The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

This weekend I send wishes for a very happy and blessed Easter for those who celebrate and a lovely weekend to those who don't.

We decorated eggs on Good Friday with our friends Mark and Jan.

It's a long standing tradition!

And of course there must be an Easter basket in the mix! What's an Easter basket without eggs and candy?

 Rick dyes his eggs raw. I do mine half raw, half are hardboiled (and turn into deviled eggs on Easter Sunday!)

And a few get used in decoration!

 Easter, like all holidays, brings memories of times past. Singing in the Plymouth Church choir on Easter Sunday -- two services and a big breakfast in-between, served by my mom and dad and loads of other choir supporters. Easter baskets at home. And during college, I would often invite friends who couldn't go home for the holiday to dinner at our house. Sometimes it was quite a mix and that, too was memorable.

I don't remember these photos but I do remember that all my baskets had creamed herring, sardines and olives in them. And a half-dollar piece, which was a pretty big deal to a little kid!

It's the time of spring, of rebirth.

And this year, Easter Sunday is on the day that my mom died in 1977.

One of my fondest memories was making eggs for our tree every year. I still have a few she did -- and we did a lot!

No surprise, she was a big holiday person (it's genetic, I think!) and I'll be thinking of her today.

So, from me and the Big Bunny...

A Happy Easter, blessed Passover and good wishes for a lovely spring weekend!

On another note: Blogger Elizabeth (and Bleubeard) has been locked out of blogger. "This is a devastating problem for me, especially since I am in the middle of my recycle campaign," she wrote. She has set up what she hopes is a temporary blog to get through until she can reclaim hers. She asked that her friends pass the word. You can visit her for now right HERE.  

Sharing with:    Let's Keep in Touch      /    Calypso in the Country's Best of the Weekend       


  1. Hello,

    Wonderful memories of past Easters! Loved the photos and the colorful eggs are pretty. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  2. My mom died on Easter Sunday too and I can never remember the actual date of her death because Easter changes every year and I so associate and mark her passing with the holiday.

    You sure got unusual stuff in your Easter basket growing up! I would have loved getting the olives back then and the sardines now.

    Your eggs are all so beautiful. I haven't dyed eggs since the last century.

  3. Somehow it seems bizarrely appropriate that you will be having devilled eggs on Easter Sunday! Tonight we will have plain old eggs in our Thai fried rice. Gotta go out get a bottle of wine. I suspect that I won't find fried rice as a recommended food accompaniment on too many labels!

  4. Great memories of your Easters growing up.
    Love all the colourful eggs.
    Have a wonderful Easter Jeanie.

  5. Ok what beautiful Easter eggs and treasured photographs!!! These special moments and cherished memories are the best parts of every holiday!

    Thank you so much for sharing with us! I love the way you colored your eggs! So pretty! The colors in one of the last egg pictures is my favorite... The mint green color, pink, and golden yellow! How did you make such pretty colors?

    I pray you have a joyous, Happy Easter!
    God's Blessings! Net

  6. Those eggs are beautiful, Jeanie! You look a lot like your mom! I think I may have cried if I had herring in my Easter basket, ha ha. Have a wonderful weekend. -Jenn

  7. Fun to read about your Easter memories. Happy Easter.

  8. Gorgeous eggs! Happy Easter to you and all the family, hugs, Valerie

  9. What beautiful eggs, and I always love the pics of you when you were little. The egg tree that you and your mom made was a sweet tradition. I wish you and Rick a very happy Easter.

  10. Jeanie, I loved the pictures. Your mom was so pretty. Your dyed eggs look so fancy. Also the previous post...what fancy birds. I have never seen anything like the one with while sticking out feathers. LOL. Blessings for beautiful Easter, xoxo, Susie.

  11. I love seeing your young photos. Your eggs are very creative. I hope Rick is doing well.

  12. Happy Easter Jeanie! Easter was my favorite holiday as a little girl with its cute bunnies, chicks and lots of chocolate! I absolutely adore all your vintage family photos.

  13. Happy Easter indeed!

    Seeing the photos from the previous years always makes me happy!

