The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, July 20, 2012

Time for a Snack

One of the things I discovered on this trip is that being a tourist is hard work! And hard work requires nourishment -- or at least a snack!
In Paris, there is a one-stop place that fills the bill on either end -- the boulangerie (and if you are especially lucky, the boulangerie-patissierie!
I simply couldn't resist to share a few of our favorite snack bits! There were the fabulous sandwiches we enjoyed for lunch.
Elegant and delicious fruit tarts.
Rick had a tough time making up his mind!
And really, when you see the boulangerie with its counters of sweets, who could walk in and make a quick choice?
These little clafoutis looked good, too!
I loved some of the boulangerie's architecture.
Even the details, like these colorful tiles, were charming.
Of course, you can easily get a snack on the street, too! But you may have to take it home and cook it!
It's very easy to become a bread junkie while you're in France! They just don't make it like that over here in the US!
If the feet are really tired and you want to take a break, enjoy a leisurely lunch or dinner at a restaurant or brasserie.
Perhaps a glass of wine at a cafe or something more substantial!
No matter how you "slice" it, you'll find something decadent to eat, no matter where you are in Paris!

 Tasty Tips!

1) Boulangeries and patissieries are common and easy to find. There is a joke that you can find one on every street. Not true, but you don't have to go far to satisfy that snack urge. They're often willing to heat things like omelets or sandwiches if needed.
2) It's not terribly expensive to eat on the street. At the boulangerie we frequented most, a baguette was 1.10 euros  (About $1.50) and large sandwiches easily divided in two were about 4.75 euros (about $6). Pastries like the tart below averaged about 2.50 euros (about $2.50).
3) Taxes and Tipping -- In France, the bill includes the tax and a gratuity. It is common and courteous to leave a euro or two if you've had excellent service. More than four or five, even for an elaborate meal, is at the top of the range.

4) Enjoy it! In France they don't rush you to turn the table. You will need to ask for your bill. And no snapping of the fingers and calling "Garcon!" That is SO Groucho Marx.
5) Serving water automatically when you enter a restaurant is not done in Paris. You can ask for a "carafe d'eau" and they will gladly bring you water you can pour and drink at your table.

6) Reservations -- we only dealt with reservations twice, when our friend Jerry made them. The French eat late -- eight or after. If you want to get into a restaurant and don't have a reservation, try going early -- American style!
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
This post is part of Bookbath and Thyme for Tea's "Paris in July" party! It's also part of my "vacation post" drawing, which will conclude whenever I get through it all! Please link HERE to a marvelous of over 25 "Paris in July" participants! 


  1. I love learning about the "food culture" of any place I visit. I love that you have shown us something more than the haute cuisine. Street stands and small cafes are always my favorite places to eat when I travel.

  2. You're making me hungry!

    We have a French market that comes on a Friday... French pastries plus a walk along the seafront equals a perfect way to spend the morning!

  3. Yum, Yum, Yum! Everything looked so delicious!! The food in France is just so fabulous---at least it was when I was there--in The South Of France---many years ago.
    I love that there are so many choices as far as eating good! Your pictures really tell the tale!

  4. I think I gained a few pounds just looking at these delicious snacks! All of my favorite kinds of food! Thanks for the wonderful vicarious experience!

  5. My favorite part of Paris: delicious food, attentively prepared. And you're right... after all that walking, all that art, you really do need lots of little somethings to sustain you.

  6. Miam miam!! I had posted something similar last May, with also the picture of a cute shop. see here:

  7. Oh, this was a bad place to stop before dinner. I'm hungrier than ever now ; ) Looks scrumptious, Jeanie. I can practically smell that bread. YUM.

  8. I have had some PC problems lately, so now, when they have been solved, I was back to your latest posts. I feel that you really made Paris in the best possible way, despite tough weather conditions. ... and your "tips" are really good!!!

    One extra little tip for the Eiffel Tower: There is a shorter line if you are willing to walk to the second floor ("only" some 700 steps) and only use the compulsory lift from the second to the third.

