The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Aftermath

We don't always get what we want -- but this Easter, I did. I wanted a quiet Easter, pretty but not fancy, sunshine, warmth, one-on-one time with Rick. And I got it all!

Usually on Good Friday night we decorate eggs with our friends Mark and Jan and then watch "Life of Brian." But this year they were traveling so it was up to Rick and me. We did our eggs on Saturday. The only dye kit I could find was Paas "Golden Eggs" and to be honest, when they were wet, they were a little disappointing. But when they dried they had a wonderful glow. And the untinted eggs, with just the color tablets, were especially vivid. I'd get it again!

(That pretty little sugar egg in the middle of the first photo is one of several Rick's mom sent -- an Easter tradition!)

I finished up my centerpiece, adding a grapevine wreath with some silk flower.

I got the table set and ready to go!

I love my new bunny plates (Home Goods). If they'd had more, I would have bought them, too. But they are huge -- better for a platter than a plate!

Still, when you have bunny plates and it's Easter, you must use them, right?

I had pretty napkins that I would have normally used (and some very cute Easter papers from World Market) but I "hopted" for these bunny towels! Good coverage and easy to wash.

In the afternoon, Rick and I went to see the fascinating play "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time." (Poor sound in the auditorium; hard to hear when they brought in the background music and sound effects, made more difficult by the Brit accents speaking over din.) But when when the effects were down, all was well once we got into the rhythm. The play is extremely compelling and brought me twice to tears. I would recommend it should it come to your town. Pretty serious but well worth it.

The theatre is on our Michigan State campus, which is waking up after the long winter.

It was pretty joyful to walk through a field of daffodils on the way to the car on this beautiful Easter Sunday.

Dinner was simple. Roast chicken, rice and that fabulous veggie dish from Splendid Table that I linked two posts ago. HIGHLY recommended. And very fast and easy. They say you can serve it room temp too. Either way would be good.

Meringue with fresh strawberries on top and my neighbor Rosie's Easter Bread made for a perfect dessert. All in all, it was exactly the day I wanted.

Within a few days the eggs will be off the chandelier, the egg trees down and the obviously Easter tucked away for another year.

But the birds nests, flowers and bunnies? Those will be out for rather a long time!

And that's just the way I like it!

Joining the fun this week at Monday Social and more!


  1. Jeanie, your Easter sounds perfect! Your table is so pretty, the food looks yummy, and an afternoon watching a theater production makes for a wonderful day! I am so glad it was just what you wanted! Happy Monday,!

  2. Good to see you celebrating. Very appealing meal, beautiful decor!

    The book about the dog was great -- Your review says the same about the play.

    best... mae at

  3. What a lovely Easter. Mine was fun, chaotic, loud and wonderful! Church was good then home to cook a meal for the family. It was also Scout's 2nd birthday. When the family arrived we had Easter baskets, then dinner, then cake and then the birthday presents. Loved it all but whew I'm tired. Your quiet weekend sounds nice and maybe another time for me. I must admit to enjoying the Joy of it all. Hugs!

  4. In the hope you had a very lovely Easter,
    I'm sending blessings on your new week just begun,
    always thinking of you with so much joy, Dearest One !


    XOXO Dany

  5. Looks as if you had a great Easter at home and relaxed. I love your table setting and what adorable plates you have. Too cute. Dakota and I just took it easy all day yesterday but it was nice.

  6. Love the decorations, and the golden eggs look wonderful. So does the food, and I adore those fantastic bunny plates. Glad you had an Easter as you wanted it to be. Here it was very quiet, too, as always! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Jeanie, I love the bunny plates! Glad you had a good Easter. Mine was quiet because all our plans were cancelled due to a large spring storm and we had family with out power for days. I heard the turkey was moved to ensure it was cooked and Mom & Dad had a few over who live close by. Sylvia D.

  8. Description of a perfect Easter, if you ask me!

  9. Jeanie, I've never seen the "golden eggs" kit by Paas. These eggs are sooooo pretty. It sounds like a quiet and special Easter at home, and your table is lovely with those cute bunny plates and pink bunny towels.

    A happy week to you, Jeanie.


  10. I love all your pretty Easter decor. Your chandelier looks darling! Have a wonderful week, dear Jeanie.

  11. I think your Easter sounds great. Sometimes you need a little break. We had a big one this year. I enjoyed it. Not too much pressure though so I was grateful for that.I love the plates and was looking through at your Iris. They are beautiful. Mine started blooming a couple of weeks ago and still have some that haven't bloomed. They seemed early this year.

  12. I adore the eggs. Wish I had thought to buy some of that dye. I would have used it to dye fabric, not eggs, though.

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE those bunny plates and your incredible Easter table. You always decorate so well, and make everything so beautiful. You have a strong decorating sense and the capability to make it happen, too.

    Beautiful daffodil photos and a great sculpture, too. Is that your alma mater?

    Hope your Easter was as joyous and fun as your photos show.

  13. Your Easter sounds so nice and relaxing. Everything looks so good, especially the veggie dish.

    I love your plates. I will be putting my Easter decorations away for another year, if the good Lord is willing.

