The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Adding Some Halloween to the House

I can't believe Halloween is this week. We won't be handing out candy this year, unfortunately. But I will be making some little bags for some kids down the street that I'll leave at their door. 

It's not a perfect world, is it? I'll miss that. But it will still be cozy and Halloweenie inside!

The leaves and more neutral pumpkins of the autumn decor will stay up through Thanksgiving -- but I have to add a little Halloween to the house, right?

When it comes to Halloween, I lean a bit more to the vintage look.

There's nothing like a cheery pumpkin fellow on a bike to make me smile! (And I don't mean, Rick, although he's pretty cheery and does make me smile!)

Many things I've collected over the years. Some have been gifts from good friends. They are all the more special when the person who gave it to you has passed.

I love berry wreaths -- and adding this sweet little girl made by former blogger Joanne Huffman to its center. She makes me smile.

 I have to have it all over the house -- even in the kitchen.

This shelf never has made it to where it belongs -- which is about eight inches above where it is! Still, I love it!

These are my Wizard of Oz trick-or-treaters, another gift from a friend. I wait all year to put these out!

And here are a couple of the others in the cabinet.

And every kitchen should have a kitchen witch. This one stays up all year, just a bit less prominently!

I leave you with a couple of additions to the fall things that will stay put for a bit after Halloween comes down.

A few more pumpkins here.

A mixed media piece there.

Meanwhile, if you are celebrating Halloween, have a safe one!

After all, ghosts and goblins are enough to worry about!

 And don't forget to wear your mask!


  1. I love the cute Wizard of Oz collection and the kitchen witch of course. I love all the cutesy things but I haven't done much decorating this week. Happy to enjoy yours! Happy Halloween!

  2. I love all of your beautiful fall and Halloween decor, so festive!

  3. Great collection!
    I like your black mask, the kitchen witches, the various pumpkins, and of course, the berry wreaths.

  4. What a super collection of ornaments you have. Are the ceramic Jack O'Lanterns {above your picture of you} by Betsy Parker? They look a lot like my pin by her. She's very talented. I could not bring myself to put the Wizard of Oz group away.

    Deb in Wales

  5. Well, bless you! I didn't even bother getting the boxes out. Your place looks great jeanie.

  6. Wow you do have a fun collection of Vintage Halloween ~ Very festive! ~ With all the renovations happening, I'm not decorating this year..I miss all my ceramic pumpkins about but will have to wait till next year! ~ Enjoy

  7. I'm loving the pumpkin people and the jack 'o lanterns. Fun!

  8. I love your Wizard of Oz figures and others.
    Artist/brand name??
    And I am looking for that fruit bread recipe too!

  9. A child at heart!
    My all time faves..your WOO collection.
    Cool mask;)

  10. So cute, Jeanie!!! I LOVE the Wizard of Oz dolls the most... As a child, I waited every year to watch the one and only showing of the movie on t.v... It's still an all-time favorite! Along with Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. <3

    Enjoy all your fun vintage-style Halloween decor! That's much more my style, too. I have nothing up except the mantel decor from a while ago. I am just barely 11 days from the blasted virus again. Doctors confirmed what I had in Jan/Feb was the same, tests were still being invented then.

    I am beginning to feel better, just still getting over the viral pneumonia part. Thankfully, now they know that once symptoms begin, it's about 10 days. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, will you?

    Many warm virtual hugs,

  11. The cheerier the better for me! I love those orange and red and yellow colours too. Your friend's berry wreath is really beautiful, I'd love to have that up. In the final picture there is a glimpse of green wall- it is a wonderful colour, one I've been thinking about using if and when we EVER get the bathroom renovated. I'm havering between that and orangey pink. Getting the bathroom renovated is of course the main problem :)

  12. Your house is looking great for Halloween. I love the Wizard of Oz trick or treaters. They are pretty fun! Glad you were able to get your decorations up and share them with us. Fun post Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  13. I can't believe it either but your house is really in Halloween festive fashion. I like everything!

  14. Cuteness! My neighborhood is doing truck or treat, so no little ones at the door. Kind of sad!

  15. Halloween looks great in your home, Jeanie. I particularly LOVE your Wizard of Oz collection. Oh, your mask is a good one! Love it! We won't be handing out candy this year, sadly....I must say we haven't had many children in the years past as our neighborhood is all grown up now. Take care and stay safe.

  16. You always have great decorations no matter which holiday season is with us. These are all charming! I only have a few things, but my neighbors more than make up for it -- so many houses are decorated around here. One house has very detailed instructions for trick-or-treaters to leave their bag on the porch, back up, yell out that they are there and so on -- all written in clearly a child's handwriting. I don't think I can manage that.

    be safe! mae at

  17. Nice compromise with the bags for the kids!
    Oh. Does the lady in the first pic want to scare or is she scared herself? Cute!
    The biker! And the wreath is wonderful, too. Henry says hi! Have a "happy" Halloween, it´s what we make it, right.

  18. Hello, Jeanie
    You look so cute wearing your VOTE mask. I love all your Halloween decorations, I think the Wizard of Oz trick-or-treaters is one of my favorites. I have always loved the pumpkins. Take care, have a happy day!

  19. I love your decorations, especially those doing double duty. It's so nice of you to make candy bags for your neighbourhood children. Keep well Jeanie.

  20. I never decorate for Halloween -- I'm more of an autumn-y sort. But you certainly have a fine collection of holiday decor, and I'm glad it gives you such pleasure.

