The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How Are We Doing, World?

We've been through a wacky week or so, haven't we? Here in Michigan and many other places in the U.S., restaurants, bars and schools are closed. Many places are open by appointment only. Pretty much everyone is staying in and the streets are really quiet. I'm glad we had our little trip when we did. It started with a nice celebration. Rick and I met 27 years ago on March 11.

I was being evicted from my apartment because of the illegal cat Stimpy and was looking for a spot to live and he had just opened his new duplex. I didn't move in (I ended up across the street) and we didn't really start seeing each other apart from being neighbors for two years. But March 11 was a very good day for us!

We celebrated at a lovely restaurant in Strathroy, Ontario called The Clock Tower, on the way to our friends, Suzanne and Jim. We had a tasty dinner and then it was off to London!

That night we watched the extremely alarming presidential address and follow-up and early the next morning, Rick took off for his trade show. We found out it was canceled after he was about four or five hours into the trip. He ended up staying the night in upstate New York and headed back to Michigan. I stayed with Suzanne and Jim for a few days.

Restaurants were still open -- but very quiet. (As of Monday, March 16, restaurants and bars in Michigan are closed.)

We saw the same things in Canada many of you are seeing around the world. Lines in stores, carts filled with toilet paper (Why? This is not a gastro-intestinal virus.) Many empty shelves. This had been the toilet paper department.

We couldn't find chicken at three stores.

But, the shelves weren't empty, people were being nice and keeping a safe distance. I was able to buy Rick a bag of Canadian flour. But it was a pretty popular commodity.

We also nailed a few used book stores. Between new purchases, books of Suzanne's I brought home and our belated Christmas celebration, I'm set for the "confinement."

She's set, too -- with more books and an impossible jigsaw puzzle!

It's wonderful to spend extended time with a friend you've known for more than 50 years. Suzanne is like me -- between books and media, she could be confined indefinitely and not get bored! They also have three slot machines in their basement and tokens for them. No gains, no losses. But we passed some time mindlessly pushing buttons and watching pretty wheels move! A race to the bottom!

Add to that some games of Sequence -- we were good to go!

There wasn't much traffic when she brought me home Sunday, although at the border they told her that she would be in self-quarantine for two weeks after returning from the U.S. (They didn't tell me to stay home, but I'm sticking close!) Meanwhile, Lizzie was glad for me to unpack. New things to sleep on. I'm waiting for feeding time to put them in the drawer. (You could title this "Same Picture, New Clothes."

And so yes, I'm isolating as much as possible. And what will I be doing in that time? Well, decorating for spring, to be sure. I'll be catching up on blogs and comments. There is always work to be done in the basement. And I have plenty of wool to poke into felties! Oh, yes -- all those 28 books I brought back from Canada!

I hope you have onions.

It's a new world out there.


  1. The governor finally put some limits on spring breakers today. Was getting concerned. No more than 10 per group at the beach, limited capacity at restaurants and bars closed. I’m sticking close to home and thank goodness we can go outside!

  2. I have yet to discover what I can truly do without. I want to look at this as an adventure...a temporary adventure. The #1 thing on my mind that I think I do not want to do without is eggs. Makes me wish for my little hens of years gone by when we lived on the farm.
    For now schools and universities are closed in my area, and many churches are not meeting, mine is a small church so we still meet.

  3. Hi Jeanie! We are hunkering down here in Ontario. I have a puzzle on the go. At least I can get outside in my yard and watch my chickens when I'm feeling housebound. Schools are closed (but it's March break anyway - at the moment two more weeks after March break - I suspect that will change to even more). I think you'll be fine for reading! -Jenn

  4. Everything is closed here in North Carolina. We have what we need for now. I read the stores have begun restocking. I wish I had bought stock in Charmin years ago! 😃

    We do not know anyone who has it. In our state the official number as of last I heard is 41. Our state's population is 10 million.

    We are at home and don't plan to go anywhere for the time being.

  5. That's great you got to get away when you did. We were set to be on spring break in mid of April and most likely it'll have to be cancelled. :(

  6. My whole blog tomorrow is about what's going on on my side of our state. It's just surreal what people have hoarded. I had trouble finding coffee filters and I can't live without my morning coffee so I bought them online. I have visions of washing them out to reuse.

