The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 22, 2017

Countdown to Christmas

It's almost Christmas! Time for a countdown! (Cue Michael Buble!)

Presents wrapped -- check.

Cookies made -- check.

New recipe tried and it's a hit! (Marie Rayner's chocolate fudge!) -- check.

Cookies delivered -- most of them!

Christmas dishes washed and table planned -- check.

Cards mailed -- I think I got them all!

Cat tree up -- check.

Lizzie Christmas photo taken -- check.

House decorated -- Is it ever really done? But good enough.

Time for fun!

Rick and I have had a really fun Christmas week with loads of celebrations. We enjoyed our Friends of Theatre holiday gathering, a delightful indoor caroling party with loads of singing, cookies and smiles. Then, a trip to Detroit to celebrate Rick's cycling pal, TJ's, birthday.

It was at the Dakota Inn, a German restaurant with non-stop piano and singing. And I mean everyone sings, or as they say, "the one place where it's OK to sing with your mouth full!" I had my first sauerbraten and it was delicious!

TJ is pretty much a regular here. So he led the whole restaurant in the Schnitzelbank song, which I don't think anyone got right but was loads of fun!

The laugh highlight of the night was the Twelve Days of Christmas -- complete with props! Our table was the Twelve Drummers Drumming -- and we made lots of noise!

I'm hoping to get around to all my blog pals before Christmas but if I don't, have the Merriest Christmas. If that's not your thing, a beautiful winter holiday season.

Ho, ho, ho from Lizzie and Me!

Don't forget to enter my 10th blog anniversary drawing by leaving a comment on THIS POST!


  1. We love that schnitzelbank song! I'll have to check on that place.

    Have a wonderful Christmas! best... mae

  2. is hoping you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. THank you for always leaving such sweet comments on my blog. So happy to have found you in blogland.

  3. What fun! I've had a good week with lunches with friends, shopping with Mom and now some special time with the Grands while their parents celebrate 11 years of marriage! Then my other daughter comes home and Santa arrives! I can't wait!

  4. Lizzie is quite the excellent model!!! We need to try to get a good picture of Oscar for our Christmas card next year since she is quite a big part of our family! She's tough to get to pose, though! I have to really catch her in the right moment.

    That birthday party sounded like a blast!! German restaurants really know how to have FUN!!

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebration! I'm looking forward to ours as well. Tonight we are doing our little Christmas celebration which will be really low key since we don't exchange gifts. I'm pretty sad that we won't be baking a GF treat together as that was such a fun tradition but we'll bring it back next year. Then we to go Phil's mom on Saturday and I'm going to a live production of Annie with her on Saturday night which is part of her Christmas present. It should be a really fun weekend!

  5. Hello, I think you are ready. Everything looks so pretty and festive.

    Have a happy holiday weekend. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. You seem to be very well prepared, Jeanie. Christmas can come. Awww, you have a cat tree, how cute! I hope Lizzie doesn't get jealous that there are so many cats in the house. ;) I send some belly-rubs for the sweet girl.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family! Enjoy the cookies, the fudge and everything else.
    xo Julia

  7. Lovely post and photos, your Christmas will surely be very special. Enjoy your decorations, have fun, happy holidays. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Merry Christmas! :-) :-) Thanks for bringing light to all of us, throughout the year. :-)

  9. Dinner looks a blast. What fun holiday entertainment. And glad to see you are ready because it is Christmas weekend, isn't it? Yahoo! I should totally be a couch potato right now but I baked little gingerbread this morning and it smells so good. I might have to go sneak a piece even though I made it for our holiday party on Sunday.I can always bake another, right? Have a wonderful Christmas Jeanie. May your days be merry and right as the song goes. :) Hugs-Erika

  10. Your check off list is much farther along than mine. I haven't even mailed all my Christmas tip-ins, but at least the people have been notified their gift is NOT in the mail. I love Lizzie's photo, the cat tree, and the cards. I also love your Christmas dishes you will be using. You know me and trees!

    I adored your photos and how you took us through each check off. This is a celebratory post and I loved it. Hope you also have a joyous Christmas, filled with peace, good cheer, and love.

