The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Juniper Berry Wreath at Southern Exposure

Earlier this week we enjoyed our final workshop of the season at Southern Exposure -- making a juniper berry wreath with real spruce greens and a permanent botanical wreath of juniper berries. This was our project.

But first, a lovely dinner. This time we dined in the Hog House, beautifully decorated for the season.

I loved the table decorations and the chair covers so much that I bought some (a dollar each at Dollar Tree!)

This fireplace mantle was a favorite of mine.

I especially loved the Dutch shoes filled with faux candy. (I have smaller Dutch shoes at home. I love them!)

I thought it was fun, filling the baby pram with presents and greens.

And this corner just seemed to peaceful to me.

Then it was on to the craft tent. Scott explained that blue is considered a Christmas color, more so in Europe than the States, in part because of the blue that Virgin Mary is seen wearing in much of the art of the period. Our supplies included the greens and juniper wreath, red twig dogwood, clippers, gloves and long green pipe cleaners. That was my take away of the day -- they work well to wire the individual branches onto the wire wreath form and are visible only from the back of the wreath. It was lots easier to tighten them than it is florist wire.

Let's just say that I am a lot better working with wreaths that are already formed than I am trying to wire live greens to a wire wreath form.

This was my expression during much of the construction. I'll share the finished wreath after I do a little cosmetic enhancement. Like, possibly redoing it to get the greens better spaced!

Still, glorious fun! And chickens! What's not to love?


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time at Southern Exposure, and the decorations are wonderful. I have made a wreath and hung up a star, so that's good for me! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hello, I love your pretty wreath. The table and all the decorations look beautiful. I like the wooden shoe with the candy canes. A lovely place to dine. The chicken is cute. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. Once again, I'm in awe of the decorations at Southern Exposure. I still have rocking horse envy. The one on the mantle really gets me.

    I didn't find those hats at my Dollar Tree, so maybe they are not at all locations. Were those cranberries floating in your ice water on the table? Inquiring minds and all.

    I want to make one of those holly wreaths, since I have so much holly. I really LOVE the wreath you made, though. I agree that I see lots of blue from my British friends' cards. This was a fabulous post and great wreath.

  4. I loved reading that blue is considered a Christmas color and why.
    Now I have a reason for my love of it all:)
    Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
    You always brighten my day..

  5. Hello Jeanie, I love the music on all your posts, and it certainly is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Using pipe cleaners is a genius idea; the wire always hurts my fingers. Beautiful photographs as always on your blog, the one of you made me smile – that must be your concentrating face. Hugs Barbara

  6. Jeanie, this looks so fun! The wreath is beautiful. It's so wonderful to be able to make your own. Thanks so much for adding the info that blue is also considered a Christmas color. That was very interesting to me and gives me more ideas to work with!

  7. You have the best time at these events! I love the rooms decor and I bet your wreath looks great! Hugs!

  8. Oh, what a pretty door wreath. Southern Exposure always has the loveliest ideas. These chair covers are darling. I can't believe they were $1 at the Dollar Tree. I'm going to have to go on over there, but I have a feeling they will all be gone. The fireplace mantel is so pretty with the lights. And the Dutch shoes are so cute with the candy canes. Jeanie, the best part of this post was seeing your sweet smile. : )


  9. Oh I just love how the Hog House (what a name) is decorated. So very pretty. And the wreath, I love it. I don't have any wreaths ....oops, I do too, on 3 windows. I don't ever have a wreath for my door all year either, I make some sort of different decoration for the doors, I think I need to make a wreath!

  10. How wondrous. And the decorations are AMAZING. Heh heh. I just had to say that, knowing how much you love that word:) I'm going to take another one of your cues and see if I can find those chair covers at the dollar store:)
    Everything took my breath away.
    I always enjoy the chicken pictures:)

  11. I love that place:)
    And Michael..he still gives me happy his little boy is well..what a gift.
    That rocking horse on the mantle:) ♥
    Love the dining area special.

  12. Eilis@MyHeartLivesHereThursday, December 07, 2017

    I'm so glad you share your Southern Exposure trips with us. I think if I lived in your part of the country I would be at every single workshop, but at least I get to see what you got to do! Looks like your wreath was more than worth the effort.

  13. Gosh - you and Southern Exposure may have inspired me to get some of my Santas out! I do have my trusty antique sled with wreath at the front door... You know me, Jeanie - the Minimalist!

  14. Hey that's a great pipe cleaner tip! I don't "do" much anymore, but I sure think of Christmas as a time for doing. Of course you have things going at all times of the year! You sure left a nice message for me. Thanks! I went to my first girl soiree of the season. So good for the soul! Wish I had brought my camera. Carry on!

  15. Everything is simply beautiful. Seeing such beautiful Christmas decor puts me in the Christmas spirit. Enjoy. xx

  16. Love the wreath Jeanie. I think you're visits to Southern Exposure make a nice holiday tradition. And great you get to bring something home with you too.:) Hugs-Erika

  17. The Hog House is beautiful. I adore the white wood paneled walls, the vaulted ceiling and the pretty flower prints. The Christmas decorations are lovely and it's wonderful that they always combine dinner with a fun workshop. Your wreath looks great!

