The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Sending Lovely Easter Wishes

Please feel free to click on any of the images and save them for your own work.

Because I can't visit all of you and give you an Easter basket...

... but I can share some images for Easters yet to come!

Have a beautiful day!


  1. My goodness! I got here before the email announcing your post landed in my inbox! The images are lovely, and I'm saving a few for next year.

    In the meantime, while others are enjoying bunnies and chicks and other such delights, here's what popped up in my Easter basket of delights down here in bayou country!
    There's cute, and then there's - uh - "cute"!

    Happy Easter!

  2. Buona Pasqua, both to you and your sweet Lizzie Cosette!

  3. Happy Easter to you and thank you for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. I just can't get enough of old postcards. I love them. Happy Easter to you and yours. :)

  5. Thinking of you, Jeanie. I hope you had a healthy happy day!

  6. Happy Easter to you, Jeanie.

  7. Happy Easter to you, Jeanie.

  8. Happy Easter to you as well!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!

  9. I hope you had a wonderful day!


  10. LOVE these nostalgic Easter images! Hope you've having a wonderful holiday weekend, Jeanie :o) ((HUGS))

  11. I hope you had a wonderful Easter! I love these postcards.... thank you, I grabbed a few!

  12. Love seeing all your Easter greetings.

  13. These are usual, you sent your Easter greeting in your own unique way.


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