    If Rick has ever used King Arthur Flour and loved it, tell him I buy it off their website. I'm spoiled by it for making scones and bread and their catalog will have any baker drooling over the recipes and photos.

  7. We're in lock down here in Toronto. No worries we can keep ourselves easily entertained!

  8. We feel safe going on walks so as to be outdoors some. We started staying away from people last week, so we don't even know what's running out of stock at the local stores. I would guess it's almost everything! The King Arthur website says all the All Purpose flour is out of stock, so it's good you brought some back. Good luck with all that!

    best... mae at

  9. Hi Jeanie. I'm glad you are home safe from your trip and glad that you had a good time. We are staying close to home, which isn't too much different for me than usual. Jerry still has to go to Starbuck's in the early morning, but he has started using the drive up instead of inside. I read in our paper this morning that we have the first confirmed case of the virus. I remember back a few days when other cities had their first and now look! So that is not a comforting thought. CA governor closed bars and breweries, which we have a few of in our town, and two decided to stay open. That is so maddening to me that they don't have the sense to think beyond the almighty dollar. I am keeping busy painting and I love watching TV, if fact that is my best achievement, so I am OK staying house bound. Our kids called and are making the 4 hour journey to come up to do our grocery shopping. Gotta love those guys and we are so lucky that we have them to do it..Take care and stay well, my friend..xxoJudy

  10. Great post ~ I love your haul of new books and your plan of keeping yourself occupied. It was good that you got to go out and visit when you did I plan on crafting and spring cleaning. My youngest daughter is still learning how to drive so we took a nice drive today to practice since we have no school to go to. We are going to bake bread together too since she's never tried that either. We are pretty good on supplies so far thankfully ~ Stay well and keep crafting!

  11. Everything's on shutdown here. Youngsters were celebrating schools closing with'corona parties' at the Rhine. How daft can you get. I rarely get bored but I hate having to stay home and not being outside! Enjoy your new books, hugs, Valerie

  12. You did well to get away when you did.
    Life is certainly changing and challenging but we all need to do our best, and help each other if circumstances allow.

    All the best Jan

  13. I am glad that you found safe haven in Ontario, Jeanie. This Coronavirus has the potential to imprison us indoors for a long time, I fear. I can keep myself occupied without difficulty, but I can also get out by going to fairly remote areas where few people go. Usually, I am outside for part of every day whatever the weather, so we will see what happens as time goes on.

  14. Hi Jeanie, I'm glad you made it to visit your Canadian friend before they put Ontario into State of Emergency today. My province and the one next door have also declared a State of Emergency. Basically means we are not to go anywhere other than food shopping, the pharmacy, hospital if necessary. I see our European friends are also doing that in France. Maybe other places too.

    You certainly did bring home a lot of books. That will keep you occupied for awhile. I went to the library 2 nights ago. I'm glad I did because they closed all libraries indefinitely before the State of Emergency. They also automatically extended loan periods by another month. At this point it's anyone's guess when this will all be over.

    It's nice you and Rick were able to celebrate your anniversary. I send you good wishes for good health and a long and happy life ahead. xx

  15. Just about everything is closed here in Quebec except the grocery stores and pharmacies/drugstores.
    I spend my time baking and cooking and taking walks outside and keeping my distance from people.
    Today I walked in the rain with an umbrella.
    I hoping to get some Christmas crafts painted, decorations on birch wood for hanging on the tree. I started some last Christmas and would like to do more.
    Take care and protect yourself.
    Thelma xo

  16. How sweet to celebrate the day you met. I walk to work and so far things are normal at my job. I stop at the grocery store on my walk home, but haven’t been going anywhere else. There are only three confirmed cases in my prefecture, but I suspect there are many more untested cases. I stitch or read kindle books. Take care!

