The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bird Song Swap

Whenever Karla hosts a swap, I want to be part of it. She puts her whole self into it, with wonderful tag book covers she paints herself, sometimes very complicated. And she attracts a wonderful group of swappers, so all the tags are lovely.

This summer she hosted the Bird Song swap. I'm finally sharing the beautiful books she coordinated and -- when available the links to those who created those tags.

As you can see, Karla's cover was complicated and beautiful, with the glittered bird cage, a wee charm and feather, all from her original painting.

The next tag was by Marie Entwistle of Homespun By ME.

Becs of Rebecca Rose Designs came up with this beauty. The use of trim and a fabric rose really set it off.

Donnalee of Dixieniche had the next tag in the book. "It's Owl Good," she says -- and it is!

I'm not sure who did this tag -- it was signed. I bet Karla had a tough time figuring out which side was which -- they were both lovely.

Dawn doesn't have a URL, but I did like her tag! The bird is lifted off the background to give it some dimension.

Kathy Lowry of Country Chintz brought style to her tag with a freestanding birdcage (almost -- it's attached at the top with a brad) over a printed page with a nest on it and a bird charm and button.

Cindy Mayfield of Yapping Cat offered this lovely woman and the words "Birdsong makes me smile." I loved the thread that surrounded her card.

The last one is by me. I always make an extra tag so that I can add one of my own to a book. Pretty simple.

Even the backs of the tags were lovely, so no matter how you look at the book, it works.

Here are a few of the tags that I did for the swap. I don't put as much stuff on them as some folks do -- I guess that's my style.

When I get these wonderful tags back, I think I should do more than a bit of naturals or a button.

On the other hand, one of the reasons I love the tag book swaps that Karla pulls together is that every artist has their own style, their own way of using materials.

The books end up quite unique -- and there are no two alike!

Thanks to Karla for hosting the swap! I'm sure these are so huge and overwhelming (over a hundred swappers, I think) she won't do them often. But I love it when she does!


  1. That is the COOLEST idea!!!
    Such a bouquet of beauty!
    Love little bites of art
    like this:)
    thanks for sharing all of that

  2. Hi Jeanie. Swapping is so much fun. These are all so well done. I love, love, love, the canary at the end.

  3. Everyone's tags are so pretty. What a great little tag book you have now. I love having little bits of art from other artists.

  4. Those are so pretty! I love the simplicity of the ones you made. You are so talented!

  5. All of the tags are so pretty and clever, Jeanie, but I still like yours best!

  6. Those are SO pretty :) I feel extra lucky to have one of your book tags!

  7. This really is a treasure. I can see why you love her swaps.

  8. What a neat idea! I like the owl, the dragon/phoenix, and your robin and canary the best, though it's a tough choice because they are all beautiful.

  9. I've always loved tags. But this I've never thought of, swapping, and making a tag book... what a great idea! They are all wonderful. But I especially like the color scheme of yours, and that torn strip of text... and the nest too! Thanks for showing us all these beautiful works, Jeanie!

  10. This is so lovely. They all had so wonderful ideas.
    I wish I could play along too...but too late ...I love creative swaps !

  11. Oh, sooo PRETTY! Each one a little, wonderful work of art! I as sorry to hear about this too late... this looked like a lot of fun! Thanks for this lovely parade of lovelies, Jeanie. :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

  12. Dear J,
    wow. just WOW! I love looking at these, reading your nutshell descriptions and then re-looking to study all the details.
    Yes, a great idea and I applaud those that sit down and do such art tags, and the focus and ingenuity. And then, the sharing of it all!
    Yes, each has style and I'll bet I could recognize yours if they were all mixed together - that's a good thing!!!

    I took the journal you made for me to Journal class the other night. They nearly fell over to see it - I kid you not!!!! Interesting to note that in the one Journal class I go to, most are interested in art journaling, while in the class I attend with my mom, most are interested in writing.
    It's great to have both classes! Anyway, you are famous now in the West County journaling region for making the journal you gave me. I have begun stuffing it wtih things I will "affix" within it but believe it or not, I haven't penned a word - not sure where to start or if it should be "dedicated" to a topic....though I think, following this week, I might have it and will break through my own "block" to start penning like a madwoman!
    Thank you again for sharing your artwork and that of the tag book makers as well. I look forward to their links!

  13. These are absolutely beautiful! I have to go through and look at all of them again.

  14. Each of the tags is so beautiful, I would have a difficult time picking a favorite. What a very fun exchange. I tend to go simple too.

  15. what a great swap....i used to do swaps like this "back in the day" and these photos reminded me just how much i loved it.....xo

  16. There were sure some wonderful ones! Thanks again for joining, its always good to see you sign up.

  17. Yes, Karla did a fantastic job with that swap, the cover was gorgeous. And you are so right, each tag has a beauty all on its own, but combined with others it makes such a great little booklet. I love all the tags that you created, so bright and colorful. And very clever of you to think of adding your own. I shoulda done that too.

    Thank you for the kind words regarding my tag. I appreciate it very much.

    Hey, I like your cat too! :) I've got two little fur brats myself.



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