The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, November 23, 2012

Autumn Up-North Style & Pasta Recipe

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and continue to enjoy the holiday. Here's a last look at fall before we start decking the halls!

In Michigan, we don't usually say we're "going to Gaylord" or "going to Traverse City."
We go "up north."
These photos are a little late; indeed, it's bare now! But if you're not tired of beautiful colors yet, take a look at a few more!
I started out at the farm market. At this time of year, the colors, textures and smells are so powerful, I can never resist!
I stocked up on mini-corn. That will turn into something soon, if it hasn't already!

There was a car show going on in the north.
Couldn't resist a couple of photos.
Of course by the ski areas, there's a lot of diverse elevation and the view was great.
I'm not sure anything makes me feel so "down home" as a white fence!
 And with the sky so blue, I couldn't help by stop to take this photo of horses grazing.
The color was breathtaking, everywhere I looked.

Back roads and highways dazzled equally.
And because it was a warm fall day, just being outside was a joy.
Rick did a 100-mile bike ride (which he said was equally beautiful) and when he came home, I'd made pasta sauce from the last of his tomatoes. (recipe below)
It was so fresh with basil from the farm market. I usually put in some red wine, but I didn't want to detract from the fresh flavors of the veggies.
That and a tomato caprese salad pretty much used up the freshies from his garden and mine. The apple crisp took care of the Honey Crisps.
This was our last weekend at the lake together for this year. So we took a long beach walk...
These tracks intrigued me. They were right at the water's edge.
The reeds looked beautiful -- they were quite tall. Usually we can't even walk the beach on the path we took because the water is too high, but it was low and we could through them, still on the sand!
We walked home from our destination on the tracks.
It's so hard to say goodbye to the cottage for another year. But this was a good way to leave it behind.

Rick and Jeanie's Fresh Tomato Pasta Sauce
  • Dice about 6 very large or 9-12 mix of medium and small -- tomatoes, reserving juices
  • In olive oil, brown one medium diced onion
  • Add three large cloves of garlic
  • Add tomatoes to the onion/garlic mixture
  • Chop a nice bunch (maybe half cup, give or take) fresh basil and add to the pot
  • Chop a nice bunch of oregano (maybe 1/8 c.) and add to pot
  • Chop about 15 small or 7 large kalamata olives and add.
  • 1/4 t. hot pepper flakes
  • Chop a small bunch of parsley and add
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • Few shakes of red wine vinegar (optional; I didn't use it this time because the tomatoes were acidic enough; sometimes they aren't..)
  • Optional: Hefty splash of red wine (Again, didn't use this time, but often do.)
  •  Optional: green/red/banana pepper, diced small.
 Let it cook down, as long as it takes to reduce the liquids somewhat and turn "saucy." 
These quantities nicely dressed a pound of spaghetti. Enjoy!


  1. Gorgeous photos as always. Thank you for the pasta sauce recipe. I'll definitely be trying it next year with tomatoes and herbs from my garden.

  2. Up North is what we say here too. Actually, Oop North, is more like it.

    Our ‘up North’ has no colours like yours though. It’s wet and grey and dismal everywhere, today was the only bright day in the gloom. Floods everywhere too.

    You must be sorry to leave your beautiful lake; perhaps you can spend a few winter evenings dreaming of next spring.

    100 mile bike ride? bicycle or motor bike?

  3. What beautiful photos! The colors are just amazing. Michigan is my must-go places now. And, don't go too far 'up north', if you continue in that direction you'll only see white and grey... But I'll love to show you around. ;)

  4. Beautiful photos. And, a tasty sounding recipe.

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  6. My favorite season, Jeanie. Your images are wonderful, the color glorious, and the sauce recipe timely. This morning I look out on snow and wish again for those fleeting days of autumn. Lovely:)

  7. oh! my mouth is watering
    for that delectable sauce!
    what a beauty....every morsel.
    and those racoon (i do believe)
    tracks make me many ]
    happy memories of their antics:)
    our colors are more amber now,
    the brights all gone
    except for the gingko leaves still
    yellow on the ground.
    it was a beautiful walkabout
    with you....thanks!

  8. What a lovely trip "up north". The pasta sauce sounds yummy. Love seeing the horse walking on top of the fence, laughing! Your walk along the road, the train track, and the beach are all delightful.

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  10. Loved your Autumn images, the colours are breathtaking and the sky is so blue!
    Your sauce has my mouth watering, will have to try it next year!

  11. Your tracks are my favorite kind - both railroad and raccoon! I was quite a track walker as a kid, but never had any that led to a lake.

    The more I see of Michigan, the more I think it might be the most beautiful state in the Union. Of course they all have their good qualities - I suppose it's just because I'm seeing more of Michigan than any other state. Still - the color, the markets, the water, the possibilities of being outdoors and "away" from the cities and all they contain...Well, it just seems like a wonderful life.

    Wait! Isn't that a movie for the next season? On we go, I suppose - winter's coming, no matter what. If our trees would just turn and then lose their leaves, I'd feel more like moving into Christmas!

  12. oh Jeanie, this photos are amazing and I am now dying to try the recipe.

  13. That sauce recipe has my mouth watering. We love spaghetti around here.

    When we lived in Maryland, no one ever said, "We're going to Ocean City." They said, "We're going down the ocean." Funny how locals create their own shorthand.

    I'm so sad that our farmer's market has closed for the winter. It's last day was the day before Thanksgiving. We depend on it because we can't have a garden. Our yard is too shady. There's nothing in the world quite like a tomato from your own garden.

    Breathtaking photos!

    If you have any more problems leaving a comment on my blog, please let me know. I changed templates, and I wonder if that had something to do with it.

  14. Dearest Jeanie, I am so glad that you have been adopted by another kitty. She will never replace Gypsy but she can bring her own joy into your life. I remember when Arky adopted us. We were in a trailer outside Camden, AR. I went to the mailbox and she came over, rubbing against my legs. I picked her up and played with her and told her to go find someone else, 'cause no was Marv going to let her stay. But that evening she pulled the same stunt on Marv and she won. We had her for many years and I still miss her sometimes. Your pictures made me homesick, but in a good way because they brought lots of memories.

  15. Thank you for the gorgeous fall photos. I miss seeing trees in their fall colors. We have a few trees that change but nothing like you have where you live.

  16. A fabulous fall up North. Glad Rick got in his hundred miler! I'm keeping that recipe for next summer's produce.

  17. Beautiful colors of autumn! I love the overall look of the trees with their fantastic display.

  18. Beautiful colors of autumn! I love the overall look of the trees with their fantastic display.

  19. Those are such GORGEOUS photos! It is nice to be reminded of the beautiful fall colors, so thank you for sharing!!

    We say 'going up north', too! ;)


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