The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Flashback

Couldn't resist sharing a few holiday photo memories with you from this season!
Like Eggs!
Aren't they the most colorful things!
Rick doesn't bother to boil his before he dyes them. I'm a little more cautious!
I love doing the table. I use the eggs and it's fun to get out the spring dishes. That's Greg's Easter Basket over at the right.
Of course, watching the neighbor kids do their egg hunt is a tradition!
I love it! And there are more every year, it seems!
"Farmer" Rick loved his Easter "basket," in a garden tray with strawberries to grow, seeds and lots of snacks!
And it was fun having Greg home!
Especially when he nailed Rick with a confetti-filled Easter egg!
And to have them both at the table was great. All that was missing was Kevin and Molly.
There had to be some pink.
And there had to be some Lizzie -- who was clearly pushing her luck!
Lin's angel was a sweet reminder of the real meaning of Easter.
I hope yours was lovely. And remember...
Keep looking up!


  1. Happy Easter, Jeanie. Loved all your photos showing a wonderful Easter celebration. Oh that Lizzy...she and Audrey would be great friends. I love the last photo. I do plan to 'always look up.' Onwards and upwards. Hugs, Deb

  2. We did our Easter egg hunt indoors this year as my parents still have 3+ feet of snow on the ground at the lake. It is NUTS. But it was fun watching the kids find their eggs and the treasures inside of them! And they were generous with their candy, which was nice. :) I had a great Easter - my only complaint is that it went far too fast!

  3. oh Jeannie, your colorful eggs looks so bright and amazing! I love them so much.

  4. Jeanie, you set the most beautiful table -- and those eggs are gorgeous! I especially like the way that everyone participates in making something for the day.

    And the fact that there was sunlight instead of the predicted rain... made it a perfect day.

  5. What a beautiful Easter table. I love the colors of your eggs – don’t know how you did that, but the results are stunning! We did not have any kids here so we only had chocolate eggs…

  6. Thank you for showing us you family photos. I enjoyed much to see you have had a wonderful easter there.

    Love the colors of your eastereggs too.
    What a great Ides is Ricks farm basket :)
    The angel eater reminder is so sweet !
    Here we had a very cold night again with -5°C but fortunately it is clear and sunny.

  7. You must be very patient to leave your eggs in the dye until they are so bright! Ours were all kind of pale, as you have seen.

    Your celebration looks like a lot of fun. Family is great!

  8. Love the Easter egg colors. It looks like a good time was had by all.

  9. What a lot of beautiful easter eggs. How long will it take to eat them?

  10. Thanks for sharing the fun and lively Easter you've had. These are beautiful photos. Yes, Easter ushers in spring and new life. I can feel it here on your post. BTW, my yahoo mail acct has been phished this morning, so delete all mails from artidkc[at] Don't even open them. I've deleted that account now. My GOOD email is still at artiripple[at]gmail.

  11. Looks like your Easter was wonderful! The eggs are such beautiful colors and look so pretty in the centerpiece. We had a beautiful Saturday, Easter Sunday we had rain. Thank goodness it wasn’t cold!

    Happy Spring,
    The French Hutch

  12. Looks like a perfect day, Jeanie. My those colors are beautiful, and the table is so inviting. I had so much fun with our Easter eggs this year. Love the angel.

  13. What nice baskets for the "boys". How fun to see the neighbors out searching for eggs. The eggs were indeed colorful and beautiful.

  14. Rick's "garden basket" is such a clever idea - what a lovely way to bring Easter celebrations and spring together.

    I do love Lizzie looking at the pussy willows. I miss those, and forsythia. Well, and tulips. But our wisteria is blooming now - we're getting rain tomorrow I think (I hope) and then it may be time to take some flower photos!

    I was in the jury pool for a BIG capital murder case here, but was released today. I told the judge that I just couldn't be away from work for the month to month-and-a-half it surely will take. If I had money in the bank, or if it was projected to be a 1-2 week trial I would have stayed in the pool, but it's just too complex a case.

    Which means - with my leg healing from my fall and no jury duty to contend with, I can start getting back into my routine and get ready to welcome real spring! You always give such inspiration for precisely that - I'm looking forward as well as up!

  15. A Belated HAPPY EASTER, my dear....I LOVED all your egg dying pictures.....And it looked like you all had a very festive and colorful time!!! Very Spring Like!

  16. Beautiful photos....yours always are. I'm just trying to catch up a bit after being away for a few days. I loved the confetti egg pic. One of the things I missed being gone for Easter was seeing my grandkids pummel each other with several dozen confetti eggs.

  17. This cheery post really lifted my spirits. All the photos are so bright and colorful. I'm glad you had such a marvelous Easter.

  18. What a clever Easter basket for Rick. My husband would love that kind of basket. Your table is lovely. The confetti pic is a riot.

  19. Happy Easter
    Happy Spring
    Happy Happy Everything!
    such gorgeous eggs and more!


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