The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 14, 2018

I'm Writing Today at Modern Creative Life

We have a few more days until fall officially makes its bow and we welcome a new season with the autumnal equinox. But I'm still remembering summer.

Please join me over at Modern Creative Life this week while I reflect on summer's way of being an escape from the nine-month year, those months from September through May where our schedules seem to get out of control.

The theme of this issue is "Escape" and escape I do. It may involve a black and white cat, a walk down a wooded road, or a dip in the lake.

And of course, there will be a sunset.

I'd like to take you with me, so come on over, right HERE!

Sharing this week with:   Pink Saturday   


  1. Nice article Jeanie. I am with you about having the lake as a place to escape those usual chores. And the lake is a place for escape. Even for those pink flamingo floats! They will go back into winter storage way too soon. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  2. LOVE your escapes, Jeanie. It is wonderful that you can do that. That is such a sweet kitty! xo Diana

  3. I feel the Autumn breezes in the morning, Jeanie, but we still have warm days. Always love your creative and wonderful photos. : )


  4. I'm holding on to summer as long as I can. Loved your article over at your other blog.

  5. I love your post today Jeanie. I wish I could hang on to summer for another few months. It just whizzed by this year and was so very hot too. I kept too busy doing a lot of catch up. One year I hope to enjoy the summer more ;-)

  6. What a beautifully written post. Sadly, I'm ready for autumn. I can see you love it, though as your photos and words so eloquently convey. Thanks for taking us over there, too.

  7. So it´s not just me who really does not like those cold, dark months....
    At least we will escape come end of nasty January :-)
    Off to your other blog!

  8. Hello, it is great you can escape to the lake. I am always ready for a walk in the woods. Your kitty looks very relaxed and cute. Love the beautiful sunset!
    Have a happy day and weekend!

  9. I always enjoy your summer escapes Jeannie. I especially love going to the lake and finding Harry at the ditch. Thanks for taking us along.

  10. Jeanie, I loved the pictures. I have to say, I had some really great times this summer...but they were not outside...this is the hottest summer ever for me. I didn't enjoy the heat. I actually sat on my porch more last winter than this summer. Even at that, I hate for our summer to be waning, to be leaving us wanting more. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  11. I enjoyed your article. You write beautifully.

  12. I popped over to read it... Lovely article.

  13. Hi...jumped over and read about your summer.... looks like you had a great one. I know I have and I am looking forward to the approaching fall. I love fall. As the colder weather comes in after fall, the furbabes and I will have to adjust to closing up the deck....but I think I can handle that, Lily on the other hand might have withdrawals!

  14. what a great summer and your kitty is so sweet.

  15. I read your article. It was excellent.

  16. A lovely escape indeed . . .
    I ask why as well . . . “why” a manicured lawn at the cottage . . .
    No mower, leaf blower sounds . . . let the birds sing, loons, wind, rain . . .
    Cottage life, sounds, relaxation . . .
    I liked seeing the Crocosmia on your walk, other plantings too.
    Great writing, reflecting Jeanie . . ,

  17. Beautiful pictures Jeanie.
    I can't wait for our Summer to begin, right now Spring is being very wet and windy.

  18. I guess I haven't commented here, but just on FB. I loved your articles and all you have to say each time you write.

  19. The end of summer is always a little sad to me - plants start winding down, leaves drop off trees, and world goes dormant during the coming cold weather. Lovely photos of your lake retreat.


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