  9. Yummm! Everything looks delicious! Love Paris for all the lovely food. Sometimes restaurants won't let you in early, we had that happen once. They told us to come back. Yes, the bread and pastries are just wonderful, but it did do some damage on my cholesterol. It took a couple months to recuperate.

  10. I loved your foodie post, so mouthwatering.
    But! Paris does not have a monopoly on patisseries & boulangeries we have them out here in the sticks too and we often enjoy wonderful eclairs for afternoon tea. You must come soon so that we can enjoy them together.
    Off to check out the party now, how did I not see this before?

  11. Oh, my! Everything looked delicious. I'm literally salivating. The food alone would be enough reason to go to Pairs.

  12. Yum! My mouth waters looking at all of these treats and sweets! The first time I was in Paris, I did not know about my gluten intolerance, so I ate a lot of sandwiches made by the little shops and boulangeries. Yum, they were so good. Totally changed my view on how good a pre-made sandwich could be! I ate lots and lots of pain au chocolate, too. And some tarts. My return trip was different since all of that was off limits, but I still ate quite well and enjoyed desserts like mousse and creme brulee!

  13. Jeanie, this is so sinfully delicious.

  14. It all looks so good! I think I could live on good's one of my favorite things.

  15. It is not allowed to read this post and to enjoy all the wonderful pictures with an empty stomach.....I am sooo hungry now!!!!! I was several times in the south of France and in Brittany and I must say, I love the French food...especially in the south of France.
    And I love the baguettes....In Germany you can buy French baguettes, too, but it is big difference to the original...They eat the baguettes with every meal. And they smell fantastic.....You see, I am a big fan of the French cuisine.
    I enjoy all your interesting posts and pictures about Paris very much!!
    I was in London, in Amsterdam,in Vienna, in Bern, in Prague,in Brussels,in Berlin, but I only drove around Paris while driving to South France.....What a shame.
    Perhaps one day......
    Best wishes

  16. Oh, now I'm ravenously hungry, Jeanie--such delicious food! The the boulangerie-patissieri combo sounds perfect...mmm... Those mini clafoutis are calling my name. ;o) LOVE your Paris tips. I don't like eating late, so that would take getting used to. I'm an early bird... LOL! Happy Days, my friend (((HUGS))

  17. I have so enjoyed vicariously traveling with you :)
    I love wandering around exploring eateries and shops. It’s a great way to get the feel of a city.

  18. Yum
    and just so gorgeous!

  19. Au Levain du Marais with its original tile work is reputed to have the best croissants in Paris! And, they must be consumed before 10am standing in the street! I will have to say that I have never tasted anything like it and the croissant was so flaky that you could almost blow on it like a dandelion weed.

    I went back the next day just to make sure I could remember forever that incredible taste.

    Love this post, the photos, and the mouth-watering descriptions!


  20. What a delicious post! And thanks for the tasty tips. You were so fortunate to have a friend who knew where to bring you. I must admit I didn't have the local knowledge to find cheap and good snack places. All the eateries were quite expensive for me in the area I stayed in. I really need a 'local guide' next time I go, or, maybe go with someone with touring experience there. ;)

  21. Strawberry tarts and floral tiles. Perfecto!!

  22. We're lucky enough to have a lovely place in Houston called Croissant/Brioche. It's run by folks from France, and their pastry chef knows his business! Their bread and pastries are superb - I'd much rather be having a snack where you were, but now you've tempted me enough that I may have to make a trip into Houston this weekend!

    They have some tarts that look exactly like those you show here - I've never had one, but may try it. And our little shop is filled with lovely tiles, too, so there's even a bit of Parisian atmosphere.
    Thanks for the lovely photos, and those tempting descriptions!

  23. Those tiles are glorious indeed, but certainly the food outshines them. I too love the boulangeries and patisseries of Paris. And the great thing is that with all the walking I lose weight in Paris despite eating all this amazing food. So fabulous!

  24. Miam! (that's yum in French). Now you have me craving clafoutis—and quiche and a baguette and . . . help!


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