The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Road Trip: More from the Flint Institute of Arts

The Flint Institute of Arts is one of mid-Michigan's little art gems. When many think of Flint, the first thought that comes to mind is contaminated orange water. Then unemployment -- an auto town that died when G.M. pulled out. (See Michael Moore's remarkable "Roger and Me" for more about that.) But it was in its heyday a cultural center and that continues with the art institute.

Chihuly Ceiling installation, Dale Chihuly

You may recall from my posts on the Isabel de Borchgrave exhibit HERE and HERE and the Four Seasons HERE that we went there on my birthday in August. But I hadn't written about some of their other treasures.

Bad Blogger. This is either Mary Cassat or Berthe Morrisot

Here are a few that captured Rick and me. I am a sucker for Maurice Utrillo. Here we have it framed...

Maurice Utrillo

...and in close up.

And I can't resist John Singer Sargent. I would have walked out with this under my arm if I could!

"Garden Study of the Vickers Children" by John Singer Sargent

There was a small Picasso exhibit. This painting is a tribute to Picasso.

"Homage to Pablo Picasso" by Larry Rivers

This, one of his drawings.

I appreciate the Impressionists, such as this one by And this by Lucien Pisarro.

"La Rue Saint Vincent" by Lucien Pissaro

And this, by Childe Hassam.

"Newport Waterfront" by Childe Hassam

There was quite a section of Americana painting, which I rather liked.

There is a flatter quality to these, yet I find them interesting.

This painting was filled with symbolism. According to the audio tour, it was presumed that the child on the right had died, as she is seen separated from her siblings and in white.

"The Fowler Children" (unknown, 19th century)

There were many interesting masks...

...and some stunning glass (including a magnificent glass paperweight collection).

We were able to visit a demonstration of glass blowing in the hot shop.

One room was devoted to tapestries and some rather large and ornate furniture.

There was a fair amount of sculpture and larger pieces as well.

Untitled by Frank Owen

I'm not a big fan of super contemporary art, but I have to say I loved the colors on this one!

 And here is one of my favorites:

"Passage" by Bertril Vallien

This was quite enormous, and had its own little room. Artist Vallien worked with blacksmith Lars Larsson and glass artist Richard Kautto. They created a birch frame to look like a museum cabinet with no screws or nails to hold it together. The boat is made of sandcasted glass. The elements are within. It was fascinating to photograph from any angle, its black case forming a bit of a frame.

I suppose all good days come to an end. Even birthdays.

Tiffany window by Louis Comfort Tiffany
But mine was definitely a good one!

Sharing with:       Best of the Weekend     /    Pink Saturday     /    Let's Add Sprinkles


  1. What interesting art work. I love art-even the art I don't understand. My brother was an engineer for Corning Glass works so I have a few pieces of hand-blown glass from the artists there.
    There is so much wonderful artwork in the world that we will never even see.
    Have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  2. Wow, such wonderful paintings. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of Fling having such a wonderful gallery.

    I've always loved John Singer Sargent and Mary Cassat. We have a ceiling installation by the same artist (I think) here at the Meijer Gardens.

  3. I think some of those little art museums are fabulous. Little I mean not as big as the MET or some of those giants of art. You saw some lovely pieces Jeanie. Hope you are having a good weekend. Hugs-Erika

  4. Hi Jeanie: I chuckled a little over your opening remarks about "When people think of Flint, MI"............I suspect that unless one lives in Michigan, one never thinks of Flint - good water or bad, GM or not! Having said that, the art exhibit is quite phenomenal. There is much that I would have enjoyed very much. I hope that many took it in and expanded their horizons a little.

  5. What beautiful artwork. It was a shame that Flint lost its glory when GM moved out. Such a a shame. Janice

  6. Jeanie, this museum is wonderful. It's a great testament to the people of Flint to have such a jewel in their city. A perfect spot to enjoy your birthday! Thanks for sharing your gift with us.

  7. Beautiful paintings!
    Learning about the symbolism of painting is very interesting.

  8. Wonderful place to visit and so much great art to see. What a fantastic birthday visit you had. Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  9. Well happy happy birthday to you!! Enjoyed the art exhibit and I love the last one, the Tiffany window, the best, love THE COLORS and also the view. I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your post yesterday, about the reunion. IT WAS EXCELLENT, magazine/newspaper quality, it should surely be you write professionally ever? I think you should submit it. It was so well written and so enjoyable and touched so many good points. Happy weekend!

  10. I love art galleries, a week filled with visiting galleries is my idea of bliss, especially these smaller, more intimate ones. A particular favourite of mine is the Manchester Art Gallery. oh, and your first photo is spectacular.

    Deb in Wales

  11. "Roger and Me"... I´ll have to look out for it, don´t know it yet, but Moore´s style is to the point.
    That first pic sure made me go "awwww.... ohhhhh..." :-)
    John Singer´s portrait I looked at like forever, beautiful! And I like the Hommage, too. Oh, that horse sure is in a ahurry there :-)
    Oh, there must be a sad story from the artist behind the Fowler Children.
    I twice nearly lost my Brother, I have a guess how it must feel like...
    The "Passage" sure is impressive!
    Well that must´ve really been a great birthday :-)

  12. Hello,

    I do feel sorry for the people living in Flint. I am glad you had a wonderful birthday. The Flint museum and exhibits are beautiful. I love the glass art, the pelican & ship and the stained glass. Lovely paintings, the Newport Waterfront is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing your visit. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week ahead.

