The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Not Decking the Halls Yet

I think Rick and I would chalk up this year's Thanksgiving to being high at the list of the worst! The night before I got  message from my doc that after only 48 hours, my heart monitor had already started to indicate A-fib, which was distressing. (If anyone reading this has it, I'd love to chat with you.)  After the impacted ear wax, the lung stuff and sinus headaches that never leave, it was just too much.

 But TG morning started out so well. I made stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberries; we had rolls and dessert good to go. Rick brought over the turkey breast.

But sometime during cooking my back went into -- what? Spasm? Something pinched?  Pain.

By then I could hardly move. A family phone call was a break in the action, and we watched "The Crown" for a while. But when I tried to move it took 15 minutes to get about six feet. 


Then the turkey got done before everything else was. We thought we might eat in shifts. But after munching on shrimp and cheese while watching more elaborate dinners at Buckingham Palace, neither one of us were hungry. And I was in too much pain to even take a picture of the table.

Eventually Rick got me put to bed and the next day I was able to get into the doc. It seems that it's a muscle spasm and for a while I am grounded, mostly on the sofa. No decorating for this kid.

But soon!


  1. Gaaaaaah, I hate that for you!
    Muscle spasms are no joke. Are you doing magnesium?
    It's good for both muscle woes and also heart. Do you have some handy?
    I use Calm and sometimes my heart flops so wildly out of rhythm without it
    that I have to get up and take it in the night.
    It's disconcerting, for sure. Also seems to go along with leg cramps
    (or back) so magnesium is my very good friend.
    Maybe it's info you already have and feels irritating to hear again.
    Sorry if that's so.
    Big hugs to your heart, Jeanie - Holding you close to heart.

  2. I'm so sorry Jeanie. Take good care of yourself and don't do anything you shouldn't. It doesn't really matter if the halls get decked or not in the grand scheme of things. Sending prayers that you will feel better quickly!

  3. Sending big hugs and prayers to you Jeanie. You have been so good to us about all our health issues and pains. I pray you will do well and get the A-fib looked at. My neighbor lady just learned last year about hers and she still can do most of what she used too. Be strong and brave my friend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about your back! I've dealt with back pain my whole adult life and it really takes over your life. Dictates what you can and can't do... I'll pray that the pain subsides and you're back to your ol' self soon.

  5. Dearest Jeanie, you are the nicest lady on the internet, and I am so sorry to hear you are being pummelled right now. I will be sending you thoughts of love and perseverance as you get each thing managed as I'm sure you will soon. I'm seventy with the "inner" me feeling like 30. I am finding it hard to resolve this.Lean on your sweetheart and just take it slow.Lots of soothing vibes to you, Cindy.

  6. Oh Jeanie, just take care of yourself for now. I know decorating is so important to you but your health is even more important. I hope things resolve quickly and that you will be up and around and decking the halls to your heart's content.

  7. Oh my Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. It really has been a trying time. I hope soon you will be feeling much better. Take car e and don't feel stressed about decorating. It will happen when it happens. Even if it doesn't happen you still have your loved ones. Every year for the past 10 years or so I've been having to learn acceptance of my limitations and it has all worked out just fine. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way. xx

  8. I don't have experience with heart difficulties, but back muscle spasms are so intensely THE WORST. The going theory now is to move around, walk, pull yourself upright, walk. Back in my youth it was thought that only bed rest was needed.
    Somehow you all managed to have a Thanksgiving. For us, it was no frills at all, just a quiet day with healthy eating. We felt grateful that we could be together...didn't matter what we did...

  9. My husband had A-fib. He also had some other heart issues he was born with. We only found out roughly five years before he passed. I
    His brother also has A-fib. When his gets too bad, the stop his heart and restart it. Same with my friend. At some point they may go in and reduce the scaring. That’s about all I know. BTW my husband did not pass away from any of his heart problems. Hope this helps even a little. Jean

  10. Oh Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear that you had a bummer Thanksgiving. Back spasms are awful, and can last for a long time. Once, I lifted a heavy piece of furniture on my own, and had back spasms that were so bad that I could hardly move, and even years later, I could still feel pain in that one area when I used it the wrong way. I wanted to tell you that I read one time that ear wax appears in some people more than others. I've had to go in before to clean the ears, but now I use a Q-tip every day because I don't want any build up. I hope you feel better, Jeanie, and you can be up and around this Christmas season. : )


