The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Bits and Pieces of a Life Well Lived

Bits and pieces of a life well lived.

Another found treasure. As I was sorting through jewelry I rediscovered my grandmother's locket.

I love the message written by my grandfather and saved by her. "I will pay for your travel." I suppose that was to marry him. How did they meet? Where was she? I think possibly Montana, for when splunking online I found a marriage record from Michigan that said not valid in Montana, the state of the bride's residence. I believe she was a teacher but how she ended up in Montana from a youth spent in Wisconsin I'm not sure I'll ever know.

The locket itself is a treasure -- about the size of a quarter with a small diamond in the center and a raised laurel leaf pattern circling the bottom. A treasure I am glad to have and must wear more often than I have recently.

Why is it that when you toss the towels on the bathroom floor (with full intent of tossing them into the laundry bag), someone decides they make a great bed?

In the "I should have been smarter" category -- When the squirrel jumps onto the bird feeder I can usually scare him off (for about five minutes) with a firm rap on the window. I do this often. But I doubt I'll continue this method, after having stuck my fist through the window pane. Until it is repaired, bubble wrap is a fairly reasonable temporary hack!

Spring is coming to my house. I decided it was time to lose the red slipcover for something lighter!

Much improved! And more to come!

And I have a few new felties I'll be sharing in more detail soon. I want to have at least 50 for my November sale or advance orders. With the other recent additions, I'm about 20 percent there!

In the kitchen, a bit of baking. They make a small batch -- six large or 24 little ones, perfect for little hands

And here's a sneak preview of the guys attached to those little hands! Pouty and Perky. One was definitely not in the mood to pose, but that was short lived!

I've been reading too and will have a few words to say on that soon! Meanwhile, off to live my life!


  1. Pouty and Perky are so cute! I love the felties.

  2. Wow that locket is beautiful what a wonderful treasure. I love the rabbit. Did you make it yourself? My dog Dexter and your cat think alike. If there is something that can be pulled down onto the floor - well that is the best place for a snuggle. The boys are so cute. Have a happy week. Jean from Manitoba Canadau

  3. I love your chair cover and bunny..the bunny is just so feel good as well as your Littles.:)
    Take care!

  4. Oh yes it is feeling a bit like spring. It is nice to see you are making everything look so happy. I am certainly ready! And what a beautiful locket and what a great find. I see a mystery. Maybe she had a bit of an adventurers soul and decided to try her luck teaching in Montana? I guess if you don't know, we shall never know. There are so many stories that should be passed down and are not. I guess that is the mystery. Take care of yourself Jeanie and enjoy that spring weather. Happy Sunday. Hugs-Erika

  5. Hi Jeanie! Oh, those little blond darlings! So sweet! Your kitty is adorable, too. Isn't it nice to have cats to keep us company? Bill and I give our Tim so much affirmation! LOL!
    Take care, dearie dear. I love that locket.

  6. There is so much in....”and I will pay for your travel”.

    So many different ways to say I love you. This made me smile.

  7. Love LOVE love that locket and the story behind the message inside.

    You are getting so good at felting little guys. As you know I tried a kit inspired by you, found it frustrating but learned to appreciate those of you who have mastered the craft.

  8. I've got a soft spot for lockets. Can't explain that. I have several, but wear no one. I just keep them in the jewlery box.

  9. I keep watching IKEA for sales on the Ektorp sofa slipcovers. I have the denim cover now, but would really like something more "springy". White is a no go with all my critters.

  10. Fun post, except for putting your fist through the window! My dog used to love to use dirty laundry for her bed. Tastes are different! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Lizzie knows where the best spots are to lie.

  12. My word, the kids are growing up. They will be teenagers before you know it!

  13. Ouch on the broken pane causing pain.

  14. That locket is a real treasure :) So sweet!

    Ouch! Your hand through the glass must've been a shock :( I love your quilt over the arm of your "new" chair :) Hope you and yours stay well during this on-going crisis.

  15. Such a precious locket. A smart idea, bubble wrap for your broken window.
    Keep well. Thelma xo

  16. How fun you must me finding more and more about your family. So love the Springy look for your chair and that bunny pillow is just adorable! Janice

  17. That is a very beautiful find!!!
    Yes, you have to wear that every day!
    Lizzie sure made me giggle!
    Oh! I sure hope it warmed up in your place with that window update...
    LOL. There is a picture of my Brother and me. I am the older one. Guess ;-) You have me laughing here!

  18. The locket is such a precious keepsake! The two littles are SO cute, I know you enjoy them. The muffins look delicious, Jeanie! Take care and stay well!

  19. Hello,

    The locket was a lovely find. I hope your hand was ok after breaking the window. I knock on my windows trying to spook the squirrels, they do not even bother to look up at me. Love your sweet kitty and the grand kids are adorable. The new slip cover looks great! Stay safe and healthy, calm and happy. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  20. Locket treasure indeed. . .
    Imagining love stories is joy.
    Theirs too . . .

