The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 9, 2020

Autumn at the Ditch

We have been experiencing a surge of glorious, 60s-70s weather and it has been so welcome. Although autumn leaves are beginning to fade and drop quickly, there is still much beauty around my world.

I have enjoyed more than a few walks to the ditch. I'm seeing more bare trees and yes, still a bit of color. 

Those color bursts are like welcome treats as I meander down the path.

I hadn't seen Harry the Heron since I'd returned from the lake. Last year he was here well into November but no matter what time I walked he was elusive. Then one night when the sky was as fuschia as a can of Tab (I am in mourning for Tab), I drove by (without the camera, of course) and there he was! So I was determined to find him again.

And I did. As I sprawled on a bench stretching my hip and back, I looked above and this massive bird was overhead. I leaped up and caught him in flight before landing!

Oh, I was such a happy camper!

There are still plenty of ducks. I swear I saw at least 40 fly overhead on my walk to Rick's last night. They're at the pond, too. 

There is still a fair amount of leaves on some of the trees and I love the rustle as I walk through them, although it appears someone has swept the path. (I learned a long time ago not to walk on Thursday morning when the city maintenance people come through with their machines!)

 This particular tree has leaves that have really hung on. I think it's my new favorite! 

It has been remarkably quiet in the birdsong department at the ditch. I suspect that now people are filling feeders more generously, the birds are enjoying their banquets elsewhere!

 I leave you with a sunny day, blue sky, and November at it's finest.

 And another look at Harry.

I can breathe again. 

Sharing with:   Let's Keep in Touch   /   Pink Saturday     


  1. Gorgeous photos. I'm glad you spotted Harry. Enjoy the last of fall and that beautiful weather!

  2. I'm so happy that you saw Harry! We depend on some things to always be there to add to our enjoyment! And your views of the water are gorgeous! Love the Fall leaves and berries too. What beauty is around us if we will just take the time to look! Enjoy your week my friend!

  3. How lovely to see such beauty still around. It's there all the time, we just have to look a little harder at times. I love the beauty of the world winding down for winter.

    Waving~~~Deb in Wales

  4. Such a pretty place to walk! We live on a little lake here where I moved to in Florida. My community is called Blue Heron. We see herons, egrets and ducks on our little lake every day.

  5. O( MY . . . to this past first week of November!
    The weather was Glorious!
    And Saturday’s announcement was a YES!

    I haven’t driven the car for a week!
    Because . . .
    The leaves have FALLEN . . .
    And I have been busy removing them! 😉
    Today will be leaf removal #10.

    Happy I had a peak into your Autumn glory
    and that Harry is still around “the ditch!

    Thankful is my word, thought, while I work!
    Happy Day Jeanie!

  6. Nice to see such beauty over there. I enjoyed looking at your pictures.

  7. Looks like a wonderful walk and photos. Harry is a handsome heron. The tree with berries has a nice shaped leaf, and colors.

  8. Beautiful autumn there Jeanie. It's the same here, we've enjoyed the season lingering with stunning color this year. Hope it lasts a while longer for both of us. I know you were happy to see Harry...........

  9. Hi Jeanie :)) I love your walk, Harry the Heron is spectacular! They always remind me of dinosaurs. The path looks so inviting, it's so pretty how they fenced it in!

  10. Glad you got some time at the ditch, and even saw Harry a couple of times.

  11. What a joyous celebration, color, birds, lovely walk, clear water, does it get any better? Great that Harry found you on the bench, just in time, too! Such wonderful shots, jeanie! The plump little bird really made my day!

  12. Wish I could find me some stolen time. Did not even get to enjoy the warm weather spurt we were having. Beautiful pics! Janice

  13. It all looks very pretty, enjoy the good weather as long as it lasts! Hugs, Valerie

  14. As always ~ love walking at the ditch with you! Your new favorite tree leaves are simply spectacular! And hooray for Harry!
    Hugs ~

  15. Every single one of these: a potential painting! Glad to see you collecting inspiration (for winter?)! So glad to see Harry again. Also... "as fuchsia as a can of Tab" is going to have me chuckling for the rest of the day.

    Welcome to the new week!

  16. Fresh air coming from all directions!
    We went upriver yesterday. We got some take out food and went to the picnic bench by the riverside park in the tiny town. (Pop, about 3000) The place was crawling with families young and old. It feels like May, but NO BUGS.

  17. Beautiful photos. Fall is the pretties time of the year.

  18. I am sure the autumn day was all the sweeter for being able to breathe and relax. And how cool that Harry flew over just as you were lying on the bench!

  19. Beautiful scenes for your walk. Enjoy your week ahead Jeanie :-)

  20. I always enjoy your observations at the ditch - so happy you found Harry!

  21. So glad you can breathe again, me too.
    Lovely to see Harry one more time before he flies to warmer climes.
    What a lovely place to walk.

