The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 5, 2019

BIg Birds, Part Two

This time my favorite heron gets to spread his wings!

A recent visit to the Ditch brought a lovely sight -- Harry, and in a relatively close spot in the pond.

What fascinates me here is how his wings look in the different positions of flight -- take-off...

 Picking up steam...

Leveling off...

Got to work it!

We need a little lift here.

Ah, now we can soar!

And get ready to land, farther up the pond.

I'll miss this fellow, come winter.

Sharing with:    Saturday's Critters     /    Best of the Weekend    


  1. Hello Jeanie,

    Great series of flight shots. Harry the Heron is looking beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  2. Jeanie, Great shots of the bird taking flight. I am sure you could hear his wings flap. I love the pictures . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Wonderful photos, so kind of Harry to fly for you! I saw a stork in the fields today, could hardly believe my eyes! They are rare around here. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. Totally beautiful sequence of flight photos!

    best... mae at

  5. These heron photos are amazing Jeanie. I don't know if you took them the same day as the egret but either way, you lucked into those shots. I think our herons may have started to fly away to warmer climes. I can't say for certain but I haven't seen any for awhile. Stay warm. My heat is on this morning. Hugs-Erika

  6. He is so beautiful. You are so lucky to see him in person.

  7. I think you need to start a Harry the Heron Fan Club, Jeanie. I suspect you would have no trouble attracting a membership.

  8. Beuaitufl photos of Harry. It is a beautiful spot there.

  9. Wow! What great photos! Aren't the wings just amazing?

  10. Wow, spectacular shots!
    I just realized he has very wide wings.

  11. Oh that Harry! He does know how to put on a flight show. Lovely!

  12. Incredible captures, Jeanie! Their winds are huge and they are a super cool experience to see them take flight. I've never been camera ready for that but I do get super pics and videos when they are on my beach!


  13. It´s awesome how they do it! Or, Harry, in this case :-)
    Where would you go if you could fly like that?

  14. Super photos of a stunning bird. Sometimes you just want to get in and give them a gentle nudge as they take off!

    ~~~Deb in Wales

  15. Jeanie, what lovely photos of Harry. Harry is most photogenic with his take-offs and landings and especially as he soars. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  16. Jeanie, I do love Harry. Your photography skills are the best, capturing him in different flight modes. I know you will miss him. Wishing you and Rick a wonderful day and great week ahead.

  17. Great wing pictures. I think you have some great water color potential with these shots.

  18. If Harry wants to come this direction, we'll leave the light on! Lovely photos, and even lovelier that you were able to gt some of your soon-departing friend!

  19. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy some lovely trips to the ditch, and see all your feathered friends before they leave for the Winter.

    It really must be amazing to watch them. Especially the bigger birds like Harry...

  20. He is so awesome and so is his photographer:)

  21. What a beautiful long neck he has,wonderful creature and lovely photos!☺

  22. You captured the heron's flight exquisitely. These birds are so graceful. Yes, I would miss him, too.

  23. Just loved seeing all these photographs … a wonderful sequence of flight.

    All the best Jan

  24. Jeanie, you got some great shots of the bird. They really do amaze me!!

  25. Great shots!! Harry sure is a beauty!!

  26. You see so many grand birds around your neck of the woods, Jeanie. I just saw a Hawk in the parking lot of Starbuck's. It was such a surprise, cause I've only seen them in nature. A blog friend noted out that it was called a Sparrow Hawk in her area...interesting.


  27. I'm with you....I like seeing how the wings look! You got really good pictures. Hope y'all had a nice weekend!

  28. I so love watching them in the Summer and our Eagles in the Winter. Both majestic birds. Janice

  29. Aww, these pictures are gorgeous. I love watching birds fly, they look so delicate and powerful at the same time.

  30. STUNNING photos, Jeanie... these are amazing! The greatness and majesty of these birds... simply breathtaking! :) ((HUGS))

  31. What great pictures you were able to take! I saw the white egret ones, too-- very pretty. And those fruit and veggie sculptures-- oh my! I've never seen anything like them!

    Liberty @

  32. The pics make me smile:)
    Have a great one.

  33. Aww, I'm glad Harry is back, at least for a little while.

  34. A njce series, Jeanie, and it made me think of all the herons we would see at Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge when we lived in VA.

  35. I could watch Harry for hours. I love watching wildlife. It's so peaceful.

  36. Magnificent creatures, and I loved your narrative!

  37. Oh! Harry always amazes me <3


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