The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: Mural Monday

Whenever I take my walk at the lake, I pass by this cottage. They have quite the mural on their chimney.

Gaylord, MI, where my cottage is located, calls itself the Alpine City. These people went with that motif.

Their last name begins with "P" -- I hope that's not painted on. It would be a shame to lose it if the house ever sold.

They also have a small mural on the side of their garage.

They definitely get into the theme!

The guest house is cute, too, with the lake's bald eagle crowning the door.

The painting is quite nice -- they've really captured this remarkable bird.

Finally, a note -- I took these photos early in the summer. The other day I walked by and saw this.

Looks like it may have been sold to people whose names don't begin with a "P'.

Joining in today with Sami's Mural Monday. Check the link for more fun murals. 

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  1. Oh no! Someone sure went to a lot of work to paint the mural on that chimney. Good thing you got that picture before it was painted over!

  2. Lovely murals, pity that new owners so often destroy things. Here a small house has been sold, and the beautiful garden has been ripped out and paved over to make a parking space....I hate such people. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Wow! How unusual and such a lovely, creative idea. Heck, had I bought it, I might have been tempted to change my last name by Deed Poll to begin with P! Shame they painted it all out, could've left the landscape part.

    Deb in Wales

  4. Hello, Jeanie

    The murals are so pretty. I love the mountain scene and the eagle.
    Oh no, maybe the place has a new owner and they painted over the murals. They were fun to find. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week!

  5. With a little imagination they could have decided that "P" stood for "Pleasing" and left the mural there! But perhaps they were not snow-capped mountain people either.

  6. Sad to see the chimney mural gone. Sort of wish they had just painted the P out.

  7. Sad to see the mural gone. I wish they would have painted over the "P." Unfortunately, no two people think alike.

    Have a great week, Jeanie.

  8. I'm a great fan of murals, especially those in rather strange places.
    I remember the superb mural on the wall adjacent to..the toilets, in the Delta Mall (Belgrade). I've mentioned murals, with pictures, in some of my posts.

  9. Love tzhe eagle!
    Sad it´s all gone, they could´ve transformed the "P" to something else, really.

  10. How incredibly sad that the mural has been painted over. They could have removed the P and left the rest of the mural. Some people don't appreciate art. SO glad you captured these images before they were gone.

  11. I can see why a new owner might want to paint out the 'P' but it's sad that they painted over the entire mural. And those murals on the shingles...can you imagine how hard they were to do? Yes, you can because you're an artist.

  12. Jeanie, Great murals, not for me, but I do appreciate the artwork. That eagle picture could stay. LOL. The grounds look nice too. I know you love taking a walk around there. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  13. So glad you took the photos of the murals. After enjoying them on your walks I'm sure it looks rather plain after the chimney was painted. Someone took a lot of time doing those, seems sad to just discard the lovely art........

  14. Your neighborhood seems to attract unpleasant and disrespectful people! It seems so unnecessary to paint over a mural like that. Then, there are your next-door people.

    be well... mae at

  15. The chimney is an unusual place for a mural, but it sure was pretty. What a pity it was painted over.
    Thanks for joining Monday Murals Jeanie.

  16. I do envy your home at the lake Jeanie, the area looks so beautiful and serene. The murals are lovely, particularly the eagle, that's stunning. What a shame the P has gone.

  17. Pretty mural. Love the feel of the whole property.

  18. Oh wow! What a shame. It was a beautiful mural. I would have kept it and just replaced the P with whatever letter was appropriate. :-(

  19. sad to see the mural go - hope you have a wonderful week!

  20. You found some great murals on your walk Jeanie. I am impressed with the one on the chimney. Even the P is quite artistic. And not just one mural either. The eagle is my favorite. There are so many fascinating things around if you just look, isn't there? Hugs-Erika

  21. Oh sad! There had definitely been artists in that cottage. The murals were wonderful!

  22. Ive never seen anyone do a chimney like that---AND I LOVE IT!! Then I scrolled down and see it GONE???!!--did the new owners remove all the paintings or just the "P" and the chimney? dARN, that was so unique. Surely they left the eagle and other things??--I hope. Hope y'all had a great weekend. It's humid here and we're getting lots of summer thundershowers, I love to listen to them.

  23. PS.... I loved your previous post too....especially the SUNFLOWER PICTURES---so pretty!!

  24. Jeanie- thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I am dusting off my blog slowly but surely!
    Our lists look similar!


  25. Oh how very sad that the chimney was painted over. I suppose one man's meat is another man's poison! At least you have a photograph to document its previous existance! xoxo

  26. Hi, Jeanie! WOW... what a great mural on that cottage--and garage too--very clever! I wonder what kind of paint they used?! But wow... looks like whoever bought it didn't appreciate the mural... :( But that place had a nice, cozy feel to it, though! Thanks for taking us along! ((LOVE & HUGS))

  27. Wow, that is creative!! Did you ever meet them, surely someone in that house is an artist! I will say I like the chimney better repainted 😂

  28. Oh dear. Well, perhaps they will make their own mural. We can hope.

    It reminds me of a story we read each year when I taught second grade. A family was going to sell their house, so they decided to spend a day painting all sorts of pictures on it, all over it. It was so beautiful, I thought. And then they changed their mind and they painted the whole thing white! I was always so sad.

  29. It's sad to see the chimney mural painted over--I hope the new owners keep the other ones. The large mountain mural looked like Denali in Alaska--so beautiful!

  30. Great murals. My sister has a summer cottage in Gaylord too. Janice

  31. Seems people are always in a rush to change things and not for the better. I wonder why new owners didn’t just cover over the letter and leave the mural, but perhaps they just disliked the artwork THAT much. Glad to see the eagle was still there, but maybe its time will come to fly off as well (sigh).

  32. Those are beautiful murals and I am sure they were a lot of work and quite expensive. I have never seen murals on a residence before. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday, Jeanie!

  33. Jeanie,
    OMG!! These are just stunning!!!
    The town where the Post Office where Joe worked out of is located had some great murals painted on some of the buildings...It has been on my bucket list to go and take some pictures of them.... They depict the history of the Town and area.... Hopefully when it gets a bit cooler..
    Thanks again for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!!

  34. Glad you captured the murals before they were painted over. I imagine it was painful to paint over them - unless it was done by the new owners! But it would be hard to paint over that if you were the one who painted it or had it commissioned!!

  35. Jeanie, Thanks for sharing the murals. Everything changes so gone with the P and in with a nice white chimney. Sylvia D.

  36. That was a good thing you got the photographs before it was painted over.

    All the best Jan

  37. I was sad to see the painting wiped out...Didn't love the P because it overshadowed the lovely painting, but still...
    Who was the aritst of these great painting?

  38. Happy for your pictures before The Sale .. .
    Change keeps happening . . . we can count on it!

  39. The extent of accident associated innjury should be individually verified by clinical experts.


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