The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Modern and Mod Christmas at Southern Exposure

Sometimes it is just what you need. After all, it's been a rough few weeks. Political turmoil; Korean missile tests; sex scandals out the wazoo. One gets nervous turning on the radio, telly or checking social media or the newspaper. Friends and family members of friends seemed to all die in the same two-week period. I'm nervous about my biopsy and while my lip is healing, it's taking its own sweet time about it and is still pretty darned tender. It's felt like a pretty dark path with only a bit of light along the way.

I told members of my book club I just wanted to read shallow books, biographies or mysteries, watch Hallmark movies and decorate my house. I want pretty. I want light. I want a rest.

In other words, I need a little Christmas, right this very minute!

So, Jan and I headed with great anticipation to Southern Exposure for our workshop, Modern and Mod.

We knew decorating a tree would be involved and that was really all we needed to know, because after all, we were at Southern Exposure, which wipes away stress like a long, clean shower or like sitting on a pool noodle in the middle of a lake on a perfect, calm summer day.

We got there early enough to take some photos. It was getting pretty dark but somehow it made it seem all the more peaceful.

And of course, there was the gift shop! They have the loveliest things and we had a 20 percent discount which makes it all the more enticing.

I was pretty good -- just a string of small lights. But there were numerous temptations!

And to be honest, that bed in the bride's dressing room looked pretty inviting, too! I'd gladly move a wreath or two.

But no! Shopping, then dinner awaits.

This wreath reminds me a little bit of a previous winter project! 

On the way into dinner we got a sneak peek at our "modern and mod" project -- a small flocked tree.

Then after, it was on to the craft tent. Our trees greeted us...

...along with our supplies.

The trees are done on a wire frame and the flocked branches and red berries were prepared for us. We added a string of lights, silver ornaments, sparkly snowflakes and a cheery red bow. Here's Jan's.

Of course, the Southern Exposure chickens were on hand to socialize with the guests. Southern Exposure not only rescues animals (including these chickens), it also provides over $30,000 a year to their region's humane society through a portion of each workshop registration fee and two fundraisers they hold.

Rick noted that "the trees look just alike," as he saw photos of both my tree and Jan's. True. Each project is made very easy -- but you can change it up a bit if you like when you get home. I will probably replace the silver balls on mine with smaller ones, possibly red. But I'd be happy with it as is.

All in all, a grand time and, I think, one of my favorite projects. It felt practically perfect in every way.

Now, if only we could get the rest of the world in a practically perfect place.

And so, I'm off! On to decorating the house, getting ready for some holiday festivities and more. Hope your days are being merry and bright!


  1. The world seems to be in a precarious place right now, Jeanie. It does get one down with all the goings-on. I am hopeful that your health issues will become non-existent very soon. That would certainly lighten the load. In the meantime, I am glad that you have gone to Southern Exposure. I know it is a favourite of yours. If I ever get to your neck of the woods, I hope you will take me there. It is fascinating and I love all the pictures you have shared.

    Take care, my friend. I think of you often.

  2. Hello Jeanie, it is stressful just turning on the TV lately. Seeing all the Christmas decorations does lighten the mood. I love your pretty tree. The last photo with the old car and Christmas tree is cool. I hope you hear about your test results soon, praying for good results for you. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead.

  3. A lovely respite from a currently cruel world - good to create and remember the good.

  4. I'm sorry you've been dealing with so many losses lately. I hope your biopsy results are good, and that you get them very soon. I know that's an agonizing wait filled with so many what ifs.

    Your Southern Exposure trip sounds fun, and the pictures are gorgeous. Sometimes we do just need to be surrounded by pretty things and do something that makes us happy.

  5. I enjoyed this post, Jeanie but I am hoping you get the 'pretty' and the 'light' that you so need right now. Time to take care of yourself so you, too, can have a wonderful Christmas. xo

  6. "I want pretty, I want light, I want a rest." Yes, please, Jeanie! Sounds like life is really slamming you right now. I hope your lip heals soon and that your results are what you want to hear. Take care of yourself. Don't get pressured into the hoopla, just do what you feel like doing!

  7. Yes, the world of humans seems so mean these days. I just watched 3 Hallmark Christmas movies in 3 days, they do help. They are light, but many do have messages that aren't completely shallow. Your tree and you look adorable together, you match! Your haven is so very pretty. It is important to experience and to spread happiness if one has that do that beautifully...

