grown so much.
    Yes, it´s hard, especially for kids who might have a harder time to understand the chaos and why friends and Grandparents are missing too often. Or Aunts.

  4. There are few things more wonderful than spending time with grandchildren. Great photos.

  5. Hello,

    I am so glad you had a chance to meet up with these cute little guys! The smiles and photos are adorable. Looks like a fun time swinging and playing outside. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I am so glad you were able to spend the day with them. They are just adorable!

  7. I love seeing how people are being creative in managing to have in-person contact. So sweet!

  8. Children's smiles can melt one's heart. Even their mere presence in the room or garden, fills one with joy.
    Good idea to make that trip to meet the cute, blonde toddlers!

  9. Glad you were ab!e to spend time with your grandchildren. Hugs, Valerie

  10. Aww, what a wondrous day. And what handsome kiddos.

  11. It sounds like you had fun.

    I don't expect to see any family until sometime next year.

  12. Glad you got some much needed grandsons time. Love the photos and laughed at the one where a ray of sun likes like he got shot in the forehead with an arrow.

  13. Jeanie, Those adorable smiles melt your heart. I am so glad you had time with the boys and their parents. I would so love to hold my little ones. We miss them and their parents so much. Glad the weather was perfect for being outdoors too. We grandparents are missing out on our families. Blessings to you and Rick. xoxo, Susie

  14. Jeanie, I'm so glad you got to spend time with the toddlers and that we did too, nobody could resist those sweet smiles. I know for a fact that if Jake was still a little one, I would not be able to resist. When they grow up we miss so much it seems. The little ones are somewhat unaware of what is going on, so they need some normal times too..You all look happy and that counts for so much..Stay well..xxoJudy

  15. How great for you, dear. I am sure that was just what you needed before hunkering down for the cold that is soon to come. Great photos, too.

  16. Gosh they have grown since I last saw photos of them. They are so darn cute. I am glad you got to spend time with them and that the weather made that possible. We also spent time with Nana this weekend, too. I know it really lifted her spirits. We will be sticking to FaceTime through the winter to protect her health. :( this darn virus. I am hopeful about the Pfizer vaccine, though.

  17. Big smile. I bet your smile was way bigger than mine, but it must have done your heart a lot of good to see those cuties. And they are really having fun too. This was a post full of joy for sure. Hugs-Erika

  18. Joy is written all over this sweet post! I'm so glad you had quality time with these little darlings. I'm missing our grands so much. We are planning an outdoor kind of Thanksgiving--praying for good weather. If not, my heart will be broken.

  19. Jeanie,
    Glad you got to visit with family...We visited with our Niece and great nieces a week ago and stayed outside and kept masks on too but I have to admit, it was hard....BUT my niece was recently exposed to Co Vid from a co worker at the school...Thank God she was negative...
    We do have a lot of work to get ready for Winter...And one never knows what Winters here will be like....Mild like last year or a foot of snow in a single snow storm.....I like the idea of an angel Tree year round....I can keep up the Tree in my bedroom after Christmas and turn it into an Angel Tree...You have me thinking now!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Take care,

  20. So happy you had this time with your family . . .
    Those smiles brought the best medicine ever!

  21. This was much needed and I'm glad you got this wonderful day with these two little guys. It is so hard for grandparents not being able to see their grandkids, and for the little ones not to see the grandparents. I really hope that we get a working vaccine soon. This whole situation is so messed up, and when I look at how a lot of people behave in this country I wonder whether we will ever get a grip on it, even with a vaccine (there are just so many anti-vaccers). My husband thinks he will be working from home until the summer, and I honestly don't know what to do if the high school allows students back on campus. It doesn't look like that at the moment which is hard for both teachers and students, but I am not sure in-person classes is really something we want to have right now. Our county is still in the purple tier, so it will take a while I guess. It is a bad situation especially for small businesses. We are lucky that many restaurants can still do their business outside since the weather has been kind to us, but how much longer?

  22. There has been so much focus on physical health, but mental health is just as important and I think it was very good for your mental health to see those little guys and to get out and feel like you were doing something "normal". I'm happy for you. -Jenn

  23. Sobbing with tears of joy for you at your happiness which overflows in this post! {feeling very vulnerable again} What a day for you indeed, and I cannot tell you how much it makes me smile.

    Deb in Wales

  24. Jeanie, those darling boys have grown so much. I am so glad you were able to see them and play. The smiles say it all!

  25. It's wonderful that you got to spend time with the kids. I am sure it was good for all of you. The pandemic seems to be getting worse, but at least it looks like it may be tackled by serious scientists soon. And the prospect of a vaccine seems closer. Now, if you can only remove that pouting dictator from the White House........

