The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Walk through the Tuileries

Our visit to the Musee d'Orsay was delightful and left us hungry, too! We were to meet our host Jerry at Verjus, a delightfully intimate restaurant located on the Rue du Richelieu. To get there, we walked past our "love lock" and through the Tuileries.

The Tuileries are handsome formal gardens that go from the Louvre down to the Place de la Concorde.

Wide, sandy paths are often framed by trees and there is much sculpture. From the right angle, one can see the magnificent Louvre.

There is even a mini-Arc de Triomphe called Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel. Built by Napoleon between 1806 and 1808, is once served as an entrance to the former Palais des Tuileries.

If you stand in the right spot, you can see how it lines up exactly with Cleopatra's Needle, the Arc du Triomphe and another spot farther down that I can't recall!

The gardens themselves were designed by Andre Le Notre in the 17th century. They include a summer ferris wheel, a carousel and much sculpture.

There are also many ponds.

This was my favorite.

The wee boats seem perfectly balanced, sailing on the pond with nary a tip-up.

Of course, if you don't have a boat of your own (and perhaps even if you do!), it's easy enough to get one.

When we visited the park was quieting down. There weren't a lot of customers.

We think the boats in the pond were "advertising."

And it was good advertising, too!

One of my fondest Paris memories will be watching these colorful, well-designed boats waft across the water.
Equally memorable, the vendor's colorful cart!

Like any park, Tuileries is a spot for games, and we enjoyed watching these men play boules.

It was off to a dinner to remember!


1) No matter what you do in Paris, take advantage of one or more of the parks. There is tremendous "green space" in Paris and you can find a park or garden just about anywhere!

2) Consider a picnic. We found that sandwiches were easy to buy at the boulangerie, or just bring cheese and bread. In the evening, a bottle of wine is not out of the ordinary.

3) Beware of scams. There is one related to a gold ring -- a fellow will pick up a gold ring from the ground as you have passed and say, "Look! I found this gold ring. Is it yours?" Then he will try to get you to keep the ring as a "gift," then ask for money for it. Just walk. Don't even listen.

Paris In July

This post is part of Bookbath and Thyme for Tea's "Paris in July" party! It's also part of my "vacation post" drawing, which will conclude whenever I get through it all! Please link HERE to a marvelous of over 25 "Paris in July" participants!


  1. I love the Tuilleries! It was the first park I stumbled upon during my first trip to Paris. I had so much fun watching the kids push the boats around with sticks. It just seemed like a scene out of a movie or something.

  2. I have picnic'd at this park. We would take our baguette from the morning breakfast and add some cheese and fruit from the market. What fun memories. I would have loved seeing the boats. Hadn't heard of this scam though, I will remember if I go back again.

  3. Picnics in parks in Paris with the one you love! Can't get any more romantic than that!

  4. the photos of the little boat is so adorable. I love the one of the boat seller.

  5. Oh, oh! I rode on the carousel (and even the Ferris wheel)! The Tuileries are gorgeous--so much beauty and unexpectedness. The sailboats, for example, and their vendor (great shot, that). That is the type of thing that could be so easily overlooked. Thank you for sharing, Jeanie.

  6. Sort of reminds me of scenes I've seen in Gold Gate Park. Beautiful and BIG community parks must be very much the same all over the world.

  7. Parking in Paris... Oh, I dream of doing that one day! Until then, I thrill to seeing more of Paris from your view, Jeanie... and not last appreciative of your good When in Pairs Tips! Your should write a guide book! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  8. The pictures of the boats are my favorites, although it all looks like a marvelous time.

  9. What a lovely day you had -- on top of many during your wonderful trip to Paris! Thanks so much for yet another great vicarious travel experience! I loved tagging along and seeing it all through your eyes!

  10. These photos bring back so many memories I fell like I'm in a time machine!

  11. I love walking in parks like that, so I'm going to have to try and get to go there when we finally get to go for our Paris trip!

  12. oh what fun!
    those bright little boats
    are genius!
    pure art:)
    what a beauty of a trip
    you took
    and you look wonderful,
    you and hubby together.

  13. A very well written and expressed post :D

  14. Again, another post for me to ask myself why I missed all these beautiful gardens the last time I visited Paris. Jeanie, these are wonderful photos... I find the boat pictures particularly interesting. It's amazing how in the urban hub of a great city there's such massive floral and greeneries and open spaces for leisure activities.

  15. Scams everywhere!

    We love to take cheese and bread, and wine and fruit up to the mountains and have a picnic. Simple and delicious.

  16. Hi there

    I can't believe it''s been so long since I visited. I just realized that I'm not a follower - just remedied that!

    What a wonderful time - I love coming along for the ride!


  17. Oh Jeanie, such an informative post. I didn't know about the "boat cart". My next trip I want to sail a boat! One of my favorites memories are the strolls through the Tuileries. A place to enjoy people watching as well. Love the parks and picnics. Always a must. Loved, loved, loved this post. Great photographs.

    The French Hutch

  18. Jeanie I read thsi post and then looked back at all the others I missed! I have yet to visit Paris and your posts made me want to go all the more! Your tips are wonderful --I will print out these posts if I have to opportunity in the future to travel to France!

  19. Oh Jeannie, I am so jealous! I visited Paris last October and I see that the Toulleries are much more beautiful during your visit. Thanks for taking me back! Marti

  20. Your photos are wonderful dear Jeanie
    ... brings back the sweetest memories when I traveled to Europe (without a digital camera = Mon Dieu!)

  21. Tuileries will always hold a special place in my heart. On my very first trip to Paris I was overcome with joy, and perhaps jetlag, and burst into tears just at being there. I've walked through pretty much every day I've spent in Paris, it is such a wonderful spot. That ring scam was certainly going strong when we last visited in 2010. My ring was found three times in one block one day!

  22. That other thing that lines up with the rest is the arch at La Défense. Your photos of the Tuileries are just gorgeous!

  23. The thing that lines up with the rest is the arch at La Défense. Your photos of the Tuileries are beautiful!


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