The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

La Belle Quebec, Day Three

When you only have two and a half days (so call it three) to enjoy a new city, it's impossible to do everything. Rick and I made some wise choices, I think. Do what we can in the time we have and don't worry about what we can't do. And pretty much all of what we did -- except eat -- was free. And I didn't miss out on a thing.

We started our final full day in Quebec City as we did the day before -- with a walk through Haute Ville, where we were staying, our final destination being another stop at Basse Ville where we had some shopping to do.

Often we passed by this building with the red roof. I'm not sure what it was (and it didn't matter). I just loved it!

We paused along the way for a photo of Chateau Frontenac from a different view...

...and then took the steps down to a park where we people-watched for a few minutes and admired this planting.

Then more steps... to Basse Ville.

Why? Well, we had a little birthday shopping to do. But first, we thought we'd take a ride on the Quebec-Levis ferry.

Now, you can do the St. Lawrence River cruise. For about $30 you get nice views and probably see far more of the coastline than we did.

But for $6, we could go round trip across the river, get some of the same views and enjoy time in the park at Levis with its spouting fountain.

We did exactly that, then got a sandwich at a little shop near the ferry and headed back. It was a perfect solution for us!

And loads of fun.  (By the way, that sandwich was a whole lot less expensive than eating anywhere in Quebec City -- even if you factor in the boat ride!)

Oh, if you could see it through my eyes!

Back on land again, it was time to do a little shopping. We both had our eyes on different pieces of art. Rick was very interested (and still is) in this painting by a South American artist. I have to say, I've rarely seen wine bottles and liquid captured so well.

He hasn't purchased it -- yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if one day we find a crate at his door. The terms were very reasonable, despite the price.

I, too, had a favorite. But when we returned to Atelier Galerie Bedard, it was gone. But apparently the artist's girlfriend (and framer of the piece) had it and he asked if we could wait for her to bring it. So, off to the cafe!

And when we returned? The painting! Here it is, at home. And especially meaningful after our cruise on the ferry earlier in the day, watching the sailboats on the river with the Chateau as a backdrop.

We ambled back to Haute Ville, up this hill. Ambling may be too strong a term for me. Or maybe not! But it was a big one!

I had wanted to see the Basilica Notre Dame and we hadn't yet found it. And then -- poof! There it was! (I'll have a separate post on the churches of Quebec City).

And in the square in the front of the church? The fellow who became our favorite street performer. I really wish I'd taken a movie but I forgot my charger and was living on limited camera battery. But he knew how to work the crowd and incorporate them into his act, choosing children for some of his antics.

Like all street performers we saw in Quebec, his act included juggling, fire and a unicycle.

But he was the only one who included a tightrope walking bit!

Oh, the faces on the kids watching! There was laughter and fear...

...and sheer delight!

After wandering a bit more, we thought dinner was in order and since we hadn't stepped outside the fortification walls of the city once, decided to step out onto the Grande Allee and find a spot to dine.

The Grande Allee is the street that turns into rue St. Louis when you go through the walls and it was lined on both sides by restaurants. The weather had turned and the cafes were filled with people dining outside. We chose Taverne Grand Allee.

It was a friendly place with generous umbrellas and a lively atmosphere. Our sausage appetizer and our spiced meat (bearing strong resemblance to corned beef) sandwiches were delicious.

Then it was back to the walls. Dark now. And we were on to a special event.

Each August, Quebec City hosts a fireworks display from the banks of Levis across the river. We nabbed some good seats on the bleachers after the street performer concluded. Yes. He had a unicycle and fire, too!

And then they came. Remarkable fireworks and my photos don't do them justice. I'd seen some I'd never seen before, coming down like confetti. Some were shot low, others high, which made for a lively display everywhere you looked!

There must have been a good two thousand people on the boardwalk, in the bleachers, peeking from windows and restaurants and the Chateau.

Children of all ages were delighted -- and if there was any bit of downside it was that there were so many fireworks, it was hard to see them through the smoke as the show went on!

But all good days come to an end, and so, too, did ours. Tomorrow we would leave...

