The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: So Much to Love

Life has been so nice lately. Before we took some time off from the lake to head home for a few days, there was more fun at the lake, and a lot more beauty too.

Isn't this one a charmer? She actually posed for me!

 I love painting on the porch and looking out, seeing something like this!

Speaking of painting, I've done a bit lately. 

I'm starting on Christmas cards...

Guess who inspired this one!


 Thanksgiving cards...

...and a few larger pieces including the squirrel I saw at the Ditch...

...and this owl from a trip a few years ago to the Berkshires.

We also had some visitors! These two are always welcome! (Yes, they had their masks -- you can see Kev's on his neck)

Alas, these two were too asleep to play!

Rick got our cottage sign hung up. This was a birthday gift two years ago and it had been sitting on the mantle.

And we enjoyed another terrific dinner -- soy marinated chicken and pineapple on the grill with orzo salad.

A little withering waterflower for some beauty.

These days, we find sun puddles...

...and we relax. (It's extra fun to relax in the lovely chairs one of our Good Neighbors was throwing out and gave us first refusal before they hit the curb. We didn't refuse and now we have to fight Herself for a seat!)

We're back at the lake now, reveling in those last lovely days of real summer. Some of the flowers Kevin and Molly brought for my birthday are holding up. Look at that beautiful hydrangea!

Days are shorter. Rick works till five or so, then hits the road on his bike. Or, he might take a just-before-sunset kayak paddle.

Meanwhile Lizzie is thinking thoughts she shouldn't be. Nothing new there.

And we smile.

Because life is really good right now. So we grab while we can. Covid hair and all.


  1. Such a happy photo of you and Rick, Jeanie! You both look great. It's nice you have such a lovely place to paint and enjoy these last days of summer. I love the photo of Rick paddling with the beautiful clouds lit by the sun.

  2. I kind of like seeing Covid hair on everyone. It makes us reevaluate what is really important in our looks and that's our ability to still smile.

    Your Christmas cards are great. I love your use of colors in everything you do, so bright and primal.

  3. Love that your b'fly friend posed for you ~ and your painted squirrel is the cutest thing ever!
    Stay safe ~

  4. Your cards are great mini works of art!
    The people in your post (You, Rick, and the visitors) look happy, and that makes us feel happy too.

  5. Absolutely LOVE your water colors and your cards , wonderful! Super wonderful!! All of your photos are just gorgeous, The butterfly, magnificent, Have i used enough adjectives of the splendid sort? I have not seen one butterfly this year. Not one mosquito either. I have been loving your summer so much. It is like I have gone some place and had a good time. I will be revisiting your photos when winter rolls around.

  6. Good, good days, my friend. you really have a super artistic talent! Keep it up!

    I have to refer aeck to your posts about the new blogger. Grrrrr... thanks for coming by and giving the info. 😘


  7. Lots of beautiful photos and paintings. But somehow, cats and kids always steal the show! Glad you are having some happy times. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Beautiful butterfly! Mine pose, then as soon as I point the camera, off they fly! Great photos, especially the happy one of you and Rick. What can I say about that chair other than I am always amazed at what others throw away, and Herself is very pleased!

    Deb in Wales

  9. Enjoyed your post . . .
    Beautiful summer days are winding down . . .
    Thoughts of “change” In temp and color is not far away.

    Strange how casual dress, no thoughts, worries about hair,
    are happening here since Covid . . . maybe that is a good thing!

    The urge to paint and create is happening to me as well.
    I need a walk to the lake to gather some flat stones plus some small driftwood pieces.
    I am in the mood to create a picture out of itsy bitsy stones . . .
    Wish I was near a beach where I could collect some sea glass.
    Card creating with sea glass sounds perfect about now.
    saw the idea and now I can’t get it out of my mind.

    Ah yes . . . September days are almost here . . .
    Enjoy these winding down days Jeanie . . .

