The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Merry and Bright

We're getting our holiday jingle in gear! (Cue the music and Bruce!)

It may not look like Christmas outside (I know, that's relative depending on where you live but here it means "White Christmas") but that's OK with me. It makes all the getting about easier!

My shopping is almost done (apart from Rick and the kids and a few mini-things) and much has been posted, along with some Gypsy Caravan orders. Thank you all so much! I need to restock soon and that's a treat!

Rick is at a trade show in Nashville but I'm sticking to home and looking forward to a Southern Exposure wreath workshop, lunch with the remarkable blogger and author Becca Rowan and a visit from my Canadian friend Suzanne!

Meanwhile, we haven't been sitting around! Last weekend, after a couple of funeral visitations, we headed to a small town nearby to meet our Cork Poppers for a celebratory dinner. (And yes, that is why I made the super-simple DIY clips in the last post -- to clip together the treat bags I was taking!)

We got there early and walked around. It was the evening of the Christmas parade and this is the closest I will ever get to being on a float!

I also noticed this shop window. Now, call me crazy, but I just don't see any mother of the bride wearing this dress -- at least not to the wedding! Maybe in Vegas... The window designer either had a bizarre sense of humour or could use a little assistance.

After our dinner, we headed back to Barb and Mike's house for dessert and fun. But first, I had to check out the parade.

Loads of lights. I think a lot of these might have been in Lansing's Silver Bells light parade a few weeks ago and just kept decorated. The one below had something for everyone -- St. Nicholas and the Holy Family.

Several of us brought desserts to Barb's and we had a wine-and-chocolate exchange.

Of course, the glass clinking reminded us of little bells!

Barb is such a talented floral designer. She did her annual "girl tree" for her porch.

Unfortunately, even with the porch light, it was a little dark, but you get the idea!

Of course we had the obligatory portraits...

...and the Funny Face one. Some played along better than others!

The next day I went to a Christmas Card watercolor class!

We did several cards and I was pleased with most of them, learning new techniques.

None were perfect but a few were close and I'll be working on these some more this season!


Wow! No wonder I'm tired! Gotta fly!

Happy Week!


  1. That all looks wonderfully festive and fun, Jeanie! Loved the are so talented. Our Christmas spirit habitually comes a little later but is anyway currently threatened by a late-running decorative makeover in the living-room...aargh!

  2. Eilis@MyHeartLivesHereTuesday, December 05, 2017

    You've been a busy gal! Your Christmas tree paintings are amazing, especially the natural green one. You have me wondering if I could take a watercolor painting class near me. Very inspiring.

  3. Looks like so much fun! I have to tell you, I have a childhood friend who was just the mother of the bride....I love her so much. She would wear that dress!! I just want to be as brave as her.

  4. Hello, what a fun post. I love the parade photos and your near the float. The party with your friends looks like a good time was had by all. Your watercolors are lovely, the bird is my favorite. I like the girl tree too. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  5. What fun you had and I love your pretty bluebird! I'm having a giveaway so hurry over! Holiday hugs!

  6. Busy, Busy my friend! Lots of fun things to do this time of year. Love the cards and I'm working on a few for friends this year. I do have my tree up and a few random decorations. I find I'm doing less this year and I see it as an ongoing trend. Hugs!

  7. You have been up to a lot, with some fun events and a water colour course. You look so happy in the photos, great. Hugs, Valerie

  8. You are blessed to have such a fun filled and creative life! The merriment keeps on coming! That would be an interesting exercise: how many ways can one design a Christmas tree?

  9. Never a dull moment, dear Jeanie!! You just have so much fun and you light up every picture with your beautiful smile. Enjoy your week.

  10. Oh, I quite like the robin, and the cat and tree with the blue background! Well done! Wine and chocolate party. Now, that's a party I would actually go to! I agree with you about the mother of the bride dress (I'm hoping I won't need to buy one for a few years, still - but it won't be a sparkly strapless number!) -Jenn

  11. Love seeing sights of the Christmas parade and your water color class looks like lots of fun too. Then having fun with Cork Poppers is always very special. I like the idea of the chocolate and wine exchange. That would be fun for me with tea and chocolate. Just got my Christmas packages mailed, now onto a little baking.

  12. Looking like you have had a great time. Don't you just love painting with a group?

  13. I can see you are in the Christmas spirit. You certainly made the most of this week and I enjoyed following you around.

    I had to laugh at the float remark. Several years in a row, I attended the Rose Parade. After the parade, the floats were parked in a nearby park for visitors to observe up close and personal. Although they were all roped off, you could get really close enough to see the various flowers, seeds, and beans and all the time that went into making one. Somehow, no other parade has ever come close to impressing me like that one does each year. So, be thankful you got close to that float, dear friend. And wave like the queen you are!

  14. Looks like you are having some fun. I like the cat vest. That is just perfect. :) Hugs-Erika

  15. I'm sorry you had funeral visitations to go to, that's always especially tough this time of year. But I'm glad you've been having good times with friends and that your Christmas activities are going well.

    I'm always much happier if it doesn't snow before Christmas, or at all, honestly. It definitely does make going out and doing things harder when it snows.

    I totally agree with you about the mother of the bride dress. I can't imagine my mom having worn something like that to our wedding.

    Your cards look great. I can't wait to see the pictures from the wreath work shop.

