The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Getting our Gatsby On

It seems like our Friends of Theatre gang has been in party mode this fall! I shared our Art in the Garden here, and most recently we toasted the Great Gatsby!

Photo: Phil Babcock

Our Michigan State University theatre department is doing a production of Fitzgerald's classic novel and what better way to kick it off with a gala at one of Lansing's oldest homes (built in the 1850s.)

And you know theatre people can't resist a good costume!

The students were on hand as well. Those who played the maids did so at the event, taking coats and selling 50/50 raffle tickets.

Photo: Phil Babcock

Scenes of the play were performed intermittently...

...along with songs from the period.

There was jazz to dance to...

Photo: Phil Babcock

...and a Charleston to learn!

Photo: Phil Babcock

I'll tell you, these kids have energy!

The rest of us did our best.

Photo: Phil Babcock

Everyone was there. Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas...

...the fashion elite...

...madecap flappers...

Photo: Phil Babcock

...and a couple of dandy dandies!

Photo: Phil Babcock

We wined...

Photo: Phil Babcock

...and dined...

Cased the joint (I loved this!)

And at the end of it all, kicked off our shoes and enjoyed.

It was a successful event for both the theatre and our Friends of Theatre and our co-sponsor, the Friends of Turner Dodge House.

Linking today with Share Your Cup, Share Your Style, Pink Saturday and other parties as links become available.


  1. Hello Jeanie, what a fun event. The costumes are pretty. You look lovely .
    What can be more fun than an evening out wining, dining and dancing. Loved the photos. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  2. You've really captured the element of fun in this post Jeanie, everyone had a great time. I like your costume, it's good to dress up. Enjoy your day :-)

  3. What a great event and you have pictured it wonderfully!
    Don’t you just love your life!
    Loved your “look!”

  4. Jeanie, what a fun event, and you look so pretty in your costume!! You captured all the fun with your are enjoying life!

  5. You have such wonderful gatherings. Those costumes are fantastic! It's been forever since I read The Great Gatsby. -Jenn

  6. What a fun event! You look beautiful! I love your headpiece that you wore! That is so fun that they gave Charleston lessons! That old home looked beautiful and was the perfect place to host an event like this.

  7. Where did everyone get such great outfits? I can see that the theater people would have them for their production but people had great outfits even down to the shoes. And what a magnificent house. It's quite the place for a party. And quite the party. Glad you shared it with us. Hugs-Erika

  8. This looks like a really fun evening, what a great idea. Love all those wonderful outfits! Glad you all enjoyed yourselves so much. Have a nice da, hugs, Valerie

  9. What a fun evening! Love all the costumes and energy there!

  10. Looks like a great night out!! Your photos tell the story (i especially love the dancing ones).. theres nothing quite like the fun that putting on a costume and dancing brings to ines life.... you did a great job with your outfit too.

  11. This looks like so much fun! Love the flapper dresses.

  12. What fun! I liked seeing the interior of the old house and the costumes. The Charleston reminded me of my mom who was definitely a flapper!

  13. Oh what fun. I wish I could have been there, for the play and the fun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  14. Oh, I enjoyed looked at the Great Gatsby pictures, Jeanie. I really liked that era. What a bunch of fantastic dancers in your midst. The costumes were fabulous, and the men dressed up in handsome attire as well. Yes, this is a lovely pitcher you came across as you browsed through the place. I didn't notice a lot of hair accessories, and I think that's why I loved your costume the best. : )


  15. I was incredibly impressed with your latest adventure. It looked like a fabulous event, and the costumes were simply out of this world. Very impressive and true to the period from what I know about it.

    My grandmother learned the Charleston from her mother, and she taught it to me. We often had fun putting on old records (yes, those round things that scratched easily) and dancing when no one else (my grandfather) was looking. I so enjoyed the photos of the young ones who danced it so well, it appears, at least from what I saw of your photos.

    Hope your group made lots of money for this event, and you had a fun time drinking and eating it up.

  16. That looks like so much fun, Jeanie! Dressing up, dancing, dining and some acting - what a great mixture!
    xo Julia

  17. Oh this looks like sooo much fun! I'm sure you had an amazing time! I would have loved seeing all those great costumes in person. LOVED this post Jeanie!!

  18. Cute, cute, cute! Love the dancing, the costumes, the venue, the whole atmosphere created! I also loved that you cased the joint, hahahaha. Thanks for sharing. I would've loved being there.

  19. You look great and so does everyone else:)! Fun fun fun!!

  20. That's clearly your kind of event. I'm glad you had a good time. A lot of work went into creating that evening, that's for sure.

  21. What a perfect backdrop for that party. You looked adorable!

  22. Oh this evening looked like so much fun, the two of you look wonderful in costume, love your headband! So entertaining.

  23. I love your sense of adventure and that 1920's party sure looks like fun! Thank you for sharing!

  24. Well, you know all the right people, don't you?! :0) That house is fabulous. And you look adorable.

  25. looks like a lot of fun!!! what great costumes and sets. :-)

  26. Oh what a grand time this must have been! The venue and the costumes are fabulous. I am sure you and Rick enjoyed every minute.. A wonderful way to celebrate. I certainly enjoye your photos........

  27. How much fun Jeanie! I loved that everyone dressed up, and kicked off their shoes!!

  28. Oh what fun and what gorgeous costumes. I'd love to learn the Charleston.

  29. Well, I tell you...YOU were the cutest one there !! xoxo

  30. What fun! When my older daughter was in her early teens, an old lady taught her the Charleston, she remembered it from first time round. Considering her age, she was still pretty good! I'll never forget the sight of the two of them!

  31. That was a fun post. You guys looked great. :)

  32. Oh I do love to see a good party, this one would have had me all of a flap about what frock to wear! Ha Ha You both look wonderful :)
    Wren x

  33. You are definitely one of the most interesting...and FUN friends I have! I would just love to follow you around. Would you help me with my costume? Love it ALL! Hugs!

  34. What a fun event! I smiled all the way through your delightful post. ... and took my shoe off at the end! :)

  35. So fun Jeanie! Loved all of the costumes. You look especially cute in yours! It sounds like a very exciting event. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  36. Jeanie what a visual treat this was to read. You can tell everyone had such a great time. I wish I could have been there. Loved Gertrude Stein and Alica B.Toklas. So clever.

  37. What a great event. You look fabulous!

  38. How fun. It looks like you had a great time.


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