The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mostly Pictures

I ran away after retirement.
I needed to escape into a world of beauty, quiet, art. I needed to spend time with friends who had experienced retirement, enjoy them and learn from them.I needed to be at my lake house before the hard fall sets in. Although it is beginning.
I would wake up to fog...
...and soon after see a mirror-perfect lake.
I would experience glorious sunsets...
...and delightful days.
The lake is quiet now. Most of the boats are in for the winter.
Only a few fishermen and the occasional power boat remain.
The markets are rich with pumpkins, squash and apples.
Lizzie is not living up her her urban street-cat past. She came face to face -- no, nose-to-nose -- with a mouse and then just walked away. Well, I guess hunting wasn't her her executive assistant job description. Her meow is fiercer than her demeanor!
I'll write more about what I'm learning from my already-retired friends in another post and also share more of Art Prize. Meanwhile, we learned last night that Greg moved into the top 50! Thank you for all your comments -- we're so proud! (I'm on limited internet here -- I'll catch up with you as soon as I can!)


  1. Lovely photos, I always love to hear and see about your lake house. How lovely it would be to have one!

  2. What a lovely way to start retirement. A place for reflection and the beauty of the lake. The colors I can see are just starting, but indeed will be gorgeous!

  3. Looks lovely! Maybe Lizzie has retired?

  4. It looks so peaceful at the lake house. Beautiful. Go Greg! We're all behind you.

  5. Gorgeous photography!
    I love those pumpkins, but I have this thing for October... so I'm always happy to see pumpkins and all things orange!
    Have a great weekend,

  6. Wow! Your retirement sure benefits us... sharing with us such beautiful sights! Your photos are awesome. And I have a good feel about Greg's art works. With the exquisite eggsibits, I'm sure he'll go far and high. :)

  7. And proud you should be! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts for Greg to win.

    The photos here are so beautiful. I love the fog and the sunsets. What a peaceful place to visit with friends and contemplate your future plans.

  8. Funny thought - that Lizzie has retired, too. The photos are beautiful, and it seems like you've made some very good decisions about how to begin retirement!

    I'm really feeling it for Greg. I'm just sure he's going to make it into the top ten, at least. I do hope so!

  9. Wow! Those photos are stunning. I love them all, but especially the sunset ones. Such tranquility!! Love it! I am glad that you are enjoying retirement already!!

  10. Dear Jeanie,
    What a lovely place to gather your thoughts, relax and enjoy nature.
    Beautiful photos..

  11. Looks like a great place to escape to (and maybe work on some crafts while overlooking that beautiful lake??)

  12. Looks so serene. So glad that you have it in your life1

  13. Such gorgeous colours in that skyline.

  14. LOVELY photos, Jeanie! Sometimes we need a detour, a break, refreshment, before we take the next steps. I'm so glad you had a good time away. And VERY funny Lizzie & the mouse... Look forward to more from your time away. And SUPER news about Greg... fingers crossed still! ;o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

  15. what a gorgeous place to turn some pages and start a new chapter.
    so glad you found the quiet
    your soul was hungry for.
    I believe the sweetest stuff
    is still to come for you, friend:)

  16. Lovely to see you enjoying this new chapter in your life dear Jeanie...
    thank you for sharing these beautiful images...
    I Love how the colors and shadows are constantly changing near the water...
    I am busy trying to catch up with everyone after traveling the last two weeks...
    Happy last day of September and here's to a fabulous October ♥

  17. Jeanie,
    I want to hire you next fall to coach me into retirement, so take plenty of notes and more pictures!

    (More seriously - love to you and Lizzie and the lake.)

    Maryanne in SC

  18. The lake house has such beauty and calm! I’m not sure which photo is more beautiful but I’m going to stroll through again to enjoy. I think Lizzie is so relaxed she has retire from hunting! Enjoy being at the lake and Congrats to Greg!

    The French Hutch

  19. I think you have the right idea about the beginning to this new stage of your life...the peace and tranquility of the lake....
    Your photos are stunning.

  20. I've been retired for 22 years - come visit me!

  21. Congrats on now being retired! A beautiful series of pictures of the lake. Laura

  22. Lovely photos - and such a wonderful way to ease into your new life! I love it when all the tourists go home and a peaceful site once again becomes peaceful (I'm thinking Kinderdijk, after the tourists depart and only the locals remain).

  23. These are lovely pictures.
    I hope the wonderful surroundings and the peace of life there are soothing your spirit and helping to heal you.

    Congratulations to the boy!

  24. The perfect start to retirement...

  25. Dear Jeanie

    You did what every retiree does!
    My analogy was 'stepping off the treadmill'.
    Separating oneself from the hustle and bustle of working life!
    Jeanie, you had the perfect place for this - by the lake - water is such a calming and soothing element.
    Both the fog and the sunset have their own beauty.

    It's true, we do have to learn to be retired. I still have times where I feel guilty if I'm not "doing" something constructive - silly I know.
    I was in the work force for 50 years - on that treadmill putting one foot in front of the other - day after day!!!

    So now the fun starts, you can drown yourself in art and all those wonderful things you've longed to do for ever!!!

    Shane xox


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