  17. Love your sweet love story, Jeanie. Always so fun to hear how people met. You are adorable together. So crazy how quickly our world has changed in the last few weeks. Glad you had some fun hanging out with your friends, but so frustrating that the trade show was cancelled without much notice. You made a good haul at the used book store and seems like we all will be catching up on that reading list and the closet clean-outs in the near future. We are in Washington State and everything is closed, too. The stores have empty shelves and what is with all the toilet paper hoarding? My poor daughter has 3 little ones under age 3 and can't find baby wipes and even milk is being rationed. I'm fortunate to live in the country so I can get outside whenever I feel claustrophobic, but my heart goes out to people in cities and apartments. Hopefully everyone can get out to a park or hiking trails once in a while. Thank goodness for on-line shopping, too! Stay safe and sane, dear friend. Hugs xo Karen

  18. Schools closed (we aren't even allowed in any more), my husband is now working from home, restaurants closed, stores closing...I don't know how long this all will go on but I am ok being home. We've actually had a nice supper 3 nights in a row, even though some things are really hard to find at the store. But no panic. I could stay home too. And I want to say happy anniversary with Rick. That's a sweet story. And glad you got to celebrate before this world shut down. Stay healthy Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  19. Glad you wee able to get your trip in. I am working from home now until further notice. Shelves at my local grocery store wee quite empty too..including kitty litter. UGH Janice

  20. Other than collecting daughter and the grandpup for a dinner and visit here every few days, we are laying low and staying home. She is sequestered as are we (being marginally vulnerable) so we have no worries about infecting each other. Some people aren't getting the message that they, and their CHILDREN can go outdoors. When I was picking up daughter today, the only people I saw on the street were dog walkers. I suppose all the children are stuck with their faces in devices....

  21. Oh, it posted before I was finished...
    Ontario declared a state of emergency today. Only restaurants offering drive through and take out options are allowed to be open. Grocery stores and pharmacies have special hours for vulnerable people and seniors, with strict sterilization practices.
    I figured we neededa junk food fix so I popped into the corner store with my disposable gloves on and picked up a handful of candy bars. Once I handed over the cash and got my change I peeled the gloves into the handily provided trash can. So no exposure. Only one person at a time allowed near cash. I'm still surprised the clerk is handling dirty cash without gloves though. (No reports of folks suffering the virus in our county as yet)

  22. Jeanie,
    As of today there are only 96 known cases in Pa, with 1 in our County and all have come from travel related exposure, not community induced.
    The restaurants were just ordered closed EXCEPT for take out and deliveries...Thank God!! Non essential stores were suggested to be closed but many stores even if they have a small amount of groceries, cleaning supplies, etc. are still open. I "social distance" normally as I do not like crowds and do not go out to eat or anything like that. Joe is working at Wegman's, waiting on thousands of customers over the last few days... He feels that all this is grossly overblown as do a lot of medical professionals including Doctors that I know. I only watch our local news as the national news is too sensational for me. Having worked in health care for 42 years, I am not worried about myself and we are seeing our kids and not distancing ourselves from them because we feel we need to be there for each other...God knows what will happen in the future but I feel What will be, will be...
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  23. We are kind of stay-at-homes anyway, so this isn't a huge departure for us. Jim managed to get us some TP and Kleenex a couple of days ago, so we are OK for now... Our local library shut down y'day, so I will miss that. Stay safe ~~~

  24. I remember my first date with Bob - we were so young his dad had to drive us! Wishing you and Rick continued happiness. We are shut down here in Breckenridge and throughout Colorado. We’ve had lovely weather with above freezing temps and sunshine, so we’ve spent a lot of time outdoors, The end of the week brings more snow and colder temps. The first case of the virus in CO was in our county, so people here are on edge. When the ski areas closed and some of our tourists left, I think people felt less vulnerable. Bob and I shopped before the panic buying and haven’t been in a store since. I pity families with children who are having trouble buying what they need. You’ll have enough reading for several months! I’ve got lots of samples on my kindle so I'm set too. Stay well, Jeannie! Barb

  25. Hunkered down mostly.
    A very different St Pat’s day.

    We are active in The Muskegon Irish American Society.
    Very different gathering for this community of friends.
    47th year of flying the Irish flag in Muskegon.
    Very few attended, 7-10.

    Liking your “hand towel” idea. We adopted!

    Brought the rake out. Raked up a few piles, Mister Irish does the”haul away!”

    Enjoyed a Paddy tonight.