  26. Tough times indeed. So glad you got to enjoy the smiles. It will be a long winter otherwise. Sending you a big grin from the Land of Smiles!
    Wren x

  27. I hope you'll have more of these days. It's becoming increasingly clear that the damage done by isolation and fear is as bad as the virus. Caution is needed, of course. But finding ways to maintain contact -- as you did here -- is so important. Wonderful photos, too. For the first time, I saw you in the last photo!

  28. Special day written all over this post! Those two have certainly grown, how fast they do change especially when you haven't seen them in awhile. Special memories to last a lifetime.................

  29. What happy times! I think being outside helps! I've thought that from the start. Love seeing those happy smiles! They sure make you feel good!

  30. Jeanie, those darling boys are growing up fast, aren't they? I hope you all stay well. I worry about my friend who "only" spends time with her two grandchildren (small "bubble"), but they see another set of grandparents (whose bubble is a bit larger) and some close friends (wit their bubbles), etc. Nobody's "bubble" is as small as they think it is. But I know each of us must decide for ourselves just how careful we need to be. This way of life can actually seem quite "normal" now, but every once in a while I get a flash and say "Whoa, this is really weird!" :D

  31. Cute kid... Such a blessing and joy

  32. Jeanie, what fun. Those boys are so cute, you can just see the sweetness. I am so happy you and Rick were able to have a visit and on such a gorgeous day. I know the day will stay with you always. Love their bare feet.

    Have a great day, my friend.

  33. OH, I relate so much to this Jeanie! It transforms everything to see those happy carefree faces and do simple fun things with little people who are thrilled to see you. A connection to the rest of the human race. Kids that age are not considered to be very infectious so you'd have to be mighty unlucky to catch anything.

  34. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time Jeanie. It's a shame you couldn't hug those gorgeous little boys but it was good to be able to visit them.

  35. Fun time with family. Good for you. I remember swinging when I was a kid and when I was pushing Maria and Lisa when they were little. Something about swings, I tell you!

  36. So glad you were able to take advantage of a beautiful day to spend time with those you love. Those smiles? Priceless. Sure hope you discover more such opportunities in the months to come...

  37. These boys look so handsome! They are like little boy dolls! I felt so much joy seeing all your pictures together Jeannie and y favorite is the one you took with the Germ-X, it's like an advert photo with his smile on the shot! I am very pleased too that you try your best to be safe while still bonding with these angels :)

  38. You are so lucky. I haven't seen my G.Grandson in months. He is with my daughter (aka Oma) every second weekend now which is okay for her. His mummy is a teacher and his daddy works in a factory so who knows what they are exposed to. His Oma works in pharmacy. We won't be seeing them for awhile. :(

  39. So many smiles, it's wonderful.
    Alas, due to our current lockdown situation, we haven't been able to see the grandchildren in real life. I am so thankful for the internet connection we have, the virtual hugs and kisses are very welcome.

    I so enjoyed your photographs,
    God Bless.

    All the best Jan

  40. So glad you took this opportunity, Jeanie. But even so, there's still a sense of strain in it all, isn't there? It's just an effort not to let it all exhaust the psyche.

  41. How cute! Looks like you had a nice day.

  42. Sweet boys! Soooooo very glad you had some time together. It has got to be hard for them too. I know my grandson misses the social aspect of going to school, but plays with neighbor kids. Since he plays with neighbor kids it makes it hard for me to get together with him. I do miss him tremendously. We are going on an outdoor hike with him this week if the weather permits, but after that I am also not sure when we will be able to see him. Thanksgiving we will cook the dinner and drop it off at his door, but not go in. Already looking forward to next year.

  43. Glad you were able to have some time to enjoy their company and smiles at least. Hopefully soon you can get those hugs in, but for now... At least you got to spend some time with them.

  44. Nice that you all were able to get together outdoors and enjoy time together, however differently than many times before. It looked like everyone had a fun time, especially the swinging toddlers!

  45. So glad you had a lovely time out with the toddlers. These are 'different' times - no one was prepared but we humans are a resilient species - we will survive with whatever we have and however best we can use it. So glad, Rick and you continued to wear the masks.
    Much love from Meraki Link Party.

  46. This is such a precious post that brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you were able to have this time with your Terrible Twosome. :) I miss my parents being able to interact with Wyatt physically so much. He is now nose kissing my mom on zoom; pray that the new year brings big changes. This is such a happy post, so glad for you all here!


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