  11. Oh my, Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear of your issues and certainly hope they are resolved soon! This has been a crazy year on many levels, hasn't it? Please take care of yourself, my friend. The decorating will wait for another day.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear of your health problems. I hope by now you are getting some relief. I have had back surgery and may have to have another, but I remember the first time it "went out". Ironically it was during the holidays and as my doctor described, the vertebrae on some level had slid and the inflammation left it in that horrible state until that subsided. I was on my back for several days and used ice and some pain meds. If you don't have a history of back problems, this may be a warning!🙄

    I haven't started decorating yet either. I like to get my tree first and I'll head out to the nursery this week. Bur a definite is: I procrastinate putting it up AND taking it down!!🎄

    Rest up, Jeanie!


  13. oh no i hope you feel better soon! rest up!

  14. This doesn't sound like fun. So sorry to hear this. My husband used to have A-fib when he was on dialysis. Not fun, but I hope yours got under control. I've had back spasms, not fun! But hopefully it is just spasms and nothing more long term. Take care, get some rest. The decorations can a few more days. Hugs-Erika

  15. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself.

  16. I hate that you have to go through all this, especially during the holidays. Take it as easy as you can and give your body the rest it seems to be asking for.

  17. I haven't had A-fib myself, but as an ICU/CCU nurse, I dealt with it all the time. Let me know if you have any questions ~
    Hugs ~

  18. Oh dear! Take care, Jeanie. I hope things ease up for you quickly. -Jenn

  19. Oh no, I feel so badly for you! Back pain is the worst! well, one of the worst, I got a paper cut that one time and thought
    that was the worst. My husband has had A-fib for at least forty years, controls it with meds and it has not been a problem.Scary at first though. Take it easy, in the words of our illustrious first Lady- eff Christmas- Be kind to your self, jeanie, i am thinking good thoughts of you and for you . Be well! love

  20. Sorry o hear it, feel better soon! Hugs, Valerie

  21. Hello Jeanie,

    I am sorry you are having these health issues, it does seem like a bit too much happening at the same time. You health is so important, listen to the doctors and take good care of yourself. I hope the medicines are helping with your back pain, keep calm and take slow deep breaths. I would not stress over the decorating..Sending prayers and well wishes. Take care, have a happy new week!

  22. So sorry to hear of your health troubles Jeanie. I suffer from back pain (herniated discs) and it's no fun when it happens. Take care of yourself, specially your heart problems.

  23. You certainly are a living example of "If it's not one thing, it's another." Be sure and check your email, and make Rick aware of it, too. He's going to need to haul a box into the house.

  24. I'm sorry to hear of your health issues. Take it easy, and give your body the rest it clearly needs. Hope you're feeling back to your usual self again soon. *hugs*

  25. Damn! Damn! Triple Damn! Hell.
    I hope you're soon feeling swell!

  26. Take care..Pain is a PITA.
    Get well soon:) Do what your doctor suggests..2020 is also a PITA.
    Bet ya didn't think I had it in me..;)

  27. Dear, dear Jeanie. Email me. I have to talk to you about the A-Fib.

  28. Oh Jeanie I am so sorry to hear of all your health issues. One think I know is "the back rules!" If the back is out nothing gets done!!! I hope you feel better soon. So sorry to hear you felt bad for Thanksgiving. Take care and get better, I know how you are looking forward to decking your halls.......Sending hugs and get well wishes.

  29. Dear Jeanie, I am so sorry to hear you have not been well. I kept having a little nudge about you. Be good to you and you will enjoy your wonderful dinner when you feel better. Sending you big hugs - they always help.

  30. Oh no! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  31. Seems like your body has been assailed from every angle, Jeanie. We can only hope for good news from you; in the meantime I am sure you can count on Rick to take good care of you. Wish we lived closer to do something tangible.

  32. Get well wishes to you!

  33. Get well wishes

  34. Oh, my. You have problems, which make mine so minor. I hope you feel better soon. The food you described sounds absolutely delicious!

  35. Now I see why you said this was the worst Thanksgiving ever. I hope by resting and not doing any exercising tasks, like decorating for Christmas, you will be better soon. Please take care of yourself, and don't worry about visiting. Just GET BETTER, please.