  10. Hello Jeanie

    Wonderful photo of you and Rick. I love the Lizzie and the Monarch photos too. Pretty scenes from the lake, the sailboat would make a lovely painting. Your Christmas cards are beautiful, well done! Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. It is always a pleasure to read your blog, Jeanie. Some people have a glass half full attitude to life, but yours is never less than two thirds I am sure. Your sheer exuberance for life comes through with every word, and you know how to enjoy the good and dismiss the bad. As for the COVID hairdos, I think that Rick has finally attained the German composer look, and it is quite distinguished and will no doubt be the cause of a whole new level of respect from all who may encounter him. Naturally, that makes you a grand lady of the court, so that lake in Michigan just got an upgrade it seems. And all thanks to a virus!

  12. I'm so glad life is good for you and your family right now. Your post made me smile... You have no idea how much I needed that!

  13. Your cards a lovely! Glad you are enjoying August!

  14. As always, I love seeing your painting. These are great photos to celebrate the last part of summer. I think your COVID hair looks great (I'm coming to not hate mine).

  15. What an amazing butterfly. That would make a good painting, too. Of course, your Christmas cards are incredible. I like them both. I also like that things are good for you, Rick and his family as you visit at the lake. Covid hair. I like the idea (grin).

  16. Beautiful. And wee, you sure are a very talented artist!
    The nutcracker made me laugh!
    Ingo´s Brother is a tad younger than me (we went to kindy together) and he put his finger once into the nutcracker at his parent´s home. He pulled to get his finger out until he cried and got help
    His parents used to say: Be a good boy or the "nacker" (nutcracker) will come to you - worked for years. Bad when the big Brother tells his wife such stories, huh ;-)
    This would be a "Horror-postcard" for him!

    Awwww. peanut was not here today yet.

    Hee, too tired to play, oh, my... sweet.
    Good idea!! Pineapple with chicken, I´ll remember that!
    Awww... Lizzie!
    Lovely picture of the two of you! 🧡

  17. You just get better and better jeanie..And you both look happy and healthy ..:) I have Covid hair too letting it go I think:)His daughter is so much like him!!:)

  18. Such a happy photo of both of you. Love your Christmas card, so cheerful.
    Great gift from your neighbour, the chair looks perfect, I'm sure that's what Lizzie thought.

  19. Ah, it looks like you are having a lovely summer.
    Sweet to have your sign up. And your cards are looking wonderful.
    Even though it is still summer, many of us are feeling a change of season.
    Are you?

  20. What a great post ~ I love thinking of "sun puddles". I can't believe they were going to discard that chair! It's beautiful. Your Christmas cards are wonderful, and I love the owl painting too. Did Lizzie see a bug? or does she just want to pull on the mat and watch the vase fall?? Blessings to you

  21. I really like your pictures. Lovely. And I got your humor about Covid hair. The chicken and pineapple skewers look wonderful.

  22. Jeanie, this is such a happy post. Love your cottage sign and your dinner menu sounds and looks scrumptious. Your covid hair certainly looks better than mine. I have been clipping mine and I did not miss my calling being a hairdresser. Love your artwork, especially the nutcrackers.

    Have a great day and weekend ahead.

  23. Dinner sounds great. The cards are lovely. the covid hair cracks me up. Enjoy the weekend.

  24. I enjoy your nature photography. You've got a great locale for your photos :) Your squirrel and owl are delightful images -personality plus! The food looks delicious! Enjoying each day is the way to live :)

  25. Jeanie, after that little note I sent I find that I can get to you from your comments to me, so guess that is where all the real business will be done from now on. Looks like summer is still good where you are. You really have a darling family and I'm glad you got to spend time with them, even though some slept right through it! Looks like Lizzie, too, is getting her fair share of rest. You and Rick look so cute even with Covid hair. At least you still have some color left. I look like my great-grandmother. Stay well, my friend..xxoJudy

  26. I feel much better just reading your happy post and seeing how good you two are looking.

    be safe... mae at

  27. I am so happy for you Jeanie, what a wonder summer at the lake. You and Rick are a darling couple and so are the cutes stopping in with the kiddos. To bad they were sleeping but sometimes that's a good thing :) I love how you enjoy being outside and enjoying nature while at the lake. I can tell you've been inspired, love the art you are creating. I'm looking forward to fall and cooler temps so we can stay outside. So hot and humid not possible here. I always enjoy seeing your happy photos and that certainly includes Miss Lizzie. Love you opted to accept the chair, lovely for her. Great pics with the shadows in the chai, and that look, I know that look, she's thinking of being naughty! Have a wonderful weekend you two..........