  18. I love the wreath and it's unique...never seen one like that before! I love it when you post pictures from this amazing many interesting things to see there and the suppers look great too! so---how does the wreath smell?? We use a little fake tree so I depend on the wax melts to get the balsamy/fir/TREE scent, LOL

  19. You dined in such a cozy and welcoming place, I'm going and watch your shots once more, it's truly wonderful !

    Sending hugs and ever much love to you,
    with sincere thankfulness, precious, cherished friend of mine

    XOXO Dany

  20. Oooo... so lovely--ALL sooo lovely! That table set for dinner is just so eleglant. How splendid the rocking horse and greens on the mantle...and the wooden shoes stuffed with "candy"! :) Such great ideas those folks at SE come up with! Making a wreath from scratch is hard word, not easing keeping the shaping...Fresh green wreaths are so special. Wow another SE season/year celebrated... Think how much to look forward to next year! Happy Holly Days, Jeanie ((HUGS))

  21. Love that juniper in the center of the frasier fir! I can't imagine yours being anything other than beautiful!

  22. That wreath is just a knock-out - I love the contrast between the two greens. Simple, but so effective.

    And that fireplace mantle with the wooden hobby horse (is that reproduction or an antique?!) is so festive it makes me want to do a Fezziwig jig! Stunning!

    Thanks so much for sharing all these beautiful photos!

  23. Fun! Glad you were able to make another trip there so soon.

  24. Wonderful series . . .
    Wealth of ideas and experience . . .
    Juniper berries are so pretty . . . one of my favorites . . .
    The Hog House looks charming!

  25. I so love that place, Southern Exposure. The table settings look wonderful and the way they decorated is also wonderful. You did a fantastic job on your wreath. I settled for less and bought my fresh wreath this year and just added a couple of things. I will take pictures one day if the wind stops blowing. You will enjoy our wreath all winter.

  26. You have such beautiful experiences all the time.... me? I get to go to the grocery store *woop-eeeee* lol.... your one lucky girl :-)


  27. Hi, Jeanie. I think I must have missed some information in previous posts, because don't know where or what this place called Southern Exposure is. It looks lovely, so can you fill me in with the details?

    I'm with you regarding this dark time of year. I've tried to embrace the notion that it is a season for introspection and hunkering down, you know, cozy evenings by the fire with hot cider. The difficultly is that the present-day culture doesn't really support that idea of "hibernation". Still gotta get here and there and go to work and school and grocery shop...ya-da, ya-da, ya-da. So I chafe at having to go out and about in the dark and cold. But, I guess we should count our blessings because if you live near the equator it gets dark about five o'clock in the evening year-round. I learned that first-hand when I visited Costa Rica a few years back. So there you are--we must count our blessings for in our place on the globe the darkness shall pass! (temporarily, of course!)

  28. I always love visiting Southern Exposure with you in December, the seasonal decor is stunning with so much to admire and be inspired by. The wooden clogs hanging from the mantlepiece are a super idea and I'll be on the lookout for some of those next year when brocante season comes around again.
    Bon weekend.

  29. Good morning Jeanie!!! I love, absolutely LOVE those indoor shutters. And the sabots filled with candy canes...that is so festive. What a great place you have to go and make connections, built traditions, soak in the season.

  30. I notice something new every time I read this post! i.e. The ornaments are a great idea for decorating the table.
    Have a holly, jolly weekend.

  31. What a wonderful place. I loved all the little lights here and there. Cute idea with the Santa hats. I love your expression. LOL. The wreath turn out beautifully. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  32. Jeanie, The table looks great! I'm sure you shared a great meal. Looking forward to the reveal. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  33. How fun to have this for your final time of creative spirit this year and to have a wonderful meal too, which I know it was. Love the decorations and the chickens.That is a peaceful corner. I always love vintage things to hold the gifts too. The chair covers are a wonderful idea and if I was having Christmas here I would be off to the Dollar Store. The dutch shoes remind me of my little pair brought back to me by my uncle after WWII, now my D can fit them and clomp around.

  34. I know this was a fun evening. The wreath is so pretty and the berries give it such a Chrismtasy look! All the decorations are lovely and what a great deal on the chair covers, love those. I have a doll carriage I use like this. Makes a great centerpiece for baby showers. Thanks for the tour Jeanie.......

  35. This sounds like such fun! Love those Santa hat chairs, and I bet the wreaths were beautiful!

  36. beautiful glimpses of your holidays
    your wreath turned out beautiful
    I really like the juniper in it
    both of those grow on my land..... maybe you will inspire me.

  37. Ha - I love the action shot of your 'frustrated' face! I am looking forward to seeing the finished product! If you struggled with the green placement then I would REALLY struggle with something like that! It sounds like a fun night, though!


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