  21. Good morning, Jeanie. I love all your Halloween decor. Sadly, we will not be handing out candy this year either. Our virus numbers are on the rise here. Wishing you and Rick a Happy Halloween. Love, love your mask!

  22. Nice you're going to make up bags for some of the neighbour kids, and that you're making your Halloween fun for yourself, even though it won't be the same this year. Stay safe, and enjoy.

  23. Oh Jeanie, you have so many darling Halloween pieces. I do love vintage too, my favorites. There is just something so special about them. I think they bring the child out in me! Jim says he's married to a child, oh dear! I do love holiday decorations. I'm especially in love with your Wizard of Oz trick or treaters, just darling! Halloween has been cancelled here. Like you I always look forward to handing out candy to the few neighborhood children. They always amaze me with their creative costumes. So, it'll be a cozy Halloween here with a good movie and popcorn. Hope yours is fabulous! I love that mask!!!!

  24. [url=][img][/img][/url]
    Very beautiful and simple. Thanks for the idea.

  25. I can always depend on you for seasonal displays. I have nothing that even hints of fall! My purple orchid is blooming on the dining table and my Christmas cacti are either in bud or blooming. I might have to go into storage and dig out a few orange things! Bob just asked if he should put the antique sled on the porch - I said not yet!

  26. Aww, there are so many lovely things!
    The kitchen witch seems love baking too!
    It looks like a critical mask as critical to vote Dump Trump out!

  27. Halloween delights! I have some candy; but don't expect any trick-or-treaters. I did just give a small bag of treats to my granddaughter.

  28. I thought you had done this already? Looks great. I have a friend that LOVES Christmas, and due to losing someone she loved yrs ago on Thanksgiving they sort of skip that...and go straight to Christmas....I say this to tell you that she has put up one tree already for Christmas...not sure why she is skipping Halloween. Today she posted a pic of her decorate stairs for Christmas. lol

  29. Dearest Jeanie, that very first one really sent me creeps! All others, SUPER CUTE! Even that witch was adorable! Love seeing you as well with that mask :)

  30. Such a joy these little pumpkiny people and pretty things. It is strange, I still decorate and arrange things in my home, but not to welcome visitors...I am asking everyone is they will meet with people indoors this winter. We are having an increase in cases in Maine...

    I have just a few orange/Halloweeny things. Maybe I'll send you a photo of my shelf top display...

    Thanks for sharing the seasonal happiness...Rita

  31. Your hone is very festive. Mine not so much. Happy Halloween! Hope next year it will be better. Go figure it is on a Saturday this year and this covid has ruined for most. Janice

  32. First, I have to comment on your mask. I said something similar on my blog. I need to stay alive to at least November 4, or my vote won't count. And I truly expect my vote to count, even if I DON'T live in a swing state.

    I especially LOVE the Wizard of Oz little dolls. They are always fun to see. However, I miss the Wizard himself, but I sure love the doll maker's interpretation of Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West.

    Like you, I won't be passing out anything this year and I don't expect to see any kiddos, either. Your idea of making up bags and taking them to neighbor kids gave me an idea. I'll do the same for my neighbor's children. Happy Halloween, dear Jeanie. I always love how you decorate your home each season and holiday. That wreath is lovely, too.

  33. What a lovely decorator you are! And every decoration gives you happiness. I think I like the Wizard of Oz characters best, though your cheerful pumpkins are delightful, too.

  34. Jeanie, I love all of your Halloween decor. The Wizard of Oz “trick or treaters” are fabulous. Happy Halloween and Happy Thursday!

  35. that top Boo doll is so precious - did you make it? adorable!

  36. Oh Jeanie I love all your adorable vintage Halloween figurines! The Wizard of Oz group is fabulous! Wonderful Halloween touches everywhere that make me smile! I can't believe Sunday is Nov 1, wow time is flying by! Happy Halloween,

  37. Hi Jeanie! :) I love your Halloween decor, especially the Wizard of Oz people!!!

  38. It looks like you are going to have a fun weekend. What a good Neighbor Lady you are!

  39. You're ready for the season!:) Love the mask!

  40. I love all of your decor. What a fun, festive house! We did not do any Halloween or fall decorating this year. Maybe in future years? We have enjoyed looking at others’ outdoor decorations as long as they aren’t scary! Paul is a sensitive little soul so does not like the scary stuff!

  41. So nice to see your photographs, your Autumn and Halloween décor looks great.

    Stay safe, stay well

    All the best Jan

  42. Jeanie,
    I LOVE all your darling Halloween decorations!!
    I especially love those sweet Wizard of Oz Trick or Treaters!! How unique!!
    Thanks for always stopping by and thanks for commenting on my post on Anne Marie's house...I am sure she will be thrilled!!

  43. Great mask!!!
    Your house is indeed "cheery". Love all the Halloween spirit.
    I am leaving some out too, but added a turkey to the mix today.
    Glad you could take treats to your neighbor kids.

  44. You certainly DO have a lot of fun Halloween decos in your home and all very cheerful, Jeanie. Of course, my favorites in this post are the Wizard of Oz figures. Also nice to "see" you at the final pic.

  45. I chuckled at your Wizard of Oz collection. Mia was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz this Halloween. Nel was the Scarecrow, Renecke was the Tin Man, and their dog was the Lion haha. It's always such a pleasure to see all your holiday goodies around your house, Jeanie. You have some unique and fun items, and you put them in just the right places in your home.


  46. Your home is full of such cute little reminders of love and cherished relationships. Love your collection of wiz of oz.
    Would love for you to share your post with us at Meraki Link Party. Party is from Monday thru till Thursday at
    Much love


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