The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Autumn: Closer to Home

Is it still colorful where you are?
Here are a few photos from early October.
Had to post them before the snow falls! I leave them as a Thanksgiving gift to you -- and a wish to celebrate the beauty of nature as it comes because chances are, it will leave all too soon, not to return for a rather long while.
This is from our MSU Gardens -- they go through so many seasons.
In some ways, fall is one of the loveliest of all.
Those two above might end up as cards!
Isn't this a lovely spot to sit?
There is something about fall that can take my breath away. I hope you have been enjoying yours! Happy Thanksgiving, if that's your time of year and if it's not -- just look about and savor!


  1. I hope you follow with some of the more muted colors that replaced the incredible vividness you showed. It's all good. The MSU garden designers really planted for high contrast!

  2. Eye-popping, Jeanie. Love it. THIS is Fall! :-)

  3. Wonderful captures of autumn loveliness, the colors are certainly stunning in your part of the world, not like grey & gloomy Normandy!

  4. I think ALL of these photos would make gorgeous cards! Thanks for sharing your fall color photos. That phase has ended for us here in Minnesota and everything is pretty brown. But the temps have been gorgeous this week so I have been focusing on that!!

  5. Thanks for the beautiful photos of your fall. I love the soft grasses in several of the shots. Definitely card material. Happy Thanksgiving, dear Jeanie!

  6. So beautiful! I hate to see the end of Fall, and I’m already mourning the beautiful colors we had this year. Thanks for the instant replay :)

  7. What a gorgeous garden! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Beautiful photos Jeanie! Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. Bebe sends her best wishes.. Thank you for your visit and sweet comment.

  10. What a gorgeous view of fall in your corner of the world, Jeanie! This post is, indeed, a terrific Thanksgiving gift to us! Have a lovely holiday yourself with your newly expanded family!

  11. Your fall photos are beautiful. They remind ne of French Impressionist photos - especially the water one and the two you will use for cards. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  12. There is not much color left here so it was lovely to see the stunning colors in the MSU garden. I especially like the ones of the grasses.

  13. Jeanie, you captured autumn so beautifully! Stunning pics!!!

  14. What a beautiful place you live in, Jeanie! Yes, they can be wonderful cards... great craft ideas. Yours is a colourful and cheerful world. In contrast, we're white, grey and dreary. Oh my, it's only Nov.

  15. I meant to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! And, that first photo is a Monet, isn't it? ;)

  16. That top picture is especially lovely - it's like the kind of fabric I would like for a ball gown or something! I can just imagine it shimmering...

    All the others are good too, but that was my favourite.

  17. Spectacular color, and great composition, too -- count me in with everyone else who thinks these would make wonderful cards.

    As ever, I am grateful for your eye and voice --wishing you & yours the happiest of Thanksgivings.

  18. Hi Jeanie, Thought I'd drop by to say Happy Thanksgiving and as I read your posts I realize you have a new Lizzie companion who is making you happy. Hope you and Rick have much to be grateful for this day. Your photos make me sigh. .

  19. how stunning!
    i love those waves of colorful grass.....can almost hear
    the playful rustle.
    thanks and much blessing to you
    and yours
    now and always:)

  20. We're just getting some color now, though nothing as spectacular as this! The grasses are beautiful, and the mix of vibrant trees, still-blooming flowers and just-over-the-top vegetation is so stimulating.

    I do believe autumn is my favorite season - even though colorful autumns are harder to find down here!


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