  13. This museum is wonderful. They exhibit many interesting arts.

  14. It's been far too long since I've been to an art museum. Maybe that should be a day trip for husband and me (well, not to Flint, but somewhere closer!). Did you know husband lived in Detroit for a year - we used to go to the museum in Detroit sometimes. -Jenn

  15. Thank you for sharing your visit! My appreciation for art in all its forms grows with each passing year.

  16. Wonderful trip to an art museum, I loved seeing the variety of things that caught your eye, such beautiful works!

  17. Gorgeous!! I'm a fan of Impressionism too ~ and that stained glass piece at the end blew me away!! TFS!

  18. Lovely. Just lovely. And inspiring. The Picasso drawing was so surprisingly delicate...loved it. The Fowler children...stunning and sad...the girl in white looks like she's waving and she has flowers in her lap...very symbolic indeed. Thanks for the tour, Jeannie.

  19. This is just an amazing treasurer trove and who would have expected it in Flint.

  20. I would enjoy this museum! Splendid art!

  21. What an uplifting place to see. Especially after what most of us know of Flint. It is all truly beautiful but I have to say that the American paintings are my favorite. I guess I like the realism of them. Thanks for sharing your adventures, Jeanie, if not (I) would not have all this pleasure..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  22. Wow! Thanks for taking us along! Such a wonderful assortment of work you showed us! Love the Chihuly (so beautifully orange) and love that pelican -- I've never seen anything like it.

    Really appreciate getting to go along on your excursions!! :-)

  23. Wow Jeanie, You saw some awesome pieces. The Tiffany window unbelievably beautiful. The Dale Chihuly work, omg. I love art museums. Blessings to you and Rick, xoxo,Susie

  24. What a great place with so much beauty!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  25. What beautiful artwork. The tapestry room caught my eye. So much beauty.

  26. The Garden Study must be my favourite painting from what you've shared. The exhibition seems very interesting, thanks for sharing so many pictures from it, I've enjoyed seeing them. x

  27. Beautiful work. Who knew of the treasures in Flint?

  28. I never would have guessed that Flint had a beautiful art museum. I associate Flint with contaminated water as well as a problem with crime (we watched a documentary about the crime problems in Flint - obviously related to the economic hardship of the area).

    I need to be better about taking in the museums in Minneapolis/St. Paul!

  29. Hands up Jeanie! I'm just checking that you haven't got a sneaky painting under your arms! I'm pretty sure I would love to have a crack at glass blowing, wouldn't you? Thanks for taking us on your little wander of this fine Michigan gem!
    Wren x

  30. Wonderful post, Jeanie. I know this was something special to enjoy. Thank you for sharing the beauty of this lovely exhibit.

    Happy day to you, Jeanie.

  31. Those are definitely my first thoughts about Flint too, every time. I think it is impossible to be a Michigander and not think of the unemployment and water contamination. :( However, your day at the museum looks amazing! Glad you had a good day, and birthday!

  32. I can see the influence of Maurice Utrillo in your artwork Jeanie. So beautiful! Sargent has always been a favorite of mine. Boston's MFA has some gorgeous works of his. Pieces like "The Fowler Children" tend to capture the attention of Jim and I most. Some artists paint so vivid and lifelike that is amazes me!

  33. How utterly beautiful! You could wander around there for several days.

  34. Such a broad representation of art - fascinating! Glad you had a great birthday!

  35. Wow, had no idea there was such a great museum in Flint. Stunning art works in this exhibit and so much more. When visiting new cities I always love to visit museums, this one is a jewel. I will take another stroll through to enjoy all the beauty. Happy you shared this trip...........

  36. Oh, you saw some amazing art!
    I would have enjoyed that very much.
    Thank you for sharing.

  37. Such an inspirational {and extensive} body of work the museum has! Thank you for taking us along. It’s always a joy to see art, isn’t it Jeanie? Happy belated Birthday, dear you. Xo Lidy

  38. Oooo...sooo much BEAUTY! LOVE Dale Chihuly's works! And love Sargent too! Ditto with Americana! That Tiffany window...*swoon*... What a great day out... Glad you had a good birthday, Jeanie! :) ((HUGS))

  39. Looks like a wonderful gallery . . .
    and birthday . . .
    Liking your thoughts, notes, critique . . .

  40. Happy belated birthday Jeanie.
    That looks like a wonderful Art museum. Love the Tiffany window and the Garden Study by John singer Sargent is really beautiful.
    Strangely enough I read something not long ago, about Flint and the sad story about the contaminated water.

  41. This museum looks wonderful.
    I enjoyed your post very much, and what a nice place to enjoy your birthday.

    All the best Jan

  42. Beautiful artwork. I would have enjoyed this show tremendously.

  43. Jeanie, happy belated birthday! A beautiful art museum, for your special weekend! I have always loved Chihuly's work, so many beautiful paintings and works of art to enjoy!

  44. The Tiffany window took my breath away. I've always wanted to visit the Corning Glass Museum. Some day maybe

  45. What a great museum. Happy Belated Birthday!


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