The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Not My Best Week!

This is how my head feels.

This is how I assume the inside of my sinuses looks like.

This is the sound that keeps rushing through my ears.

This is how I seem to be seeing everything this week -- through a watery haze.

This is what I would like to be seeing outside right now.

And this is what we're waiting for -- technically February 22. But you know babies -- they tell you.

I'm just hoping the baby waits for me to feel good enough to go down for the hatching!

Back soon with a better post!


  1. I'm so sorry you are under the weather. It's been so freakishly hot -- no wonder your body may have gotten confused.

    I hope you are feeling all better very soon.

  2. The great thing about colds..they are like houseguests..they eventually leave:)
    I heard that in a movie..Milton's Secret..cute w/ D Sutherland as the grandad..
    unlike other malaises..that never go away..
    That baby? Going to be beautiful..I see the genes are quite spectac:)

    Take care take care take care!

  3. Oh my . . . wishing you BETTER . . .
    Don't you love someone who sends you remedies!
    Airbourne . . . I would' becwith out it!
    Hot water, lemon . . . or molasses . . .
    Or one more . . . I grab my small hat of Vicks, (must be 25 years old!)
    It works . . .
    Great photos to help me visualize . . .

    Okay . . . get over it now and be there to enjoy the babe!

    Sending you "feeling fit & fancy hope and love" . . . hugs too!

  4. You just described how I have been feeling perfectly! I'm on the mend but gosh it's taking a long time to get back to feeling like me. Oh a new baby is always so exciting. Fingers crossed you get to go for the hatching! Hugs!!

  5. Sorry . . .i missed the typo . . .
    Airbourne . . . I wouldn't be without it!

    And not my hat, how about jar!

  6. Get better soon. I forgot to tell you that sinus washes were the ticket to my finally getting better. And, I hauled out the cool mist humidifier. Take care. I'm so excited about the new baby!

  7. Feel better soon, Jeanie! You need to be well for that special arrival. Bob was sick 3 weeks in Jan. Finally, antibiotics seemed to do the trick (he resists yaking them).

  8. Oh Jeanie, please get well soon! Isn't it infuriating to be ill! I expect the baby won't be going anywhere much for a while, though, even if you are a few days late :) what a lovely meeting to look forward to!

  9. Oh, my Dearest,
    I hope you're going to feel better very soon !

    Sending hugs and love to you

    XOXO Dany

  10. It's that time of year. Just about everyone I know has been or is sick! Feel better soon.

  11. Hope you feel better soon Jeanie. It would terrible to miss the new member of the family's arrival. Get some rest, drink plenty of liquids and hopefully you'll rebound quickly. hugs-erika

  12. Jeanie, So sorry that you are under the weather, but how exciting that you're awaiting the birth of a grandchild. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. Oh Jeanie, so sorry you are feeling so bad.. I hope this vanishes very soon.
    How very exciting about the baby. I just spent a few days visiting my great-grand baby.. Did not want to put her down.
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment and your most welcome visit.

  14. Oh Bleeeeuuuuuhhhhh! Cranky sinuses are no fun at all. I do hope you are feeling better. That is very exciting about expecting a new baby in the family. I'm sure you'll let us know when it happens! -Jenn

  15. What a pair of posts. I was delighting my way through your cork poppers' Valentine's day party and then -- this.

    Down here, the pollen storm is really cranking up, and it's causing no end of trouble for people, but yours sounds more like a little germ-sharing among friends. I hope you're already on the mend -- but I have to say, you found some wonderful photos to illustrate how you're feeling!

  16. I love this post, but I hate that you are not feeling well. By love I mean it's so clever and the perfect way to explain how you feel when you are dealing with sinus pain and a bad cold. I hope that you feel better soon. So exciting that the grandbaby could be here any day now! I hope and pray you are feeling better so you can go down to meet the little guy!

  17. I hope you're feeling better, my dear. : )


  18. I spent the past two days out of town with my friend Kathy, so I've been MIA. I just got home and rushed over to see your latest artistic beauty. Instead, I found you were ill, but upbeat enough to take photos showing how you felt. This was a warm and thoughtful entry, it was also a visual expression of the emotions you have. I really, really, really LOVED it. I can relate to the ear problem and sinuses, too!

  19. Jeanie, I had to use my magnifier when sculpting the face. My old eyes do not see as well as I would like, even with my glasses. Thank you so much for visiting.

    Yes, much needed rain indeed..

  20. That looks and sound like my head all the time. I have to leave the TV on or I can't go to sleep - need noise to block our the noise in my head.

    Hope your better so you can hold that beautiful baby coming. Take care of yourself.


  21. Hope you are feeling better by now. Wow! The "hatching" looks like it will be here soon.


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