  16. You are very busy and it looks like you have a lot of fun, Jeanie. Your watercolors are lovely. The one with the cat is my favorite. Who would have thought, lol.
    xo Julia

  17. Hello Jeanie, I do like reading your posts with the music playing along. No snow here either although it looks as though we might get some at the weekend. That is a strange choice for the mother of the bride, she would certainly be the centre of attention – but I think her daughter would have something to say about that. :-) Your cards are so pretty, and it looks as though you are having a fun week.

  18. What a lot of festive holiday cheer you're having! - and spreading! I don't think I've ever seen a Statue of Liberty float in a Christmas parade before, but I love it! Of course, I love anything that lights up and is sparkly...though perhaps not the mother-of-the-bride dress. What have the Kardashians done to our culture? LOL
    Thanks for sharing your holiday fun - I'm living vicariously, as we don't do much 'celebrating' beyond an annual classic Christmas movie marathon!

  19. I love seeing your activities. You are a busy lady!
    Your cork popper group looks like so much fun.
    I feel your happiness when you have a paint brush in your hand. My daughter loves to paint also.

  20. Your funny face photo was much better than some I have seen . . .
    My goodness girl . . . you are in Go, Go, Go motion . . .
    Did you sign up for all the Southern Exposure classes.
    You live my mantra . . .
    “You can never do enough for yourself!”

    This might make you giggle . . .
    I painted a bunch of book marks and cards . . .
    Put them in a heavy book to press them flat . . .
    I went to get them out for a gift yesterday and
    realized the heavy book I used was also used for my crèche
    and it was underneath the draped Hardanger cloth and Hummel figures . . .
    Go figure . . . gives me a reason to paint more . . . tee hee!

  21. You always keep busy - love this post - your Christmas festivities look like a lot of fun.

  22. Jeanie, you never told me your middle name is "fun!" Looks like you are on busy lady. Like you I have most of my gifts wrapped and under the tree. I still need to pick up stocking stuffers and I'll call it a day. Hope to get busy now with all the trimmings finished and enjoy a few dinner parties and travel. PS, would love to follow you to some of your workshops, sounds Ike a great time...........

  23. Sounds like you've been having a great time, with plenty more festive fun to come! You're going to need to rest through most of January to recover from it all. ;)

    I was on a float once. It was when I was about seven or so. I was part of a circus themed one for our town's carnival parade at the time. Both my brothers were on it too, along with my Mam (who was mostly only on there because they wouldn't let me and my brothers ride without someone spacifically there to watch us due to us having disabilities).

  24. Jeanie, you exhibit such a joie de vivre! Your face just glows with apparent happiness. Your company must be such a delight for whomever is lucky enough to be part of!

  25. Your outdoor pic looks like what we're having now. No snow for us and relatively warm these past weeks. Another delightful Christmas post, Jeanie. Love those paintings. Lots of holiday fun over at your place. The excitement is contagious. :)

  26. Love te watercolors truly!!
    What a fun class it seems to have been..
    Stay busy and happy you wear it so well:)

  27. Sounds like you have been having lots of fun. Your watercolor class is great.

    Everything looks so festive and fun.


  28. Good Afternoon Dear Jeanie!
    You my friend know how to have fun and celebrate life with such glorious zest and enthusiasm! Your joy is delightful and contagious!
    I am sitting here right now admiring my gorgeous snowman cards that I ordered from you and oh all of the generous detail and colors. You are an artist for certain! Also, I am treasuring the vintage bookmark loaded with detail too! I actually think I will hang it on the Christmas Tree in the dining room.
    Thank you dear Jeanie!

  29. What fun! Love your cards--They're gorgeous--and Barb's girl tree:)
    A wine and chocolate exchange....sounds perfect!

  30. Jeanie, you are always busy going here and there and your vivacious smile says you are having a good time! The watercolor Christmas card class would be so enjoyable! Ooh, a wine and chocolate exchange sounds great!

  31. You have been having some fun!! I just love the girl tree, Jeanie. It would be terrific fun to make, I think. Your watercolours are beautiful.

  32. Hello dear one! Well, aren't you having fun!! Love seeing all of your festive times and your painting. That little bird is simply darling! Merry Christmas, Jeanie!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  33. I love EVERY SINGLE ONE of these cards, Jeanie! The dark blue with the white cat, tree and moon. The darling blue bird....the Christmas tree! How fun to create such fun in the midst of friends.

  34. I love all the watercolors! I wish my shopping was almost done. I still have my boys to buy for and my husband being the hardest of them all to buy for. A few more gifts and I should be done! Happy hOlidays!

  35. The water color cards are beautiful! You are so good about taking advantage of classes in the area. You must have a really active arts community where you live as there seem to be lots of different classes you can take!

    It wasn't white her until Monday when we went from 55 degrees and rainy to snow. Now the temps have dropped off and it's barely gotten out of the 20s. It was 8 this morning when we were waiting for the bus. Burrrr! But it does look more Christmasy outside and it's kind of nice to see a white world instead of a brown world. But it's easy for me to say that since I don't have to do any snow removal. We haven't gotten much, though, but with the rain turning to snow we have a nasty layer of ice under everything so hopefully it melts soon!

  36. Dearest Jeanie,
    to come and visit you always put me in such high spirits, your inner joy make your blog so bright and I'm sincerely grateful to you for this !

    Wishing you a most Beautiful Season,
    I'm sending blessings on your way

    XOXO Dany

  37. Love your paintings...beautiful...and a real live Christmas Parade...I thought that only happened in Hallmark Christmas movies...Love it!


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