Miss anything -- here are links to Day One (Arrival) / Our terrific B&B / Day Two, Morning / Day Two, Afternoon /


  1. Hello, it looks like you had an action packed visit. Love the tour of the city, beautiful buildings, and the people shots. The fireworks are beautiful. The artwork is lovely. The ferry ride looks like fun! Great series of photos.
    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. I love what you've shown of Quebec. Such beautiful photos!

  3. What a magical time you had there! It all looks so good. I, too, love buildings with red roof, they have something special about them. Lovely to see the smiling faces of the kids watching the fun. Enjoy your new painting, it will be packed full of great memories for you. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Love all the photos. You look fabulous in that teal jacket with black pants in front of the fountain. So snazzy. That red and white planting is something. All of it looks like so much fun!

  5. The photos are fabulous, Jeanie! I can feel your enthusiasm for the beautiful city. I was there as a child and now that I have read your post, I have put it on top of my bucket list. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Jeanie, you've captured your time in Quebec City so beautifully and I think you and Rick did an awful lot in 3 days. I'm like you, when I have limited time I just want to get an overview of everything and soak in the scenery as well as sample the foods and culture a bit.

    Up close I really like the painting of the wine bottles and I'm so thrilled for you that you got yourself a painting of the Chateau Frontenac. Well done!

  7. WOW, I am wordless, everything is beautiful. Thanks so much for taking me along on this beautiful tour of the night life and fireworks.

    Love the picture - good choice.

    So glad that you and Rick had a wonderful time there.


  8. Your idea that you should focus on what you did and how much you enjoyed it when on a too-short trip is exactly the way I view it too. And all trips to good places are too short!

    best... mae at

  9. Quebec is so pretty you can just walk around and see million dollar sights. We didn't do a cruise or ferry ride, but it looks beautiful. However, all the street performers were one of my favorite parts of the city. Like the ones you showed us, we saw some fabulous entertainment. I am so enjoying this visit, and still convinced we need to go back ASAP. Hugs-Erika

  10. It might have been short but it was such a lovely trip, Jeanie. Maybe you'll be back one day to visit the places you missed this time. The picture will always remind you of the days spent in Quebec. What a wonderful birthday gift. Street performers bring a special vibe into a city. They're fun to watch and those kid's expressions are so cute. Fireworks, at least the professional ones, are just magical, aren't they?
    xo Julia

  11. How impressive that you chose to spend your time wisely and see exactly what you wished to see. The art, the fireworks, and the ferry ride all made for an interesting day. I was also very impressed with the architecture. I can tell you had a great time, because it showed in both your photos and words of happiness in your writing.

  12. lovely lovely photos, sure enjoyed seeing these especially I've never been there and these are all new sights to me. Wow!--those street performers! Love the big tall bay windows and the juliet balconies above that bistro. I'm glad you enjoyed your time there, and that you made lots of interesting pictures to share with us!

  13. WOW . . .
    I have loved your days of Quebec . . . photos & features . . . outstanding!

    Love the solo picture of you . . . fountain as backdrop . . .
    Lovely jacket/wrap/pashmina . . .

    Street performers, firework skies, curved hilly walkways . . .
    Charm everywhere . . . wonderful post x 3 . . .

  14. wow, what a fabulous last day in a beautiful city! That firework show sounded amazing! And I love the looks on the kids faces that you captured during that street performance! I especially love the on where the boy is covering his eyes - too cute!

    I love the painting that you selected! And I can see why Rick might eventually buy that wine painting - it is so beautiful!

    I am glad you guys had such a wonderful getaway and that you felt healthy enough to enjoy your time there. You've sold me on going to Quebec City!!

  15. I'm glad you guys had such a great time. I bet you were exhausted from all the walking, but it sounds like it was all totally worth it!

  16. I saw your earlier posts but just couldn't find the words to comment. I think the contrast between your trip and conditions here was just too great. But all the way through, your commentary and the photos have been fabulous. I agree that the painting of the wine bottles and glasses is really fine, and I like the one you ended up with, too.