  14. Jeanie, I love reading about your wonderful childhood and your traditions and memories. Your mother was a beautiful lady and the three of you were a lovely family! I know you miss your mother. My beloved Mom passed away April 29, 2007. While preparing my Easter lunch for tomorrow, my mind is flooded with memories of her! Thinking of you and sending a hug!

  15. Thank you for sharing your memories and pictures of your Easters growing up.
    It was so nice to see all of your colourful eggs too.

    I wish you a Happy Easter.

    All the best Jan

  16. What a sweet your olden photos...
    I have been on the verge of tears for almost 2 yrs now since Bill passed to his Heavenly reward...everything, all holidays, birthdays, knowing how much Jesus went thru to save all makes me so thankful and makes me cry.
    Remembering hunting eggs with my little brother makes me cry today...but, it's ok...I am blessed to have so many good memories.
    We dyed eggs last night with little great-grands and of all the was fun.

  17. Your mother looks so pretty and sweet. I lost my father in 94, but my mom is still going strong and will be 90 on the 13th of May. Thank you for sharing all the sweet old time photos of Easter at your house. It brings back memories for sure.

  18. My mother loved making Easter eggs. Hers were always women with beautiful faces drawn in black ink, and a touch of red -- I think she used her rouge. She made paper hats and cotton hair, and a paper collar to stand them up. We celebrated both Easter and Passover, because she liked making the egg faces.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

    best... mae at

  19. Jeanie, your eggs are so lovely and each one unique. And the memories are beautiful. Your childhood photos are priceless! It's lovely getting to know you. Have a wonderful Easter.
    I hate hearing about another blogger having problems. Good luck to her!

  20. Happy Easter, dear Jeanie and Rick too.
    Your eggs are gorgeous. I hadn't thought of decorating raw eggs. We just have plastic eggs to hide for my little guy. Some have small chocolates and some have coins, then there are a couple treasures too.

  21. Happy Easter! Your eggs look great. We always had an Easter Tree too. My aunt & uncle often brought us our Easter Baskets and we had dinner with them. Good memories. I enjoyed seeing your photos!

  22. Dear, dear Jeanie,

    It feels great to be home this morning to casually hang out at home and to visit you. Thank you for visiting my blog and my teeth? WELL....I was eating too many blackberries so they stained my teeth! A few minutes under the polishing brush and they're back to normal!!!!!

    So your mum passed on on this day in 1977.....we never forget, do we...

    Sending you loving hugs as we celebrate the life that love imprints on us forever.

  23. Happy Easter Jeanie . . . and Happy Springtime . . .
    Pretty egg assortment!
    And how did you create these “tied dyed” wonders?

    Thinking of you today and hoping sweet memories of your mom bless you.

    Did mom and dad have curls too?

  24. A fun look back, a great tribute to your mother, and a lovely look at eggs you dyed this year. I've never heard of dyeing eggs that weren't hard cooked. That was new to me.

    Thank you for your kind words on my new (hopefully temporary) blog and have a lovely Easter.

  25. Good morning and Happy Easter Jeanie. I enjoyed taking a look back with you of your family and traditions. A lot like mine, baskets, church and celebrations. Understanding your day of the remembrance of your mom. We always remember.........

  26. Happy Easter to you and Rick, Jeanie! I'm so glad to see your colored eggs again this year. I've wondered whether your annual event would take place, and now that I know it did, I can go on and enjoy the day! I hope it's a wonderful one for you.

  27. Happy fun to have traditions and I love your pics of the past Jeanie;)

  28. I'm glad you have such wonderful memories of your mom.
    You were a cutie and still are:)
    Hoppy Easter.

  29. WoW! What absolutely *gorgeous* Easter eggs you all created! These are so 'my style!' LOL I just love the colors and impressionistic way you've applied the color. Brava!
    How wonderful to have such terrific photos of your childhood. My parents were never big photo-takers, so I don't have very many. And what a marvelous Easter egg tree! I'm Easter-egg-lime-green with envy!
    I feel as if I've hit the motherlode - three posts in 24 hours - you've been a very busy girl with the keyboard! (ACTUALLY, I read four, but I was so overwhelmed by your post about Rick's troubles and your nursemaid duties and the emotions it carried, I was unable to respond. Forgive me.)

