The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Peaceable Kingdom

The beautiful weather has made long walks around the Ditch absolutely essential!
The colors are starting to turn, especially the sumac. It's always beautiful.
I've spotted three herons, Harry One, Two and Three (I can't tell them apart!)
And a beautiful white egret who is somewhat more elusive and distant.
It is clearly a peaceable kingdom there, with all the water birds sharing space.
It feels like a lazy day, with most of the ducks taking a break, Harry close by.
My walk begins eight blocks away and I'm fortunate enough to smell the most magnificent honeysuckle bush. It brings back long ago memories of that scent that are unforgettable.
Then I arrive at the Ditch -- the weather has been so beautiful that this is one of the first sights I see.
There is autumn in every step.
I'm most fascinated when I can find Harry hunting. He's so patient.
He'll walk slowly along the edge of one of the ponds, looking up and then down.
And then he goes for it.
If I spend too much time taking photos, I make myself do another loop around at a more suitable walking speed!
Some of the ducks are resting, others sprucing themselves up!
Even the fish seem relaxed -- although none of these happen to be near the birds at the moment!
I am continually in awe of the beauty. At times I gasp -- I can't believe I am so lucky to see this.
I certainly don't relish what happens after the leaves are down.
But for now I'll savor this moment of beauty.
The time it lasts will pass all too quickly.
And soon Harry will be off for the winter, instead of to the next pond (that's him, on the right.)
And I will snuggle in and be warm.


  1. Apart from being my favorite time of the year, fall offers a buffet of beauty that we can remember during the barren winter. I love your pond photos.

  2. I love the scenes from this peaceful kingdom and I love that you are able to take the time to enjoy it to the fullest. We have had a hint of fall, with a little winter to pop in tomorrow. Hopefully the winter will back off and let us enjoy fall for a while longer.

  3. Hi Jeanie,
    You have captured such beauty with your camera..
    I had an egret land in my yard this summer.. I think he lives in a nearby marsh... They are so beautiful..
    Thank you for sharing your photos.

  4. Thank you for taking me on this walk. Your photos are beautiful.....fall has begun where you are, lucky lady.



  5. "Autumn in every step" says it all. Being present in that moment yet calmly aware that change is already in motion. Love it. <3

  6. Your photos are so beautiful! We don't really get the fall colors here in Charlotte, so I appreciated seeing the start of the transition when I was up in the Blowing Rock area last weekend. Thanks for sharing photos from your neck of the woods as I just can't get enough!!!

  7. You're walking into fall, Jeanie. You've got water, changing leaves, birds, and stillness - it looks magical. Hope you're feeling well and rested.

  8. GORGEOUS, simply gorgeous images, Jeanie! I feel such a sense of peace just looking at these wondrous moments from nature you've captured... That autumn leaf image really makes my heart sing. :o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS)

  9. No color change here - just green, green, green!

  10. My goodness... those colors are amazing, almost like they are fake! Such beauty!!!

  11. Your photos and narrative take me on such a lovely journey...
    who knew a 'ditch' could be so full of life and spectacular...
    I always enjoy when you take us there to enjoy the color...reflections and wildlife!
    Happy October weekend to you

  12. I certainly did enjoy my walk with you and seeing all the wildlife...You really got some awesome shots....
    I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend....

  13. Your walk certainly is beautiful. The wildlife is amazing and your photos are really wonderful.

    Enjoy your weekend my sweet friend!


  14. What a beautiful kingdom, and the ditch is pretty special, too! Don't you just love all the colors of this season, wherever it finds you. I am holding my breath waiting for the bright chartreuse greens/yellow of the coral bark maple as it releases it's leaves and become a sculpture for our garden.

    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend!


  15. Awesome colors, Jeanie! So beautiful. I'd go on long, long walks and take lots of photos, which I think that's what you did. Thanks for sharing. Our fall isn't that glorious, and soon, snow.

  16. Oh, Jeanie, absolutely beautiful!! How I would love to walk out my front door into that! So peaceful and beautiful. Enjoy!!
    ~Lorraine :)

  17. What beautiful atmospheric pictures. To me, honeysuckle means "June" since that is the month when the English hedges are full of it. I find it quite hard to imagine it in the autumn!

  18. Hi Jeanie, I'm savoring each photo and thinking you live in such a beautiful place. The colors are stunning and the wildlife so beautiful. Thanks for taking us along on your walk. Your sure know how to use that camera!

  19. Not much change here yet - but there's a front coming. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. With a dip to the 50s tomorrow night, things will change. For one thing, it's open window season!

    Your colors are gorgeous. You must have had some really cool temperatures - but you are in Michigan! And there was snow in South Dakota? So hard to imagine from this perspective. It just occurred to me that when I head off on my trip north later this month, I'd better have more than flipflops and some tee shirts!

  20. These photos are amazing. Fall comes with strings attached. We know winter is coming, but we get such a beautiful show before the curtains come down.

  21. your corner of the kingdom
    is certainly putting on her Autumn colors! So're way
    ahead of us here.

  22. The colors are just stunning. Love seeing just everything.

  23. The sheer joy of being alive with time on your hands to unwind and absorb the beauty nature surrounds us with!

    I'm intrigued with the Sumac tree - so I imagine that's where my lovely sumac powder comes from - right?!

    Walking is my favorite pastime of all these days, always with my camera in hand and the times I've forgotten it I've missed some "once in a lifetime photo opportunities" it's always the way!

    ENJOY it all - it's yours now dear Jeanie - you deserve it!!

    Fond love


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