The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Happy Easter

This will be a quiet Easter for us, partly by choice. The kids are elsewhere, no scalloped potatoes. A quiet day, I think. A sunny one, I hope. Flowers? Oh, there must be flowers.

In my kitchen window are three of the cutest glass jars from the Michael's Dollar section. Pale pink, blue and lavender. We must have flowers.

Lots of flowers!

We must have bunnies.

And birds.

And baby chicks.

(Did I mention the bunnies?)

We must have nests...

... and eggs.

And signs of spring...

...even if raindrops fall.

We must color!

and whimsy.


And joy.

And most of all, we must have love.

Whether you are celebrating Easter or Passover or simply the glory of spring after a long winter, may you celebrations be full of love and joy.

Sharing with Pink Saturday.


  1. What a beautiful post, Jeanie. It is adorable, and I love, love, love the bunnies. Much lovelier than mine. Of course, the LOVE sign is beautiful, too. I hope you have a beautiful Easter, and I may make some scalloped potatoes in your honor.

    I saw a new gadget our police department is using. We now have two cars that have the capability for it. The idea is, somehow (and they aren't telling how), they are able to attach a GPS to a stolen or speeding car that could put people in danger. Then, the car is tracked via a laptop. They insisted it would save even more lives, and would be used for high speed chases that might endanger others. The news story said the police won't issue any details because they don't want potential speeders to have the advantage. I saw it and thought of you and Rick and your harrowing experience. They used it yesterday and followed via GPS the guy until he was in the country where there were no other cars. They chased/followed him through four counties, so I guess it works.

  2. Thank you for the lovely post Jeanie! Happy Easter!

  3. Love all the flowers and the wonderful decorations, you always make everything look sooooooo great! Have a lovely Easter weekend, take things easy, look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  4. What a feast for the eyes. I hope you have an Easter filled with love. That's what matters most.

  5. What stunning post you're sharing today, my lovely Jeanie, I heartily thank you !

    With utmost gratitude,
    I'm sending blessings on your Easter,
    may it be filled with Joy and Peace for you and your dears

    XOXO Dany

  6. What a charming and colourful selection of pictures Jeanie! I hope your easter is fun.

  7. Have a wonderful Easter. Oh, your photos hit my feelings on the mark. Flowers, bunnies, little chicks...maybe a couple of chocolate eggs but I know they fall in the category of scalloped potatoes. One of my co-workers went through the gall bladder surgery just a month ago and I know it will all be good once you get past that mountain. So please enjoy your quiet day and remember, its spring. Yahoo! Hugs-Erika

  8. Lovely post. A very Happy Easter to you!

  9. Have a happy Easter, Jeanie! I LOVE bunnies, whether they are living, statue, or chocolate! -Jenn

  10. I hope you and Rick have a wonderful Easter weekend. I am sure it will be tough to not eat the foods you love the most but hopefully you can come up with some foods that your body can handle and that you will enjoy! I guess the upside is that you won't have that food hangover from rich foods!

    We are heading to my parents lake home today for Easter + my Paris-themed bridal shower! It's going to be such a fun weekend! Phil's mom is joining us and will stay in a hotel (my parents home is going to be over-filled and she will appreciate the privacy/quiet). It's going to be a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Easter!!

  11. Such a sweet post Jeanie:)
    Have a Happy Easter..:)

  12. I love that your image for the word "faith" is another bunny!

    My sister-in-law needed gall bladder surgery for years, and ate a restricted diet, which turned out to have a needed weight-control effect. A cloud for every silver lining, I guess it was. I hope you keep yourself feeling better!

    best... mae

  13. Yes, we must have love, as Jesus had the most precious love for us today.

    Oh, those Robins are nature's beautiful birds, aren't they?


  14. Good morning Jeanie.....Happy Easter to you as well. I agree with can never have TOO MANY flowers. No so sure about the bunnies they EAT my flowers. haha



  15. Thank you for this wonderful post. The photos show everything that makes this time of year so special. I love a house full of flowers for Easter. Finally, we have flowers that show that the world is in bloom again. Ah Spring...

  16. Love the bunnies! I hope you enjoy a blessed Easter.

  17. Same here Jeanie, a table for two. Flowers a must! I have my kitchen filled and I'm planning a simple menu. Lovey pics of all things spring here, beautiful! Happy Easter Jeanie.........

  18. Wishing you a Blessed and a HAPPY EASTER
    Joan and family

  19. Amen my friend. Love is always the reason for the season. The ultimate sacrifice of love finished off with the rebirth of the soul. I LOVE YOUR BUNNIES! Yes, here, I have a bouquet of iris and yellow tulips. There is rain outside, and a chunky wild rabbit eating the grass. Spring IS HERE!

  20. Looks like you have your share of BUNNIES! I love it. My Easter will be a laid back one also. The dog and I will probably just chill out. Beautiful pics. Hope you enjoy your Easter.

  21. Wonderful post,beautiful flowers!Happy Easter!Maristella.

    always . . .
    Happy Easter Jeanie . . .
    Caring about you . . .

  23. What beautiful Easter shots! Love it all.
    Happy Easter, Jeanie.

  24. Your flowers are lovely Jeanie. And charming bunnies and decorations for your holiday. Super sweet. I wish you a lovely weekend.

  25. Thank you for posting the lovely music from your Italian guest, Gio. Could you just listen all day? So nice. So sorry to hear about the impending surgery. Once it is over you will be right as rain, though and happy it is done! I love your watercolors. You really capture the cat attitude (cat-i-tude?) :) We are having a quiet Easter also. Wishing you the best! G

  26. Wishing you blue skies, chocolate bunnies, and lots of love -- Happy Easter!

  27. Bright colorful and cheery pictures! happy happy Easter and hope you enjoy your nice restful calming day! Hope you are feeling better too!

  28. Oh, there is MUCH love and joy in this post, my friend, from start to finish. There must be bunnies, yes! I think I'm leaving a few of ours out throughout the year. And flowers always and always. And there must be shoes too. teehee Love that one on your door. The eggs are spectacular ...and of course now I want to make those too. lol It's just us two here this year, us and the boys (the pups), but LOVE is here (and there) so we have ourselves a full house.
    Happy Easter, dear heart.

  29. Make those potatoes for two! We made some a few weeks ago inspired by a PBS cooking show and they were OUT OF THIS WORLD!

  30. Have a wonderful, peaceful, Easter Jeanie - and thank you for all your very kind comments!

  31. Easter blessings to you, dear blog sister. I wanted to tell you that I put you on our side bar as lovely blogs. Your comments are always so thoughtful, and your pictures are truly wonderful. Each one shows the uniqueness and sweetness of the world that you see and appreciate each day. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  32. Dearest Jeanie,
    I am catching up a bit here as we were in Colorado and then all of a sudden the garden needed to be weeded and Easter was upon us.
    I am wondering how you are feeling and when you will schedule your gall bladder surgery?
    We are at that time of life where we are going to run into some health hiccups now. But I am so thankful that a modified diet will be a great help to you.

    So much joy and happiness in this precious post my friend and now I am wishing you blessings for the week and a happy Easter Monday too!

  33. Oh yes, flowers, bunnies, birds, and eggs are all so perfect for Easter.

  34. This is such a beautiful post I'm so glad I didn't miss it.


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