  8. Oh, sorry your lip is taking long to heal. You look fabulous in the picture and I don't see anything on your lip! That place sounds so fabulous and I love the flocked trees. So different than anything I have. Glad you had a good time out!

  9. What a wonderful time and beautiful project. I especially loved the picture of you and of the chickens.
    I trust everything will be fine with the biopsy. I'm thinking of you.

  10. Oh my gosh....crazy isn't with all this sex scandal. Crazy that all these guys have done that, and that all these women are coming out of the woodwork all at once. This stuff with N. Korea is scary as crap and then again, scary not knowing what to expect from our President also. I am like you, I was in need of Christmas. I love the music and the lights. My shopping done so all is good. Decorations are up and I love enjoying it all. Might take all the ornaments off the tree after Christmas and just leave my tree with the lights up.....Who knows it might become a Valentine tree! haha

  11. OOPS...forgot to add, hoping all reports on the lip come back just GREAT.

  12. Jeanie, you have absolutely entranced me with the photos from this event. What a lovely venue and I love the trees. They do look similar, but each is slightly different and show your touch. What fun to have them and to be able to look at them as time goes by and have the memory of making them.

    I know that there are so many things to worry about and stress over and glad you had this opportunity to let a little of it go for a moment. I think of you and pray for all good things for you. Hoping that the season has plenty to celebrate.

  13. Sorry that your lip seems to be healing slowly. I hope that changes soon.

    Yes, all the world turmoil is so darned distressing. Glad you got a little holiday respite!

  14. Everything looks so fabulous in the glow of warm light. I think the flocked trees look lovely too. Your idea to change out your bulbs for red ones would look so beautiful. Big hugs to you Jeanie. May your season be a peaceful one. That is my goal for this month of December. xx

  15. Oh Jeanie, everything looks so magical! I love flocked trees.
    I am keeping you in my prayers, hope your lip makes double time in healing.
    Thank you so much for taking time to visit and leave such a sweet comment about my WIP relief. Just about done.
    Sending you a warm hug.
    p.s. LOVE the car!

  16. I thoroughly enjoyed the photos from Southern Exposure, but was sad to read about your lip and your losses. Fabulous photos and you look really cute and happy in the photo of you and your new tree.

  17. Glad you had another great time, and your Christmas decoration is fabulous. Hope you soon feel really well, look after yourself.Hugs, Valerie

  18. I would have LOVED to be there with you! What a beautiful place and beautiful tree you made. I know what you mean by being scared to turn on the radio, it's depressing. Every time I log on to social media or just check my email, it's the same as well, just depressing news. I would like to just hide away with my children in a nice warm cave somewhere!! haha... as if a cave would be warm... you know what I mean though! Just hide away with my family!
    Much love to you and thank you for visiting my blog, it took me a few days to work out the face with the blog! But now I know who you are, I shall read up regularly!
    Have a great weekend,

  19. Oh my Jeanie . . .
    There has to be a turn around in the happenings we get shoved down our throat lately . . .
    How lacking we are in anything presidential . . . I find it impossible to understand.
    And then all the scandal coming out of the woodwork makes me wonder how anyone involved can be happy with themselves.
    Unimaginable to be caught up in that web, and not have been able to talk about it for years . . .
    How can we not have some feelings about it all and feel like screaming out WHAT . . .
    And North Korea “stuff” makes me feel such fear . . .

    Finding reprieve is necessity.
    Thank goodness for things like Southern Expousure . . .
    Quiet restful surroundings . . .
    Friendship and creating . . .
    A few chicks to say hello and thoughts of purpose, rescue, foundation . . .
    Lightening the heart to go back home feeling refreshed is in and of itself, REFRESHING.
    I am smiling as I think, I would probably change the silver balls too . . .
    Yet . . . maybe that would be the reminder to keep things light and fun . .

    Waiting for biopsy results, not having comfort thoughts in health issues is devastating.
    Unknowns, left unanswered can put me too, in a funk.
    So I reach out . . . in caring . . . wishing I could help move things forward in to a positive light, outcome.
    Please know I hold you in my heart . . . thoughts.

    December 1 as I write this . . . mister Irish and I spent yesterday blowing leaves into the woods, (along with the wind blowing them right back into all the areas we had cleaned). As I think about my frustration yesterday . . . it makes me smile today, just leaves and wind. Today I am thankful I can smile at “just leaves and wind.”