    Did a two week, supplies shopping. (chocolate has vanished)
    (Maybe that is a good thing.)

    Sanitary wiped all light switches, door knobs, remotes, phones, iPads, keyboards, again, again, again.

    Walked in the beautiful sunshine.

    Have my books.

    I was reminded to keep my gas tank filled, have extra cash with me.
    Tomorrow I will do that.

    Breathed . . . and again.

  26. Something nice for once - happy anniversary to you!!!
    (LOL, you´re a tad late!) Time, huh. So flying by (but now).

    YES. Why darn toilet paper???
    Our best book store closed today.
    No one I know infected. We´re coughing away, but reckon it´s just a "flu".

  27. Hello,

    Nice memory of your first date with Rick! I am glad you were able to have fun time before the self quarantine started. Hubby and I are well, we are happy to live close by to nature for our walks. We rarely see people during our walks. Looks like you have a great book collection there, I have been reading while house bound too. Take care and stay well. Have a great day and week ahead.

  28. The number of deaths are higher in Europe than China right now..Parisians were not heading they seem to be..
    So many don't get the utter importance of self -isolation.
    I am in great hands in Québec.Monsieur Francois Legault is at the forefront in taking care of us..
    who knows what's next..stores are mostly closed except pharmas and grocery..Davids Teas..Sephora..restos..
    I am touched by all the acts of kindeness I see in the community.
    Restos are doing home delivery.
    You cannot help but think of everyone and how this affects them..
    from small businesses to large corps.
    We have snowbirds trying to come home..airports what a zoo..
    Take care..take care take care.
    I am fine at home..have an appt Friday..wonder if its still the medical field..Dentists are closed..
    That's my update.

  29. Dear, dear Jeanie...

    I feel as if I've been around the world a few times and now, I've stopped and I've gotten off this whirlwind ride. School is closed for now, then our spring break is next week, but after that, it's back to school DIGITALLY. It's a weird new world and we have no other choice but to get on board and see what happens next.

    So good to see you and be well!

  30. Like so many, I'm in limbo. Don't know if Kate will be able to fly back to Virginia on Friday and I'm not sure when/if I can start the drive back to Michigan. Trying to take things as they come and be ready for all options. I hate Limbo!

  31. Sure looks like you're all set to stay in for a while! 28 books! Thanks for doing your share in keeping our economy going a bit. Talking about cross-border shopping! And Suzanne's puzzle does look impossible. I didn't know you can own your own slot machine. I know there are pinball machines.

    On another note, people are still visiting my old posts, recently esp. popular is this one: Can a Movie Adaptation ever be as good as the Book? that's back in 2011. So I go back and reread it. My, we've had a long blogsphere history. Check out the people who had commented. Interesting to see who are still blogging now. :)

  32. Jeanie, enjoyed your photos. We are in for the most part only driving through the pharmacy if needed and ordering food from our supermarket. Scary times. We have unread books and I have my favorites I'll go to as well. We live in a college town and students are on spring break. I worry they'll bring more virus into the community when they return! Stay well and safe........

  33. Dear Jeanie, I am so happy you are home safely and had a lovely time with your friend. Oh, my goodness, 28 books. I am showing this to Mike - he will then realize I am not the only soul in the world who adores books. And, I have never purchased 28 at one time. So, I believe you are in the advanced stages of the reading sickness.

    Stay well, my friend, enjoy your books and pamper Miss Lizzie. We will hope for the virus to leave sooner than later.

  34. I'm glad you were able to have your trip before needing to deal with all this, and that you have plenty to keep yourself busy while you self-isolate. I hope you and your family all stay safe and healthy. That goes for Lizzie too.

    Local events are starting to be cancelled. Shops are starting to have a lot of empty shelves (and put limits on how much stuff people can buy, to avoid people hording too much at once, and give others at least some chance of getting food and other supplies) and most people are stressed and panicking. I know a few people who have self-isolated, or been ordered to go in to isolation by their doctor, "Just in case," (including a couple of relatives).