    Have a wonderful relaxing sunny week,


  14. Those eggs came out gorgeous. I've never tried the golden glow package but maybe next year. This year I spent so much time do chores in my yard that I never got to doing eggs. And what a pretty table. Those bunny dishes are super. What a find. You've got to love Home Goods. Hope your week started off in a good way and you are feeling a little better. hugs-Erika

  15. Your Easter table was so pretty. Love the bunny plates and napkins. I have never seen a sugar decoration like Rick's mom sent.

  16. Glad you had a perfect Easter, Jeanie.
    Love the bunny plates:)

  17. Sounds like a well deserved wonderful Easter. Enjoy your nests, flowers, and bunnies for as long as you can.


  18. Ooooo... your Easter table is BEAUTIFUL, Jeanie! Those bunny plates are just adorable! I like the layering with textiles--the soft blue, base, and then your new floral/bird table runner. Such a pretty, festive and spring-infuses tablescape! You are sooo good at these things! :) Your golden eggs are beautiful--love the hint of shimmer! Love your simple menu. (Simple, but good--that's what we did too this year!) It's sweet when a holiday turns out to be all we want, all we need... Sometimes I wish Easter lasted a little bit longer, like Christmas--the is so much meat on Easter-bones! Happy Easter week, my friend ((HUGS))

  19. Looks a wonderful Easter, what amazing places, surely you're not tucking them away till next year, they are the bee's knees of gorgeousness?! And that chandelier - wow, it does look a pretty perfect Easter. You deserved it.
    Wren x

  20. I haven't dyed eggs in years, but those golden-glowy eggs are so beautiful, it's on the list for next year. In fact, I believe I'll cruise the sale racks today and see if any of those kits still are available. If they are, it will make next year's project much more likely, since I'll probably forget about it otherwise.

    Enjoy the week!

  21. Good Morning Jeanie,
    This was a beautiful Easter day indeed. I have never seen golden egg dye but they turned our beautiful and you have inspired me to dye some myself next year!They remind me of a Easter story that I used to read to the children when they were just youngsters. It sounds like such an enriching day and the play was the icing on the cake.
    Oh, I adore your bunny plates.
    Happy Tuesday,

  22. It sounds just right and funnily enough looking at your table setting I can feel the smile on your lips when you saw it all together.It is simply sweet:) And I love those plates..who could resist:)
    I can't believe Rick decorates eggs wih you..that's sweet.♥Too..lots of sweet being said here..I apologize for my limited vocabulary:)
    I could maybe get Oli and Noah to dye eggs....that's it now:)
    Lovely outing w/ the daffodils to boot.
    Happy happy spring to you Jeanie.
    How "sweet" of Rick's mom!

  23. Your bunny plates are adorable, and your t with the pretty centre piece and bunny ‘napkins’ is just gorgeous.
    I’ve not seen The Curious Incident, although I have read the book. What a shame about the sound problems and those pesky British accents (I’m jesting because I am British, so I mostly understand what people are saying – although not always because some of the regional accents are so strong). The daffodils have been and gone on the UK; we are on to bluebells and blossom trees now. Your Easter feast looks delicious, and all your decorations are a joy. Happy Spring.

  24. Sounds like the perfect Easter. I love the eggs!

  25. Your eggs turned out beautiful. A little magical looking.
    I agree, your bunny plates are wonderful and your meal sounds fairly simple, healthy and yummy. So glad you enjoyed your day/weekend.

  26. I love your golden glow eggs Jeanie! Sounds like you had a lovely time!

  27. Your Easter celebrations with Rick sound perfect!

    Oh, yes, when it's Easter and you own bunny plates, you just have to use them. Just like I have to use my reindeer mug and penguin plate at Christmas.

  28. Your eggs came out wonderful, Jeanie!!!!!!! I too got what I wanted: quiet, and just Ruben and myself. We went to the lake, even GOT OUT OF THE CAR (which was never an option, since it's still freezing here in April) but this is the first year we were able to get out, walk around the lake and not be frozen! The green is coming back, forsythia in bloom, some tulips, but the water is sensationally blue.

    Peace to you!

  29. Your luncheon looked delicious. And your decorations very festive. Those eggs were great.

  30. Love the eggs, I think they turned out great. So glad you had your day your way, just you two! We had one almost the same, just no play to attend. What a lovely walk you had on campus with the daffodils blooming. Ours are long gone and the daff is my favorite flower so I enjoyed your photos. Your plates are so pretty and made a lovely table for Easter. Well done my friend............

  31. It sounds like you had a great Easter weekend, even though it was quieter than your usual holiday. Quiet holidays can be nice, though, especially when you aren't feeling 100%! I need to make that side dish soon - looks amazing! And those bunny plates are adorable as are the napkins! I registered for cloth napkins for our wedding and am excited to have some to use when entertaining for the first time in my life! They are navy & cream striped so very 'me'.

    We had a wonderful Easter. I had my shower on Saturday morning, we died eggs with the younger kids (the older boys opted out so they could play Wii bowling/baseball with uncle Phil!), and then we celebrated Easter on Sunday. It was nice having Phil's mom with us so neither of us had to feel bad/sad about not seeing our parents!

  32. Lovely . . .
    Love the "platter plates!"
    Thank you for the salad reminder . . .
    Sometimes a quite time for two, is perfect!

  33. Everything looks great. I love those Bunny plates.


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