  22. I love your ditch and am thankful you document it in your blog. It always speaks calmly and quietly to my heart.

  23. The ditch is still looking so lovely Jeanie. And lucky you to have Harry around still. I'm with you about those colorful leaves with the berries. You definitely have more color than we do. Thanks fro taking us for a walk. I enjoyed it! Hugs-Erika

  24. What a beautiful place to walk and enjoy nature. I'm so happy you saw Harry.
    Happy Autumn. Take care.

  25. Harry certainly came to greet you back at the ditch on your walk. Your photos are so lovely. The colors are so happy and your photos are so crisp and clear! Have a happy week.

  26. As we head to colder weather, I enjoyed your lovely warm weather at the ditch. Your photos are superb, show how lovely your area is in autumn, and how beautiful the ditch is this time of year. Thanks for taking us with you and to see Harry again, too.

  27. The weather has been crazy here too, Jeanie. Yesterday it got up to 24 degrees and students from U of W were doing water sampling at Columbia Lake in tee shirts. It is quite wonderful for us, but I am sure it must be seriously upsetting environmental equilibrium. Looks like we might be on the way to a vaccine for Coronavirus. Fingers and toes crossed.

  28. The color bursts are a balm to the eyes and the soul.
    H.H (Harry the Heron) makes it all look real and stable, not some sort of fantasy.

  29. Lovely photos. Actually, I am taking credit for this batch of great weather because early last week I cleared all the furniture off my deck. You're welcone.

  30. Hello,

    Your views of the Ditch are beautiful, lots of colorful scenes.
    I am glad you found Harry again. The Yellow-rump Warbler is a cutie.
    The path look lovely, I would like to walk there. Take care, stay safe! Have a happy day!

  31. Jeanie, I always enjoy seeing your photos at the ditch with each season. I really like that picture of the little walkway with the Autumn colors and leaves on the ground. What a peaceful place for a walk. The mallard ducks are striking with their green heads and yellow beaks. I bet you were glad to see your friend, Harry, when he showed up, what a surprise for you. Such a lovely post, Jeanie. Thanks for sharing your colors of Fall while they last. It's getting colder here and Fall is almost over.


  32. Autumn at the ditch looks a peaceful time, even if you wished for more bird song. I think your right people will be generous with bird food this winter!
    Have a great week
    Wren x

  33. Oops, it auto-corrected I meant 'you're' right not your!

  34. Just beautiful. What a place of serenity and joy. That last picture of Harry looks like a Monet.

  35. It was hard for me to scroll past that first photo, and I'm sure it would've been hard for me to leave that spot, What a peaceful scene. It's nice to see Harry against those lovely Autumn scenes. You do offer us "November at its finest". Thank you :)

  36. Jeanie, what gorgeous fall color. I am surprised that you have that much color in November. I know you were so happy to see Harry, he was trying to be elusive! Wishing you a lovely week!

  37. Beautiful photos of the ditch area, Jeanie, and nice to see harry has returned!

  38. I'm breathing better now, too.

    Love the fall color. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  39. Gorgeous! I love seeing the birds. Autumn is barely beginning here - just starting to get cooler, no real color changes yet. It’s nice to see your neck of the woods.

  40. girlfriend, I just loved these pretty Fall pictures! Glad you shared---so many pretty colors. Loved seeing all the birds at the water too. I wanted you to know I especially the prior post about family stories....excellent post! Loved all the great info in it, alot of great tips. I loved all the old pictures too....the birthday cake, the kids at the table (think I see you there!?), the lake and water pictures, boats, the old fashioned swimsuits so cute, LOL! Enjoyed it all. I could look at old pictures all day.

  41. Been bliss here too..changing today...

  42. Our leaves are pretty much all gone and it’s very wintery looking. We got ice and then 3” of snow yesterday so it feels like fall is fully behind us. But we did have beautiful weather last week so I soaked it up as much as my body/joints would allow! I am glad you are still seeing fall colors and got to see your friend Harry. He’s so beautiful!!

  43. I was so surprised to see you mention Tab. I've had one other friend who really liked it. He still gets it at Walmart, and you can find it on Amazon. It's not gone!

  44. Gorgeous walk! Thanks for taking us along.

    Beautiful blue sky today. We're going to clean out the first-story gutters. O joy. Well, I'll be glad when that's done, at least. :-)

  45. Beautiful photos Jeanie. Well done for waiting for Harry, your patience paid off. The tiny bird is so cute.

  46. I am so pleased you spotted Harry.
    You've got some amazing Autumnal photographs here, the colours are just wonderful.
    Enjoy these November days.

    All the best Jan

  47. I LOVE that path picture! It should be on your cards. :-) I'm glad you finally saw Harry.


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