    I'm trying not to stress about it, but considering my reaction on seeing the eMail that would tell me what was and wasn't coming in my shopping delivery today was a moment of such gut-wrenching panic I had to take a moment to get my anxiety under control before I could even open the eMail to see how bad it was, I guess I'm not doing as well as I thought. Shopping deliveries are normal for me (it's easier for us that way) but that kind of reaction on seeing the eMail isn't. As it turned out, it wasn't as bad as I feared. Though half my stuff was substituted for different - but at least kind of similar - items, I could accept all the substitutes, even if some adjustments have to be made as to what I'm doing with some of the items that were what I ordered. So I got lucky. The guy told us when he was here delivering stuff about how most of the shelves are empty, and he was glad I was just grateful for what they could bring me, and wasn't trying to horde as much stuff as possible (I got a couple of extra bits, but mostly I just did what I'd normally do for a shop).

    Staying home isn't a problem for me... I don't go out much anyway, mostly only talk to people on the phone or via social media or text messages anyhow, and have plenty I can do to keep myself occupied.

  35. Glad you made it home safely. I have been thinking of you as I know you are super high risk with your lung issues. I am working from home at least through Easter. Toddler Paul is home with me. He’s been watching a lot of PBS while I work but it’s what I need him to do so I can get things done. We go for walks twice a day and stay away from people for the most part. We did go to the park yesterday but he was in a bunting with his arms in mittens so no skin contact with anything and I wore mittens too. All our restaurants are closed and can only offer take out. I am so worried for those who live paycheck to paycheck. The proposed $1,000 check to all Americans won’t go far...

    I’m hoping all the precautions we are taking in the US will flatten our curve so we don’t end up like Italy. Things there seem very dire.

  36. NH is also shut down and that means schools, restaurants, libraries, senior centers, no visitors to hospitals or nursing homes. Our pat office is closed to residents, but calls accepted and the gym and function rooms are also closed. We have no problems with self-isolation as we're home many times when not on the road. Lots of books to read, cards and notes to write, letters and emails to compose, hone calls to friends (including some wellness checks to those more senior than ourselves). Thankfully, we do not have any health issues other than being in the older category.

    It's great that you were able to travel before the current shutdowns and you scored a great haul of books.

    How nice that you celebrated your first meet-up, Jeanie. We always remember and celebrate our 1st date which was 23 years ago in mid-May; our wedding anniversary will be 21 years in August.

  37. Hi Jeanie. Looks like you are tucked in for the duration 😁. Food in the house, Rick close by and LOTS of reading to keep you happy.
    And of course you have Lizzie to keep you company.
    Here in Savannah it’s pretty much the same scene. Have food, Tootsie and lots to read. Of course TV and on line reading.
    Anna is close by and offered to get anything I need. Everything is closed, street are vacant except for visitors.....
    Her school closed until April sometime. She gave kids 2 weeks of study (on line) and can do more. But she is frustrated because teaching history needs class room time to learn...
    Her foster dog was so sick she had to be put to sleep. She’s going thru some sad time, the dog was sooo loving!
    Troy working everyday at the retirement and assisted living Villas. Lots of strict rules etc. At least he is around food😕
    Todd had a retina detachment and surgery last Thursday. John’s DC opera cancelled so he’s home with Todd. They have tight control like us and Europe. He was flying to Savannah April 7th but now that’s probably cancelled.
    I don’t go out a lot but now I really want too😖🙁. tRump sure is crazy in handling all of this. Pray we don’t loose a lot of people! We are so illed prepared like the rest of the world
    Sending you love and hugs , we will get through this!🥰❤️ Pat

  38. Congratulations on your anniversary - you guys have had great times!

  39. Well, it's nice that they're keeping their distance at the stores. I had two girls run over as I was getting toilet paper, and they were out of breath. I could literally feel her breathing on me as she was standing over me waiting. But all in all, people have been nice, and one worker even sprayed the cart handles before we used them and asked all of us who were in line if we needed Lysol wipes cause they just came in. This time period really shows our character, so we need to all stay calm and be kind. Can't wait to see your Spring decorating.

    Stay well, dear Jeanie.