    Things are settling a bit, here. I went back to work for my first full day yesterday, and certainly can feel it in my muscles! After almost two weeks off, I need to get back in shape. Walking those hills with you would have helped!

  17. You two know how to live!
    What fun to see QC through your eyes!
    Absolutely fabulous..the kiddies..your gift..the fireworks..everything♥

  18. What a fabulous city and trip Jeanie! Looks like you are taking it all in and doing so many different things! LOVE both of the paintings!

  19. Eilis@MyHeartLivesHereWednesday, September 06, 2017

    Looks like an amazing trip. So glad you got to bring a piece of it home with you in that beautiful painting. I will have to put Quebec on the list....

  20. Wonderful pictures - as always! I really love these buildings, and a coast line views.
    Fountain looks nice, I think my daughter would love it! Actually, she loves all fountains haha! :)
    I'm glad, that you spent wonderful time together!

  21. Oh my gosh, what a wonderful vacation. And what great pics. I especially liked the first one of you, the first building and the 'designer' plants:)
    What a perfect vacay spot.

  22. Quebec certainly did turn on the charm with lots of free entertainment - that firework display gives Sydney on New Year's Eve a run for the money!
    Wren x

  23. It truly is such a spectacular city! You look so fantastic!
    Have a wonderful week.

  24. Jeanie when I saw that painting of the bottles and wine glasses I didn't realize it was a painting. It is that good. I'm glad you purchased the otherwise because it is closer to your memories after the cruise. You also captured the children beautifully when they were watching the acrobats. Such a lovely city steeped in history.

  25. Wow! First I must say that was quite the fireworks. Amazing!
    Love, love your new painting and I can see why Rick would like the wine bottle painting too. What fun you had in this special city. How I would love visiting there.

  26. What a day you had. My first-hand knowledge of Quebec City is somewhat limited so you did things I didn't know you could do. The ferry ride was a brilliant choice. I am so glad you purchased the painting you wanted. It is a lovely piece and one you will enjoy for years to come. It will always remind you of your trip. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.

  27. WOW...WONDERFUL photos, Jeanie! Just love when you take us places! My fave photos, of course, are you sparkling along with the fountain, and the one of your & Rick. :))) That painting of wine bottle is splendid. Your do you translate wine so well with paint like that?! It's like you could reach in that canvas for that glass, and sip! What a FUN painting brought home though, and memory of your happy trip! It has an almost folk-art quality. VERY much looking forward to your post on the churches! :))) And how exciting, and perfect end to your last day--fireworks!! I'm ready to go back and to it all again(even by armchair), are you??!! LOL... ;) ((HUGS))

  28. This post with wonderful pictures makes me want to visit Quebec someday. I have been to Canada many times but did not realize how beautiful Quebec is. Thanks for the tour....I will be hinting to my husband to start making plans!

  29. That plant design is awesome, Jeanie. I love the picture of the hill - it kind of looks like an alley. ; ) And the candles are beautiful. The girls just love attending mass at these old cathedrals when they travel. Another fantastic post of Quebec, Jeanie.


  30. I have just perused all your trip posts! What a great guide you are. Q City is on my list of destinations to visit. Looks so beautiful. You really can pack in a lot in three days. I better start training for it! haha!

  31. Congratulations to your husband, that was some cycle ride! Love the dressed up dog. Quebec looks gorgeous. Your photos are stunning. Chateau Frontenac is an amazing building, and what glorious views.I would love that Christmas store.
    That really is a beautiful painting of the wine glasses and bottles, I like your birthday painting. You both look so happy, your enthusiasm shines through Jeannie, thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your holiday.

  32. Your pics deserve to be printed in a visitors brochure. Love the expressions of the two kids and hey, yours too. Candid camera work.

  33. Some of this village looks so authentically French. The church and mural are stunning and the village is delightful. How lovely to have a little piece of France so close to home. Answering your question: yes Guillame is cute with am impish grin! However, my husband is cuter!! Bisous

  34. You had a fabulous day! I loved the red roof on that building too. And there there are shops, the streets, the river to admire. This post was rich with so much.

    Loved the paintings.

    I want to go to Quebec.


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