    Those two “kidlets” are adorable
    They are going to know books with you in their lives!
    Listening to stories is the first step to learning to read . . .
    and . . . being a reader!

    Lizzie knows where her comfort is . . . sweet picture!
    Mister Irish tossed a shirt on the leather recliner up in the loft, (his space, office)
    guess who had made that “her place!”
    (He picks up the shirt, she waits for it to be put back!)

    Be well . . . be safe Jeanie and Rick . . .

  21. What a neat treasure locket, and such a perfect sentiment for you and your wanderlust nature! Love the changing of the linens, and your fist through the window sounds like something I would do, oh my! (and did do when I was 10 yrs old to a storm door, with not so lucky results!). Stay well, and stay engaged, Jeanie. I know you will do your best.

  22. Jeanie, your grandmother's locket is such a treasure, especially with the note inside. Love the pic of the two cuties. Wow, you must have been aggravated with that squirrel :)) Enjoy your week and be safe...........

  23. Yes all your shares today do indeed illustrate a life well lived. Love heirloom treasure like your locket. The youngsters are too cute for words and I love your little felt creatures.

  24. I am so sorry that you put your fist through the window.

    I love the quilt and bunny on the chair.

  25. I love the locket ~ how romantic! My cat gets in the dryer if I get distracted mid emptying, so I'm always checking before I close the door ~ Your chair looks inviting especially with the quilt. Enjoy those two adorable boys & craft on!

  26. That locket is a found treasure, Jeanie, and the photo and words inside make it even more so. I hope you didn't injure yourself and that only the window was hurt. Yeah for bubble wrap, it's like duct tape with multiple uses. Muffins looked so good that I wish we could just reach out and sample!

  27. I like your turquoise and red carpet!

    "... found a marriage record from Michigan that said not valid in Montana"

    That is surprising. I wonder why it wasn't valid in Montana.

  28. That locket is precious especially since you know it’s history. Lizzie has such a cute face. Why is it they love laundry! My cats do that too! Too bad about the window. The chair looks great with the fabric change out. You are a natural at those wool felties. Pouty and Perky are adorable!

  29. Oh, those grandsons are cute as ever, Jeanie. What a dear picture of them. It looks like Spring is arriving. That locket is such a treasure. I love old things like that which have a story behind them. Your cat sure looks comfy on that towel, and what an awesome picture that is. Your felties all lines up in a row look colorful and creative. I hope you do good with the November sale. And the oatmeal muffins look scrumptious. It sounds like you are having good March days, Jeanie.


  30. What a beautiful locket, a real treasure.
    Cute little guys!
    Love the new slip cover.
    Love the felties too.
    Yummm muffins!

  31. The locket is so special, along with the story that goes with it! Re, your cat and the towels, my dog always jumps on the bed whenever I am changing the sheets. How adorable those boys are!

  32. The locket is such a precious find Jeanie.
    The grandkids are growing up so quickly.
    My cats also love to lie on top of our clothes, etc. The other day I brought the washing in and left it on the couch with the intention to fold and separate the pieces for ironing. A while later one of my cats was having a cosy snooze on top of the pile of washing leaving the top stuff full of hair!

  33. those muffins look very cute, and your white slipcover looks very refreshing:) hope you are keeping well and safe during these turbulent times. cheers sherry

  34. Be careful about that window! I've done the same thing in my time (the thumping, not the breaking) and I finally stopped. If I'm going to slit my wrists, I prefer it to be metaphorical, and I wish the same for you!
    I love the locket. Here's the one I have that shows my mom and dad. I suspect it might have been an engagement present. Things like these lockets are real treasures, and wonderful connections to the past.

  35. That locket is a real treasure to have, and it sounds like you're enjoying March very much so far. Keep on doing so, even if it means time away from the computer.

    Well, you should probably avoid the window situation happening again... Hope you didn't cut your hand, the bubble wrap is keeping the cold out, and the window will be fixed soon.

  36. The littles are so adorable. Love the lighter chair cover and that precious bunny. Your Grandmother's locket is such a lovely treasure. You be careful as well.

  37. Oh my gosh! Is your hand okay?
    Those boys are doll babies.
    Put on the coffee pot and save me a muffin:)
    Take special care.

  38. Love the locket,
    Pouty and Perky are just so cute,
    Felties look great.

    All the best Jan

  39. Happy Anniversary! So glad you got to celebrate, so glad you were able to spend some time with friends. And that locket -- what a treasure to discover!

    It looks like you have wonderful projects to sustain you during this time of confinement. The felties continue to enchant me, and, from the baking you're doing, it looks like your new oven is serving you well.

    Around here, reading a lot, figuring out the new footwork for working from home. Dancing, unfortunately, is not my strong suit...

    Best to you, stay well.


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