  11. It looks like you have it covered.

  12. That Lizzie loves to pose! Looks like you're all set Jeanie, Merry Merry Christmas!

  13. Your house looks very festive! Except for the Christmas tree nothing reminds of Christmas in our home. I still need to wrap presents, I haven't written a single card and I didn't bake any cookies. It is very hard to get into the Christmas spirit around here this year.

    I'm glad that you liked the Sauerbraten. It's one of my husband's favorite meals especially when his mom cooks it for him since she has a special recipe. I never cook it because I'm not particularly fond of Sauerbraten. But a very good one can be delicious, and I'm glad that you got one of those.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Jeanie, and all the best for the new year.

  14. Wow! what a wonderful christmas themed cookies! We're also going to make some nice cookies lke every year. I want to decorate them as nice as you did! :) I'm not sure if I'm tallented enough but I'll try!

    And you had a lot of fun in this german pub! To be hones - I love german pubs, they have always the best beer! :)

  15. What a fun post! I love seeing how ready you are. You do have your fun with friends...a lot! Have a blessed Christmas! So happy to have found you and look forward to more fun posts from you in the new year.

  16. I don't remember seeing the cat tree before. Or, if I did, I didn't "really" see it -- there always are so many wonderful things to look at in your blog entries. I liked seeing the photo of the Gypsy near it, too. I think Miss Dixie and I might do a little hall decking tomorrow night -- but I decided no cookie baking this year. It's time for "that" resolution again, and I might as well start right now!

  17. Have a very Merry Christmas Jeanie! I'm following your blog now.

  18. Dear Jeanie, I’m smiling from ear to ear as I read your words and look at the photos! I wish I could have been there to join in with the “Twelve Days of Christmas” it looks as though you all had so much fun!
    Your home looks beautiful, and I love the pictures of Lizzie.
    Merry Christmas to you and all your family and friends I hope you all have a wonderful time.

  19. I'm glad you're enjoying your Christmas celebrations so far!

  20. Happy, happy day dearest Jeanie. I'm home now for two weeks and I am so excited to simply play like a child. YAOOO!

  21. Lizzie, love the cat theme - cat cookies! And that Lizzie is adorable! Wishing you a happy winter and wonderful 2018.

  22. The Scnitzel party sounds and looks like fun . . .
    (Not sure if that is the party name but it sounds good!)

    Lizzie pretties up nice for pictures!
    How many trees this year?
    Festive is wonderful . . . your home, and you, take the prize!

    Happy Christmas Jeanie . . .

  23. Hi Jeanie! I got your adorable Santa Christmas card and had to pop by and say thank you. You are so skillful with the paintbrush! What fun! Wishing you and Rick a very happy holiday season...looks like you’re off to a good start!

  24. Merry Christmas. You are in great shape to enjoy Christmas weekend. May it be blessed!

  25. Merry Christmas to you, Rick, and Lizzie. Love that you have found time to celebrate the season so beautifully. Have a wonderful full weekend celebrating with those you love. Thanks for the card! Hugs!!!

  26. What a lot of fun you've been having. That German restaurant must be so enjoyable, specially when surrounded by friends. Now that's the kind of birthday party I'd like to have next time! except that I think I might have to go to Germany to find a suitable place as I can't think of anywhere like that in London. :) Your house looks so festive, and Lizzie is a real pro when it comes to posing for her picture! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  27. Yes I think you are definitely ready for Christmas Jeanie. Lovely Lizzie, she is so photogenic, oh and your teddy in the bag is adorable. Best wishes to you, Rick and your family for a very happy Christmas x

  28. Merry merry Christmas, sweet Jeanie! I hope you and your family have a wonderful celebration!

  29. Jeanie, I just wanted to stop by here and wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas! For the first time in many years, we're going to our younger son's house in Grand Haven for Christmas Eve. Everyone usually comes to our house, so I'm thrilled not to be hosting this year.

  30. I would say you are all ready for Christmas. I still have all my Christmas gifts here. Not one of them is in the mail, but I did get some cookies made today! Have a wonderful, merry, blessed Christmas.

  31. Merry Christmas Jeanie! It looks as though you're in much better shape for Christmas than I am. Christmas eve day and we're baking cookies, wrapping gifts and our main Christmas eve tradition- putting up and decorating the tree. Hope your holidays are great!

  32. Merry Christmas Jeanie! Wishing you a beautiful New Year! Hugs❤️🎄❤️

  33. Merry Christmas and Happiness in the New Year.


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