  36. Honey Bunny!
    Oh, no, no, no!
    Sending you warm hugs and gentle pats on the shoulder, along with concerned looks and quiet pacing in the other room. You, being the patron saint of all holiday should have been spared this, especially in 2020.
    Oh Jeanie - I hope this resolves nicely and SOON.
    Love you!

  37. Oh my! This doesn't sound good. Hoping with each day this week you begin to feel a little better. Just the back spasm would be too much, but Afib on top of that, ugh!!! My husband has had several adventures with Afib and no fun. What triggers his is alcohol, caffeine, and MSG, but I have a friend that isn't sure what causes it. She is on medication and has changed her diet. Please take care, rest, and hopefully soon you will feel like a few songs and a Santa or two in the house.

  38. I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I'm sending virtual hugs and I hope that you will recover.

  39. Oh Jeanie, I am so sorry! It sounds like a never ending sucky year. How can you get such a muscle spasm in the back? I imagine it is super painful. Maybe it's the result of all the exhaustion that came with the past few months? Just a reaction of your body, saying enough is enough. I hope you are feeling better soon and the pain will disappear.

  40. I am so sorry you've had so much to deal with. I loathe muscle spasms.

  41. oh no Jeanie. Hope it clears up quickly. I get laser treatments from my chiropractor for mine. So worth it.

  42. I'm sorry about your A-fib and hope your doctor is able to make it manageable for you. I knew someone ages ago who had this. His doctor was a real blessing in helping him with it.

    Muscle spasms don't sound all that bad until you've actually had one. Yikes! I feel your pain -literally :( I trust rest will be the ticket and you can direct the decorating. I hope you're better soon!

  43. oh Jeanie, I am so sorry, back pain is not for sissies, and thank goodness you have Rick nearby to take care of you! I am sure you are frustrated, wanting to do decorating and holiday things, but try not to stress about it! I decided I am going to do minimal decorating this year, as there won't be any entertaining, but just enough for my family to enjoy. Take care of yourself and don't worry about comments or blogging, we will all be praying for you to feel better soon!
    PS, my daughter and her husband were telling me about The Crown this weekend and how much they are enjoying watching it, I can't wait to get started!

  44. Oh you poor dear. Hope you get better. Glad your Thanksgiving dinner was good at least. Janice

  45. Oh, Jeanie- I know you are a 'doer' like I am so it is extra difficult for you to be laid up like that. I am so sorry. I hope it eases up quickly. Did they tell you ice/heat?
    Well, if your Christmas is going to be like ours (no kids/friends) then maybe the decorations aren't so important. Wish I lived closer- I would come and decorate and you could boss me around. lol. xo Diana

  46. Oh Jeanie I’m sorry to hear you’re going through miserable muscle spasms. I get a bit of sciatica but that’s it. I don’t know anything about a-fib. I hope you’ll gain some info here on your post. I truly hope you’ll climb out of this quickly.

  47. Enough is enough! Or maybe too much! I hope you are starting to feel better. What a year this is!

  48. I'm pretty sure i left you a note here, Jeanie, but I'm aware that you've needed to be resting, so maybe you haven't posted it yet. Are you walking around, standing up straight, keeping your ab muscles engaged?...I've been through such awful back spasms..Heat, or cold, or alternating both...Thanks for visiing my blog, in spite of your pain, Jeanie...Heal soon, Rita

  49. As NanaDiana said what I would say. You are a doer, who has been the one who hosts and cooks for many people.

    Try CBD oil/products. They help me with arthritis and general pain. You can order it online.

  50. Goodness! You have been through the wringer!

    Sending good thoughts and prayers that you are feeling better.

  51. Oh no. That is a bad double whammy. Please let us know what the plan is for the a-fib issue. Pace maker? Will be thinking of you. And then to have back issues on top of everything else. I am currently struggling with back pain too. It is horrible to have issues in your back. Mine is not as bad as yours but it’s difficult to sleep and I gasp when getting up or picking up Paul. I’m so ready to not be in pain!

    We finished season 4 of the crown last night. I love that show so much and was sad to be done with it as it’s always a long wait for the next season!

