The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 27, 2017

Long Weekends are a Good Thing

There are those who say that when you are retired, every day is part of a long weekend! But not everyone is available to play at will much of the time. Long weekends are different!

But ours actually began the week before when Ilya Kaler, a violinist now from Chicago, and Genadi Zagor, a pianist now living in Lansing (both men hailed from Russia) visited Lansing.

Rick invited them to dinner and after, Ilya joined amateur musicians Rick and Byron for some music making. It was delightful!

Our official Thanksgiving weekend was like many of yours -- filled with friends, family and celebrations. First up was Thanksgiving. My friend Kate welcomed us for a wonderful  non-turkey dinner (thank you, Kate!) and it was fabulous!

She let me bring my turkey plates and I made the place cards. Remember this image from Southern Exposure's Decorating on a Shoestring?

Well, with some pretty paper, watercolor pens and a Jack-be-Little, we had our placecards!


Kate's photographer husband, Mike, and I had to have dueling camera shots!

And after dinner, a mini-concert by Rick!

We were all in a jolly mood, especially Zeke who was presented with some catnip!

On Saturday, my Cork Popper pal Barb and I hit the market for flowers and Joann's for other bits. Barb was recreating the wedding bouquet of our Cork Popper friend Meredith for her 50th anniversary to Roger.

It was a terrific occasion and a wonderful venue.

Their party was held at the R.E. Olds Transportation Museum and that is a post in itself. Let me just say that I wanted to drive out with about six of the terrific cars there. And I'm not really a car fan!

Our other Corkies were there too, so of course there was much celebration as we saluted Rog and Mere.

Then on Sunday, Thanksgiving Number 2! (How many Oberles does it take to truss a chicken for a rotisserie?)

We had much for which to give thanks this year, but at the top of our list was this little guy.

He's nearly walking. He can make it around the house with his little musical mower (and let me tell you, those songs are getting old!) but still hasn't been able to let go.

We brought him a Christmas book that makes sounds (because we are grandparents and bringing things that make obnoxious noises like "ho, ho, ho" and sleigh bells when pushed is just what we do).

There was time for play. Right after this photo was taken, the pillow was hurled across the room, causing a bit of consternation and a spill on the clean carpet. And no, our Baby Grand can't throw that far.

Molly made these cute placecards from corks. I love cork art! So versatile!

And of course, we enjoyed having the newest member of the family at the table.

All in all, good times with terrific people! Now, onward to Christmas.

(Guess who might be walking by then!)


  1. Beautiful family!

    best... mae at

  2. These are the types of things that make Thanksgiving my favorite holiday. Great photos.

  3. What a wonderful post and an absolutely beautiful tribute to your friends and family. I know it was a favorite time for you, and it had to be for those who touched your life. I guess I'm like Joanne and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, too. No gifts, no expectations, just good food, and great fun.

  4. Honestly Jeanie, you just have the best gatherings! I think your friends and family are very lucky people. Yes, grandparents get to give the noisiest, most obnoxious gifts! -Jenn

  5. You certainly have a lot of get-togethers. Your musical nights look like a lot of fun.I just love photos of friends and family around the dining table. And that is one sweet little grand-baby. I'm so happy for you and Rick.

  6. Looks like a fantastic weekend full of so many good things. Not sure which is the best but certainly baby grand has to be the top. It's good to have friends and family to celebrate with when you feel like company. And I am glad you used your turkey plates too. I bet they made the table look fantastic. Now it's time for to get ready for Christmas. :) Hugs-Erika

  7. what a fabulous weekend! And grandson is so danged adorable!

  8. I love house music, how lucky you were to have such fantastic guests. Glad you enjoyed your various celebrations, love the decorations you made. That little guy gets cuter each time, what a treasure! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  9. WHat a great and active social life you & Rick lead, Jeanie. Each get together looked to be very special. SPeaking of looks, you look terrific! Can't even see anything on the lip, and your eyes are always so bright and cheerful!

  10. No doubt about it . . .
    You bring love, laugh, variety into life . . .
    Delightful friends . . .
    Always music in some form or another . . .
    And add a new babe into thankfulness . . .
    Can life be any better . . .
    (He can’t be old enough to walk . . . really . . . where have those months gone!)

  11. Live music in the home like that... I LOVE that! That's how it used to be for some. Before radio, before records...How lovely your Thanksgiving with friends, Jeanie! Your placecard are sooo sweet!! Such a beautiful table. Kitty Zeke--he's so pretty!! Wow--50 years married--congrats to Meredith & Roger!! What fun to have a party at a car museum. And sooo good your second Thanksgiving! Interesting how all men are hands on deck when it comes to meat! And they are so serious too. ;) Look our BIG your Baby Grand C is!!??!! I could just cry. The time really does go fast. Look at him up and "walking"!!! LOVE Molly's cork table art too! You guys really know how to create and party! Such beautiful family and appreciate how much behinds the scenes you share, Jeanie--thanks! ((HUGS))

  12. Hello, you do have fun times and great party. Fun times with all your friends. I love your baby grand photos. He is adorable. The cork art is cute. Zeke is a sweet kitty. Happy 50th Anniversary to your friends.
    Wonderful photos of you, Rick, family and your friends. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  13. Your baby grand is so adorable! Love the pic of him and I'm sure he keeps everyone moving. What a wonderful weekend of family and friends for you Jeanie. I'm sure it was all filled with music, laughter and smiles. Your your addition of the adorable place card to the table and all the food sounds delicious. Celebrating their anniversary in such a cool venue, wow! I know it was a wonderful holiday. Here, still recovering:) Have a good week.......

