The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, June 28, 2013

Make a Wish

OK. I'll make a wish. I'd like to be someplace where the sunsets are pretty, the boats float gently on the water and putt-putt home.
With all the art supplies I can could possibly use! And a few books, too!
And someone with whom to enjoy a glass of wine.
Sometimes wishes come true!


  1. I have a feeling someone is going to the lake! Have a good 4th, Jeanie. I have an E-mail drafted to you but have been too busy to send it!

  2. Sounds wonderful Jeanie....
    Enjoy yourself, I hope you are doing well... Keeping you in my thoughts

  3. Oh, I hope your wish comes true! Sounds like paradise! (I've been listening to my Jimmy Buffet Greatest Hits CD, and I SO would love to be on a sunny, warm beach somewhere!)

  4. Wishing you a wonderful (and comfortable) weekend.

  5. Lucky girl! I suddenly am wondering - does Lizzie go with you, or does she stay home with a kitty-sitter?

    I admire your creative work so much, but still, I have to think - when I go to the country, as I did last weekend, all I have to pack is a notebook and pen. ;) Every time I see your "raw materials" I'm just in awe. It's not just that you have so much "stuff" at your disposal, it's that what you transform it into is so wonderful.

    Have a great week!

  6. I absolutely LOVE the look of your art tabel - and what a great place to have your country studio! Have a relaxing, art-filled, fun time.

  7. Enjoy every minute and give yourself a toast from me with your next glass of wine.

  8. I admire how you always see beauty and the positives wherever you look. Indeed, we are enriched by those around us, and the beauty of nature. I love coming here to your blog because that's what's I find every time. Thank you Jeanie for sharing yourself. It's a long weekend for us July 1st is Canada Day. You'll have July 4th soon after. Enjoy your extended long weekend!

  9. I am SO glad you are escaping away to the lake for a week. I think it will be SO good for you. Soak it all in and take it easy this week. I am looking forward to hearing about what you end up reading!

  10. I'm so happy that these simple but profound wishes have come true for you!

  11. So much fun... a slow, sweet weekend--those are the best! Loved seeing from your lake-side getaway, Jeanie. :o) ((HUGS))

  12. Life is sweet...I am glad your wishes are coming true dear Jeanie!

  13. I am glad that sometimes wishes to come true.

  14. They do, don't they. Enjoy.


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