  52. Oh Jeannie, I am so sorry to read this.
    Please take good care of yourself and do as the Dr says.
    I'm sure there will be time to 'deck the halls' but the important thing is you, so if it doesn't get done never mind. You are the important one.
    Sending healing thoughts and saying a prayer.
    Feel better soon.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  53. You have had quite a time of the physical ailments, jeanie, and please do rest up and let the decorating, blog posting and blog reading go until you are feeling better. Maybe you can catch up on some of your favorite reads or watch some holiday films, but just r-e-l-a-x and feel better because decking the halls isn't as important as feeling better as you do know.

  54. OH NO...that is terrible and I am so sorry to hear about all the issues. Seems like 2020 is never going to end or get better. I hope you are feeling better really fast.

  55. Oh, Jeanie! By now I hope you are at least a little better. When I had horrible muscle spasms in the past I had to crawl several feet to stop the spasm and then I could pull myself up to stand. Probably you have muscle relaxants.

    This is when one is so thankful to have a nice warm house to be safe in. God bless and heal you, Dear!

  56. you poor thing. ill health is a bugger. (hope it's okay to use that word - in australia, it's just colloquial and not a bad word). get better soon!

  57. Sorry I´m late ... or early, are you better?
    This sounds very scary - I´m wishing you the best. "We" always take a good health for granted until our bodies remind us it´s hard work.
    Hope you can deck the hall soon!

  58. Awww Jeanie, do take care. back pain is terrible, especially spasms. The Thanksgiving dinner sounds lovely. I have yet to see the crown. Take care and take your time to decorate.

  59. Oh my goodness! I hate to hear this...what a terrible year it has been for so many of us. Just take care of yourself and! Nothing else is important now. Sending some gentle hugs, Diane

  60. I do hope today is a better day for you. I've been thinking about you.

  61. I'm so sorry you had so many problems on Thanksgiving. The heart monitor would have stressed me out just wearing it. Sending you a big warm hug.

  62. Oh, you poor thing! Sending you a virtual cup of lemon-ginger tea - my cure for all things - with a slice of chocolate cake. And a big, strong hug.

  63. Take rest and get well soon...prayers

  64. Jeanie, I so hope you are feeling better. I am so sorry, back pain is terrible. Take care of yourself and rest, that is best for the back. Sending hugs and prayers!

  65. Jeanie, take care of yourself, back pain is so horrible. Rest and take it easy...sending hugs and prayers!

  66. It is very rare for me to have back issues, but I find heat helps.

  67. Well, for as much as I've grown to deplore the conspicuous consumption associated with Christmas, I am sad too, Jeanie. Seeing photos of your Christmases past just brings those memories of family to the forefront. How I will miss the new memories that could've been made this year with ALL of family, not just one or two. Stupid COVID, you suck. That's all there is to it.

  68. Hi Jeanie, So sorry you are hurting. I swear by CBD oil to massage onto the sore muscles. Can you get that in Michigan? Otherwise, I use a heating pad to relax the spasming muscles. Or muscle relaxant medications. Did your doctor prescribe anything? Or send you to physical therapy? My friend Jim has had Afib for years, with no serious effects. Once the doctor performed the de-fibrilation treatment (don't worry, you are asleep for the procedure) to shock the heart back into normal rhythm, but that tends to be a temporary fix. Please take care. Love, Bonnie

  69. Oh my goodness, I had to come way back here to learn about your A-Fib and back spasms. I hope by now the muscle in your back is loosening and you have pain relief. I'm afraid the A-Fib will be a longer process.

  70. I had to read back to here to find that you are experiencing A-Fib and back spasms. I sure hope the back is rested and feeling better. I have a feeling the A-Fib may take a bit longer to resolve. I do know a blogger that has A-Fib and just had ablation for it. I'll email you her info. Meanwhile, I'm thinking of you.

  71. I'm so sorry to hear all that you are going through. When things like that happen during the holidays, it seems so much worse. I want to give you words of encouragement. My mother had A-fib and it was controlled with medication and she lived to be 94 years old. She was active and lived by herself all that time. My husband also has A-fib and lives a completely normal life. As long as you have a good cardiologist who will monitor you, it is very controllable. One thing that was mentioned was magnesium, and yes, my husband's doctor did prescribe that along with another couple of medicines. The biggest thing is to try not to worry, stress can cause so many side the spasms.


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