    Late afternoon yesterday we took off for GR to the Apple store to settle some IPad issues for each of us. I enjoyed watching some much younger children learning how to design characters, into stories with music. So simple it seemed for them to take a device and create. And there I was, trying to remember a passcode to move on with my pad. Oh well, some things were settled and we ended our evening with a lovely, relaxing dinner and a ride home.

    And I remembered the passcode in the middle of the night and now I am writing to you . . . and smiling.

    Hope you are pulling ornaments out of safe places, decorating with your home in your beautiful touch . . .
    And holding thoughts of healthy companionship with your love, family and in friendships . . . and sweet baby boy grand.
    Hold Hope . . . Think Joy . . . Live your Peace filled heart . . .
    They do hold promise for a better world . . .
    Love, Shalom . . .

  20. You're a brave soldier, Jeanie! Praying and hoping VERY much that your biopsy results yield only good news... and that the lip healing, is true, lasting healing! :) You are right about the dismal news these days--it's positively toxic and extremely distressing. :( Thank goodness of Hallmark films and twinkie lights! Just love all the inspiration from SE...and wonderful their generous spirit and giving!! Your little white, red & silver tree is sooo pretty!! May this December be a time of PRETTY, LIGHT and REST for us all... LOVE those words! :))) Be taking good care there... ((BIG HUGS))

  21. Glad you were able to get some cheerful holiday fun in amid all the not so pleasant stuff going on in the world. I'm sure the trip there alone helped, even without the fun craft project.

  22. Jeanie, I am excited that I received an email notification of your new post. I signed up again after at least three tries over a period of time and it finally worked.
    I am sorry you have had such a time after your surgery. Did they prescribe vaseline? My dermatologist says it helps heal from the inside out.
    Your trip to Southern Exposure was a treat for you and for me to view your tour and project. I am hoping to get out and participate in some Christmas tours myself.
    You will be in my prayers. Blessings to you.

  23. Oh Jeanie, these photos are all wonderful and will get everyone in the Christmas spirit. I love your blog posts on Southern Exposure. The gorgeous decorations and I love seeing what you've done. I love your tree! And, your sweet smile. So sorry it's taking a little long for you to heal up. You take care and enjoy the weekend.....Hugs:)

  24. I too need a little Christmas! The world is a mess but I'm going to try to remain positive and enjoy this December! Love the little white tree. When I got home from my trip to Texas I visited my Grands who missed me almost as much as I missed them. A couple of years ago I gave Tiger his 'own' little tree to decorate and he asked me if I could get Scout her 'own' little tree. Why of course I can. He is a thoughtful and sweet big brother. We will decorate soon, bake cookies, shop for others and just have a grand time. Hugs!

  25. I don’t listen to much news when I’m on holiday, but I know that there is much to be worried about, but some happy news about Prince Harry getting engaged. It’s good to have lovely places to visit and friends to share fun with. That is lovely work they do helping animals, I love the chickens. Back home one of my favourite cafe’s has a few chickens roaming around, I must ask them if they are rescues. I hope you get your biopsy result soon Jeanie and I hope and pray that it will be good news.

  26. I'm with you on feeling like life is a bit heavy right now. I am beginning to wonder if there are men in power who HAVEN'T abused women. I know that is a really cynical way to view the world but the abuse of women is just so pervasive. I'm glad that women are getting a voice right now and that there are consequences for the behavior of men but it adds to the dreariness of the news. What bothers me is that men in the private sector are being held to higher standards than men in the public sector - as evidenced by the fact that that awful tape of Trump saying terrible things about women didn't impact his campaign/ability to be elected president. Le sigh.

    So I am craving more light these days, too. I'm watching Hallmark movies and not feeling the least bit guilty about it. And I will probably shift my reading to lighter material soon, too.

    Your project turned out beautifully! I love that Southern Exposure donates to the humane society!

  27. I am glad you are taking care of your needs with things that make you feel good.
    It is hard waiting for results of biopsies. I hope it is good news or an easy fix. Your holiday photos look lovely.
    Wishing you a sweet weekend.

  28. I envy that you can visit Southern Exposure so often. My garden club is talking about a possible trip there next year.

