The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Short Valentine Greeting!

I have more from the holiday to post but for now, just a quick message of love to my blogger friends! I hope your Valentine's Day is filled with love and joy...

Sweet treats and fun.

Something yummy.

Something pretty.

Something surprising.

And something that enchants.

Thank you for bringing joy, beauty and fun into my life every day!


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to you, dear Jeanie! :))) Lloking forward to seeing what all the swwets and surprises are about. Lovely Lizzie C... Our fur-girls could almost be twins! ;) HAPPY LOVE DAY! ((HUGS))

  2. Your post is a Valentine Jeanie. Thanks for the Valentine's wishes. Hope your day is filled with all of the above.......

  3. And a special Happy Valentine's to you, dear friend.

  4. Looks very yummy, love the way the kitty is sniffing the heart, so sweet! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Happy Valentines Day, Jeanie. I'd be disappointed not to see your decorations!

  6. Oh, my darling, precious Jeanie, it is I who thank you for bringing joy, beauty and fun into my life since I know you, blessed be !

    Wishing you a terrific Valentine's Day

    XX Dany

  7. Love it all. Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Thank you! I hope your Valentines is lovely too Jeanie!

  9. Have a great Valentine Day! Your treats and flowers are lovely.

  10. It looks as though you have a wonderful day planned! Have a Happy Valentine's Day! May love and joy always be yours.

  11. Valentines Day is really your holiday, isn't it? Love that. I think Lizzie is on her way to a best selling calendar. There's this cutie pie shot of her nuzzling a heart, and the Christmas one where she's a ninja batting at a low-hanging ornament.

    I'd like to pre-order. :-)

    XOXOX Happy XOXOXOX Valentines! XOXOXOX


  12. Happy Valentine's Day to you! I left some fun surprises on my Grands porch so when they get home today they have lots of love from Grandma!

  13. Love your color and cookies, RED and WISHES . . .
    Happy ❤ Day . . .

  14. Happy Valentine's Day sweet Jeanie!
    What pretties you have shared with us on this day of love and whimsy!

  15. Thanks for sharing all the love...Happy Valentine's Day sweet Jeanie! ❤❤❤

  16. You look ready for a Party Jeanie. Those cookies are really cute and if you served them up on a heart plate it would be just full of holiday spirit. And fun too. I think you are enjoying this day of love. :) Happy Valentine's Day from me to you. Hugs-Erika

  17. You always make every holiday special! Happy Valentine's day! Hugs, Diane

  18. Love the way you make us all feel so loved! As always, loved your photos. Love to you and Rick.

  19. Very pretty, and very festive pictures! Hope your valentines was nice and full of LOVE, hugs, sweets, flowers and all good things!

  20. So pretty. You have such a knack! Hope you had a very happy Valentine's Day!

  21. I hope you had a sweet day with your Valentine! We had a low key celebration at home. I made Phil's favorite meal - lentil enchiladas - and he made the side dish (Mexican rice). We had gelato and champagne for dessert! Yum! Our sweet feline Valentine is still at Phil's mom's as she went there when we were in San Diego. We definitely missed having her around but we get her back on Sunday!

  22. Oh, what lovely pictures and sentiments.
    Thank you.

  23. Hello dearest Jeanie! You are a sweetie and I hope your day was filled with laughter. Mine was a bit lonely; my Valentine had to work! School is not conducive for sharing and receiving a lot of love (HAHAHHA) but I know that love is the most abundant force ever. ENJOY!

  24. Seems I'm horrendously late visiting and wishing you a lovely, albeit belated Valentine's Day. Lizzie looks like she is enjoying it, too.

  25. Yummy cookies. You always do up each holiday with so much love.

  26. That is the cutest picture of your cat looking up at the red hearts.


  27. Happy Valentines day to you Jeanie, sorry it is so late but as you know I have been tied up a little x

  28. I hope your head has cleared. Happy Valentine Day although a little late.


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