  28. I'm enjoying your lake posts. And I must say that I LOVE the little girls Christmas card. The colors are so much fun, and the artwork is beautiful! I admire those of you who paint with watercolors. They frustrate me!!!


  29. Yes! Grab it while you can. We are a little more reflective these days and feel very fortunate, too.
    Those are adorable grands. So sweet with their stuffed buddies.
    They're all pretty, but I love that pumpkin.
    That chicken looks delicious.
    Keep enjoying life, Jeanie.

  30. views of the lake, Monarchs and your wonderful watercolors - love them all!

  31. That is a great photograph of you and Rick, happy smiles.

    A lovely post, so pleased all is well with you.

    All the best Jan

  32. Usually I am thinking Christmas cards by now, but the thought hasn't crossed my mind yet.
    Lovely monarch. I am hoping during September migration to see one or two, but haven't seen any yet.
    So glad it has been a good summer for you.
    Love that chair. I would be fighting Lizzie for it for sure.

  33. Miz Lizzie stole the show for me today -- those expressions! But then the toddlers were pretty darn cute, too, even totally tuckered out. And you & Rick look radiant. You obviously know how to live... and live well. (I'm ignoring the Christmas cards for now. It can't be time to be thinking about December. Not yet, right?) Hope you're enjoying these last few days of summer...

  34. Life has been good this month, hasn't it? Painting, eating good food, enjoying some sun and sunsets. And company too. Covid hair doesn't even look bad. Glad you shared these god times with us Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  35. That photo you took of Lizzie and your materials look like a beautiful Painting dear Jeanie! Just look at the lighting! Wow! The flowers are all so vibrant and I really love the wilting waterflower, it tells a story :) Happy to see you guys have visitors :)

  36. Your capture of the monarch is amazing. Jeanie, your cards are true works of art and you are so smart to work ahead. Your postcards from the lake are always a pleasure to read.

  37. LOL - I love your 'covid' hair, and all. Such a pretty summery end. Love the pics. Be well, stay safe, you two.

  38. As always, love it all. You have a great spot to paint! I never thought about Christmas cards this early but it must feel good to be in that fun spirit as well as this summer spirit! I just may try it! (after I complete about 5 other projects first, LOL...

  39. You need to paint that sunset shot for Rick!!

    Love pineapple on the grill.

  40. You have a beautiful place to summer. You all look happy to be there, especially Lizzie.

  41. You are truly in the best place a person can be in the summer in my opinion! When Covid first hit, I thought about going to the lake for 2-4 weeks with Paul. But taking him out of daycare feels like a waste of money (we would have to keep paying) and the return to daycare after a break is tough on him. And then throw in other family members coming to the lake who have different opinions about Covid and the fact Phil couldn’t come with since he has to go into the office 2-4 days/week (it’s very safe for him though as < 10 people are there and he has a private office). And it just didn’t make sense for us. But I dream of a time when I can go up there with our kids when Covid is behind us and my mom is fully retired. One upside to Covid is that it has shown companies that their employees don’t HAVE to be in the office. My company was VERY AGAINST people working from home but have done an about face on that matter. So some day I can take the boys up there for a couple of weeks for ‘grandma/pa camp’ and I can lock myself up in the office and let my mom handle the boys which would thrill her as she is gah gah for her grandkids!! So maybe I could do that by, oh 2022 or 2023 when Covid is behind us (I’m skeptical about a vaccine being widely available in 2021).

  42. You two have the most beautiful smiles. Lake life is good! Stay safe.


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