    If I had taken the tree class, I can see me taking out the red berries and adding in crystal drops that dangle like icicles. Then I would add white lights that twinkle, pearl ball ornaments and maybe more crystals.

    Let us know if you make any changes later.

  29. Oh Jeanie, thank you so much for your beautiful comment on my Angel.
    Wishing you a peaceful weekend.

  30. I'm glad you had a good time and got distracted a bit, Jeanie. Hopefully your lip will heal soon and I also hope you won't have to wait long for good news on the biopsy. I'm sorry for the losses among your circle of friends and their families. It's really a tough time for you.
    Sending hugs,

  31. Hello Jeanie! As always, time spent at Southern Exposure is bright and happy! Love all the décor; it just feels at HOME. Have fun and happy holidays!

  32. Your little tree is very pretty. I love when you share photos of your visits to Southern Exposure. I almost feel like I'm there with you. A little Christmas indeed.

  33. Hello Jeanie, I can only imagine how sore your lip is – just getting a cold sore is enough to make me miserable! The good thing is its healing; give yourself a little extra love and care, and maybe the odd treat or three!

    It is such a pleasure to visit your blog and forget all the madness that is going on in the world right now. I clicked on the link, and the music is playing as I enjoy all your lovely photos. Bliss. I’m putting our tree up tomorrow. It's time for Christmas!
    Hugs Barbara

  34. You know I love these visits to SE. Those blue light photos - especially of the gazebo in the not-too-far distance - are beautiful. Your projects there always look fun, but just being there must feel great. Thanks again for sharing.

  35. What a fun event, just what the doctor ordered.

  36. It's great that you have been able to lighten your path, big time and with sparkles! Here's to the best Christmas ever with all your biopsy concerns behind you, Korea and the world's political turmoil may take a little longer! But here's hoping this all settles down soon as well.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Wren x

  37. That first picture is certainly light in the darkness.
    Hope your weekend is filled with light and sunshine, my friend.

  38. I feel like you even though I don't know of any deaths right now nor do I have a biopsy coming up. But one of the dogs came back with skin cancer-clean margins luckily, and I finally got the house decorated. Now I don't want to deal with antsy kids but want to stay home and watch not only Hallmark movies but also a few old holiday films and bake cookies and sleep late. it is always dark. Ok enough of my complaining. I love your photos today and am glad to hear that Southern exposure supports the humane society. it's a very good cause in my mind. And I got a box with a great pink bicycle in the mail today! Love it very much. :) Thanks for the quick shipping. :) Happy rst of your weekend. hugs-Erika

  39. Somehow, I missed knowing that Southern Exposure supports the humane society. That's such important work, and it puts a whole new slant on their business -- and the chickens running around! Obviously, what they do in terms of adding beauty and grace to peoples' lives would be enough in itself, but their commitment to other causes is wonderful.

    I think all of us are just tired of it all. After what felt like a desecration of the democratic process in the Senate last night, I just don't know. My dad and grand-dad used to say the best way to get the attention of a stubborn mule was to thwack it in the head with a 2x4. Maybe we could use the technique on our legislators -- but perhaps with some Southern Exposure decorations on the 2x4!

  40. Jeanie,

    I like your tree-it matches your sweater. This looks like it was a fun relaxing time. I had to go to San Fran this week with work. Union Square was so pretty. It felt like Christmas being in the city.

  41. Jeanie, your visits to SE are respites for your soul. Beginning with the lighted path and the antique care all decorated. I agree the bed does look comfy. The picture that grabbed me was the swan with the wreath around his neck, charming and country all in one! Your tree is lovely my friend! Take care of yourself!

  42. That old car with the lighted tree is beyond marvelous. I always love the visits to Southern Exposure. Take a deep breath, Jeanie. Worry never solves anything - so I'm told...

  43. Wow, what a gorgeous tree! How much fun!!! I need to visit SE!

    We all need light right now. Honestly, I want to do nothing but read my Advent devotional, read cozy Christmas mysteries, and watch Hallmark Christmas movies.


  44. Jeanie - Sending you hope and light...I so agree with you on the need for light this holiday season...oh yes, I so agree. Be well. Stay strong. :)

  45. This does just feel like just the best way to de-stress and get into the holiday spirit. Oh that car with the lights!!! Love your tree too. And yes, that bed is sooo inviting for a nap about now.

  46. Beautiful pics!Best wishes for you!Merry Christmas!


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