  14. What a delightful time it looks as if you were having with friends and family - exactly what the holidays require for valuable memories!

  15. It's a wonderful life chez vous:) You have so many friends!

    That bébé is getting cuter and cuter..

  16. Looks like your heart is full Jeanie! So glad you've been having a wonderful time! The cork creations are adorable~

  17. What a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I'm glad you were able to enjoy such wonderful times with the people you care about.

  18. Walking by Christmas? Where has the time gone? Next thing you know, he'll be the one handing out gifts to people, and asking if he can't refill their glasses! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  19. Before retirement I loved those long weekends! I still do but pretty much have issues keeping up with when they start and when they end. Like you said, most my friends still work so I have to find things around the house to keep me busy....but then again, I have NO ISSUES going out on my own and doing things. Looks like you all had an amazing time.

  20. Good Morning Jeanie!
    Oh what a perfectly lovely Thanksgiving, a beautiful blend of family, friends, fun and creating magical memories for that little grandbaby of yours!
    Love it all and the creativity too!

  21. Baby Grand is adorable!! I love his blue eyes. When does he turn 1? I want to say around Jan or Feb but can't quite remember! Having a little one around definitely makes the holidays extra merry.

    Phil would love seeing those old cars. He loves cars, although he would never spend the money on one. But he likes seeing old cars and sports cars.

    The cork place cards are both so cute!

  22. aaah your grandson is gorgeous. This is such a lovely happy post with family and friends. I like your placecards, and Molly’s. Zeke is very handsome. I hope you don’t mind me saying, your Rick is lovely - good with baby grand, good at baking bread, obviously very social and musical. Could you clone him and send me a copy please! :-)

  23. Such a lovely holiday you had! Your grand-babe is adorable. You are so lucky to have music making in your life. So good for the soul. So glad you had a wonderful celebration. Happy Days ahead!

  24. That little boy is such a keeper:)
    It sounds like your long weekend was wondrous. I loved everything, the meal, spending time with musicians. Absolutely perfect. So glad it was such a great one.

  25. Lovely! Wish I could be there listening to the chamber music in your home concert. BTW, I just learned of this House Concert idea from my son recently as he attended a friend's, original songs with guitar and banjo. Glad to see you're energized and festive. And that cute baby, what more can one ask? :)

  26. A wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, Jeanie. I like the festive place cards you made. And the greatest gift was your little guy who you got to spend time with. A thankful day, indeed.


  27. A joyous Thanksgiving - just beautiful! :)

  28. I bet you are the most fun grandmother.....I think it's hilarious you buy toys and books with obnoxious sounds. I love it! You have so much fun....and I think a party at any kind of museum sounds like a great time.

  29. Hello Jeanie! You look marvelous! Feeling good these days, huh? It looks like you all had a great time, and to think that we have Christmas now to look forward to!

  30. Life is so good right now! Family, friends, fun and oh those little one's!

  31. Your Thanksgiving celebrations look and sound wonderful. Long weekends with family and friends are the best.

    I love the idea of the bouquet recreation for the 50th anniversary party. My parents just had their 43rd, so I need to remember that in a few years.

    The baby grand is adorable, and so is Zeke.

  32. I kept thinking I had visited, but no I guess I just saw some of your special pictures on FB. Your little sweetie is a cutie for sure. What fun you have had over the past weekend with friends and family and food. Plus music is so special, I wish I could have sit there and listened in. Lovely centerpiece and name cards.

  33. Enjoying all the great photos and everybody looks so happy! Little baby grandson has GROWN SO MUCH since last pictures...he is a little cutie and yes, I bet he walks real soon! He looks like a real happy little boy! Loved the pictures at the party too...that's a cool place for a party/celebration/gathering! the wedding bouquet turned out quite lovely. I had my own shop back in the day and I've made dozens of bridal bouquets over the years and never tire of making them. Wow, the weekend is almost here! Do y'all have any fun plans?

  34. What an incredible weekend you had, from Baby to Musicians to family and friends to all kinds of treats! Wow!!

  35. Baby Grand is adorable, and you'll be having so much fun with him in the years to come! I love your table decorations. I wish I could play an instrument well enough to join in music making, that is something I wish I could do but I never seemed to get the hang of playing along. thanks for sharing your lovely Thanksgiving with us, Jeanie!

  36. Jeanie what a fabulous weekend you enjoyed with family and friends, does it get any better than that! The baby grand is adorable and he is really moving with the mower! As grandparents we spoil them and send them home!


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