    Happy happy Easter to you!

  30. What a beautiful post - loved reading about your Easter as a child. Okay, herring?? Sardines?? And was that APPRECIATED by a child? Hahahaha! I don't like those things as an adult lol. Such wonderful memories your mom created for all of you! Happy Easter!

  31. Happy Resurrection Sunday!

  32. Your post made me wonder what our childhood easter traditions were - and I cant really think of any.. I am now going to ask my mum and sisters what they recall? If I was to pick something, I suspect we spent most of my childhood easters camping or working on the farm... Now, in my house, I usually spend easter in the garden and enjoying the principle of new birth.

  33. Hope you had a fantastic Easter Jeanie. I love the idea of an Easter egg tree. And how nice to still have some of the eggs. There must be a bit of bittersweet memories for you this holiday though. I go through at Thanksgiving as my grandmother's birthday was around then. It is always sad that people we love can't be with us on holidays, especially people who helped inspired us to be so fond of the holidays. Hugs-Erika

  34. Happy Easter, and thanks for sharing some of your Easter memories with us.

  35. You had creamed herring, sardines and olives for Easter, oh, my, never heard of that.

    Oh. I am so sorry. My heart is out to you. It was the year my Brother was born. One loved one goes, one comes?
    Beautiful pictures.
    (What is it with blogger these days)

  36. Oh I just love it when you share your childhood photos. It was so well documented. I loved your Easter tree.

    Happy Earth Day!

  37. Happy Easter. What a bittersweet day with the day falling on the anniversary of your mom's passing. I hate that you were so young when you lost your mom. :( You sound a lot like your mom from how you've described her over the years so you are definitely carrying on her spirit!

    We had a pretty nice Easter. Paul did not have a great day. He's getting 3 teeth and they are bothering him so much. He ran a fever most of the day and was just not his happy self. I can't wait for his teeth to all be in so we can get our happy little guy back!

  38. I hope you had a wonderful Easter Day and I'm sure everyone enjoyed seeing your pretty eggs. Tell me, were you happy to have had creamed herring, sardines and olives in your Easter basket instead of chocolate bunnies...I wouldn't be happy with them today but my husband would. :D

  39. Hi Jeanie, your eggs are beautiful. Love seeing the "long ago photos" and you Mom was beautiful and elegant. Hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday..xxoJudy

  40. I really love your colorful easter eggs!
    I haven't been painting eggs this year. I always do this, but this year, while I'm struggling with the depression, I just had no power for all these Easter arrangements :(
    But luckily the weather was charming, we had full sun and 18C degrees so we could go for a walk. It was really nice time for me.

  41. What fun coloring eggs, Jeanie. It's been awhile since I colored Easter eggs. And you know how much I love your old photos of when you were a child. This is a lovely picture of your dear mother. And what a cute picture of you and the stuffed bunny. Thanks for sharing your treasured photos, Jeanie. I really enjoy them.


  42. Wonderful to catch up with you, Jeanie! I'm a bit behind on visiting... with TJ off work and Easter, the usual schedule of things went out the window in a good way! haha... The eggs are beautiful! We didn't do eggs this year, and I'm sorry I skimped on that. :/ LOVED seeing/hearing your Easter memories. ((HUGS)) as you remember you Mom... Wishing you & yours a beautiful & blessed Easter Week ((LOVE & HUGS))

  43. Hi Jeanie, I am a little late in reading some blog posts, but really enjoyed seeing all these family photos you shared, what fun! The photo of you and the large bunny is similar to one of my husband, age 4, and a large stuffed bunny toy. Sorry to read that a blogger has been "locked out" of her blog as this isn't the first time I have read about this and it's very unfortunate.

  44. I hope your Easter was a good one.

  45. This is the second blogger that has been locked out of their blogs. How does that happen? I hope you had a happy Easter. I love your old photos. So cute. I know the anniversaries of loss are difficult. The eggs look beautiful.


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