The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, November 27, 2020

Late November at the Ditch

We had a Thanksgiving to remember and I don't think I mean that in a good way. Please forgive me if I don't answer comments soon or visit as I'd like. (But not Covid!) Meanwhile....

I don't often visit the Ditch at sunset, especially to walk, but sometimes when driving by I can't resist stopping. It's a different place. The ducks begin to fly in and congregate. It's quiet and the reflections dazzle.

It's much different in the daytime when you can see what is going on. Quite a few deer seem to hang out on the island but I'd never seen a buck until this walk.

He was quite far away and my zoom isn't what it used to be, but he seemed very comfortable in his woods.

It's probably the safest place for him to be. It's deer season here in Michigan!

I haven't seen many birds there of late -- until two large flocks of cardinals flew in, landing high in the trees.

It wasn't quite a murmeration, although it might have been if they'd landed at the same time. These berry-laden trees seemed to be quite the popular destination.

There are legends that cardinals are good luck or visits from those who have passed.

I just know they are beautiful.

Ihope a few of them find their way to Lizzie's feeder!

 I leave you as we began, with a different sunset, a different day.

On to December!


  1. Beautiful photos but now I'm worried about you. Let us know how things are going as soon as you can. Sending hugs and prayers.

  2. Lovely photos, great pic of the buck, and sunrise and sunset are always my fave times. Stay well and safe, hugs, Valerie

  3. Hello, Jeanie,

    Now, you have me worried. I hope you and your family are safe. I love the birds and the gorgeous sunset. It is hunting season here too, I think the deer are hiding. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

  4. Lovely woods, amazing vermillion chested bird! what a color. The sunset in the water is magical. I can not seem to get enough bright color on these winter days of mono-grey darkness. I think that our eyes really need light to tell our brains that everything will be OK.

  5. Thinking of you, Jeannie. I'm glad you're finding beauty and solace in Nature. Take Care.

  6. Those cardinals are beautiful. Such a nice crimson color.

  7. Lovely photos. I especially like the cardinals. I always feel it is such a gift to have them stop at our feeders.

    Hope all is soon well with you. Sending good thoughts and prayers.

  8. I hope all will be well with you soon ~
    Gorgeous pix ~ I especially like the last one.
    Hugs ~

  9. I saw a beautiful buck today as I was driving out of my neighborhood. they are much smaller than Michigan buck's, but beautiful all the same. hope yours stays safe. I hate hunting! Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. The red cardinals are such a beautiful sight! When I was young I didn't care for red, Now I fall for everything red.

  11. Oh Jeannie, you have me worried too.
    I hope all is well. Obviously do please let us know when you can.
    In the meantime, I send my good wishes and say thank you for these lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  12. Beautiful photos as always. Love the ditch and deer that hang out there.

  13. Beautiful and handsome photos.
    Yes indeed, “Mister Buck” is probably quite safe at the ditch.
    And the cardinals cheer me no matter here in picture or looking out our kitchen window.
    They visit here faithfully! . . .

    Thanksgiving was more than different.
    It is a favorite, mostly because it celebrates so many beginnings.
    I liked this when I saw it the other day.
    I am thankful to be thankful.
    Add grateful to the mix, I like it even more.

  14. Your opening sentence sounds ominous, Jeanie. Please let us know what is going on as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. In the meantime stay safe.

  15. Jeanie, So glad you saw all those cardinals. I have not seen any for some time. The hawks are keeping about all birds away from here...well not the Jays. Sending blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  16. Very beautiful, especially the beginning and end.
    Just your first words... are you OK? Like... all of you?

  17. I love seeing your real live nature photos! You are a wonderful photographer.

  18. I hope all is well in your world and nothing serious is going on. I LOVE the cardinals. I haven't seen one here in a couple of years. You have some beauties, as well as the deer hiding in the trees. PLEASE stay safe, dear.

  19. You live in a good place to get rare chances to enjoy Nature as it is. Please have a cup of hot tea or coffee after you return home on cold days.

  20. We have cardinals year round, but rarely see them in flocks. It may be due to the fact that they aren't migratory here. There's no need to gather. It certainly is true that any landscape shows a different face at different times of day -- thanks for sharing this view, and take good care!

  21. Some lovely pictures! Loved them! Take care

  22. Hi Jeanie :) Beautiful photos and what luck to see that buck! I hope all is well with you! xx

  23. Oh Jeanie, I hope nothing seriously wrong (thank God it's not the virus). Beautiful pics from of nature, these are perfect for this season. We have a small pond in our neighborhood and I love to visit there to see the wildlife. We have always had our duck residents, I stopped there this past week and there were no ducks to be seen! Hope things are okay or better since you wrote this post. Take care my friend............

  24. OH no, Jeannie, not sure what happened but your are in my thoughts for sure!! Hope everything is all better now and you are able to enjoy this weekend. Hugs my friend and I sure enjoy your pretty "ditch" pictures!! take care of yourself ok. Hugs!!

  25. I always enjoy your ditch visits! I love watching the cardinals during winter when their brilliant red plumage is stark against the gray background.Take care, Jeanie!

  26. You got some wonderful late day photos Jeanie. It really captures the time of year. I'm ready for December. Today I really need to clean and decorate. Hopefully! Hope the back is feeling improved. Hugs-Erika

  27. Beautiful photos! We went for an afternoon walk to the creek on thanksgiving since it felt ‘mild’ - it was 36! Funny how your idea of a mild day changes with the seasons. We saw 16 ducks so Paul was in heaven. I have never seen as many cardinals in a group as you have - what a treat!!!!

    Hope you are feeling ok!! Take it easy!!!

  28. Hope all is well Jeannie. Beautiful photos!

  29. Sorry something bad seems to have happened. I hope it's not anything too serious and all will be well soon. Glad you were able to enjoy another afternoon at the ditch watching wildlife and taking their photos though.

  30. Your words sounded so ominous and have us all so worried. Your photos are lovely but what we will enjoy more is hearing from you soon. Warm thoughts and hugs.

  31. Oh Jeanie, I am glad it's not Covid, but I'm sorry that Thanksgiving didn't go as well as it should. Your photographs are really wonderful (as always) and the your pictures, so much red and brown and white, show that autumn is still displaying her beauties where you are. Please stay safe and be better soon!

  32. So beautiful, and the red cardinal made my heart sing. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. That last sunset is spectacular. What a sight it must have been for you to see that handsome buck!


  33. how beautiful! that beautiful buck, and the wonderful cardinal...

  34. Your Ditch looks like a calming and peaceful place :)

    I'm sorry your Thanksgiving was stressful. I hope everybody's ok...

  35. Your photos are so beautiful. Animals and birds look amazing, as well as sunset. Thank you for sharing.

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