The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Musical Interlude

If you are reading a blog on Christmas Eve day, you are probably more organized than I am!

So, I leave you with a short video of Rick and his musical friends Byron (flute) and Josh (violin) from last Christmas.

May you have a Silent Night and a beautiful Christmas.

Peace on Earth.

Don't forget to enter my 10th blog anniversary drawing by leaving a comment on THIS POST! The entry deadline has been extended to December 26!


  1. Have a great Christmas!

    best... mae

  2. Hello, I love Silent Night! Beautifully done! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. I love your Christmas nativity scene Jeanie. I will come back a little later and listen to the music. I'm sure it's wonderful. Have a beautiful Christmas. ♥

  4. What a fabulous way to celebrate Christmas eve. Have a joyous, peaceful, safe, and loving Christmas, dear Jeanie. BTW, that nativity set is beautiful.

  5. Beautiful music, thanks for sharing. Happy Christmas to you and yours, hugs, Valerie

  6. Always beautiful! Have a very special Eve and Christmas day.

  7. Thank you for sharing this lovely music on Christmas Eve! Wishing you a beautiful, love filled day!

  8. So beautiful, I love the music of Christmas! Wishing you a beautiful Christmas Eve!

  9. Returned for a short visit to listen to the music. It was very lovely and peaceful and I loved all the sparkling Christmas lights. Many wonderful wishes sent your way. Enjoy tomorrow and the season ahead. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ♥♥♥

  10. Dearest Jeanie,

    Probably more organized than you.. I think not! I love your sense of humor.
    Wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas. Thank you so much for taking me on your journeys, sharing your beautiful art and yourself..
    See you next year, dear friend... And thank you for all your most welcome visits this year. You have brought joy into my world.
    Love the music!

  11. Merry Christmas Jeanie . . .
    Merry Christmas Rick. . .

  12. The music of Christmas is beautiful, and I'm especially fond of versions that fit comfortably into a home -- like the video shows. Massive choirs and cathedrals are beautiful, but not necessary. Merry Christmas to you and Rick, and thanks for the music.

  13. Dearest Jeanie, HELLO! Music, friends, loved ones, all the trimmings, it's time. We had a splendid Christmas Eve, watching old Christmas movies, being like kids.

    Enjoy as we enter into the portal of 2018. Let's pray it's a good one.

  14. The lovely version of Silent Night started my
    morning off just right here in NW Oregon. Thank you

  15. At the last minute the holiday always throw something at you. We had some ice and lost our power for a few hours. But then it came back and all was merry and bright. Hope it was a fantastic holiday. Hugs-Erika

  16. I'm a little late in reading (listening) to this but I loved it anyway. x

  17. Jeanie DARLIN'! How lovely to see you at Castles Crowns and Cottages AND in Nowhere! Thank you dear friend for always being there for us! Happy 2018!


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