  40. Hi Jeanie, more and more places are closing here in the UK and today they announced that schools will close from Friday and all exams will be cancelled, which affects my grandson. We over 70's have been asked to self isolate for two or three months (I can't remember which!) I went out today but I will stay indoors from now. I hope we all survive these frightening times. Best wishes to you and Rick x

  41. I'm glad that you're doing okay so far and hope it will remain like this. Since midnight we are under "shelter-in'place" order, and I'm glad that our local politicians set this important step in place. I have lots to do - gardening, knitting, painting, preparing online classes for my students, baking, cooking, reading and watching British crime series. No time for boredom.
    Keep healthy and safe, Jeanie!

  42. I loved hearing how you and Rick met! And seeing all the pictures of your trip, looks like y'all had fun. Love seeing all those BOOKS! I love seeing what everyone is reading, ESPECIALLY NOW!!! I have set in a good pile of books as well and they should keep me occupied for some of the time. Hugs!

  43. Happy Anniversary.
    You look settled in and content for the stay-at-home.
    Be safe. Lizzie looks adorable.

  44. Congratulations, Jeanie! Nice to read of your recent life. I had wanted to go to Quebec about 3 weeks ago, but it was not advised. Now the border is closed. I will write a little about our lives here in my small town. Yes, I love being occupied at home, I am a lucky one. The work force and families, and down and out folks, not so lucky. Nice to connect, perhaps more than ever...Not to do my post...Rita

  45. Happy anniversary to you and Rick.
    Lucky you still managed a last trip before the lockdown. You have plenty of books to occupy yourself with.
    I'm still working at the Clinic and there is no plan to close it for now, in fact people are panicking and we are busier than ever.
    As for the supermarkets, there are a lot of empty shelves of products like flour, rice, pasta, cleaning products, oats and other breakfast cereals...and of course toilet paper, kitchen paper rolls, serviettes!!
    I still can figure out why the toilet paper...
    Supermarkets have now introduced an extra hour early in the morning just for senior to do their shopping so that they have a chance of getting the things they wouldn't find later in the day.
    On one hand a lot of people are being more caring and helpful towards neighbours for example, but on the other hand I think most have become selfish and just think about them with all this unnecessary hoarding.

  46. My husband and I are enjoying being at home doing some porch sitting and reading our laptop or IPad. I've done some yard work the last two days and it felt so good to be outside. The pollen has been high but hasn't bothered me.
    We have cases in Alabama. I have not seen an official number.One confirmed case in the hospital 40 minutes away. So far no deaths reported. Everyone is taking precautions. Our church is not meeting but having online sermons and bible studies. Schools are closed. We are not planning on going out at this point. We stocked up on food and are good for a while.So thankful for electricity, internet, TV, and clean water. We live close to the gulf we are used to being without electricity from storms so it is very nice to have power and be able to communicate.
    I have so many projects I can stay busy for weeks.
    Enjoy your books. I pray this virus can be contained and that people will take this seriously and avoid getting out and spreading this terrible virus.

  47. This is a fraught time for me. I've lost several jobs because boat maintenance falls into the category of "discretionary expenditures." I have no idea what I'll do if a full lockdown comes. Many, many people I know are watching their businesses fall apart. Supplies like varnish are in short supply because of hoarding by some workers, and supply chain problems. It's really terrible, and reading about people who can't find eggs or who are trying to figure out which movies to watch just drives me crazy. Those things are luxuries I don't have right now. I'm just praying I can scare up more work, and that I'm not confined to home. I suppose the good news is that I can work -- after all, I'm about as isolated when I'm working as anyone I know!

  48. HAPPY 27 to you & Rick!! :))) Glad to hear how things are going there... And wow, NICE book haul for the "isolation" days now! Books and puzzles are flying off shelves here, of what few places are actually open. We have not shortages of good entertainment here at home, so we're never bored. I don't understand boredom. We have books, films, radio/music, yarn, a kitty... As TJ has long had home office options, and I'm home a lot--we're practically build for these times... haha! The supermarkets and pharmacies are still keeping stocked OK here. A lot else is closed though, and a lot of businesses are going to have a very bad year, it looks like, sadly... But folks are behaving VERY well, folks are being mindful, and hope it stays that way. We're gonna be OK! ;) Be well, keep strong! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  49. The same here. It's even hard to go to the dentist, because most of the stomatologists are closed. That's insane...


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